THE LONDON GAZETTE, MARCH 31, 1868. 202.9 residing at No. 2, Hyde-park-terrace, Mutley, in the ty thing adjudicated bankrupt on the 6th day of December, 1867. of Comptoa Gifford, ia the said county of Devon, previously A Dividend Meeting will be held on the 22nd day of April of No. 6, Beaumout-place, Plymouth aforesaid, 00 half-pay, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon precisely. previously on board Her Majesty's ship Valorous, in the Black Sea, previously of Portreath Coast Guard Station, iu At the said Meetings the Assignees will, in the county of Cornwall, previously of No. 4, Tothill-place, pursuance of the 174th section of the said Act, and previously of No. 4, Corapton-street, both in Plymouth submit statements of the Bankrupt's estate reco- aforesaid, on half-pay, previously of Her Majesty's ship Growler, in the Mediterranean, previously of No." 97, Union- vered and outstanding, and of all receipts and of street, East Stonehoose aforesaid, on half-pay, adjudicated all payments made or to be made thereout; and bankrupt on the 13th day of October, 1863. A second the creditoi-s at the said respective meetings will, Dividend Meeting will be held on the 15th day of April in pursuance of the said section, declare whether next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon precisely. any and what Dividend shall be made, and John Middleton Jewett, formerly of No. 10, Pentamar- terrace, Morice-town, in the borough-of Devonport, in the whether any and what allowance shall be paid to county of Devon, and now of No. 9, Herbert-place, Morice- the said bankrupts respectively. Proofs of Debts town aforesaid, a first-class Gunner on board Her Majesty's will be received, and creditors who have not ship Implacable, lying in the Hamoaze, Devonport afore- proved, or do not then prove, will be excluded said, adjudicated bankrupt on the 30th day of April, 1866. the benefit of the Dividend. And all claims not A second Dividend Meeting will held on the 15th day of April next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon precisely. proved will be disallowed. Michael Shaw Stewart Buraey, formerly of Granville, in the Island of Jersey, then of No. ,1, Providence-place, Stoke Damercl, in the county of Devon, then of Tavistock- The Bankruptcy Act, 1861. row, Callington, in the county of [Cornwall, Master on Half-pay in the . Royal Navy, then of Fore-street, Fowey, Notice of the Granting of Orders of Discharge. then of Tregony Port, Looe, both in the county of Corn- wall, then of the Yealm Coast Guard Station, in the county The Bankrupts hereinafter named have had of Devon, Chief Officer in the Coastguard Service, then of Orders of Discharge granted or suspended as No. 2, Commercial-place, Saltash, in the said county of Cornwall, but now a prisoner in the gaol at Bodmin, in the hereinafter mentioned by the several Courts acting said county of Cornwall, a Staff Commander, on half-pay, in prosecution of their respective Bankruptcies, in the Royal Navy, adjudicated bankrupt on the 13th and such Orders will be delivered to the Bank- day of June, 1865. A second Dividend Meeting will be held rupts unless an appeal be duly entered against the on the 15th day of April, 1868, at eleven o'clock in the judgment of the Court, and notice thereof be forenoon precisely. given to the Court:— Frederick Charles Ford, formerly an Engineer on board Her Majesty's Gun Boat Skip Jack, afterwards on board James Dunbar, of No. 1, Lancaster-villas, Lancaster-road, Her Majesty's Ship Indus, laying in the Hamoaze, Devon- Lower Norwood, in the county of Surrey, late of No. 4, port, in the county of Devon, Engineer (my Wife residing Westminster-chambers, Victoria-street, in the city of West- at No. 1, Waterloo-place, Torpoint, in the county of Corn- minster, and of Chatham, in the county of Kent, Engineer wall), then on board Her Majesty's Ship Battle Snake, and Contractor, adjudicated bankrupt on the 22nd day of Engineer (my Wife residing at No. 1, Nelson-cottage, East November, 1867. An Order of Discharge was granted by Stonehouse, in the county of Devon, then of Her Majesty's the Court of Bankruptcy, London, on the 28th day of Royal Naval Hospital, at Ascension, Invalid, then of Her February, 1868. Majesty's Ship Sanspariel, Invalid, then of the Royal Naval Hospital, East Stonehouse, in the said county of Devon, Frank Whitworth Sykes, of No. 7. Ailsa-park-villas, Invalid, and now of Her Majesty's Ship Indus, now laying Twickenham, in the county of Middlesex, Gentleman, in the Hamoaze, Devonport aforesaid, Engineer, and of adjudicated