FDI COMPANIES CAN TRADE ON YSX P-5 (BUSINESS) Vol. IV, No. 95, 13th Waning of Waso 1379 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Friday, 21 July 2017 NATIONAL Vice President: Myanmar in top 100 business index by 2020 PAGE-3 NATIONAL VP U Henry Van Thio meets with UNSG Special Envoy for Disaster Risk Reduction and Water PAGE-7 State Counsellor urges youth to develop love of reading State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi admires the bust of famous Myanmar poet Zaw Gyi during her visit to Universities’ Central Library yesterday, where she noted the importance of libraries and encouraged young people to develop the habit of reading. PHOTO: MNA (STORY ON page-3) NATIONAL Fish placed into pond in Rakhine State with ceremony Myanmar workers rescued PAGE-9 Migrants extorted, held against their will in Thailand Over 100 Myanmar nationals tion Network-LRP were alert- of Bangkok — where the victims nal communication. were rescued this week after ed on Tuesday about the ring were reportedly being held. “They took between Thai authorities busted a hu- after five victims managed to There, they found 81 men Ks500,000 and Ks700,000 from man trafficking ring on the out- escape. That same evening, the and 38 women totalling 119 My- each person. When [the work- skirts of Bangkok. AAC teamed up with the Thai anmar workers who had had ers] got here, [the culprits] NATIONAL Members of the Thai- Department of Special Inves- their passports confiscated by asked for an additional 9,000 Three suspects and 22 based migrant rights organi- tigation and went to a house in the brokers and were being Thai baht [approximately illegal guns seized in sation Aid Alliance Committee Mahachai — located approxi- forced to stay in the locked Ks364,0000]. Mandalay Region (AAC), Labour Rights Promo- mately 45 kilometres southwest house with no access to exter- SEE PAGE-7 PAGE-9 21 JULY 2017 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Pyithu Hluttaw Manaung Island, city tolls discussed at Pyithu Hluttaw Kyaw Thu Htet by the construction department by Ayeyawady Region municipal- (MYANMAR NEWS AGENCY ) and whether collection of four ities for FY 2017-2018, collection separate road tolls on a single will be allowed for this FY and will Infrastructure improvements township road is in accord with not be permitted by the start of on Manaung Island and city toll prevailing laws. Deputy Minis- FY 2018-2019, explained the Dep- collection in three Ayeyarwady ter for Construction U Kyaw Lin uty Minister. Questions on roads Region townships were among said in the past city entry tolls and bridges construction, main- the issues discussed at yester- were collected together with road tenance and upgrading made by day’s meeting of the Pyithu Hlut- usage tolls on roads constructed U Win Win of Minbu constituency, taw in Nay Pyi Taw. A total of six by the Ministry of Construction, Dr. U Min Thein of YeU constit- questions were answered, two but now instructions were sent to uency and U Armoesi of Khaun- reports confirmed and two bills collect it separately in separate glanpu constituency were then decided and confirmed by the places. City entry tolls for entry answered by Deputy Minister for hluttaw yesterday. Deputy Minister for Construction Union Minister for Hotels and into Athoke, Yekyi and Ngath- Construction U Kyaw Lin. U Kyaw Lin. PHOTO: MNA Tourism U Ohn Maung. Responding to a question by PHOTO: MNA aingchaung cities are collected In yesterday’s meeting the U Tin Nu (b) U Tin Nu Aung of by the arrangement of the state Hluttaw’s agreement to accept Manaung constituency on hotel proposal submitted to state gov- Company and FMI company government and the relevant the Pyithu Hluttaw electricity and and travel sector development in ernment to construct two 2-MW since 2016. As a first step, a fea- municipalities. City entry tolls power development committee Manaung, Union Minister for Ho- solar power plants together with sibility study was conducted to are to be collected from vehicles report and Pyithu Hluttaw peo- tels and Tourism U Ohn Maung Manaung Public Company and draw up a main programme and that enter into a city, and since ple’s affairs management com- said instructions were made to FMI company. Furthermore, a a proposal was submitted to the Pathein-Monywa Road by-passed mittee report was made, submis- coordinate with related ministries two-storey building for Manaung Myanmar Investment Commis- Yekyi and Ngathaingchaung cit- sion of an embankment bill sent and Rakhine State government. Hospital was also constructed sion. A master plan and a detailed ies, collection of city entry tolls with amendment by Amyotha Manaung Airfield runway while a bank branch was opened plan will be submitted in January for Yekyi and Ngathaingchaung Hluttaw and decision of the hlut- was extended in FY 2017-2018 and to provide financial services. 