Chapter 15 Possible Origins for the Sheffield Plants ASSESSING THE POSSIBILITIES FOR THE FIRST SHEFFIELD AREA PLANTS October 1997. One of a series of Chapters by Dr. John S. Plant, Keele University, England, ST5 5BG. his Chapter sets out Plant data which, with fuller study, might help to establish the likely ori- T gins of the first Sheffield area Plants. Though possible forefathers for Lawrence of Bakewell and Francis of Buxton seem few, there are more possibilities to consider when trying to identify £¥¤§¦ the antecedents of the progenitor ¢¡ of the Duckmanton Plants. Two different schemes, in particular, are appraised in this Chapter. Possible schemes may be educed from such sources as data for Plants at Great Longstone, 15 miles SW of Sheffield, as well as elsewhere such as further to the west near 17th century Staffordshire. As indicated earlier, Plants arrived, by 1725, at Duckmanton — some then travelled 10 miles NNW to Sheffield, where they became those who have been called the Plant’s Yard Plants — many of their progeny remained there, such as the Sheffield shoemaker £©¨ ¦ William (i.e. ¡ ) who was one of the closest Plants to Plant’s Yard by the times of the 1841 Census. 15.1 The changing distribution of English Plants ¥ "!$#&%' (#)+*,.-/#"$0-/#"!$1,2%'3!45-.6 & "!879,.-/: ; #",<!44¥=>#) "?@=>#"AB0-/#"!$ ,'CED 45=>#& "?F =G6-.AB* ),@,.!$=G'-/#&=G,H7I#"-/JF-/JKA/ "!L%'0-/#"!$M!4N7IJ!$ "64¥=>#) &#",G,O7 ) I, 72#"-/JP-/JQ=H "R!0ST,.U AV#&H72J !H!45-.K=>!8*>,.'*'AV =>#& ",XWY'45!A/Z,.'-.-/ &#)[#&P=>0AVAV#)0C \ -O,.'=>,>-/J10-']X#)F,/: %BJM7<?L,']^-/J6_ )§-[ =GPJ1;M=>#"AV0-.;`0A/!$: ;M-/J6aE $ )#),/J ¤¤ =>#);1 ) ; ,2W+?cb8d CQeXJf; #),.-.AB#"W1:-/#"!$3!4E-/J #),g =Gf7<,N!-N: #"45!AV=hJ!87i'*'AR ;K-/J'A/f7<, >Uj0A/-/#)%': )0AI%k!$ %k§-.AB0-/#"!$K!4l_E )+-/,I0-I-/JR4¥0Am,/#);n!4loI!A/-/JPpI'AVW+?L,/J #"AVn4qAV!$=srLJkt[ );T] 45!A ku=GU1 "]!$6-/JNWY!AV;'A^WY'-v7i'6oI!A/-/JPrw-/ SY!AV; ,VJ #"A/N ;3a,.-gx<J ,/J #"A/C 15.1.1 Romance of the early Plants y \ C -2,/'=>,2: 1 )#"z "?[-/J 0-2-/JZ_E )+-/,2;,V%k ;; &§-/,I%'=GR-.![kuL#),/-2#)3_ )§-/0 '-2-/#)=G, 1 45A/!$=|{/: ,.-IO,/#) $ "Z_ )§-m %k,.-.!A8Cme2JZ,.-/1; 0AV;PkuwU1 & 0-/#"!$T]}W1,.;K!$P0AV "?6 )#&$: #),.-/#&% C2rL:1%VJ~0AV )?O45!AV=>,I, ;6!-/J'AI,.-/:1; #",']1#&,^-/J 0-2-/J R,/:AV1=GR;!-.,I>$0AV; 'A 2 Plantbean ¤¤ ]#)aE,.-nDg$ )#)@0A/!$:1 ;b ]0A/>%'#)-.;-.!6,/:U UY!A/-I-/J #),N#)+-.'A/U AV'-/0-/#"!$TC>rL: %VJ ; Plantrose %k!