![French Town Hit By.Wall of Water;](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
. 3 > n i £ Q e D e a t h Scoreboard • FINAL EDITION ’’t i m y ’ 1“ n z i m •jy Valley. »«.... « M m o Vrilcy. i »»— m A Regloiml Newspapa ServtaK Nine Irrlgalcd Idaho Countlts M*mb«r ot Auillt tluttau «t CIrcuUtkni PBICE 6 CENTS TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 3.1959 ^ Auocltlvd F n tt «»«l Unliwi I'm i ItiUrmlloBtl friday O pening for N ew 3roadcasters{ French Town Hit Local Store Is Portion of M ust T ell A ny By.Wall of Water; M uch Business A ctivity U se of Payola nppning of n new 8t__ _ •y*8 ^ Eighty-Eight Center. —136 - ____Main __nv' __ 'fprip'rnl . r’ia part of considcroblo business activity here. The activity includes new builil- tionH commission today ordered every broadcasting station movement of old businesaes to new locations and considerable remodeling. Tlie in the country to . report promptly whether any payoln • tf ’atore'i opening Friday is occupying the space formerly used by the Wilson Bates practice has figured in its operations during the past year. FBEJUS, France, Dec. 3 (UPI)—The fivc-ycnr-old Malpasset dam burst apart last ".Iniinnee store which moved recently to its new location at 702 Main avenue north. The directivc went out to 5,236 stations. It covers both night and early today, sending a wall of water raging down on this sleepy Riviera MJ t t thrcs »C0k8 afo, Pat- ' commercial and educational town, leaving behind possibly more than 300 dend. The French press said there were ..«nn'<j ahoe store held t outlets in the standard ra­ 500 dend and misHlng. Late this evening, the government announced the official death ^ n d opening a t 150 Main Grand Champ Sells for $22,356 dio, FM radio and television toll was 270, with about 50 missing, 60 injured and 10 hospitalized. The -death, toll ,«nue north, a fte r moving fields. ---------------------------------- soared by the hour amid from 161 Main avenue east. Tlie FCC order requires that the scenes of tragedy and dev­ woman's clominB stations file sworn aiatemenis no astation as nightfall ap­ avenue north re* later thnn Jan. 4. covering sta Texas Bank Closes, fS^pleU on of » remoddlng Uon operations since Nov. 1, 10S8 proached again after a day S t e f w r the front o f th e buJM* Paj-oln Is a term covering pay of frantic search by thous­ an enlarged display mencs (or promoting records. ands of soldiers and civil­ 5 ^ A new entrance Officials snid the object of to­ $340,000 Embezzled ians. day's order Is to troce down tin Ss S m on the alley. TENAHA. Tex,, Dec. 3 (in»D—The First Slate Dank of Tenaha So cataclysmic was the daniagt. “X to the 100 block or Main handling of "sneaky commerclaLV —plugs on the air which are paid failed to open today and bank officials Issued a statement saying however, that the' exact count north. WJIUams sh o e sto ro never may be known, for It.waa ‘ f f i u unoJflcUl opening T h u ri- for but not so Identified. The assistant cashier was Clifford Gary, 35, who Is married and T he officials noted th a t the Ped< has two children. Authorities said he admllted embeallng the feared that scores of bodies olgbt. rrBorning In the old Roxy have been fwcpt out to sea by-tha building which has been eral Communications act specific­ m oney to pul Into the Ociry C onstruction company, which he owns. ally requires that all matter pu The First State Bonk-ls a relatively small bftnk-lls loUi deposit# W-miUlon-ton juggernaut of water: SStffoTMra# ume. Bonald W. from the destroyed dam. O t a m manager, aaya the atore on the air for which a remunera­ a of Oct. 0 were «6S3AS7.M—and G ary handled the books. ' tion ha.1 been paid to anyone m ust Gary was being questioned by FBI agents. of others uy under tona o i m in i JflboM a grand open/ng n e x t Tenaha'ls a town.of about IWO persons In Shelby county In east and ooxlng m ud. front and interior ot the be Identified os a commerdal. Regional-PrefeeV Jean KouUei,:- Pennltles for violations could Texas. The bank Is the only one In town. It was established In 1906 were remodeled during by Luke Motley, who Is now chnlrmon of the board. Jack Motley Is in charge of the masalTe resc '.e STMit three weeks In prepor*- range from a commission repri­ operaUon, said 1«0 bodJea mand to a license revocation pro> h is io n and president of the bank. iMtotheihoe'store's move from The sljortage was discovered yesterday by examiners