CAss CITY HRONICLE( @ TRI-COUNTY CiIRONICLE Established in 1899 ~ Consolidated CASS CITY ENTERI'I{ISE',Establis}md in 1881 fApril 20, t906, CASS CITY, MICH., FI~IDAY, MAI~CH 8, 19o 7, VoW. ~. No. 46. ++++++++-M-++++++++++++++. ++++++++++++++++++++.M2V+++ + In the autumn of 1881 •the deceased ~ Island and the winter months at, the came ~o America, locating at Musks- t~ome of their son, Frank, who pur- gon, where he resided for several Chased the homestead from his father. .÷ years; from there he removed !~o Mr. Hendrick is survived by his Morley, Mecosta county, where he wife and three sons, Frank and Bert, 800#s of Ellington township, and Dell of winter Jacob ~5. Nickel Meets Terrible remained until June. 1904, when he $ interstate Long Distance 'Phone Elkland township; two brothers, & + at cost. Death in Grist fiill. purchased an interest in the Shabbona Co. Will Do Business Soon. F,, of Cuss City and Orson or Elaing- grist mill where he has so faithful]y ~__ ton; and three sisters, Mrs. Runl{le of Coat Sleeve Caught in Wheel and labored until cut down by tim reaper, Bui|d Long Distance System Through. Ashtabula, Ohio, Mrs. Chas. Bennett Ma~ Was Literally Pounded death, on Marsh 2, 1907, at the age of out the State is the ObjeCt of of Rapid River, and Mrs. Jas. Hig- to Death. the Incorporators. gins of Rochester. + sixty years, seven months and twen- The funeral was held at the resi- of Spring Ha s ~el)orted by our Shabbona correspondent,. ty-six days. Detroit, March 2.~Papers were filed donee a~ one o'clock yesterday after- Abou~ five o'clock last Saturday The funeral services were held on at Lansing today, the recording fees noon, I~ev. N. H. Bradfietd of the afternoon the village of Shabbona was Wednesday, March 6, in the R. C. of which will be 87,500, for the organ. Presbyterian church ollicia~ing and $ and Caps just ization of a $15,000.000 telephone corn- the remains laid to rest in Ellington tl~rown into a state of exeitemen~ by church at Argyle and intermen~ made puny, with central offices in Detroit cemetery. in the Austin cemetery. I received. the shocking report that the miller, and branch offices throughout the Mr:Hendrick was a member of Ty- .~ J.S. Nickel, had been caught in a May He who wounds only to heal, ler Lodge, F. & A. N., located atCass TelephoneState--theInterstateco. Long Distance City arid the lodge attended the fu- + wheel inthe grist mill and very se- comfort the stricken widow and the riously injured. fatherless is the prayer of many a The company is organized for 30 neral. years for bhe purpose of building a Have a look, On hastening to the scene of tt~e heart. ÷ lon~ distance telephone system ~0~[~[Y ~[[P ÷ accident it was discovered tha~ while + A fiOrD M[OM ~O~I[Sl throughout Michigan connecting the endeavoring to unbett the wheel tiler various independent systems of Michi- Marlette Lodge, L O. O. F. Comes-to runs the feed grinder, his coaVMeeve gan, Ohio and points east and west. Assistance of a Brother's Widow. WHI Be Held in the Presbyterian d. D. CROSBY & SON had rangier on a burr in the wheel, According to its promoters, new pole Church Friday Evening, March ~5. lines will be constructed from Detroit From the Marlette Leader. 'Phone 6 Cans City's Clothing and Shoe Men. throwing him over the shaft ~md tO Toledo, Adrian, Jackson, Lansing The Leader is in reeeip~ of the rol- For several months past a number -b ++++++++++++++++q~.++++++ 4-+++++++++++.b++4~++q-b++++~ carrying him around with the wheel, and Holly, establishing an unbroken lowing letter from Mrs. Jan. NeLeish of young people have been doing some his body striking a joist in the ceiling, system of independent lines or the of Novesta: hard work in preparing for a gold country. The To!odd line will estah- Novesta, Feb. 26, 1907. a wheat, bin and the cement floor. medal contest, which is announced to ills little son, Joe, was the lirst to lish connection with eastern points, Editor gailette LeAder. take place ca Friday evening, March i wish to tllank the members of the discover the accident and cried for 15, in the Presbyterian church. the Adrian line will accommodate I. O. O. F. lodge or Marlette through southwestern Michigan, the Jackson the columns of your paper, for the @ @ hetp. Win. Armstead, who happened Come and chee~ with your presence the young people in this work, and line will serve the central portion of ~great k!adness they have just bestow- N '3,OOO,OOO , to be in the mill yard closed down th~ the state and furnish a direct, line to ~ed upon myself and family of five e.neourage them to go on winning little children. On MOnday, Feb. 11 machinery and Miss Mary Nieke!, who higher medals and also in extending Chicago; the Lansing branch will con- they presented me with the deed of' was in the office of the