S1596 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 18, 2015 better. We need to do everything we ance, where if we could close this loop- The earned income tax credit is a can to ensure that the United States is hole, we could save the taxpayer $5.7 benefit for working people who have not only a participant in international billion in savings. low to moderate income. It is an incen- trade but a leader. The only way we We have also talked about duplica- tive and a reward for those who choose can do that is by passing a strong TPA tion in Federal economic development to work, and it does help to reduce the bill. programs. There are 50-some programs number of those who are dependent on I stand ready and willing to work that provide for workforce training government welfare programs. It al- with the White House and my col- spread among a number of agencies. lows some individuals to receive pay- leagues in the Senate to get an effec- Surely we can reduce that number sig- ments from the U.S. Treasury just by tive TPA bill introduced out of com- nificantly. And if we could do so, we filing a tax return. It reduces the mittee and onto the Senate floor as could save the taxpayer $200 million. amount of tax an individual owes and soon as possible. And last week—somewhat tongue in it may also provide a tax refund. We cannot afford to miss this oppor- cheek, nevertheless not small change— Why is this issue qualified as waste tunity. This is a grand opportunity for I talked about a $387,000 grant issued of the week? Since the President is try- us. It is bipartisan down the line, and I by the National Institutes of Health in ing to legalize an additional 4 million think it would be a great accomplish- which 18 New Zealand white rabbits individuals, if his action is upheld by ment for the Congress of the United were given, four times a day, 30-minute the court, 4 million people will now States to get this done. But, more im- massages to determine whether they have retroactive access to this benefit portantly, it would be a great accom- would be relieved of some soreness and taxpayers foot the bill for these 4 plishment for the President and this after they were given some physical ex- million illegal immigrants who will be administration to have this done. It ercise. Then four massages a day, 30 in a position to earn this tax credit. would give him the tools to do a lot of minutes apiece, costing $387,000, to The Joint Committee on Taxation the things that need to be done. prove that a massage helped to make says this so-called amnesty bonus for I suggest the absence of a quorum. them feel better or removed some of those who have come into our country The PRESIDING OFFICER. The those aches and pains. illegally will drain about $2.1 billion clerk will call the roll. I think we could have asked any ath- from the United States Treasury. The senior assistant legislative clerk lete from any college. As we are mov- I am for legal immigration. The proceeded to call the roll. ing into college basketball’s March United States has a rich history as a Mr. COATS. Mr. President, I ask Madness and Final Four that we all en- destination where people from all over unanimous consent that the order for gage in at this time of year, we could the world can come to make a better the quorum call be rescinded. ask any college athlete, or any person life for themselves. We are a nation of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without for that matter who is doing work in immigrants. As a matter of fact, I am objection, it is so ordered. the yard: Do you think 4 30-minute the son of an immigrant. My mother massages a day would help you feel a came here with her family, and it has f little better and help you with some of been the narrative of our family. Legal CONCLUSION OF MORNING those aches and pains? Do we need to immigration is what has made America BUSINESS spend $387,000 of taxpayer dollars in the great prosperous country it is The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning order to prove this and give rabbits today. But we also are a nation of laws, business is closed. massages? and Congress should help ensure that So up we go with the chart. Waste of legal immigrants to our country can f the week. This is week No. 4, and I benefit from the opportunities they JUSTICE FOR VICTIMS OF would like to talk about a so-called need to succeed, but that doesn’t in- TRAFFICKING ACT OF 2015 bonus that has been given by our Fed- clude rewarding those who are gaming eral Government that is quite egre- our immigration system to receive The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under gious. benefits they do not legally qualify for. the previous order, the Senate will re- I am sure many look forward to a po- To address this matter, I have joined sume consideration of S. 178, which the tential bonus at the end of the year— with Senator GRASSLEY and several clerk will report. though it doesn’t apply in our business other of my colleagues to introduce The senior assistant legislative clerk here. A bonus sounds like something legislation that would correct this read as follows: that comes along with something that issue. If we can correct this issue, we A bill (S. 178) to provide justice for the vic- was earned, but what if it was a bonus will save the taxpayers an estimated tims of trafficking. you didn’t earn? Is it still a bonus or $2.1 billion in future spending. Pending: does it become fraud? So up we go with the thermometer Portman amendment No. 270, to amend the Internal Revenue Service Commis- here, and we will be adding another $2.1 Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act sioner John Koskinen recently con- billion to the money that can be saved to enable State child protective services sys- firmed to the Senate that unless action our taxpayers by eliminating duplica- tems to improve the identification and as- is taken, an amnesty bonus would be tion, by pursuing awards that are not sessment of child victims of sex trafficking. available to millions who have broken legally given, by looking at the way Portman amendment No. 271, to amend the definition of ‘‘homeless person’’ under the our immigration laws. All of this stems the Federal Government wastes money McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act to from the President’s announcement in by giving rabbits back rubs, and we are include certain homeless children and youth. November of 2014 to grant 3 years of going to continue to fill this up until Vitter amendment No. 284 (to amendment tentative legal status to as many as 4 we hopefully reach the $100 billion No. 271), to amend section 301 of the Immi- million individuals who crossed Amer- goal. That is not small change. gration and Nationality Act to clarify those ica’s borders into this country ille- I continue to hear from Hoosiers and classes of individuals born in the United gally. Fortunately, President Obama’s others who write and say: Yes, we States who are nationals and citizens of the Executive amnesty has been tempo- haven’t been able to address the big United States at birth. rarily blocked by a Federal court. issues of debt and deficit, but we can go The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Hopefully, that blockage will survive after government waste. And those who ator from Indiana. all legal challenges to undo it. But if say we can’t afford to cut spending a WASTEFUL SPENDING this amnesty plan moves forward, 4 nickel because we have cut so much so Mr. COATS. Mr. President, I did not million illegal individuals will be far clearly have not paid attention to come down to speak on this particular granted Social Security numbers. the billions of dollars that can be saved bill. I am back for week No. 4 of waste Why does this matter? Well, when the taxpayers simply by addressing the of the week. you are granted a Social Security num- waste and illegal use of the taxpayer In recent weeks, I have highlighted ber, it triggers certain benefits, includ- money. what I describe as excess spending of ing eligibility for the earned income I look forward to sharing some more taxpayer dollars. We have talked about tax credit for up to 3 prior years in fu- of these in coming weeks, and I thank double dipping in unemployment insur- ture tax filing years. the sponsor of the bill here for giving VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:32 Mar 18, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18MR6.007 S18MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE March 18, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1597 me the time to come down and add an- to be an amendment to the bill on the speech, but I think sometimes people other waste of the week to the list floor when we get these issues resolved. know behind those numbers, every sin- climbing toward our goal of $100 billion I am hopeful that at some point gle one of those numbers, is a child. in savings for the taxpayer, who is here—and I hope it is today—we are Two weeks ago, out of the U.S.
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