living species, each of which had a slightly more advanced version of an eye. Behe’s Jerry A. Coyne novelty was to extend this argument to complex biochemical pathways, the evo- THE GREAT MUTATOR lution of many of which we do not yet fully understand. It was in the complexity of metabolism, blood clotting, and immu- THE EDGE OF EVOLUTION: this disclaimer is perfectly understand- nology that Behe claimed to have found THE SEARCH FOR THE LIMITS able. For in this department resides Mi- the hand of the Great Designer. OF DARWINISM chael Behe—that rara avis, a genuine The reviews of Darwin’s Black Box in By Michael J. Behe biologist who is also an advocate of “in- the scientific community were uniformly (Free Press, 320 pp., $28) telligent design.” And Lehigh University negative, for two reasons. First, we do does not wish to lose prospective stu- understand something about how these I. dents who bridle at the thought of study- pathways might have evolved in stepwise rowsing the websites of dif- ing miracles in their science courses. fashion, though we are as yet admittedly ferent colleges, a prospective Intelligent design, or ID, is a modern ignorant of many details. (It is harder to biology student finds an un- form of creationism cleverly constructed reconstruct the evolution of biochemi- usual statement on the page of to circumvent the many court decisions cal pathways than the evolution of or- the Department of Biological that have banned, on First Amendment ganisms themselves, because, unlike Sciences at Lehigh University. It begins: grounds, the teaching of religious views organisms, these pathways do not fos- B in the science classroom. ID has shed silize, and so their evolution must be re- The faculty in the department of many of the trappings that once cost constructed entirely from living species.) biological sciences is committed to the creationists scientific and legal credibil- Second, in the scientific community a highest standards of scientific integ- ity, including explicit reference to God failure to understand something does rity and academic function. This com- and the ludicrous idea that the Earth is not automatically count as evidence for mitment carries with it unwavering only about ten thousand years old. In- divine creation. Science is littered with support for academic freedom and the stead, God has been replaced by an un- once-mysterious facts first imputed to free exchange of ideas. It also demands specified “intelligent designer.” Besides God and later found out to be explicable the utmost respect for the scientific making the usual shopworn criticisms solely through natural processes. This, in method, integrity in the conduct of re- of evolutionary theory, IDers contend fact, is what Darwin’s theory of natural search, and recognition that the valid- that some features of life are too com- selection did to the earlier idea that or- ity of any scientific model comes only plex to have evolved, and so required ce- ganisms were designed by a Creator. as a result of rational hypothesis test- lestial intervention. More damaging than the scientific crit- ing, sound experimentation, and find- Behe has been an especially valuable icisms of Behe’s work was the review that ings that can be replicated by others. ally of the IDers. Not only is he one of he got in 2005 from Judge John E. Jones the few working scientists in their camp III. After an ID textbook called Of Pan- So far, so good. After all, every science (he is a protein biochemist), thus giving das and People was proposed for biology department should adhere to rigorous them a smidgen of scientific respectabil- classes at a high school in Dover, Penn- canons of research. But then comes a ity, but in 1996 he published Darwin’s sylvania, a group of local parents brought curious disclaimer: Black Box, a popular-science book that suit against the Dover Area School Dis- has become something of a manifesto for trict and some of its members. There fol- The department faculty, then, are “intelligent design.” In that book, Behe up- lowed a six-week trial in federal court unequivocal in their support of evo- dated an old creationist chestnut: the as- in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, with the lutionary theory, which has its roots sertion that some aspects of life could not plaintiffs supported by the ACLU and a in the seminal work of Charles Darwin have evolved by means of natural selec- Pennsylvania law firm, and the school dis- and has been supported by findings tion, because that evolution would have trict defended by a right-wing Christian accumulated over 140 years. The sole required untenable steps. Consider the law firm. The case of Kitzmiller et al. v. dissenter from this position, Prof. eye, which consists of a number of inter- Dover Area School District et al., dubbed Michael Behe, is a well-known propo- acting parts (such as