Ut JL If eaeaeotl rnt' rt m- TP in-t- - rCCUSHED ET l i (a j o! 4.0 100 3MP ,iiirkiin 4 ion 00 is m araw a " im ROBERT CRIEVE & CO. II eVwaoHaeoit ui in 4t 3ko IlTery YVesItiefftln qnarterefOaliami lWtlBO! " Jlorninrr. TMiwarOalamo . ISO UN MMI S K HatfafrUami UN tt OOf UHtOf 9 tt' nm FIVKDOLLAIIS PER ANNUM 1 HWJOH MH l 9nCMnt UHMNIUn t aa ofl3 rATABLE 7.V JIirAXCE. Kr- tactneo Card ah hr yaV aHawH a suteeiat tha ratea.fiftdwl k ara ftir trtnmaf rwrrljn .o:i rvvthfKtet,hta paid charfad tnarterly. fbtrlbr IT. -l Thick leU4'PUsrrfpH. B. All MmbMatt amai artafaetHO Ith U ar vhao rdr4 (a, so nwtf win tail. Ike ratm ere tn taa !. reaiKtaoeo fae Caatarn Aawrieaw or a S arrtlafanta, Ollm In new Gamtto Boil dine, 25 and VOL. XIX.--.N- o. WEDNESlgag. 23. 1884. JWHOLE 1019. eetfMM auiy 1 made hy tut. h0I,eI ! cMf paef Merchant Street. 30.! HONOLULU, JULY No. aa ataap. The Girdle TFHndship tion to playing cards, ancient and modem. Dusintss illttljaniwl Taris. illttljaniml arts. Jnsuraiut ?Totitt3. Jnsnrancc 2Cotkrs. forriQii wliicatUtmtnts. Mie gathered at ber aleridrT watrt Georjre Clulow read a rtaper on this sub Taris. The baaleona be wore . rbe ject establishing, among other things, that DIMOSD CO ll fold a rtdm belt embraced. en co., ED. C ROWE Boston Board of rnderwrltrrj. UNION INSURANCE COMPANY WILLIAMS. ft One d c il tore plaving cards were in existence as far bishop 0 CONFJECTIOIVKRY! BANKERS, Ho m and Sign Painter. Paper Hancr. A GKXTg far tbe llawall-a-- f Shipping and CbdIss1ob IQfrcbi&ts The klrdle , Hi Ieeaiix roni-r- uacK nna gave reasons y-- 107 8 lonflly C BRgBTEKACO. or sax rUA.fctsco. nsi.ui. lor uciiev I LU, jBOly King Street, Ilonotnln - Mill t.ipt the blnlng crn. ing tbem to be of much earlier date. A I I t I1AWAI1AK ISLAND'S J. TO fall fori la Slreef. Sao rnnelca.ly Pot now ner flowing lock It bowod. KU C ('OLEnAal. Ea3VEol:3srE3L3r'- !. A I nitron diadem. remarkable collection of playing DRAW EiciIAOC O rbiUdelpbU Board of rndrrwrilerj. Marliio. " cards, AND MACHINIST 71 Fort St., ftbovs Hotel St., WH. CROSSMAJI ft 3X0, IKEBmOFCUIFOflKlJ, : : SCO. BLACKSMITH jo. Wr turn 1SSS JIM wltl the circlet rre English and foreign, extending luck to mi I Torh, AQBXT3 IIwll IiUadt. INCOBPOnATED, !. .. r: sim Unrte Shoe uff. Carrlfirv C BREWER CO COMMISSION MEROHAKTS, Behold' a rHttnrtsz mui. i.t.'.riinevufcu was iKO THE! ICKTTf If KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND IwwwiM din motto ei tvmurj, vxuiuiieu. riantntlon Jlnehlnrrr. Ar c COOKE, AGENTS IW riMaitWr Tork. itfw .rw York, A f3flT AaMfortment of lh bett Frenck ind CASTLE Mmi, 5w Her BKk'i wtltc epTired 3 Shop on King Street, neit Catle Cooke ly MOiiAr.Fr.n. I DB1aii Qs California, manafjctared r. a. m r.rlh. Ilawalla. Illaadi. JPtfrrrart-Oi- tU A Cooke 4J T Warerfcoot, Van tlocand nel.lbe lMlr.Bcap Dttsmcss tfartis. JOHN NOTT, Undtrwrltrra, fit lye n Prl. ! AUENTofllremeM of UnderWrttm, AJTO The ed R 1 OorLTeoxxoiOLOiTy 3I0XTH XKIT1SH XXXCAHT1LZ Hal muN MESSRS. M. ROTHSCHILD 1 5 CHS,: tlONDOR Importer and Sealer in Store, Ranees. Armt of