$: );T]!$X=H#"$J§--/J #&zj]$J1*X0AV#),/G#)f=>§?QU1 )%k, 0AV "?Q=G'-.!$+?w=>#&%',l,!$^45!Al ‘Gardener’ -/J!$:$JG#)-#&, !-:1zw !872Q45!AAV0A/<!$,-.!NWYi-.AV%k;G-.!nN,/#) $ " %k,/-.!A#)fgU10A/-/#)%':1 )0AU1 )%kC WY'45!A/m-/Jn%kA/!87I~U1,/,.;3-.!>-/J _ )§-/0 '-/,2%'3WYm45!$: ;~0A/!$: 1;@-/Jno2 !4aE$ & ; 3 !$: ,.@!42(1%',.-.'A>0-f-/J[1;!42-/Jbk-/J%k+-/:A/?Ce2JO_ )+-/0'-> =G@;'AV#"*,Z45A/!$= 1The Plant surname is thought to have come into existence before the mid 13th century, perhaps first near Essex and Norfolk (W.K.Plant (1990), Roots and Branches, 1, page 4). 2W.K.Plant (1990), Roots and Branches, 1, page 4. 3The 1984 version of the IGI for example lists that Eleanor Plantagenet married John Beaumont at Lancaster in 1339. It also includes the Lancaster births of Maud Duchess of Bavaria Plantagenet (b 4.4.1339) and Blanche Duchess of Lancaster Plantagenet (b 25.3.1345), both to Henry Duke of Lancaster Plantagenet and Isabel Duchess of Lancaster Plantagenet. 19 20 CHAPTER 15. POSSIBLE ORIGINS FOR THE SHEFFIELD PLANTS Thomas cf. ¢¡¤£¦¥¨§ © of Figure 15.5 Thomas bap 21.3.1641 Radcliffe bap 23.4.1606 Manchester Cathedral Thos. m 7.11.1638 Prestwich William/Gulielmus ?Ellen, bap 2.4.1657 Bury Maria Barlow bap 12.6.1643 Prestwich William, bap 27.7.1668 Bury St Mary Thomas bap 23.11.1656 Bury St Mary See Cheetham-Kay-Cooke-Cunliffe-Plant-Cooper pedigree ?m 10.8.1697 Bury St Mary in Joseph Hunter’s Familiae Minorum Gentium. Eliz. Croston This Thomas Plant’s son Lawrence was married in 1727 (Her grandfather Ralph Cheetham was a brother to Susanna Pilkington who was a great-grand-daughter of the Humphrey Cheetham (1580-1653) who was of Sir Francis Armitage. High Sheriff of Lancaster in 1635 and who founded ? Laurence the Blue Coat Hospital and Library in Manchester.) Lidia, bap 22.7.1682 Bury St Mary Lawrence bap 2.5.1658 Bury St Mary Laurence, bap 5.11.1684 Bury St Mary m 13.6.1681 Bury ?Ann, bap 19.6.1687 Broughton near Preston Margaret Kay Thomas, bap 25.12.1690 Bury St Mary Figure 15.1: A scheme of 17th century Lancashire Plant records ; planta genista 72J #&%VJHJ1,i,/!$=G'-/#)=G,WY'H-/J!$: $J§-i-.!GJ *m,.?L=RWY!$ )#),/;H %'#"+- fire brands £ ¦ \ %k4 CNU10+-/,m72#"-/JP-.!AV%VJ A/' 'AV0-/#"!$ W}0AB#)[,/!$ ); #"'AV, C PJ #&,I; #&%k-/#"!$ 0A/?] :-/J!AB#"-/0-/#"* 4 5 6 £ ¦ £ ¦ \ !$J1 ,.!$3;}, , b jA/n,.-/#)%Vzj] >,.7i!AV;T]'-/%0C -2#),<!$ )?H!$~-/JRW1,/#),<!4 rL=Q: brand ]}-/J 0-gA/!