EXTRACT FROM . the grand canon A WORLDWIDE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GRAND CANYON AND LOWER COLORADO RIVER REGIONS in the United States and Mexico 1535–2018 90, 0 0 0 CATEGORIZED AND AUGM ENTED CITATIONS OF PUBLICATIONS FROM AROUND THE WORLD IN 95 LANGUAGES WITH EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION EARLE E. SPAMER RAVEN’S PERCH MEDIA PHILADELPHIA 2019 1535 The Grand Canon 2018 Copyright © 2019 Earle E. Spamer Raven’s Perch Media Philadelphia, Pennsylvania EXTRACT RETRIEVED FROM https://ravensperch.org A Raven’s Perch Digital Production PDF USERS TAKE NOTE : HYPERLINKS TO OTHER SECTIONS OR CITATIONS WITHIN THIS EXTRACT ARE ACTIVE HYPERLINKS TO EXTERNAL SOURCES (ON THE WEB) ARE ACTIVE HYPERLINKS TO OTHER PARTS OF The Grand Canon COMPLETE VOLUME ARE NOT ACTIVE BECAUSE YOU ARE USING ONLY AN EXTRACTED PART (use the complete PDF volume to utilize these links) THE BIBLIOGRAPHY ALSO CONTAINS A FEW PUBLICATIONS DATED 2019 THAT WERE AVAILABLE IN DECEMBER 2018–JANUARY 2019 The Grand Canon, produced in digital format, renews and updates the monographic presentation of out-of-print inkprint editions of the Bibliography of the Grand Canyon and the Lower Colorado River by Earle E. Spamer (Grand Canyon Natural History Association, 1981, 1990, 1993). It complements but significantly elaborates upon on the online, searchable database (www.grandcanyonbiblio.org) sponsored by the Grand Canyon Association 2000–2019 (since 2018 the Grand Canyon Conservancy). The bibliography presented in The Grand Canon is the definitive version. This is not a commercial product and is not distributed by sale. The author receives no remuneration or services for the preparation or distribution of this product. Neither the Grand Canyon Conservancy, the National Park Service, nor any of the bibliographical contributors, are in any way responsible for the production or distribution of this work. Citations or remarks that mention ®Registered Trademarks, ™Trademarks, SMService Marks, or other protected names and identifiers are not here endorsements of those products or services. The inclusion of a citation in this work documents only its existence; views expressed therein do not necessarily represent the views of the author or any of the bibliographical contributors. Quotations from works are made as critical analyses for bibliographical identification, to corroborate and elucidate for users the pertinence of the cited work to the bibliography or to confirm subject placement within the scope of this work, and as aids for users to identify the whole of a published work that may be pertinent to their work or interests. Ascertaining the availability or accessibility of cited items is the responsibility of the user. This publication is produced in a searchable-text PDF format, which requires the use of the free Adobe™ Acrobat™ Reader. It is designed as a book for screen viewing or printing. To view it in book format with opposing pages, use the appropriate viewing mode of the PDF software so that odd-numbered pages appear on the right. As is customary with PDFs any page may be reduced or enlarged without degrading text or original image quality. GO TO NAVIGATION PAGE PURPOSE, ADMINISTRATIVE CONTEXT, AANNDD UUTTIILLIITTYY OOFF TTHHIISS WWOORRKK TTHHEE GGRRAANNDD CCAANNOONN General Remarks Purpose and Audience Administrative Context and Perspectives Utility of This Work Summary General Remarks Departing from its scholastic foundation as a plain bibliog- raphy, THE GRAND CANON is a documentary on its subject matter. It addresses researchers as always, but now it also purposely beckons to a broad spectrum of administrators, resource managers, public-issues advocates, and avocational users. It can be used also to produce further works of use to these people and organizations, whether more narrowlly focused or more ambitious. This is a canon of the worldwide work of individuals, organizations, and official agencies that relates to the Grand Canyon and the lower Colorado River regions. In addition to its original academic uses, it is directed now also to non-academic administrative and derivitive uses; it is no longer simply a list of past publications. Introductory material and essays explain the process of creating and using a bibliography, viewing THE GRAND CANON, and bibliographies in general, from historical and functional perspectives. This work includes an appendix to list the exhaustive results of investigation into published and web-based works that have borrowed the term, “Grand Canyon”; that is, how the term has been applied to other localities on earth and other worlds and as used casually and formally in analogy, metaphor, and neological constructs. Citations herein are source documentation for official activities, investigative and administrative projects, scholarly