History and the History of Science in the Work of Hendrik De

History and the History of Science in the Work of Hendrik De

History and t!" history of s$i"n$" in t!" %or& of H"ndri& '" (an CHRI)T*+H,-.,RBR/GG,N1 L"$t0r"r 1 /ni2"rsit"it G"nt L,3I) +4,N)*N 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555 +ro#"ssor 1 3"st"rn (i$!i6an /ni2"rsity H"ndri& '" (an 71885-1953) is r":":;"r" as one of t!" :ost si6ni#i$ant innovators in t!" (arxist tra ition 0ring t!" int"r%ar period. =n ind"#ati6a;>" and %i ">y tra2">>" t!"or"ti$ian, !" ":"r6" as a :a?or politi$a> >"a "r in t!" 1930s and t!"n ;"$a:" ;"st &nown #or his a$$om:odation %it! t!" G"r:an oc$upi"r during t!" )"$ond 3or> 3ar. '" (an's int">>"$tua> and po>iti$a> in#>0"nc" spr"a #ar ;"yond t!" bor "rs o# !is nati2" B">6i0:. His $ordia> r">ations!ip %it! t!" historian H"nri +ir"nn" 71862-1935) has ;""n obs"r2"d. Inde"d, '" (an %as one of +ir"nne@s :ost bri>>iant pupi>s. '" (an's $onne$tion %it! s$holars a>so "xt"nde to historian of s$i"nc" G"or6" )arton 71884-1956). In t!" #ol>owing pa6"s, %" dis$uss %hat-'" (an dr"%-#rom bot!-+ir"nn" and-)arton. H"nri +ir"nne, by 2irt0" of his socia> and "$onomi$ history 1 %hi$! >" dir"$t>y into (ar$ B>oc! and L0$i"n B";2r"@s Annales 1 provi " a :a?or int">>"$tua> i:petus #or t!" dis$ip>in" of history as it is pra$ti$" today 7Lyon C Lyon, 1991). G"or6" )arton,- t!roug! his "pistolary and promotiona> "nt"rpris" an his "ditin6 o# t!" ?ourna> Isis, br"at!" >i#" into t!" is$ip>in" of history of s$i"nc" durin6 t!" #irst ha># of t!" 20t! $"ntury. =s s$holars, bot! +ir"nne and )arton ar" &nown as :"di"2a>ists, and it %as #or t!"ir :"di"2a> insi6ht that-'"-(an dr"% upon t!"ir-%or&. Mor"-6"nera>>y, D"-(an ":bra$" +ir"nne@s understanding of history and )arton's understanding of history of s$i"nc". +ir"nne %as ol "no06! to ;" a #at!"r to bot! '" (an and )arton, ;0t %" $ont"nd t!at a>> thr"" :"n %"r" :odernists. T!"y shar"d, that is to say, a $riti$a> r"a>is: about t!" %or>d, and t!"y bot! sought and %">$om" innovation. Criti$a> r"a>is: is pr"s"nt in +ir"nne@s understanding of t!" rol" o# "xt"rna> a$$i "nt as a "t"r:ining #or$" in history, and in '" (an's and )arton's ;">i"# that a$tion %as r"quir" to s"t t!" %or> ari6ht. Inno2ation is r"pr"s"nt" in +ir"nn"@s 2i"% of t!" ;our6"oisi" $ontin0a>>y r"inv"nting its">#, in )arton's anchoring progr"ss in s$i"nti#i$ is$ov"ry, an 1. Correspon "n$" $on$"rnin6 t!is arti$>" s!o0> ;" a ress" to Christop!" ."rbr066"nE $!ristop!".2"r;r066"nF06"nt.;" or to L"%is +y"nsonE >"%is.py"nsonF%:i$!." 0 BTNG | RBHC, XLI, 2011, 3-4, pp. 487-511 in D"-(an's s">#-$ons$ious r"2ision of t!"-(ar<ist tra ition. T!" sy:pathy of a>> thr""-:"n for innovation is r"2"a>" in t!"ir strong attra$tion, be#or" 1914, to t!" G"r:an socia> !istorian Jar> La:pr"$ht. +ir"nne %as sy:pat!"ti$ to La:pr"$ht@s att":pt to Kr"s$0" 18t!-$"nt0ry positivis: #ro: asp!y<iation ;y :"r6in6 $0lt0ra> an @tota>@ !istory, ;as" on nat0ra> >a%s with a so$io-psy$!olo6ica> ;asisK 7Boon", 2008L s"" also 3arlan , 20049. '" (an att"nde La:pr"$ht@s >"$t0r"s in L"ipzi6 ;"t%""n 1905 and 1909, and in 1912 )arton r"$r0it" La:pr"$!t #or t!" ori6ina> " itoria> boar o# Isis. T!" t!r"" :odernists a>so #ound a $om:on int"r"st in :"di"2a>is:. )0$! an obs"ssion :i6ht s"": an odd attri;0t" of a :odernist, ;0t, as Louis" B>a&"ney-3i>>ia:s-":phasis"d, modernists #ound t!" (i >"-=6"s Ka ;"a0ti#0> ;0t also "<$itin6 %or> o# ""p spiritua> #0>#i>:"nt to %!i$! t!"y :ig!t "s$ap" th" ra; 06lin"ss o# t!" pr"s"nt ayK 7Bla&"n"y 3illia:s, 2002, 459. (any-:odernists, (i$ha"> T. Sa>"r-$ont"nded, Kso06!t 0ni#yin6 :yt!ic an spirit0a> 2a>0"s that wo0> r":" y t!" p"r$"i2" "<$"ss"s o# ;o0r6"ois >ib"ra>is:, rationa>is:, in 