LATVIJAS REPUBLIKAS PATENTU VALDE PATENT OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA GADA PÅRSKATS ANNUAL REPORT 2000–2001 LATVIJAS REPUBLIKAS PATENTU VALDE PATENT OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA GADA PÅRSKATS ANNUAL REPORT 2000–2001 LATVIJAS REPUBLIKAS PATENTU VALDE Citadeles iela 7/70 Rîga, LV-1010 a/k 824 LATVIJA Sagatavots un iespiests: a/s “Preses nams” poligråfijas grupa Jåña séta CONTENTS SATURS CONTENTS SATURS Introduction 6 Ievads 6 Board of Appeals 10 Apelåcijas padome 10 Department for examination Izgudrojumu ekspertîzes of inventions 15 noda¬a 15 Department of Trademarks Preçu zîmju and Industrial Designs 21 un dizainparaugu noda¬a 21 Trademarks 23 Preçu zîmes 23 Industrial Designs 28 Dizainparaugi 28 Department of State Registers Valsts re©istru un and Documentation 31 dokumentåcijas noda¬a 31 Department for Information Informåcijas un redakcijas and Editorship 35 noda¬a 35 Department of Automation Automatizåcijas un and Computer Networking 37 datortîkla noda¬a 37 Chronology 38 Hronolo©ija 38 Financial Activities 42 Finansiålå darbîba 42 Inventors Izgudrotåji Walter Zapp and Minox 44 Valters Caps un Minox 44 Structure of the Patent Office 46 Patentu valdes struktüra 46 5 IEVADS INTRODUCTION IEVADS INTRODUCTION Latvijas Patentu valde aizvadîjusi 10 darba gadus. The Latvian Patent Office has been functioning for ten Noslédzies arî kårtéjais divgadu cikls (2000.–2001.), years now. Another two-year period (2000–2001) has kad, sekojot tradîcijai, par ßådu laika posmu dodam come to an end, and by tradition we are giving an valdes darba analîtisku apskatu. analytical report on the Patent Office’s work during this Íajå laika posmå izgudrojumu un preçu zîmju period. pieteikumu skaits stabilizéjies. Taçu zinåtnisko During the period of review the number of appli- pétîjumu, tehnisko izstråΩu, kå arî raΩoßanas apjoms cations for invention patents and trademark registration acîmredzot ir nepietiekams, lai nodroßinåtu patentu un has stabilized. However the volume of scientific research, preçu zîmju pieteikumu skaita bütisku pieaugumu. technical developments and production is apparently Tåpat vél lîdz ßim ir daudz gadîjumu, kad interesanti insufficient to essentially influence the increase of the tehniski risinåjumi, kå arî preçu un pakalpojumu number of patent and trademark applications. On many zîmes, nezinåßanas vai nevérîbas dé¬ paliek bez occasions interesting technical solutions, or trade and tiesiskås aizsardzîbas. Tas liecina par nepietiekamåm service marks do not get legal protection due to zinåßanåm rüpnieciskå îpaßuma aizsardzîbas jomå ignorance or negligence. This is indicative of insufficient visplaßåkå speciålistu un citu darbinieku lokå. Kaut arî knowledge in the sphere of industrial property protection Patentu valde ir zinåmå mérå atbildîga par among specialists and other workers. Although Latvian nepietiekamu izskaidroßanas darbu sabiedrîbå par Patent Office is partly responsible for insufficient rüpnieciskå îpaßuma aizsardzîbas nozîmîgumu, tomér explanatory work among the general public about the uzskatu, ka daudz aktîvåk ßis darbs bütu jåveic significance of industrial property protection, I believe Rüpnieciskå îpaßuma aizsardzîbas starptautiskås that Latvian National Group of AIPPI (International asociåcijas Latvijas Nacionålajai grupai un Latvijas Association for the Protection of Industrial Property) and Patentpilnvaroto asociåcijai. Latvian Association of Patent Attorneys should Íajå jautåjumå pirmos nopietnos so¬us spérusi participate in this work much more actively. Patentu valde, kopîgi ar Latvijas Tirdzniecîbas un The Patent Office has made the first significant steps rüpniecîbas kameru (LTRK) tås re©ionålajås noda¬ås in this sphere. In cooperation with the Latvian Chamber izveidojot, ja tå drîkst nosaukt, nelielus Patentu valdes of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) the Patent Office has “atbalsta punktus”. Íajås LTRK re©ionålajås noda¬ås formed something like “support centres” at the LCCI izvietoti normatîvie un metodiskie materiåli par regional offices all over Latvia. Normative and rüpnieciskå îpaßuma aizsardzîbas jautåjumiem. methodological documents concerning industrial Patentu valdes speciålisti plåno regulåri apmeklét ßîs property protection are available at the LCCI regional LTRK re©ionålås noda¬as, lai sniegtu konsultåcijas un offices. The Patent Office experts are going to visit these palîdzîbu ßo re©ionu speciålistiem un citiem centres on a regular basis to consult specialists and other interesentiem. interested persons in the respective regions. Reåla palîdzîba rüpnieciskå îpaßuma aizsardzîbas I expect that considerable assistance in explaining the nozîmîguma izskaidroßanå plaßåkai sabiedrîbai significance of industrial property protection might be jåsaista ar nodibinåto (Patentu