studies, activities of private organizations and public institutions, travel and other general pursuits by individuals; as well as personal reports, reflection, and opinion. The citations identify official records, items of directed research and investigations, and things for casual reading. Within 32 subject 1535 The Grand Canon 2018 PURPOSE, ADMINISTRATIVE CONTEXT, AND UTILITY OF THIS WORK areas the citations embrace productions created worldwide in 95 languages. They address general and specific subjects including history, biography, and geography; social, natural, physical, and environmental sciences; engineering projects and water management; administrative oversight; legislative and judicial affairs; concerns of public-interest and special-advocacy organizations; and the interests and activities of Indigenous peoples. It is the humanities that comprise the greatest number of publi- cations—including but not limited to history, biography, literature (memoirs, essays, fiction, verse, and so on, including works for and by youth and young adults), visual and performing arts, philosophy, and religion; and works of analysis, criticism, and speculation. Publications are in inkprint, special media for the visually impaired, and audio, audio-visual and digital media. Cited items include all reading age groups and levels of education. THE GRAND CANON serves current needs for documenting and assessing work published about activities and resources within the geographical area it covers. It provides the base material by which more in-depth and customized lists may be constructed, as well as providing the foundation for value-added productions and critical overviews. Geographically, the items listed herein focus first on the physiographic Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, covering some 2,400 square miles in Arizona, adding to it extensive adjacent lands.9 Although a few citations pertain to extreme southern Utah, they pragmatically or historically relate to adjacent land in the Arizona Strip, which this bibliography embraces. The second geographical focus of the bibliography is the corridor formed by the lower Colorado River region from the mouth of the Grand Canyon, and the lower ends of the Virgin and Muddy River basins, to the sea. The river corridor–proper in the area covered by this work passes along some 800 miles— beginning in Glen Canyon below Glen Canyon Dam, through the lengths of Marble and Grand Canyons, then drifting through several dam-impounded lakes that straddle the boundaries of Arizona, Nevada and California, finally trickling out to sea in the river’s delta, now virtually dry, in the Gulf of California astride the Baja California– Sonora boundary in Mexico. Coverage in the bibliography also includes the dams erected in the Colorado River below Grand Canyon (with particular attention to Hoover Dam), their appurtenant works, and the plans for dams that were to be built in the midst of Marble and Grand Canyons. Coverage also spreads onto lands adjacent to the river, reaches into the tendrils of aqueducts built to quench desert farms and cities, and detours down into the ancient Salton Sink below sea level in desert California that has periodically for ages refilled naturally from Colorado River overflows, and most recently, dramatically, by an accidental breach of the Colorado’s man-made 9 See the map on FRONTISPIECE ONE that delineates the area covered by this bibliography. INTRODUCTION 18 1535 The Grand Canon 2018 PURPOSE, ADMINISTRATIVE CONTEXT, AND UTILITY OF THIS WORK canalworks that remained open for nearly two years in the early 1900s, creating the present Salton Sea. There are good reasons to embrace both the Grand Canyon and the extended lower Colorado River from Glen Canyon Dam to the sea, a region whose parts may be seen as topographically, geologically, ecologically, climatically, culturally, and politi- cally dissimilar. In fact, their human histories ever since prehistoric times and, in written records from the time since the Spanish incursions of the mid-1500s, are entwined. Their natural histories overlap in numerous ways, too, particularly the recent geological history of the Colorado River even though it flows across two distinctly different physiographical provinces of North America. One can investigate one part of the region without having to attend to things that pertain to another area, but complex interrelations reveal themselves as one refocuses broadly or when the region is viewed from multidisciplinary perspectives. To thematically separate the lower Colorado River from the Grand Canyon is done easily; the historical and cultural separation, though, is less well defined; geologically and environmentally, even more so. To separate Glen Canyon Dam from
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