PhysicsFocus Bethel University Physics & Engineering Newsletter Spring 2013 Volume 7, Issue 1 (GLWRU/DXUHQ2WWR¶ Dr. Chad Hoyt Awarded Prestigious NSF Grant Chad Hoyt, associate pro- fessor of physics, has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) research grant totaling $230,349 for KLVSURMHFW´)LEHU/DVHU)UH Inside this issue: quency Combs for the Ad- International Activi- 2 YDQFHG/DERUDWRU\µ The project will develop ties of BU Physics fiber laser frequency combs Alumni (FLCs) to use in Bethel's Dr. Hoyt Spends 8 upper-level undergraduate Sabbatical in China physics courses and in grad- uate level teaching lab Update from Dr. 10 courses at the University of Peterson Arizona, Hoyt explains. ´)LEHU ODVHU IUHTXHQF\ ChaD Hoyt, associate professor of physics, receiveD a National Students and Profes- 12 combs are like rulers, but Science Foundation research grant. sors Attend Confer- instead of measuring the their expertise back to Beth- blazer in applying for federal ences in 2012 length dimension like a nor- el to build one in an upper- grants, so we are delighted mal ruler would, frequency level physics class. While that he has been awarded Research Update 15 combs can precisely meas- the process may seem com- this federal research grantµ from Dr. Lindquist XUHOLJKWZDYHOHQJWKVµVD\V plicated, Hoyt anticipates says Deborah Sullivan- +R\W ´3LFWXUH D FRPE IRU the students will enjoy it. Trainor, associate dean for Class of 2012 16 one's hair. The teeth are ´([SHULPHQWDO ZRUN LQ WKH general education and fac- regularly spaced at a milli- lab with students, to me, is ulty development. meter or so. A frequency the best kind of classroom. ´7KH VXFFHVV RI WKLV SUR comb is like that, except the Students can learn to be posal is built on some ¶WHHWK· DUH SRUWLRQV RI WKH inquisitive and resourceful, VWURQJVKRXOGHUVDW%HWKHOµ light spectrum that are and they can catch the ex- DGGV +R\W ´'U 5LFKDUG 3H spaced regularly apart at a FLWHPHQW RI SK\VLFVµ VD\V terson has built the optics FHUWDLQZDYHOHQJWKLQWHUYDOµ Hoyt. part of the Bethel physics The grant provides fund- If the project is success- department into a nationally ing for student researchers ful at Bethel and the Univer- recognized success over the WRZRUNZLWK+R\W·LQKLV sity of Arizona, the goal will past few decades. Bethel lab during the academic be to explain how to repli- has been supportive of my year, interim, and summers cate it in other schools and research with students that until fall 2015. Hoyt will col- WHDFKLQJODEV´:HZLOOFDUH KDVOHGWRWKLVJUDQWµ laborate with R. Jason Jones fully look for new, simpler, Hoyt has received addi- at the University of Arizona, cheaper ways to make high tional private funding for his who is also a 1994 Bethel performance FLCs such that research, including from JUDGXDWH7ZRRI+R\W·VVWX other undergraduate institu- Creative Integration & De- dents will spend a summer tions can adopt this wonder- sign, Inc., in Saint Paul, ZLWK -RQHV· UHVHDUFK IXO DGYDQFHG ODERUDWRU\µ Minn. group building a fiber laser Hoyt explains. frequency comb, and bring ´Chad has been a trail- $UWLFOHILUVWDSSHDUHG2FWREHURQWKH%HWKHO1HZVSDJH KWWSZZZEHWKHOHGXQHZVDUWLFOHVRFWREHUQVI-JUDQW DQGLVFRXUWHV\RI6X]DQQH0F,QUR\'LUHF WRURI&RPPXQLFDWLRQV$GDSWHGDQGXVHGZLWKSHUPLVVLRQ PhysicsFocus Page 2 International Activities of Bethel Physics Alumni As part of its mission as a changer does not require the following stories, Jared University, Bethel has com- long-term overseas adven- 6WXUG\·KDVEHHQZRUNLQJ mitted to instilling seven tures, this value can certain- on his PhD at the European values into its students: ly be lived out through over- Organization for Nuclear ´6NLOOVWKDW, Christ-followers, learners, seas experiences. In recent Research (CERN) and Katie truth-seekers, character- months, many Bethel phys- 7RRS · KDV EHHQ ZRUNLQJ never builders, reconcilers, salt ics alumni have spent an to promote clean water and imagined and light, and world- extended period of time hygiene in Sri Lanka and could also be changers. overseas for research or Afghanistan after completing While being a world- mission work. In addition to graduate school in England. applied beyonD the context of physics to 'DYLG6ZHQVRQ¶0LQLVWHUVLQ$VLDZLWK<:$0 theology, After graduating from awakened to a deeper reali- dia for three months and language and Bethel in spring of 2011 I ty that the God of the Bible spent my days teaching Eng- OLIHµ²DaviD took a year of deferment is still the God of today. God lish and physics to kids at a from the University of Min- became real to me, undeni- school. Then evenings and Swenson nesota Biomedical Engineer- ably real. It was as if I had weekends were spent doing ing program. I traveled to been scanning frequencies discipleship and church Hawaii to go through a disci- all these years never hitting