Vienna Board of Underwriter. Tn In a braceleT Tr"-- jcaTae at rtt&IL, Thelibndiamond, on wrirt. EDWARD PRESTON, The Cnmrarrclal C ( London. Metal-- rnniioiiirvowuf',.rwaeij.'Jiip-- " 9oVr for rale to the tradr.or Clalmi Inioranee Cora pan e within the H. wrSEVEBAKCS, hr Rankin: lioe II, I a;a!tit Jrl Znaurnnoo OoxupAiiy Attorney fuid Law, China are. rractlcat Mectanfcf, Ilonolato. dlc tlon of the abo-r- L'ndenrrl At the rmnd of clutter Conniellor at The Comnimlil Ba&iinc Co. of Sjdncy, ttjdnry. Hoard of ten IUar ur Lo5Do?r aid EDtancnuii IUwiHn Cevnl tsd vu 1 9 It ATV REDUCED joe toiennt jenrsconwi itidc. Kaahnmaaa Strftt, llonolaln r Tl Pai-i- of or Zealand, AacaUntl, and lt ln PRICES! fwcu ritnenn- - to id CtrlMehnrth, Dane-di- and Wellington J. M. OAT & CO SAILMAKERS, ' ALso Estabtlthad 1800. COMMISSION MERCHANT llrparkreelaarln. W. R. CASTLE. la Tbc of Brltlth I'olamUi, rortlind, Loft to A. F. Cooke New t Bnlldlor, foot tbeTbest bbm)s or cnoirE cigirs CAPITAL C 3,000.00 sttCaltforai St 9a(krranclciCaL, IlnLoy l.ala.fwfriend-falr- of naana btrrct, Insurance Tfotico. .993 Boom 4. So part. ATTOIUVBT A!? The Atore and 31 ad Ira '" Aeenmatateil I lr cloven, break and Tall, t Itlacd. JBC1 To be had to the market. and InreiteJ Faad. k7,a !. lo sod NoUry r.blle. Auend. all the Coertj of tbe Mockliolm, Sweden. Uonolaln, II I - A oarowlnjr zone, the c heart SV1 9 Kingdom. ly . WtTER elff-- Varin (Limited) Urea cbtngclea thronch (barn all TheCnartm-dDanL- of London, Aaitralia and China, SS Flaci of atl detcrlptlona made and re paired THE. BUT ICE CREj. J00 I CORDIlli lncannea Camtiatt liil fiiu; I'JIDEItftlUED 1IATR IICCY DR. JORDAN & CO. - reefflTed Inatracttona to nr Cl Kim of la. A ddoIbImI AUK NTS for Iho ttandwlek Olttrr iTt1lt JMmn XV. AUSTIN WIITTING, (Uonckonc), Itrcjt.1.1. my them.- taranco between llonolalnattdronata Ike Taetflcand on raTonbtv king J3 PIONEER STEAM m aho atrdanailheaedlolnnirtanlnatlre ihtit--i rnorrsson. Attorney and Counsellor And transact Urncral ban BatOf. ly lirj IM1I lsnowpreparraioifflna roitcia ai me towett rase. Term niruMn.riri,rrprietrfof C M MiMellaneonft. Bakery with per any part of the 1 9tooe C W O. 5vitb. L. A. THrarros. Candy Manufactory and a rpecfil redaction on frrtint Pteamera tW Rll taken In on nearj or Anatomy W cowftltew fcf TIIBC U UAtlb?, ana nvvan vnirainrc.ana Mnrninai-- )!iwrq leuer offl(t3tiaearyp..5anrIeK SMITH & THURSTON. P.XZORIU If AcentRrtt (or Mar In.Co . LimlteJ In. Dire arc Hoave and Fnrnltnre, Ttmver, Coal.in l on th K1D3XT, LO tia What maintains one vice would bring 1 Practical CeleUoBr, Futry Cook and Bakar. D. LANE'S alirrnla. , No. Kanlinmanii slfeet.Hono'iila JT ynmna Fort, g ly . Ship In Mrbo wnk oewlthet eanroe or nndet repair MKHOOIt. KKwIXAL WEAKX--- np two children. ATTORN EYS AT LAW. ?T ?I Hotel (treet.between and IIA711IIIRf.-II- x. a co.. ntKK'.iE'aOrTIIE SKIS. AJQ ALL. PC 8 Mmhant Sl II I. tf iiiU'.JJi:. norrsciiLAKOKK The public debt of New Yorl. was re- j ii. t ii i itm:! ji. i. i & CO, Ki Areata for the Hawaiian I land l DISEASES Of HEX nental Boomt on Fort i,Streat, i; z. iiiTciic'tici-i.