0strialis:, 0r;anis:, an s"$0laris:K 7)a>"r, 1888, 109. '" (an %as $"rtain>y not an "ar>y a opt"r of t!" i "a t!at t!" (i >" =6"s $onstitut" t!" $ra >" of :odern $apita>ist ":ocra$y 7To>>";""&, 1997, A0- 62). Brom t!" #irst !a># o# t!" 19t! $"ntury, t!" (i >" =6"s of#"r" an "nor:ous r"s"r2oir of inspiration #or think"rs operating in a %i " rang" of i "o>ogi"s, nota;>y Ro:anti$is: and Historismus 7=>"<ander, 2007L (i>t"nbur6, 1996L /tM, 1998). Bot! Catho>i$s an progr"ssi2" >i;"ra>s absor;" t!" :"di"2a> past into t!" pr"s"nt. T!" (o "rn $ontinua>>y 6rapp>" %it! t!" ("di"2a>, %!"t!"r in t!" Gothi$ ar$hit"$tura> sty>" or t!" s$holar>y i "nti#i$ation of t!" 12th-$"nt0ry r"nas$"nc". T!is t"nsion %as a$ut" in B>and"rs, %!"r" t!" :" i"2a> $iti"s o# Br06"s an G!"nt inspir" anti-:odernist paint"rs >i&" Na:"s ,nsor and sy:bolist %rit"rs >i&" (auri$" (a"t"r>inc& and G"or6"s Rodenba$h. Bor t!"s" and ot!"r int">>"$tua>s, inc>uding :a?or r"pr"s"ntati2"s of =rt Nouv"a0 ar$!it"$t0r" and app>i" arts, anti-:odernis: %as bot! an "xpr"ssion o# and a r"spons" to t!" :odern %or>d, and prin$ipa> a:on6 t!"ir r"a$tions %"r" pri:iti2is:, nosta>6ia, and G"or6i$ $">"bration 7Hirs!, 2004L =0;"rt, Braitur", C ($Guinness, 2007; *6ata, 20019. B0rt!"r:or", s">#-$ons$ious p>anning #or a ;"tt"r %or> 1 to G488H C. .,RBR/GG,N I L. +4,N)*N %hi$! :odernists %"r" $o::itt" 1 r"D0ir" 6rounding in t!" >oca> past. G"or6" )arton, as a young :an,- #ol>ow" t!" :"di"2a>is: of t!" +r"- Rapha">it"s and t!"ir Romanti$ #">>ow-tra2">>"rs, #or "xa:pl" ,06On" Brom"ntin, Ri$har 3a6ner, and abov" a>> T!omas Car>y>". )arton's :atur", s$holar>y %or& #oc0s" on t!" :"di"2a> %or>d. H"ndri& '" (an %rot" his doctora> diss"rtation on t!" :"di"2a> $>ot! industry in B>anders, a #o$us o# +ir"nne@s s$holarship, and t!" $">"bration o# socia>ist $orporations at t!" $"ntr" o# his :atur" r"2ision o# (ar<is: "ri2" #rom H"nri +ir"nne@s %ritings on t!"-!istory of $apita>is: in t!"-(i >" =6"s. H"ndri&- " (an $ast-!i:s"># as a-0niD0" spiritE KI ;"li"2" t!at I !a2" not #a>>"n 0n "r t!" "$isiv" in#>0"n$" o# anyon"L li#" its"># :a " :" %!at I a:K. I# !" ha to :"ntion any inf>0"nc", !" %rot", politi$ian N"an Na0rOs $a:" to :ind.2 Inde"d, '" (an@s ar$hi2"s pr"s"nt t!" pi$tur" of a s">#-" 0$at" :an.3 4"t H"nri +ir"nne %as "$isi2" #or '" (an, and, as %" s!a>> s"", so %as G"or6" )arton. In 1927, H"nri Buss, a $ont":porary and a$quaintanc" of bot! '" (an and )arton, r"2i"%" t!" Br"nc! 2"rsion o# '" (an's Psychology of socialism #or t!" #irst 2ol0:" of (ar$ B>oc! an L0$i"n B";2r"@s Annales d'histoire économique et sociale.4 Buss "s$ri;" '" (an as a-;ri>>iant pupi> of H"nri +ir"nne and Kon" o# t!" prin$ipa> B">6ian r"pr"s"ntati2"s o# th" inte>>"$t0a> 6"n"ration that !as to ay attain" its :aturityK 7B0ss, 1828, 452-4539. H"nri Buss r"#"rr"d, in his r"2i"%, to an "ntir" 6"neration: !is own 6"nera- tion. How"2"r t!" @spirit o# t!" ti:"s@ :ay ;" "2a>uat"d, socia> #or:ations 1 "spe$ia>>y persona> n"t%or&s 1 s"": to ;" "ss"ntia> in "sta;>ishing 6"nerationa> so>i arityL t!"y ar" %hat :i6ht ;" $a>>" $arri"rs of s":anti$s 7Corst"n, 2004, 2509. In any $onsi "ration o# 6"nerations, it is i:portant to 2. Int"rvi"% in Les nouvelles littéraires, 1835, D0ot" in Han$&P (1875, 17-18). 3. Larg" "posits o# )arton@s pap"rs are >o$at" at t!" Ho06!ton Li;rary o# t!" Har2ard Co>>"6" Li;rary 7!"rea#t"r Ho06!ton), t!" B"rg Co>>"$tion o# t!" N"% 4ork +0;>i$ Li;rary, an t!" Carn"6i" Instit0tion o# 3as!in6ton. '" (an@s arc!i2"s ar" sprea o2"r s"2"ra> >o$ations. T!" :ost i:portant $o>>"$tion is pres"rv" in t!" Int"rnationa> Instit0t" #or )o$ia> History, =:st"r a: 7!"rea#t"r II)G9.

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