valde ir tås rendered by the Academy of Intellectual Property and lîdzdibinåtåjs) Intelektuålå îpaßuma un inovåciju Innovation (Patent Office is one of the co-organizers). I akadémiju. Ticu, ka ne tikai izskaidroßanas darbs, bet believe that the explanatory work, as well as the arî tehniskås izstrådes un eksperimentålie darbi, kuri technical developments and experimental work tiks veikti Akadémijas ietvaros, pozitîvi ietekmés performed within the framework of the Academy will patentu un preçu zîmju pieteikumu iesniegumu skaitu have a positive impact on the number of patent and Patentu valdé. trademark applications filed with the Patent Office. Un tomér galvenais faktors, kas reåli varétu However, the most important factor, that can ietekmét patentu un preçu zîmju pieteikumu skaita influence the number of patent and trademark applica- pieaugumu, ir un paliek valsts ekonomiskå augßupeja, tions, is the economic development of the state, i.e. tas ir, zinåtnes, tehnikas un raΩoßanas attîstîba. scientific, technological and industrial development. Atskatoties uz Patentu valdes profesionålo darbîbu Looking back to the professional work of the Patent apskatåmajå laika posmå, gribu teikt, ka tå tika veikta Office during the period of review, I am happy to say kvalitatîvi, par ko liecina daudzu årvalstu speciålistu iz- that it has been of good standard. Many foreign teiktie viedok¬i. Domåju, ka viñu vértéjums ir patiess, jo specialists have confirmed this point of view. I believe Latvijas normatîvie akti, pirmkårt, rüpnieciskå îpaßuma that their estimation is true, as the laws and regulations 6 INTRODUCTION IEVADS of Latvia, in particular in the sphere of industrial property aizsardzîbas jomå, ir atbilstoßi Eiropas Savienîbas un protection, are in full compliance with the requirements Pasaules tirdzniecîbas organizåcijas prasîbåm, kå arî of the European Union and the World Trade to îstenoßana dzîvé notiek atbilstoßi tradîcijåm bagåto Organization, and these laws and regulations are being Patentu ieståΩu praksei. Izsakot ßådu vértéjumu Patentu implemented according to the practices of other – rich in valdes speciålistu darbam, nekådå gadîjumå traditions – patent offices. Despite the positive evaluation neuzskatu, ka varam büt apmierinåti ar sasniegto. Lai of the Patent Office’s work, I do not mean to say that we sasniegtu profesionålo sagatavotîbu un darba praksi, can be fully satisfied with our achievements. We have a kåda ir Patentu iestådém, kas paståv jau 100 un vairåk long way to go until we reach the level of professional gadus ar tajås strådåjoßiem, pie tam speciålu izglîtîbu qualification and practical experience of those patent guvußiem speciålistiem, kam 25 un vairåk gadu ståΩs, offices that have been functioning for 100 years or more, mums vél ir tåls ce¬ß ejams, bet més mér˚tiecîgi uz to and that employ many specialists who have received ejam, un katrs nostrådåtais gads to apliecina. specialized education in this field, and who have Zinåmå mérå to apliecina arî Eiropas Patentu working experience of 25 years or even more, but we organizåcijas izteiktais uzaicinåjums (2001. gada are heading for this aim and each year of our work 26. jünijå) Latvijas Republikai ar 2002. gada 1. jüliju attests to it. k¬üt par ßîs organizåcijas pilntiesîgu dalîbvalsti. In a way it was also confirmed by the invitation the Uzaicinåjums ir ne tikai apliecinåjums müsu varéßanai Republic of Latvia received, on June 26, 2001, from the un uzticéßanås, bet arî prasîba bütiski paaugstinåt European Patent Organization, to become a full-fledged atbildîbu un profesionalitåti. member state of this organization from July 1, 2002. This Íajå sakarîbå vélos kårtéjo reizi izteikt savu invitation does not only serve as proof of our capability pateicîbu Pasaules intelektuålå îpaßuma organizåcijas, and a sign of our trustworthiness, but also sets Eiropas Patentu organizåcijas, Austrijas, Våcijas, considerably higher standards of responsibility and Íveices, Japånas, ASV, Zviedrijas, Norvé©ijas un professional qualification. vairåku citu valstu Patentu ieståΩu vadîtåjiem un I would like to express my sincere gratitude once speciålistiem par dotajåm iespéjåm un sniegto again to the heads and specialists of the World palîdzîbu Patentu valdes speciålistu profesionålajå Intellectual Property Organization, European Patent izaugsmé. Organization, Patent Offices of Austria, Germany, Paraléli rüpém par Patentu valdes darbinieku Switzerland, Japan, USA, Sweden, Norway and other nepårtrauktu bagåtinåßanu ar jaunåm zinåßanåm un countries for the opportunities offered to us and for the iemañåm, ir jåpanåk, lai notiktu ne tikai plaßåka assistance rendered to help the specialists of Latvian sabiedrîbas informéßana par intelektuålå, pirmkårt, Patent Office improve their professional
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