of the FMcral been counted at Ftejus to A 15 S^ShMhone street cost, the F I- ceedlng. In addition, the Commu­ more at the neighboring hamlet of nications act provides for crim­ Doposlt Insurance corporation. A short while iBWr, the banks b o ^ i^lTlTiUonat bank building,. of directors declared the bank Insolvent and turned It over to the Puget-Sur-Argens whero d e ^ c - At 1« Bhoihone stre e t east, T h e inal penultles up to 110.000 fine Uon was eitensive but not so wid*- ior one year Imprisonment, or both hnwiring commissioner of Texas for liquidation. vtfoa alllUated Tuesday w ith C u - Oary Is a native of Tenaho. BealdenU said he was a mlld-mw- for "willful'' vIolaUona of any of ncred man ond a “good provider" w ith a formerly excellent repuUUon. “’There was a report that the its sections. - - vUlage of Balnt Raphael also bad The new PCC action growing recelTed heavy-.damage. wit rm t-. out of investigations Inlo rlgsec ed Pfess International Coropond- SSfool Grower TV qulE shows, paymenu to disc Bellwood Resigns as ent Robert Ahler rushed to-the Jockeys to plug records, and hon­ scene and reported that It had esty In TV advertising, precedes escapM th e flood. Group Backs hearings th e FCO will begin Mon­ PresldentrOharlu de Oaulle, in day on Its powers to regulate the District Court Judge a BatloQWide radio broadcast, content of broadcast programs. termed the dam bunt_a castas- Higher T^ iff RUPERT, Dec. 3— Judge Sherm an Bellwood announc­ trophe and asked aU Treachmen ed Wednesday he is resigning as 11th judicial district •■to heltf.thoii In need." ___, WABHINOTON, Dec. 3 WV-Wool Johnson reaUoranU. Uoldlng the ateec U Bay Maasa. 21. wbe raised "BUok JeweL" For tho«e later- U. 8 .'mUtsity forces In Aanee pw» yeitenlay Jolnrt wor’- estod, tha price of the ateer flgarea out to gtI.W.per pound. (NEA teUpholo)_________________ No Trees judge effective Jan 4. Judge Bellwood said he Is resigning and tba MMlteiTannn a m Join­ ^ wonKd manufactufcrs Christmas trees for cutting by for “personal reasons,” and would not elaborate. He In­ ed in.,the leaoua^effort with the ^eidlnf for higher ta riffs Individuals or families in the dicated he may give'a statement concerning the resigna­ U. 8. BSPfir wporting ^ u- fru'tm Imports of these lab- Sawtooth NaUonal forest are tion at a later date. He said he did not have any plans signed -Mren shloa Iro n tba rixt& Idaho Wheat Growers Call for not ovalloble, according to J. L. :fl1et W^Mmd- b f oft -the.R ench Ibe past two days the tariff Sevy. forest supervisor. for the immediate future. Judge Bellwood was oppointed coart' to otfep-asaUtaa^ ; .. ■ u d committee on reel- He said personnel of the for­ aa d istrict judge on July 3, 1957,' by Gov. Robert E.- mfflrwfonnoUon-havB-hcard e st have received m any req,uests Smylle. to fill the llth judl^ ^ (8 s ^ by domesUe producen — Practical Food for Peace Plan for permits for Chrlstmu ifees clal judgeship vacated by thtnent tariffs ana tariff quo* BOISE, Dec. 3 {^V-The Idaho Wheat Growers association, called yesterday for en­ to be cut and brought bnhiby tuiari inadequate protecUon. families. ’-f the death of Judge Robert Progress of Russia Iti cCBimlsslon is considering actment of "a practical food loir peace plan” to aid In disposing of this nation’s wheat The forest U not Issuing per­ W. Beckwith. Imports have tn jo re d or surplus and to provide food for hungry people. The assodation, in a resolution ap­ mits for Jndlvidual Chmtritos Beliwood'was bom at Sugar City ttraia Injury to th e home In - proved a t the final session of its anno&l three-day convention, said th a t “various food trees„ because_ „the only- . - In 1SI7. He gradua^d from the Mjrnlllelent to w arrant an es> U niversity of Idaho ;1u: JB38 .a n d _ In Be^ % g ^ ® ^ ^ d im proceeding -looking to< for peace.filansrappear.to offer.op]Vi^nity'> ,exp.an^,,demand .for wheat, in oreaa SSum “K i r received hUrlair<4kfi»eMn l04t n rf further im port restrictioas. --------------------------^^^not npw using wlieai « ofeas BBd roadside xonea a lo itf at the Uaittralty of. Michigan. He m OU 1* taking tc^r»»> . tn fo r hum an food." In- addl- main *>ads .wiwe 'timber ctsC then Joined the army, and served cMBDpEstfoo ot a re n e so tla tio a of tlon; it i» Id /8 u ch ap la n ^of- tinr cannot be'done, Sery afdd. aa. a captain In'the PacUio theater. «oolcD<TCa(ed tariffs.
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