THEAAO ·~ A Publication of the American Academy of Osteopathy VOLUME 9 NUMBER 3 FALL 1999 Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment and Meniere's Syndrome ... see page 21 ◄ AAO's CME Calendar American Academy of Osteopathy® 3500 DePauw Boulevard, Suite 1080 Indianapolis, IN 46268-1136 Phone: (317) 879-1881 or FAX: (317)879-0563 ---- - - - -- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - September 11-13 August 22-25 (Wed PM thru Sat AM) Myofascial Release 17-20 OMTUpdate Holiday Inn Airport OMTUpdate Indianapoli Contemporary Hotel s, IN Contemporary Hotel Hours: 20 Category Orlando, FL lA Buena Vista, FL Hours: 23 Category lA Hours: 23 Category lA March October 20-22 25-27 1-3 Visceral Manipulation/Manual Visceral Manipulation/Abdominal/GI Stimulated Ligament Reconstruction Thermal Diagnosis Holiday Inn Airport ( Prolotherapy) Renaissance Cleveland Hotel Indianapolis, IN Cleve UNECOM land, OH Hours: 24 Category lA Biddeford, ME Hours: 24 Category I A Hours: 20 Category lA 23-26 September 13-15 24-28 2000 Annual Convocation Therapeutic Exercise with OMT AOAIAAO Convention American Academy ofOst eopathy Holiday Inn Airport Moscone Convention Center Renaissance Cleveland Hotel Indianapolis, IN San Francisco, CA Cleveland, OH Hours: 30+ Category IA Hours: 20 Category lA November 16-17 12-14 April Advanced Percussion Vibrator Introduction to OMT/Soft tissue/ 28-30 Holiday Inn Airport Articulatory Techniques Muscle Energy Tutorial Indianapolis, JN COMP Hilton Head, SC Hours: 14 Category lA Pomona, CA Hours: 20 Category lA Hours: 20 Category IA May October December 12-14 13-15 10-12 Stimulated Ligament Reconstruction/ Stimulated Ligament Reconstruction/ Visceral Manip. (Abdominal/GI) Above the Diaphragm (Prolotherapy) Below the Diaphragm (Prolotherapy) Holiday Inn Express UNECOM UNECOM Phoenix, AZ Biddeford, ME Biddeford, ME Hours: 24 Category IA Hours: 20 Category I A Hours: 20 Category IA January,2000 June October 29-November 2 AOA/AAO Convention 20-23 14-16 Orlando, FL Introduction to OMTIHVLA Dx and Tx ofLow Back Pain Sanibel Harbour Resort Location TBD Florida Hours: 20 Category IA December Hours: 23 Category IA 1-3 July Visceral Manipulation/Thorax/Dura February 14-16 Holiday Inn Airport 10-11 Alleviation of Common, Chronic Pain Indianapolis, IN Facilitated Positional Release by Optimization of Posture Hours: 24 Category 1A Holiday Inn Airport OSUCOM Indianapolis, IN Tulsa, OK Hours: 12 Category IA Hours: 20 Category IA 2/AAO Journal Fall 1999 A. American® Academy of Osteopathy 3500 DePauw Boulevard Suite 1080 Indianapolis, IN 46268-1136 (317) 879-1881 The mission of the American Academy of' Osteopathy is to teach, advocate, FAX (31 7) 879-0563 advance, explore, and research the science and art of osteopathic medicine, emphasizing osteopathic principles, philosophy, palpatory diagnosis and osteopathic manipulative treatment in total health care. 1999-2000 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Editorial Section President Mark S. Cantieri, DO, FAAO From the Editor .................................................................................................. 5 by Raymond J. Hruby, DO, FAAO President Elect John M. Jones, DO, III Message from the President .............................................................................. 6 by Mark S. Cantieri, DO, FAAO Immediate Past President Melicien A. Tettambel, DO, FAAO Message from the Executive Director ............................................................... 7 by Stephen J. Noone, CAE Secretary-Treasurer Anthony G. Chila, DO, FAAO Affiliated organization's CME Calendar ........................................................... 8 Five tips for year-end giving .... ......................................................................... 9 Trustee Stephen D. Blood, DO, FAAO From the AOBSPOMM Files: Case study: Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment of an 8-year-old child born with anoxia ......................................... 10 Trustee Boyd R. Buser, DO by Mary Anne Morelli, DO Letter to A.T. Still .................................................................... ........................ 13 Trustee Dennis J. Dowling, DO, FAAO by Raymond J. Hruby, DO, FAAO Letters to the Editor ......................................................................................... 14 Trustee John C. Glover, DO David N. Grimshaw, DO; Robert Kidd, MD, CM; Richard C. MacDonald, DO; Dale E. A/sager, DO, PhD; John Ricke/man, Jr., MS-IV, KCOM Trustee Ann L. Habenicht, DO, FAAO Health services research: Evidenced-based medicine and the AAO five-year strategy .............................................................................. 16 Trustee Hollis H. King, DO, PhD, FAAO by Albert F. Kelso, PhD and Deborah M. Heath, DO From the Archives: Philosophy of Osteopathy, pages 260-262 ....................... 17 Executive Director Stephen J. Noone, CAE Studenfs Corner: case study: Low back pain in pregnancy .... ........................ 18 by Kevin M. Gallagher, MS-III Editorial Staff Peer-Reviewed Section Editor-in-Chief ..... Raymond J. Hruby, DO, FAAO Meniere's syndrome resulting from multiple traumatic brain injury: Two case studies .............................................................................................. 21 Supervising Editor ............. Stephen J. Noone,CAE by Wesley C. Lockhart, DO Editorial Board ..................... Barbara J. Briner, DO Perspectives: An overview of support for osteopathy in the cranial field ....... 25 Anthony G. Chila, DO, FAAO by Michael L. Kuchera, DO, FAAO James M. Norton, PhD A review of the principles of William G. Sutherland's general techniques ..... 32 Frank H. Willard, PhD by William J. Golden, DO Managing Editor ............................ Diana L. Finley The AAO Journal is the official quarterly publication of the Am~ri­ can Academy of Osteopathy, 3500 DePauw Blvd., Suite 1080, In­ dianapolis, Indiana, 46268-l l36. Phone: 3 l 7-879-1881; FAX: (317) 879-0563; e-mail [email protected]; AAO Website: http.// Advertising Rates for the AAO Journal Advertising Rates· SizLJJ.UJ2;. www.aao.medguide.net Full page S600 placed (1 ) time 7 1/2 x 9 112 An Official Publication S575 placed (2) times Tirird-cla.ss postage paid at Carmel, .IN. 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Notification of acceptance or rejection Abstract medicine. It is directed toward osteopathic usually is given within three months after re­ Provide a 150-word abstract that summarizes physicians, students, interns and residents ceipt of the paper; publication follows as soon the main points of the paper and it's and particularly toward those physicians with as possible thereafter, depending upon the conclusions. a special interest in osteopathic manipulative backlog of papers. Some papers may be re­ treatment. jected because of duplication of subject mat­ Illustrations ter or the need to establish priorities on the I. Be sure that illustrations submitted are The AAO Journal welcomes contributions in use of limited space. clearly labeled. the following categories: Requirements 2. Photos should be submitted as 5" x 7" Orii:inal Contributions for manuscript submission: glossy black and white prints with high con­ Clinical or applied research, or basic science trast. 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