01 Cover DECEMBER09.Indd

01 Cover DECEMBER09.Indd

B63C:B7;/B35C723B=5/G:=<2=< 4@33 7<A723 /2/G7<6/<2 B63AB=<3E/:: /E/@2A E=@:2/72A2/G 7/<2@C;;=<2 5/G63:A7<97 A13<3 E7:24@C7B¸A @32>/@BG 97;=<= 9@CA6 :=D3167:2 >@=47:3 >/B@719 >:CA ;CA71=4 E=:4 B63G3/@ ' 2=7<57B67AE/G EEE=Cb;/51=C9 7AAC3B67@BGA7F ' =C :=@3; bZ]`S[ WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM =CbT`]\b PAGE 22 EDITORIAL// PATRICK WOLF PAGE 45 ADVERTISING OUT THERE Upcoming scene Editor highlights for David Hudson December, plus [email protected] coverage of Profi le, +44 (0)20 7258 1943 Love Child, Freedom Contributing Editor and Kimono Krush Adrian Gillan [email protected] PAGE 64 Staff writer OUTREACH John Kelly A Day In Hand [email protected] campaign Design Concept Boutique Marketing PAGE 66 www.boutiquemarketing.co.uk OUTNEWS Art Director All the gay news from Thom Rhein home and abroad [email protected] Graphic Designer PAGE 70 Ryan Beal CAREER Sub Editor Mark Palmer- Kathryn Fox Edgecumbe on careers Contributors CONTENTS in the military Richard Bevan, Adrian Foster, Edward Gamlin, Den Maloney, Mark Palmer-Edgecumbe, PAGE 04 Richard Tonks, Michael LETTERS Turnbull, Steve Watson Send your Photographer correspondence to Chris Jepson [email protected] Publishers Sarah Garrett//Linda Riley PAGE 06 ISDN: 1473-6039 MY LONDON Group Sales Manager The Ku Bar’s Gary Rob Harkavy HUDSON’S LETTER Henshaw gives us his [email protected] capital highlights +44 (0)20 7258 1832 The arrival of December many HIV-positive people PAGE 48 Commercial Director means that World that have been aff ected PAGE 08 LOVECHILD Bryan Rodrigues AIDS Day is again by this unnecessary and SHOPPING bryan@ultimateguide upon us. At the time of Draconian measure. Some Christmas gift ideas The Box, The Descent 2 PAGE 76 company.com going to press, the latest have simply decided to not and Cracks reviewed PROPERTY +44 (0)20 7258 1777 statistics concerning HIV visit the US, while others PAGE 11 Living in Wood Green Senior Advertising Executive transmission had not have felt moved to attempt DIARY PAGE 34 and the latest products Dan Goodban been released, although to hide their medication December’s cultural THEATRE for the home [email protected] for the last 20 years, the and pray not to be searched highlights in and The Rise and Fall Of +44 (0)20 7258 1832 number of new cases at customs. It’s a long around London Little Voice reviewed PAGE 84 Senior Advertising Executive diagnosed in the UK has overdue decision, and one plus theatre news MOTORING Maz Ogden risen each year. We’ll be that will change the lives PAGE 22 We test drive the [email protected] able to tell you in the next of some people aff ected by PATRICK WOLF PAGE 36 new Renault Mégane +44 (0)20 7258 1777 issue whether that’s the