$=>+-/#)% , %';!-.,NJ !87i'*'A]T,/: %VJK,nx<J : %k'A ‘a Sheffeld thwitel baar he in his hose’7 U1#)%k-/: A/,J *I!w%'%',V#"!$ ) "?QWY'G%k!$ {/:A/;G!4T,.7i!AV; , ;>zw #)*,WY#)mWY!AVX%kA/!$,/,=G; #)0'*0 oI!A/-/J[pg'A/Ww?L,/J #"A/]+WY'-v7i'~rJktH );>1;iAV ;H72J #)%BJH#),0Ai-/J2-/#"U[!4 o2!AV-/J@rw-/ SY!AV; ,VJ #"A/ #)@-/JZo2K#); ) ;1,'C _ )§-nJ1,NWY';,/%kAV#)W};,Z~; #),.-/#)1%k-/#"*Hrw-/ S}!AB; ,/J #"AVf,V:AV =Gf72J1#)%VJ=>8?J *[!AV#" £ ¦ ]n#"-@AV=>#1; 0AV "? #) #) -/JoI #& ( %',/J1#"A/ %k4 C#)$:A/MbwC)b 1;T]N )#"zcrL "- #) 0-.; 8 9 ,E;0{ !$#)1#)R%k!$: +-/#", Cl_E )+-i#&,E-/J!$: $J§-i-.!fW}gZ=>'-.!$§?L=>#)%m,/:AB =GCeXJ'A/m#), rw-/ SY!AV; ,/J1#"A/ 10 '*L#); %kg-/J 0-X "!L%'0-/#"*N,/:AV1=G,i'AV ) "?[=>#"AV0-.;@,.!$:-/J+7<0AV; ,']#)[-/JN%k§-/: AV#",^045-.'A^-/J#"A )#"z )?P45!AV=>0-/#"!$ ](45A/!$= %',/J #"AVG-/JA/!$:$Jx<J,/J #)A/f-.!rw-/ SY!AV; ,/J1#"A/C[e2JH*0#) )0Wj ">_E )+- \ J #),/-.!A/?,.'=>,f%k!$=GU10-/#"Wj "H72#)-/J-/J #),Z'AV U10-.-.'AV!420AV "?,/!$:-/J§7<0AV; ,f=>#)AV0-/#"!$TC - £ ¦ ¤ #),mzL!87I-/J 0-N-/J'A/H7'A/>_ )+-/,n#)oI!A/-/Jx<J,VJ #"A/ )#)+- W+?b bH ;c0-n ''z#)oI!A/-/J C !Lb rw-/ SY!AV; ,/J1#"A/mW+?b 11 15.1.2 Plants in parish records by 1700 ¤¤ 0W1 )>bwC)bZ#),2W1,.;6!$3-/JRw: =ZWY'AV,^!4U A/Vb8d _E &§-XAV%k!AV; ,2#&~-/JHb#! O*'AV,/#"!$6!4-/J " \%$g\ \%$g\ ,E )0-.'A*'AV,/#"!$ ,E ;H,.!$=>]+!R; !$:W -']+;1#);G!- 12 Cwrw!$=GXkuL-.AVZ_E )+-/,E0U UY0AE#&G-/J W10U -/#&,.n-/J#"Ag%VJ #& );A/TC'&g-/J 'AI_E &§-/,I7'AV]j!4l%k!$:AB,.]j!$: -/,/#);n-/J1#),X'AB (A/'$#)!$TC !7'*'A8] ;,.Uj#"-.X-/J,.2U A/!8*L#),.!$,]§-/J #),Ee 0W1 )2,/J!72,EZ!-/0W1 "2_ )+-E%' ): ,.-.'Ai#)G-/J2U10AV#),/J>!4Y(''zj]LoI!A/-/J ;#&-/JH; {.!$#) #) [U10AB#),/J!4^_lA/,/-.W1:A/?](a,.-Qx<J ,/J #"A/ CHe2J,.>U10AB#),/J, rw-/ SY!AV; ,/J1#"A/ 13 14 4The Latin word planta has two meanings, one being the sole of the foot. 5The other meaning of the Latin word planta is shoot for propagation, cutting. 6The Latin word genista means broom(-plant). 7Geoffrey Chaucer (?1341-1400). 8The surname Salt is said to be locative and to have derived from the village of Salt in North Staffordshire. The rarer Staffordshire surname Wedgwood may have derived from a single ancestor from the nearby village of Wedgwood. 9The word ramified means ‘sent up shoots’ and it may be compared both with the Latin word planta meaning ‘shoot for propagation’ and the Welsh word plant meaning ‘a child’. 