the retina, the optic by some “the Scopes trial of our cen- nent of “intelligent design.” While we nerve, the lens, and the cornea) that work tury,” included luminaries from both the respect Prof. Behe’s right to express together to allow vision. How could such scientific camp and the ID camp battling his views, they are his alone and are in a complex feature have evolved gradually it out in front of Judge Jones. With his sci- no way endorsed by the department. if it could not work unless all its com- entific credentials, Behe was the key wit- It is our collective position that intelli- ponents were already in place? Such ness for the defense. gent design has no basis in science, has features, said Behe, are “irreducibly com- Jones’s 139-page verdict for the plain- not been tested experimentally, and plex”: their evolution supposedly cannot tiffs was eloquent, strong, and unequivo- should not be regarded as scientific. be reduced to a sequential series of adap- cal, especially coming from a churchgoing tive steps, as required by Darwinian nat- Republican. He ruled that “intelligent de- To my knowledge, such a statement is ural selection. sign” is not only unscientific, but a doc- unique. Biology departments do not cus- Well, scientists already knew that “irre- trine based firmly on religion. Jones called tomarily assert publicly that they support ducibly complex” features can indeed be the introduction of the clandestinely cre- a theory known for more than a century explained by natural selection; and Dar- to be true. This is equivalent to a chem- win himself had no trouble doing this for Jerry A. Coyne is a professor in the depart- istry faculty announcing that “we are un- the eye in On the Origin of Species, de- ment of ecology and evolution at the Uni- equivocal in our support of atoms.” Yet scribing a series of perfectly well-adapted versity of Chicago. 38 June 18, 2007 The New Republic ationist textbook at Dover High School biology accepted, what’s left for a good n the basis of much evidence, an act of “breathtaking inanity.” He also IDer to contest? Behe finds his bugbear scientists have concluded that found Behe’s testimony wholly uncon- in evolutionary theory’s view that “ran- mutations occur randomly. The vincing, noting that irreducible complex- dom mutation” provides the raw material Oterm “random” here has a specific mean- ity was not evidence against evolution, for evolutionary change. And to under- ing that is often misunderstood, even by and that the biochemical systems touted stand his critique, we first have to grasp biologists. What we mean is that muta- by Behe were not irreducibly complex how mutation fits into evolutionary the- tions occur irrespective of whether they anyway. Behe’s credibility was damaged ory, and what scientists mean when they would be useful to the organism. Mu- also by his admission that ID’s definition say that mutations are “random.” tations are simply errors in DNA rep- of science was so loose that it could en- If evolution is a car, then natural se- lication. Most of them are harmful or compass astrology, and by his fatal asser- lection is the engine and mutation is the neutral, but a few of them can turn out tion that the plausibility of the argument gas. Although evolutionary change can to be useful. And there is no known bi- for ID depends upon the extent to which be driven by several processes, natural ological mechanism for jacking up the one believes in the existence of God. selection is almost certainly the main probability that a mutation will meet the But IDers, like all creationists, are one—and the only one that can adapt current adaptive needs of the organism. never down for the count, because they organisms to their environment, creat- Bears adapting to snowy terrain will not see themselves as fighting for the Lord. ing the misleading appearance of delib- enjoy a higher probability of getting mu- So Behe is back now, with a new book erate design. Yet natural selection, which tations producing lighter coats than will and a brand-new theory that puts the is simply the preservation of genes that bears inhabiting non-snowy terrain. Intelligent Designer back into biology. give their possessors greater reproduc- What we do not mean by “random” What has Behe now found to resurrect tive success than their competitors, can- is that all genes are equally likely to his campaign for ID? It’s rather pathetic, not take place without genetic variation. mutate (some are more mutable than really. Basically, he now admits that al- Although Darwin had no idea where this others) or that all mutations are equally most the entire edifice of evolutionary variation came from, we now know that likely (some types of DNA change are theory is true: evolution, natural selec- it is produced by mutation—acciden- more common than others).
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