HIV – some of whom have The precociously FOOD Coupé Dynamique case again for 2008/09. felt barred from visiting talented singer and Aqua on Regent Street However, for once, this year friends or family in the US. songwriter sits down and Table in Brighton PAGE 86 I was heartened to read Finally, December is also with Michael Turnbull TRAVEL some positive HIV-related Out In The City’s third Gay Helsinki Square Peg Media Ltd. news. President Obama birthday. Do help us PAGE 26 37 Ivor Place has announced that from celebrate our anniversary MUSIC PAGE 92 London NW1 6EA the beginning of 2010, his – we’re throwing a party Our favourite music of HOROSCOPES Phone +44 (0)20 7258 1777 government is offi cially at the Shadow Lounge on 2009, plus gay rapper Fax +44 (0)20 7258 1787 The content of this publication, ending the ban on HIV- Friday 11 December and E.N.V PAGE 94 either in whole or in part may not positive people entering you’re all invited. HEALTH be reproduced, stored in a data retrieval system or transmitted in any the United States. I know See you there! PAGE 30 PAGE 6 World AIDS Day form or by any means, electronic or MY LONDON PHOTO CHRIS © JEPSON otherwise, without prior permission FILM from the publishers. Opinions expressed in Out In The City are not neccessarily those of the publishers. © Square Peg Media Ltd 2000 - 2009. PARTY TIME! Square Peg Media Ltd t/a Out In Out In The City will be celebrating is third birthday on Friday The City magazine will not take any responsibility for any loss/claim 11 December with a party at the Shadow Lounge in Soho resulting from a transaction with one of our advertisers/ Media Partners. - check out page 40 for full details... ! =C :3BB3@A bT`]\b OP]cbbVSa^WbSTcZO\R \Oabg^WSQSe`WbbS\ Pg8O\;]W`W\bVS ON FIRE 2OWZg;OWZQ]\QS`\W\U AbS^VS\5ObSZg¸a RSObV AVSO^^SO`ab]VOdS OLLY MURS RWa[WaaSRbVS We do, we must say, also Q][^ZOW\bab]bVS love Danyl Johnson, but we >`Saa1][^ZOW\ba reckon the super cute and 1][[WbbSSOP]cb cheeky Olly is our X Factor BELOVED bVS^WSQSOaaW[^Zg winner this year. 2SO`=cb7\BVS1Wbg ·O\]`QVSab`ObSR 7¸dSXcabPSS\`SORW\U QO[^OWU\¸Q][^ZSbSZg bVSW\bS`dWSeeWbVbVS [WaXcRUW\UO\R [Og]`]T:O[PSbV STAR LETTER `STcaW\Ub]OQQS^b IKEA ;`1V`Wab]^VS` bVSRS^bV]Tc^aSb Donated 10,000 candles ESZZPSZ]dSI=7B1 WAN FAN O\R]TTS\QSbVObaVS for the recent hate-crime ³<]dS[PS` 'K 6WbVS`S7`SOZZgZWYSRbVSV]\SabO\RSOag`SORW\U VOaQOcaSRAVSXcab vigil in Trafalgar Square. EVObOZ]dSZg`SOR W\bS`dWSeeWbV5]YEO\I=7B1³<]dS[PS` R]Sa\¸bUSbWbR]Sa Yet more reason to love the O\ROe]\RS`TcZWRSO 'K/\RSdS\bV]cUVeSOZ`SORgY\]eO\R aVS- Swedish super store. b][OYSc\[OW\bOW\SR O`STO[WZWO`b][]ab]TbVSbVW\UaVS^]W\bSR A]AbS^VS\¸aRSObV U`SS\O`SOaOQQSaaWPZS ]cbbVSPcZZgW\UbVS]RRW\acZbWbeOaU]]R ab`WYSaO\]bVS`PZ]e T]`^S]^ZSb]^ZO\b7 