planting. The experience pleship training school of- a resonance, but now for the changed my life as new per- fered by missions training first time I began to see spective sank in and a deep- organization called Youth flashes of light. My own little er understanding of Jesus With A Mission (YWAM). heart experiment was un- began to grow in my heart. During my time there God derway, complete with real Coming home I realized began to lay a new founda- tangible data flooding my the program I was accepted tion, a new value system, in senses, God was real. I trav- LQWRZDVQ·WULJKWIRUPHVR, my heart and mind. I was eled to Battambang, Cambo- withdrew my acceptance. God had opened my eyes to a broader spectrum of possi- bilities. I realized industry ZDVQ·W IRU PH DQG WKDW , wanted to give my life to teaching. My education at Bethel developed my mind to solve problems and un- derstand the world. It had planted a hunger in me for truth and equipped me with the tools of diligence and the ability to explain and simplify the complex. Skills that I never imagined could also be applied beyond the context of physics to theolo- gy, language and life. I wanted to share the same awakening I had gone through with others, so I signed up for a two-year commitment to staff disci- Learning about gravity and air resistance with the parachute egg Drop in Battambang, pleship training schools. I Cambodia. David is pictured on the right. &RQWLQXHGRQSDJH Volume 7, Issue 1 Page 3 &RQWLQXHGIURPSDJH am currently half way through this time frame and I just returned home from leading a team to Turkey. We immersed ourselves into this Muslim culture with the goal of being Jesus and sharing Jesus with a people group that simply does not know what he taught or who He was. As it stands Turkey exceeds ninety-nine percent Muslim and is per capita the most unreached nation on earth. To live amongst a people group who are blanketed with false stereotypes was a sobering experience. I could not believe the warmth, gen- tleness and hospitality we were shown by so many. I got to sit and share life with 'DYLG·VWHDPLQ7XUNH\ZLWKRQHRIWKHLUFORVHVWIULHQGV<XVXIDQGKLVIDPLO\'DYLG people who are in many is pictured on the bottom right. ways very different, but on a deeper level they are seek- left softened, even curious know any search for a unify- ing the same things in life. about this man Jesus. Who ing theory is in vain if it lacks They are passionate about may after all be more than Jesus at the beginning, mid- the same values as you and just another prophet as they dle and end; there is no uni- me. I would ask them what have been told. fying theory grander than they treasure most and they My studies in physics and Him. ZRXOG UHSO\ ´*RG DQG P\ now my time with YWAM has I am so grateful for my IDPLO\µ 7KHLU GUHDPV ZHUH taught me one thing. I am years at Bethel, the educa- to meet someone and fall in incapable of knowing it all. It tion I received there, but love, to find a career that always seems like the deep- perhaps more importantly fulfills them and to travel er I probe the further and the relationships and com- ´:KHUHYHUZH and learn about other cul- higher it all goes. I am often munity that was built during go, be it in a tures. And I was amazed to now slow or even reluctant those years. I am excited to lab, a see that when we spoke to think that out of all the return with YWAM in a cou- about Jesus and shared people, all of the brilliant ple months and continue to classroom or a what he taught they agreed. minds in this world, I have learn how and what it is God jungle we can They agreed that just going stumbled upon the answer, wants me to teach. I see bring change to a building to pray and upon the narrow path. How- now that God can use us on following a set of rules ever, the more cultures I such a broad spectrum of and hope that ZRXOGQ·W ZRUN 7KH\ DJUHHG see, the more religions I callings, careers and even many Do not that faith had to come from experience and the more countries. Wherever we go, know of.µ the heart and they were people I talk to the more be it in a lab, a classroom or amazed to hear about for- clear it becomes that life a jungle we can bring -DaviD giveness and love that is and truth is found in the change and hope that many Swenson available to those who seek words of Christ. I am far do not know of. wholeheartedly. And they from all the answers, but I 7RVWD\XSWRGDWHDQGKHDUPRUHVWRULHVIURP'DYLGYLVLWKLVEORJ ZZZWDNHKHDUWLQLWLDWLYHZRUGSUHVVFRP RUHPDLOKLP VZHGDY#JPDLOFRP WREHDGGHGWRKLVHPDLOOLVW PhysicsFocus Page 4 1DWKDQ/HPNH¶)XOILOOV3RVWGRFWRUDO3RVLWLRQLQ*HUPDQ\ As our graduate school laboratory; to aid in this re- and helpful, and they spoke days at University of Colora- gard, I worked on a project exquisite English.
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