Without fear or favour, he championed the cause of truth, freedom and justice and of multi-ethnic cooperation and understanding. liran mourns the death sians was exemplary and lasted lagers and urban squatters like of Tan Sri Dr Tan Chee his life-time. those in h1s Batu/Kepong Khoon - a friend of constituencies Aliran, a defender of freedom, He spoke with passion and * the Indian estate workers who justice and truth, and an outstand- 1 fervour against injustices of aJJ received miserable wages J ·~d ing Malaysian. kinds. In particular be champi- "ho were subsequently threat­ oned the cause of the poor and the ened with a loss of livelihood Dr Tan belonged to that rare breed helpless. His struggle encom­ when fragmentation of the es­ of Malaysians who have shown passed: tates began; indomitable courage and commit- , • the marginalised Orang Asli - ment in the face of adversity. But • the poor rural Malay farmers a special concern of his from be was also compassionate and and fishermen who did not very early days; patient. humble and generous. share equally the benefits of • the disabled and their specul His ser vice to the nation , Malaysia's rapid development: needs; especially to the ordinary Malay- * the neglected Chinese new vii- • the trade union mo' e .-til ran Monthll 1996· J6{1tJ Pal(~ 2 AChampion or the People Outstanding Malaysian Award 1994 The Right to Dissent Without Fear or Favour EulOJO : \'ery Special lluman Being Tribu~ • From Village Bo) lo !\tr. Oppo~ition • Tan Chee Khoon: An Elder Statesman JJ Some of hi~ Views & Concerns 1.8)11111 ao<l Graphic by l.ctttrStykr lmpres.oolon ( With-held until next issue) 62, l;t floor. \1 lsma """ """" 1.-n. Pmj:blaD "old, 10.100 Pulau ~'~nan!:. Mala)<IL rd : ~U22J17 F'\ X • ~2622376 l'rlnttd hy RP Printers Snd. 6hd. Subscrition 18 66. 68 &. 70 Jalan Air ltam Appeal 38 1(1.1(.0 Pulau Plnang. Malay•la. Tt1 :60-l·ll6..~ ~·u: 604 • 2• .>7U64 Almm is a Malayswn non-governmental organisation listed on the ro~ter of the Economic and Socinl Council of the United Nation~ Guided by unh ersnl \pcntual values, Aliran stnvcs for genumc unity by promoting Published by Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN) social justice nnd human dignity. Membership is open to 12, Juluo l'antoi Az.IA lhrnWm, all Malaysians above 21. If you an: interested in JOintng H900 Pulau Pinan~t. Mulnysia. IPII'tal Ad~: P 0 Bo\ 10-49. Ahran, please contact the Hon Secretary at 1hc address 108.30 Pulao Pinang. Mala) silt.) \hown in this page. Tel/ f 'IL,; : 604 • 64157115 Alira11 Monthly 1996: /6(H) P111:t! 3 For this reason, he first chairman of the newly estab­ dedicated himself to lished Ali ran Trust Board, a post the cause of he held with dignity and pride mulliethnic parties. until 1993, \\ben a subsequent And for this reason stroke rendered hun unable to too, he was critical of serve further. mono-ethnic parties like the component For us in Ali ran, there will always parties of the Barisan be a special spot in our hearts and Dr Tan. Mrs Tan and Datuk ~e/111 at A/iran's Anns Race Nasional and some minds for this great human being. Seminar: 23-7-83 opposition parties as Without fear or favour, he cham­ * Sabahans and Sarawakians well. According to him. such pioned the cause of truth, freedom struggling for a fairer deal mono-ethnic parties promoted and justice. and of multiethnic co­ from the federal government; ethnic antagonisms especially operation and understanding. All etc. among ordinary Malaysians. of these causes, Aliran. too. holds special. For this reason, we shall, All these concerns arc evident in Thus. when his own party com­ forever, be indebted to him. a review of his speeches in Par­ promised on it multi-ethnic stance liament and in public forums, in it was time for Dr Tan, the un­ Aliran calls upon all Malaysians his articles and books. compromising and unyielding advocate Even when he suffered the effects of multi-ethnicity, to of his first stroke in 1976 which move on to another rendered him partially immobile. party. His shift from that formidable spirit refused to party to party was to rest and take it easy. keep the name of multi-ethnicity alive Who could forget him - travers­ and to remain true to ing the country, speaking against his principled posi- A/iran'.•· First Merdelw Dinller : 1J.