- J. EMMELUTH FIEE INSURANCE COMPANY. duced $51)5,000 daring the year, and is BrewerV.E'ock, Tort (trert. No 5 Kanaan Street. fr A BOOK SETT 05 RICIIPT 07 Offce In eonier llotelaad ATT0HNEY AT LAW, HILO, HAWAII. ap- mi now $9216,000. tta LntMpce. Motel street. Stores runrawitiXEi n - ly 931 Bllla promplly col Iff led 1j Tinsmitkt and PlumDers. Dealers In rviKM. pointed AsentJ of the aboreivnutompony,ntciare pre New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. ta as cettm. tr Ranees. Tin. Sheet Iron and Copper Wire, keep too In a game of cartls a good deal depends .1. a. .. - pared to Inf ore iik a;alnt Croon Atnnr and Ilrlek ci.i:;iioit. A. r tanlly on hand s fall tiMnraeniof Tinware, OalTje- MerehrajtllM-tore- on DH. CHlOHOQTliE. on good de- laroKTXR. d II. iiacui'i:i,i CO., npe. India Rubber Hove, Ac, Ac naildlarv.aiidoa thereio, 0rOST0.MA J. COLUS BROWNE'S rood playing, nnd playing btuxns iv OENEKAL COMU1&8IOB AOEHTS, lzed Iron and Lead pends good inn ly latCOttPORArCDi 1S3S. THE USIGI7AL and OEXtlXC on a deal. G ouoral S Qncca I Jj tiLT and KaaaamaPB Street. ly tff, TV. LAWRENCE, Moses will bo 1C Comer Qoeen R. HAMBURC-MACDEBUn- C Oldttt Pmrtly Mutual Co Adetc bt taealM -- wt.a to obtala . Sir Montefiore a hnndred HASSINGER, 7 Lift tturac in ft years 2, 1&S4, if bo enr JNO A. c w n. jk o r o n. tht United Slates rreehlwf fre from bendach. nllfritowpaisaaw old on October JIIIO II. I'ATV. Acent to tavka Acloitrwle(Iczniita to Con o Xwtab, t earn and aaanarc tbo weary aaHti of Tires. KOTART rUBLIC and C0MXIS3I05EB of CODS riant and mitest Fvrnlthed for Works of Con FIEE IN3UEANCE COMPANY, protraclvw th He is in excellent health trmcts TtmboT. dieea, lavlforata iftTO ardla. Fur the Stale, of California and 2ew V ork office at for atrqcUon OP HAMBUni) Tolitiet Isavtd Ut ntit fa'Utbla Tcrau. reffwhto tba elrewlattn yiem of U yo .!Ul Neither a borrower Dor a lender be. Interior Ofllc-f- Hon lain. Mr, Ibe flank of ElMiop Je Collonolaln. IWJ ly Ti It k3S2-J5?A2- , peoeMo yenraelf wttb tba. marveUoaa remedy dtn For loan often tawft ilaell nnd Ineed; Civil Englnooringand Surveying Csaaapli r ?faFweflwr dbylr J ! Iwow (law Army 8laaT t F. T. LENEHAN & COn Machinery U- tbe nam of nnd Aim borrowing doll Urn edge of husbandry. a. TtlRSaad Inmred aRalnat Tire o IN3CRKD AQC.S waltih be na. inLUBUDTTIX, " 7 fitaliMyirerr. Caammlsaion E nort favocakl terma. la adBUtttaj by tbe proreaf to M IB moat vbndc'll :. Impoxters and OTffiK-!4i5iRBL- WORKS. PLA5t . COMMISSION MERCHANTS Ml Nanann Street. Ilonolola A. JAE4.KB.Arei.lfof theHawatlao liUnd. and TahubM remtdy eett dUeor-ere- Women Lave a right to crare boanty at and Hay, Grain, and F. O BOX IOI OTOlT t Aaanal pre mlnra contlnne iollcy t yan J day And Itsoorleri of Pealeara lu isoFonTSTnRtrr. SAnsnalprenmlameetintlaao 4 year Mdaya uniXIRODTXKl the lrMnmedy known IV C General lTodoee. Iloaolalo. 11 cariivt1.ht. rliry fC(j. co., ST any price, einco beauty is the only merit i a.
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