T]`VW[b]]TTS``SOaac`O\QS]\a][SbVW\UbVOb b]bVS·VO^^gSdS` \SdS`Y\SebVS`SeOa 7PSZWSdSGSabVS`SO`S^S]^ZS]cbbVS`SeV] OTbS`[gbV]TQWdWZ TONY O[Og]`W\:O[PSbV eWZZTW\Rg]cQ]]ZeVObSdS`g]cZ]]YZWYSeVWQV ^O`b\S`aVW^a¸-A]``g A gritty, low-budget fl ick O\RVS¸aO\]cbUOg [SO\aeSR]\¸b\SSRb]T]ZZ]eO[]RSZ]``SQW^S eVOb[gbVe]cZR about a serial killer stalking [O\5`SObW\bS`dWSe b]TWb[SRWOabO\RO`Ra7bVW\YeSaV]cZRbOYSbVWa bVObPS-7¸dSQS`bOW\Zg the streets of east London. eWbV5]YOaeSZZ5]b Oa]c`[]bb]T]` \SdS`VSO`R]TbVOb Released in January 2010, [g[c[OQbcOZZg Marcio Rodrigo Delgado, E4 [gbVPST]`SO\RO[ it’s already one of our fi lms `SORW\UbVS[OUOhW\S V]^W\U8O\eWZZa]]\ of the coming year. ³aVSZ]dSa5]Y PSOPZSb]^`]RcQS BVO\YaT]`O\]bVS` WIN! bVSSdWRS\QST]`bVWa e]\RS`TcZWaacS /\g]\SeV] a]QOZZSR[gbVb] Mr Jon Island, Leyton, E10 VOaOZSbbS` POQYc^VS`OaaS`bW]\a WHAT’S HOT AND WHAT’S NOT ^cPZWaVSRW\ /aTO`Oa7¸[OeO`S THIS MONTH’S RISE AND FALL bVS8O\cO`g OZZbVSUOg^S]^ZS7 POLITICO WaacS]T=cb7\ Y\]eQ]\aWRS`QWdWZ 6W7eOaW\bS`SabSRb] BVS1WbgeWZZ ^O`b\S`aVW^ab]PS]\ CALVIN HARRIS `SORbVSW\bS`dWSeeWbV `SQSWdSOQ]^g O\S_cOZT]]bW\Ub] Invaded the X Factor bVS[Og]`]T:O[PSbV ]TbVS\Se [O``WOUS³a][S]T stage to muscle in on I=7B1³<]dS[PS` 2D2EVW`ZeW\R@SZSOaSR bVS[eWZZe]`YO\R one of John and Edward’s 'K7\SdS`Y\Se Pg>SQQORWZZ]>WQbc`SabVSQ][SRgR`O[OWa a][S]TbVS[aORZg performances… and VSeOaUOgBVO\Yg]c OP]cbO[gabS`W]caO\RQVO`[W\Uab`O\US`eV] e]\¸bA][SbW[Sa ended up looking a bit of T]`^`]TWZW\UUOg[S\ W\TWZb`ObSaOU`]c^]TUOgT`WS\RaW\<SeG]`Y7b¸a ZWYSW\VSbS`]aSfcOZ an idiot in the process. bVObO`S\¸be]`YW\U ]cb8O\cO`g³eee^SQQO^WQaQ][ [O``WOUS]\SVOZT]T W\bVSb`ORWbW]\OZ BVSe`WbS`]T8O\cO`g¸aAbO`:SbbS`eWZZ`SQSWdSO O^O`b\S`aVW^[WUVb BDQSZSP`WbgUOgaQS\S Q]^g]TEVW`ZeW\RO\ROQ]^g]T/\3\UZWaV[O\ b`OUWQOZZgRWSg]c\U XMAS SHOPPING e]`ZRa³Wb¸aU]]R 7\<SeG]`YBVSSOUS`ZgOeOWbSRT]ZZ]ec^b] T`][\Obc`OZQOcaSa ONLINE b]aSSO[OUOhW\S bVSU`]c\RP`SOYW\U'%aR`O[OBVS<OYSR1WdWZ B]^cPZWaVacQVO Do you trust the postman `STZSQbW\UbVSTOQbbVOb AS`dO\bbVSTWZ[TW\Ra8]V\6c`b`S^`WaW\UVWa`]ZS ^WSQS]\bVSSdS]TbVS to deliver on time this bVS`SO`SUOg[S\W\OZZ Oa?cS\bW\1`Wa^bVWabW[SSf^Z]`W\UVWaZObS`ZWTS [O\¸aTc\S`OZeVS\Wb Christmas? The year it’s all eOZYa]TZWTS³W\QZcRW\U W\<SeG]`Y7beWZZPSOdOWZOPZS]\2D2T`][ & [WUVbQOcaS[OfW[c[ about returning to the high U`Oaa`]]ba^]ZWbWQa 2SQS[PS`Q]c`bSag]T;][S\bc[>WQbc`Sa c^aSbb]bV]aSQZ]aSb] street. Carl, Vauxhall B]PSW\eWbVOQVO\QS]TeW\\W\U^ZSOaSPSac`S VW[eOa_cWbSaW[^Zg b]W\QZcRSg]c`TcZZ\O[SO\R^]abOZORR`SaaeWbV RWaUcabW\U bVSZSbbS`g]caS\Rca Robert, Bethnal Green FARE RISES 3[OWZSRWb]`WOZ.]cb[OUQ]cY Despite the sluggish economy, both tube and bus fares are set to rise OP]cbTW`abZ]dSaI=7B1 RWR\¸b[W\R7¸[\]b above the infl ation rate in ³<]dS[PS` 'K ac`S[W\Se]cZR January.

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