-9-81 the burning issues of the time, tion. tenaciously dragging himself to similar)) dedicate themselves slowly, step by step, brushing And those who were close to b1m to thec;e causes. This is the great­ aside all assistance. He was will know that he advocated, too, est honour that we can bestow fiercely independent and ex­ a spirituality that embraced every upon Tan Sri Dr Tan CheeKhoon. tremely determined. human being transcending their religious and ethnic differences. This~ the way we should remem­ He was completely multi-ethnic On I September 1984, in recog­ ber this truly great Malaysian. in bis outlook. As indicated ear­ nition of his vast contributions to lier. he spoke, wrote and fought the cause of freedom and justice, The Aliran Family, in extending on behalf of all groups. By es­ Aliran bestowed on Dr Tan Chee its deepest condolences to Puan pousing common concerns and Khoon the "Outstanding Malay­ Sri and her family, also wishec; to struggling together, he hoped that sian Award 1984" - a well de­ thank them for sharing this won­ ordinary Malaysians would over­ served honour for a lifetime of derful human being with u~ alJ.Q come ethnic prejudices, develop struggle for the just cause. mutual respect and understand­ P. Ramakrislman FrancisLoh ing, and build genuine multi­ He in turn honoured us the fol­ Preside til Secr~rary 15 October 1996 ethnic cooperation. lowing year- consenting to be the A/iran Monthly 1996· /6(8) Paxe 4 OUTSTANDING - MALAYSIAN AWARD 1984 Citation on Dr Tan Chee Khoon fa government ftnds it the poor. ln fact the days when When many others around him g necessary to continu­ his family's staple diet was salted were cowed or had remained in­ ally add to the ar&enal coconut and rice, tapioca and differently silent as their interests of laws that govern ·expression yarn, had engraved in his heart a were not affected or because by of alternative views. it would in­ burning desire to do somerhing speaking up they would lose deed take a brave and commit­ for me poor. Unlike many other favour with the rich and me pow­ ted citizen to erfu 1, Dr Tan come forward Chee Khoon had publicly to point the integrity and out the injustices courage to point and wrongs per­ out that an unjust petrated in that act had been society. For this committed. reason, Aliran decided that the A case in point is Outstanding Ma­ the issue of the laysian Award female guru for 1984 should ugama which be bestowed on was brought up Tan Sri Dr Tan Dr Tan receil'ing the Citation from Sdr Gun Kong Hwee: 1984 for debate in the Chee Khoon for his concern and socially mobile professionals, Dr Selangor State Assembly in the courage. He has not failed to Tan considers it his bounden duty late 1960s. Where the Wan ita speak out against unjust policies as an intellectual to contribute to UMNO had remained conspicu­ and action!~ that had caused un- the upliftment of those who are ously silent while the Pemuda told pain and suffering to the Ma- oppressed and in need. UMNO was not in the least in- laysian people. rerested, Dr Tan had spoken out Indeed, <.luring the course of his against me cheap monthly allow­ Though now far removed from political career, Dr Tan had many ance of RMSO - RM70 paid to me days when his father, a poor a time found it necessary to stick these teachers. estate labourer was struggling to his neck out, so to speak. to pub- feed five hungry children, Dr licly expose certain unjust ac- It is Dr Tan's belief that Malay­ Tan has not forgotten the misery tions in order that a wrong could sians should take a wider view. I and desperation experienced by be redressed. Lessons from our own recent his- Aliran Mo11tlr/y 1996: 16(8) Puxe 5 ~ry show often that to be self- under tbc ISA which his own and unscrupulous and jeopardises 1 i~hly unconcerned about public Party had previously condoned his own comfortable position. he issues is to adopt a short-sighted did SNAP come out strongly has the satisfacttoo of knowing view in life. For if we speak. out against it. that he has done right. only when someone close to us suffers the consequences of cer­ To rcmai n silent and know that a Malaysians should therefore take tain unjust policies, it would be wrong has been committed is as courage and know that what to­ too late. much a sm as abetting that act of day appears to be so \\Tong and injustice. But to speak out in the yet so strong and powerful will The recent arrest of three PAS face of stony silence takes a lot one day be destroyed and weak­ members under the ISA is a stark. of nerve, integrity and commit­ ened. contrast of tragic irony. When ment. These are precisely the the issue of the lSA was dis­ qualities we admire in Dr Tan. Truth and progress can be hin­ cussed in Parliament, assuming qualities manifested in his many dered or hampered but only tem­ that the Act will never be used years of service to the nation.
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