An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper FRIDAY • • November 1, 1996 THE Volume 123 Number 17 Non-Profit Org. U . Po!>!age Paid Newark, DE Permit J'\o. 26 250 Student Center· University of Delaware ·Newark, DE 19716 Ex-student goe~ on trial for murder David Stevenson faces the death penalty BY CATHERINE HOPKINSON Re,idents of the Cavalier> Apartment;. in Christiana will City Ne11 { t.llitor testify to events they saw take place both before and after the • The capital murder trial of former student David Stevenson shooting. and hi s codefendant Michael Manley began Wednesday in Wharton said physical evidence will include items found in Wilmington's Superior Coun. a car regi;.tered to Stevenson that matches eyewitnesses· Stevenson. 22. was a university freshman when charged in de,criptions. These items include a bus ticket and a slip of the Nov. 13. 1995 shooting of Kri stopher Heath. a Macy's paper with the name and Maryland addre;,s of another Macy' s sec urity investigator who was schedu led to implicate 'ecurity executive ;cheduled to te;,tify again'! Stevenson. Steve nson in a credit card fraud case on the day he was killed. A military jacket was also found in the car with a pouch full In light of these circumstances. Deputy Attorney General of unused ammunition that matches the shell ca ings found at Ferris Wharton called the murder .. a frontal assault on the the scene. Wharton said . Manley was a ;pecialist in the U.S. criminal justice system:· Am1y Reserves. It took Wharton 30 minute;, to deliver the pros-ecution·, At the close of hi:o. ;,tatement. Wharton urged jurors to find opening statement. in which he reconstructed the crime and Stevenson and Manley guilty. the capture of the defendants. ..You will have a chance. ladies and gentlemen. to do • Wharton told the jury that Heath. who wa> 25 at the time of ;.omething that i> right:· he said. · his death. wa; about to get into his Jeep Wrangler to go to Lawyer' for Stevenson and Manley delivered ;.eparate court at around 7 : ~0 a. m .. when --sang. bang. bang. bang. o pening , tatement;,. both >tressing that their clients are bang. He· s dead. just Iike that. He ne ver had a chance:· innocent until proven guilty. Heath never had a chance to see his killer>. to escape. or One of Steven>on·;, lawyers. Timothy Weiler. told the jury even to defend himself, Wharton 'aid. ··He never had a chance at all." see TRIAL page A 12 THE REVIEW I Bonnie Schmelz The newly established Newark Habitat for Humanity broke ground on its first Harsh alchohol policy proj ect Wednesday. A house will be built on Corbit Street for a local family. The house that proposed for dorms BY RANDI L. HECHT to comment on the pos;ibility of a new should learn to take responsibility for Swdent Af/ah·'l Editor proposal at this time. educating themselves on their housing The Office of Re idence Life is in the Eli Lesser, president of the Resident policies. Habitat built preliminary stages of c hanging the Student As;ociation. said that with the Currently. if a student under 21 is enforcement of the alcohol policy within new sanctioning propo~al, a student caught with alcohol in their room. they BY DENISE MATTHEWS Home Builder> Association of Delaware and the next few semesters. allowing for a living on campu; for a year would must have a conference with their hall Swff ReJmrtl•r the Bank of New York. stricter punishment for minors caught automatically be sent to the Student director. the RA said. If they are caught Barbara Thornton and her family are finally These groups supply the money. services. with alcohol in their room . Judic ial System if caught violating the a second time, they have another going to have a home to call their own. thank;, volunteers and time needed to finish the home. Cynthia Cummings. director of alcohol rule a first time. conference with their hall director and to the newly-established Newark branch of The campus chapter of Habitat for Residence Life said the alcohol policy is If caught a second time. the would possibly be sent to the judicial Habitat for Humanity. which broke ground on Humanity has pledged $5.000 which they not changing. just the way it is enforced. anonymous RA ;aid. the student would board depending on the severity of the its first hmfse in Newark Wednesday. hope to raise through various fund-raisers These changes are still in the propo. al be thrown out of the residence hall. 1· sue. The home. which will be built at 27 Corbit throughout the year. said >enior Megan Rys. stage which has not yet been submitted .. [This ne w sanctioning] i> not