2018, said the Union Minister. on this road is not in accordance taw on it and discussion and de- airfield development works will For the hotel and travel sec- Dr. U San Shwe Win of Yekyi with the municipal law, said the cision of the Hluttaw on the third continue from FY 2018-2019 to FY tor as well as general develop- constituency then raised a ques- Deputy Minister. amendment of the anti-corrup- 2020-2021. A GSM mobile phone ment in Manaung Island, Rakh- tion on whether municipalities As the city entry toll collec- tion law approved and sent back station is being installed in Ohwa ine State government is working have the right to collect town tion work into Athoke, Yekyi and without amendment by Amyotha Village, Manaung Township and a together with Manaung Public entry tolls on roads constructed Ngathaingchaung was auctioned Hluttaw were conducted. Amyotha Hluttaw Poaching of wildlife and spirulina algae discussed at Amyotha Hluttaw Thura Zaw prevention work. Depending was the Spirulina algae harvest- Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker (MYANMAR NEWS AGENCY ) upon the availability of funds and ing restarted then announced the registration personnel, more camps will be The ministry is following the of hluttaw representative who Wildlife poaching and endan- set up, said the Union Minister. suggestions of experts to prevent want to discuss the bill. gered algae were among the U Win Aung of Sagaing State the extinction of Spirulina algae Next, a report of the Amyo- issues discussed at yesterday’s Constituency 3 then asked about and maintenance of the ecosys- tha Hluttaw committee on agri- meeting of the Amyotha Hluttaw plans to conserve and restore the tem around the area according culture, livestock and aquacul- in Nay Pyi Taw. declining production of Spiruli- to environmental conservation ture development was discussed U Mahn Law Moung of Con- na algae that is on the verge of and protection laws, rules and by U Mya Min Swe of Magway stituency 8 in Chin State asked becoming extinct in Twintaung environmental impact assess- Region constituency 9, U Kyaw about programmes to prevent the Lake, one of the four natural lakes ment methodologies as per the Myint Oo of Mandalay Region poaching of wildlife in the area in an old volcano in Sagaing Re- instruction of and guidance of constituency 10, U Kyaw Kyaw of Mount Victoria in the Natma gion. Union Minister for Natural the government and in coordi- of Rakhine State constituency Mountain in Mindat and Kan- Spirulina, a blue-green al- Resources and Environmental nation with relevant ministries 4 and U Okka Min of Taninthayi Conservation U Ohn petlet Townships. Responding gae that is rich in protein and and state government said the Region constituency 8. Win. PHOTO: MNA to the question, Union Minister widely used in traditional medi- Union Minister. Committee member of for Natural Resources and Envi- cine, blooms naturally in lakes in into the lake, resulting in reduc- Questions by U Bwe Khane Amyotha Hluttaw committee on ronmental Conservation U Ohn Sagaing Region. Union Minister tion of the lake water level from 72 of Chin State constituency 3, agriculture, livestock and aqua- Win said three types of work was for Industry U Khin Maung Cho inches to 46.2 inches by July 2015, U Khin Myo Win of Taninthayi culture development U Khin Win conducted in the Natma Moun- said Ministry of Industry was har- restoring the favourable condi- Region constituency 12 and Dr. of Magway Region constituency tain National Park area — park vesting Spirulina algae from the tions for algae formation. The San Maung Maung of Bago Re- 2 then tabled a motion for the patrols for rule of law and for pro- four lakes and discovered water northern part of the lake is the gion constituency 1 were then hluttaw to accept the report and tecting and conserving the bio pH level dropping due to fresh main source of fresh water intru- answered by Union Minister for the hluttaw announced the ac- diverse ecological system, edu- water intrusion into Taungpyauk sion and Ministry of Industry had Natural Resources and Environ- ceptance of the report. cational meetings with locals and and Twintaung Lake. A team con- put in sand bags to prevent this. mental Conservation U Ohn Win Also during yesterday’s promotion of tourism to develop sisting of officials from Ministry Similarly, Yaekharr Lake, and Nay Pyi Taw Council mem- meeting, a new Tatmadaw Amyo- the socio economic status of the of Industry, local and foreign ex- where Spirulina algae is har- ber U Aung Myin Tun. tha Hluttaw representative, Brig- local population. perts conducted a survey and vested, saw fresh water intru- Afterward, the Myanmar Gen. Tint Lwin, was sworn-in and To prevent poaching and log- based on the findings, the Water sion during the heavy rains of Company bill was submitted to signed-in by the Amyotha Hlut- ging in the area, a camp staffed by Resources Utilisation Depart- 2016 and 2017 from freshwater the hluttaw by Deputy Minis- taw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing personnel from the national park, ment in 2014 constructed a 1,000 ft dams of nearby villages and entry ter for Planning and Finance U Than.
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