mill at the ti~e cause of christian temperance nect with ~he independent telephone my home and a check for $110. I N systems in the Grand Rapids district cannot find words to express my grat- time, rushed down stairs and assisted work. The names of the contestants and the Holly line affords a means of itude to them for this great act of Mr. Armstead in extricating her are: Belle Marks, ~Jessie Duneanson, benevolence. Again thanking them Jennie Leek, Winnie McTavish, reaching Flint, Saginaw, Bay City one and all, I remain, father from the wheel. and the entire Saginaw valley. Flora Endersbe, Roy Houghton and -Very grateful, Her heartrending cries soon drew Burr Mead Beginning immediately, ito is said M~s. a~s. McLE~sH. .... ~ and ~5o,ooo feet qf Lumber to be sold other helpers and the poor mutilated The following is the program: ~work on 60 telephone circuits, inelud- The letter gives the result, but a mg more than 3,000 circuit miles of few words of explanation are not body was tenderly oieked up and car- Music ................... ttigh School Oret~es~r:~ this winter. Invocation .................... Rev. W. Bergey wire, will be pushed with a, large amiss. When Mr. McLeish died some ried in a sheet to hm home which he Recitation, "bliseifievous Daisy". ......... force of men until the entire system two years ago he left a widow and five Shingles at $,.oo, $'.78, $2.78, $3.eS per rl. had left in the vigor of healthy man. ............................... Seva Wibhey is completed. More than $1,000,000 little children in straightened cir- Contestant No. 1 ........ "The Victory SPirit" hood only a few short hours befpre. Contestan~ No. 2.: ... "'Tim Assessor's Visit" will be expended in construction work cumstanees. Their small farm was Lumber from $'4 per M up. All Orades @ Dr. Truesdel! was hastily summon. Instrumental Duet~ ......................... this g spring, summer and fall. The mortgaged for nearly all its value and .................. Messrs. Meier and Lenzner construction work will be done by the there was little if any other property ed,_but Mr. Nickel was beyond human Contestant No. 3..."Judge Morse's Reasons" Marquette Construction Co. The $15,- with which to support the little chil- Several thousand fence Posts rang- aid, Both feet were torn off: also the Contention1) No. 4 ............................. .............. "Under the Shadow of a Curse" 000,000 worth of capital stoclq for dren. The mortgage was foreel0sed 1eft arm. The chest was crushed, in- ing from ~cto 10~. N Music ............... ttigh School Quartette which the articles of association pro- and ~he :year of redemption had nearly juring the heart. He tingered for Contestant, No. 5 ............................. vide, will be divided into 150,000 expired when the brothers or Narlette . .."A Threatening Cloud on Our Horizon" shares of the par value of $100 each. lodge took hold of the matter. Yards on .South Seeger Street. two hours and thirty minutes, when Contestant No. 6 ...................... "Saved" Tile/ initial subscription of stock is A letter setting forth the facts was death relieved him of his suffering. Solo ........................ bliss Lucile Lincoln Contestant No. 7 ..... "Tim snirit of Progress" $150,000 and of this $50,000 has already mailed to every subordinate lodge ia He re~ained consciousness until the Judge~etire for decision." been paid in. Of the total number of the state asking thata small donation last, ReCitation, "The Dutchman's Serenade"..~ stmres$10,00G000worth are preferred, be sent to help relieve the family, .................. •........ bliss Fern Stevenson :The utmos~ sorrow ,is felt for the Music .................. Higi~ School Orcimstra it is understood that this is the and the responses were prompt and family in this their terrible bereave- Pantomime .............. Seven Young Ladies company that will put a large sum of generous. Checks in amount from $1 Presentation of Medal ...... .Mrs. biulhonand money into improvihg " meat. Shabbona loses one of her the entire Sag- to $10 began to flow in until more Benediction ...... : .... .... Rev, E. IL Bradfield inaw valley telephone system.~Bay than enough to pay the mortgage had L. E. HAIti%, Manager. ~ most valued citizens, an honest and Admission, 10 and 15 cents. Come CityTribune. been received. The mortgage amount- Upright man and an indefagi~able and~enjoy ~he program. ed to $750." Ig was paid and the ban worker for the Shabbona Milling Co., A FIRE ON TUE&DAY. ~[~L'~-~e0~'~ S ~0rvcst ance$110 was placedqn tl~e bank to securing for them a large and profit. Y the credit of Mrs. Mt:Leish. it is noI~ able patronage. Tuesday morning a small fire oc- a large amount but will go a great curred at the residence of W.
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