10This is based on analyses of the 1842-6 Death Indices, the 1666 Hearth Tax returns, and earlier records, by David Hey, Professor of Local and Family History, Sheffield University. 11W.K.Plant, Roots and Branches. 12International Genealogical Index, ibid. 13Table 15.1 lists evidence of 124 pre-1700 Plant records in the parish of Leek. 14Table 15.1 lists evidence of 119 pre-1700 Plant records within the boundary of Prestbury parish, given that this boundary also envelops Macclesfield and Gawsworth. 15.1. THE CHANGING DISTRIBUTION OF ENGLISH PLANTS 21 SW Midlands NW Midlands NE Midlands County Total County Total Leading parishes County Total Leicestershire 31 Lancashire 23 Yorkshire 17 Warwickshire 7 Cheshire 153 Prestbury (58), Macclesfield (41), Gawsworth (20) Derbyshire 31 Worcestershire 15 Staffordshire 227 Leek (124), Alstonfield (24), Mucklestone (28) Nottinghamshire 5 Gloucestershire 15 Shropshire 25 Sheriff Hales (19) Lincolnshire 115 Table 15.1: Distribution of pre-1700 Plant records around the Midlands in the 1984 IGI )#"g,.!$=G Q=>#) ",E-.!f-/JI rw !4rLJktH &;H!$O-/Jg450A^,/#&;2!4 <:LuL-.!$~ ; iAV ;TCle0W1 "QbwC)b $ ,/:1%VJU10AB#),/J, #&U A/ '!AV$#) #) ;1#)%'0-.,N-/J 0-n-/J H_E )+-R =>>7i,Z%k!$ %k+-.AV0-.;#)~45'7 15 ¡ -/#)=G,n72JT] 45!Anku=GU1 "] _lA/!-.,.-/+-/#),/= 7i,RWY%k!$=>#)~=G!A/H45: & "?3,.-/0W1 &#),/J;: ; 'A #) \/\/\ #) ) )#)= CweXJ1#),l7<,^%k!$§-.=>U}!AB0A/?>72#"-/JO£¢ D2m!4(a )#"$J+-. =G+- "]L,<4q!AikuL=>U1 "fb8d-/J 16 -.!b! -/J%k+-/:A/?$#) ''AV#)],.!P )8?w#&6 ¥¤j:Lu#"!$ %k+-/:A/?,/%'#"1%k>WY'$-.!P%k!$+-.AV#"Wj:-.[#"-/, 17 \ 45!AX-/JZ%k!$=>#)¦¢ ; : ,/-.AV#) YD2"C 4¥#"-/J3#)~;'-.'AB=>#) #),V= 18 \ -2J ,2W}'3,.-/#)=>0-.;T]j!$3-/JRW1,/#),^!4'AB UY!U1: )0-/#)!$[-.AV ; ,'] -/J10-2-/J'A/Z%k!$: );3J 8* ¤ ¡ ¤¤ \ ¨§ _E )+-/,#)Q-/J ©ZC C0W+?Ob8d C 4j7X,V,/: =G<-/J 0--/J#"Al;1#),.-.AV#"Wj:-/#"!$N-/JAV!$:$J WY'f0W}!$: -<b 19 ¡ !$:--/J © 7<,EAV!$:$J "?Q-/JI,V=G2-/J[, !87n]+7g%'H,.-/#&=>0-.I-/J10-E-/J'A/I7!$:1 );>J 8*IWY' ¤¤¤ ¤¤ 0WY!$:-Rb _E )+-/,']}#)b8d ]Y#)~-/JQ%k!$: §-/#),X-/J 0-g0A/Z#)1%' ): ;;~#)6e 0W1 )HbwC)b0CX_'AVJ 0U1,2-/J'A/ 7i'A/g=>!A/],-/J '?[%k!$: );OJ 8*gWY'O=G!A/m%k!$ %k+-.AV0-.;30-i-/J 0-<-/#)=Gm#)>-/J!$,/m%k!$:1§-/#",CleXJ #), ,/:,/-/,I-/J10-g-/J 'A/Q=H#"$J§-IWYZO,/#"$ #}%'§-g: ;'AV%k!$:1§-I!4-/JQ_ )+-g,/: AV =GR#&Pe0W1 "ObwC)b0] ¤¤ § § [U A/Vb8d _ )+-^A/%k!AV; , C #)@72J1#)%VJ@-/J'AVR#),^G-.!-/ (!4!$1 "? 20 15.1.3 A rough
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