going When caught a third time. the resident St.. will be Habitat for Humanity's first project president of the campus chapter. to the Student Life o f11c e. to help:· he said ... You won't >top is ~ent to the judicial board and is here in Ne\\ ark. The house i;, also a first for Habitat for A resident assistant. who wished to drinking thi~ way:· u'ually put on deferred suspen. ion from The former property owner;.. Gunter Humanity of ew Castle County. a;. well as remain anonymous. said minors would Lesser said the RSA feeb this new the residence hall. he added. If a student Shafter and Ken Ackerman. sold it to Habitat the campus chapter. be more at ri ;k of quicker expulsion propo~al would be better for the student for Humanity for $10.000. half it~ retail value. ·Tm really excited to be building in from a residence hall if they are caught than the current method because students see ALCOHOL page A9 .. 1 really believe it·s going to make a Newark. finally:· said Kevin Smith. executive drinking . difference.'' Shaffer said ...lf you can get director for the New Castle County chapter. The current policy. the RA ;,aid. gi' e; people to own their own houses. the family Smith. a 1988 university graduate. said the a student four chance;. before they are CAMPUS CUPBOARD: A look at important takes pride in itself and the community gets hou;.e will cost approximately $50.000 to expelled from hou;ing. The new tronger ... build. It will be sold at thi;. price through a 20- proposal would give students who have issues at other universities The Corbit Street house is a group effort year no-interest mongage to Barbara Thornton already lived on campu;, for one year. sponsored by the campu;, and ew Castle who will live there with her daughter and two chances before they would be forced County chapters of Habitat for Humanity. the out of the residence hall. see HABITAT page A 7 The Office of Residence Life refused Ham_ilton m_akes on­ campus living a must City upset by increased rail traffic BY EMILY YO 'G campus activities for students. said Staff Reporter Mike Debraggio. a spokesman for School Lane. Ivy Hall. Kirshaw. Hamilton College. BY MATI BEATIY spokesman for Conrail. Madison. Park Place. University The college adopted the policy StaffRepnrter Womer said there are cun·ently 28 Commons. The choices are endless after a 30-month study which Conrail's recent deci ion to cars on average that move through for students who want to I i ve off revealed that top students seek an increase the amount of dangerous ewark a day. which ca1TY dangerous campus. But what if that choice environment that focuses on chemicals transported through chemicals that serve industries was taken away ~ academics rather than soc ial ewark has sparked concern among throughout the state. The increase will What if the only option available activities. Debraggio $aid. local re idents worried about their not bring any chemicals that are not to upperclassmen was Rodney, "Trustee wanted to create an safety. already moved th rough the city, he Dickinson. Harrington. Pencader, environment where academic About 150 ewark residents said. the Towers or Gilbert ~ If this excellence came first.'. he said. attended a meeting Tuesday night at The extra car. are being rerouted universi ty adopted a housing policy T he policy was accepted with West Park Place Elementary School to from Conrail's Edgemoor facility in like the one at Hamilton College in mixed feelings by the student s. discuss the decision. Conrail officials. Wilmington to the ewark faci lity C linton . N .Y., then living on Debraggio said t he level of the ch ief of rai l services and the behind the Chrysler plant. campu> for four years would be a acceptance by ~tudents was director of the Delaware Emergency The plan was brought to residents· reality. d ivided. "There were three groups: Management Agency were on hand to attention wi th flyers made by Terry In the spring of 1995. the Board tho e who supported it, th ose who answer questions and di spel rumors. Hanc hari ck of Shull Drive, whose of Trustees at Hamilton decided to were agai nst it and those who were The plan to increase ra ilroad traffic father-in-l aw, Joe Hancharick. w ill enact a policy which would require in the middle and accepted parts o f in ewark. which has already been lose his job at the Edgemoor facility all students to live on campus. it;· he said. fi nalized. will bring 42 more rail road when the plan is carried out, she said . The po licy was designed to Jo h a nna Flath.
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