bankrupt on the 26th day of April, 1S67. An No. I, Nelson-cottage, East Stonehouse aforesaid, adjudicated Order of Discharge was granted by the Court of Bank- bankrupt on the 14th day of October, 1863. A third Divi- ruptcy, London, on the 24th day of March, 1868. dend Meeting will be held on the 15th day of April next, at John Howard, of Constitution-place, George-road, Sprows- eleven o clock in the forenoon precisely. ton, in the county of Norfolk, Bricklayer, Plasterer, Builder, and Contractor, before that of Fishgate-street, in At the County Court of Yorkshire, holden at Bradford, the parish of Saint Edmunds, in the city of Norwich, , before the Registrar: carrying on the same businesses, adjudicated bankrupt on Jonathan Grundy Aram, of Bradford, in the county of the 18th day of May, 1866. An Order of Discharge was York, Wheelwright, but now or late a Prisoner for Debt in granted by the Court of Bankruptcy, London, on the 14th York Castle, having been adjudged bankrupt by a Registrar day of February, 1867. of Her Majesty's Court of Bankruptcy for the Leeds District, Joseph Thomas Taylor (sued and committed as William attending at York Castle, on the 20th of July, 1867, and the Taylor), of No. 11, Arthur Mews, Caledonian-road, in the adjudication being directed to be prosecuted at the County county of Middlesex, formerly a Cab Proprietor, afterwards Court of Yorkshire, holden at Bradford. A Dividend Exhibitor of a horse called the Mammoth Horse Samson, Meeting will be held on the 22nd day of April next, at but now Foreman to a Cab Proprietor, adjudicated bankrupt ten o'clock in the forenoon precisely. on the 23rd day of March, 1865. An Order of Discharge William Foxton, of No. 20, Newgate, in the city of York, was granted by the Court of Bankruptcy, London, on the Shoemaker, theretofore of Bradford, in the said county, 29th day of May, 1865. Clogger, having been adjudged bankrupt by the Registrar Henry Painter, of North Petherton, iu the county of of the County Court of Yorkshire, holden at York, at which Somerset, Draper, Grocer, and General-shop Keeper, adju- Court the first meeting of creditors was duly held on the dicated bankrupt on the 24th day of January, 1868. An 26th day of September. 1867, and at which meeting, by a Order of Discharge was granted by the Court of Bank- resolution of the majority in number and value of the ruptcy for the Exeter District, at Exeter, on the 26th day creditors, the proceedings were directed to be transferred to of March, 1868. and henceforth to be prosecuted at the County Court of Yorkshire, holden at Bradford. A Dividend Meeting will John Beal, of Torquay, in the county of Devon, Fish be held on the 22nd day of April next, at ten o'clock in Dealer, previously of No. 29, New-street, Plymouth, Devon, the forenoon precisely. Fish Dealer, adjudicated bankrupt on the 9th day of January, 1858. An Order of Discharge was granted by the Court • James Denby Dean, late of Addingbam, in the county of of Bankruptcy for the Exeter District, at Plymouth, on York, but now of Crag-road, Windhill, near Shipley, in the the 23rd day of March, 1868. said county, Tailor and Draper, adjudicated bankrupt on the 8th day of July, 1867. A Dividend Meeting will be Thomas Scurr, of Darlington, in the county of Durham, held on the 22nd day of April next, at ten o'clock in Joiner, adjudicated bankrupt on the 19th day of February, the forenoon precisely. 1868. An Order of Discharge was granted by the County Tyas Beaumont, residing at No. 32, Belgrave-place, Court of Durham, holden at Darlington, on the 25th day Manningham, in the parish of Bradford, in the county of of March, 1868. York, and lately carrying on business in Westgate, in Thomas Hutchmsou, of Albert Hill, Darlington, in the Bradford aforesaid, as a Coffee and Chicory Roaster, and county of Durham, Grocer and Provision Dealer, adjudicated also as a Chicory and Mustard Dealer, but now out of busi- bankrupt on the 17th of February, 1868. An Order of Dis- ness, adjudicated bankrupt on the 26th day of November, charge was granted by the County Court of Durham, holden 1867. A Dividend Meeting will be held on the 22nd day at Darlington, 25th day of March, 1868. of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon precisely. Shemnel Knapton, of Bourton, in the county of Dorset. Joseph Robinson, of Chapel-street, in Eccleshill, in the Coal Dealer, adjudicated bankrupt on the 15th day of county of York, Cloth Weaver, Debt and Rent Agent, February, 1868. An Order of Discharge was granted by.
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