-- THE WEATHER NET PRESS BUN Forecast bjr V. a. Weather Bureau. AVERAGE DAILY C5IRCDLAT10N Mer* Uureu for the Month of August, 1929 Fair tonight; Friday fair followed ' by increasing cloudiness with rising 5,245 ^Conn. State Library—Comp. temperature. Membera of the Audit Bureau of CIrcuIntlona it ' rt-. SPUTH BlANGHESTfiR, CONN.; THURSDAY; SEPTEMBER 19, 1929. TWELVE PAGES PRICE THREE CENT’S (Classlfled Advertising on Page 12) VOL. V U II., NO. 286. PENSIONS LESS COSTLY <i^ THAN POOR HOUSES. Ugliest Man in Movies Known Here BANKMERGER KING TAKES PART New York, Sept. 19.—The cost PROFITS, LOSSES, of pensions for the 35,000 aged needy persons *n the state would BIGGEST YET be less than it now costs to main­ tain them in poorhouses. So de­ IK NAVAL PARLEY WORRY SENATORS clared Abraham Epstein, secre­ tary of the American Association for Old Age Security before the commission for old age security. FOR FIRST TIME Epstein said that instead of 4sk$for Figures of Giant PEACOX ON VERGE the 62 almshouses scattered over National City Bank of New the state that the aged could be maintained in their own homes at STOCK JUMPS American Corporations at from one-half to one-third the York and Com Exchange Britain’s Monarch Vitally In­ OF A BREAKDOWN cost of the institutional care. He 106 POINTS described as “inhuman, almost So Rates on Tariff Bill barbaric,” the practice of sepa­ Bank to Combine— Over terested in Coming Con­ rating aged couples to place them Commercial Solvents is Quick­ Seems Nervous and Depress­ in poorhouses Can Be Ananged. <<f> Two Million in Resource^. est Traveler on Stock Market ference at Washington; --A . T. & T. Breaks Record. Washington, Sept. 19. — i ed at Trial— Soon to Tell New York, Sept. 19.—The Na­ Receives Premier Mac­ waiting for the Treasury to r^ort | tional City Bank of New York and New York, ‘ Sept. 19.—Com­ the “ profits or losses’’ of 300 giant j His Side of Story. WORKMAN FALLS the Corn Exchange- Bank will con­ mercial Solvents one ot the Industrial corporations the years , “blue chips of the Stock Mark­ Donald and Holds Lengthy 1922 to 1928 under the tariff, the solidate to form the biggest Ameri­ et,” demonstrated its climb­ Senate today turned aside JJ® can banking institution. Directors of ing capacities again today in a White Plains, N. Y., Sept. 19.— | Talk With Him on Inter­ new bill to ratify a Geneva treaty, OFF ROOF; JOST both institutions formally approved jump of 106 points to $700 a outlawing commercial embargoes. Earle Peacox, latest of America’s j the merger today. share. The stock is one ot the The treaty, resulting from an ef­ array of Infamous murder trial de-1 Stocks of both banks went sky­ quick travelers on the Stock national Matters. fort to eliminate all wartline trade rocketing in the unlisted market, Exchange, having sold yester­ restricUons, /ould have little effe^ fendants to crash the frant pages | MISSES WOMAN when the directors made known the day at 550, last week at 480 In America except to open a few in a big way, was steeling himself basis of consolidation, which will be and earlier in the year at 225. more markets abroad for ■American London, Sept. 19.—For the first today for the hour when he will five shares of' Com Ehcchange bank Directors of the Company, products. It would not interfere with time in history, a British king will take the stand in his own defense for each share of National City. which is the only commercial tariff legislation since a pecifle to tell his version of why he killed Hartford Man Badly Hurt in declaration of intention to wed in The battle of the financial giants producer of butyl alcohol in this speak to tAe nations of the world American reservation The ugliest, toughest-looklng Los Angeles. He Is 41, she is 23 his "madcap” bride of twenty, Dor­ for supremacy in the banking fields country, have recently voted to at an important international con­ tariff from its application. The hombre in screenland is going to be and a widow. Montana, known to split up the stock on a ten-for- American prohibiUon law also was ' 25 Foot Drop from Coop­ in the last two years has brought to­ ference through the medium of^a othy Helnzelman Peacox. married soon. Above are Louis Manchester wrestling fans as Jack one basis. exempted. The treaty already h ^ gether nearly a dozen of the well premier elected from the ranks of Already, with the trial just get­ “Bull” Montana, portrayer of hard- Perrelli, often appeared at the old known banks in a series of con­ Amerlcsm Telephone & Tele- been ratified by Germany, Franc^ ting under way, the 22-year-old de­ boiled parts, and Mrs. Mary Mat­ Armory on Wells street, 15 or more solidations, placing first one insti­ g;raph reached a new all-time British labor when the five nairal * Italy, Belgium and Austria among er St. House; Local Resi­ fendant who looks like a high thews Poulson as they filed their years ago. tution at the,top and then one of its high record v’hen it sold aroimd powers meet in London in January other \iations. school boy. Is showing signs of rivals. noon for 309%. for a conversation on disarmament. Present Question breedting down under the strain of dent Narrowly Escapes. The pending question in the tariff Bigger Merger. That King George is more than his ordeal. He seems nervous and When the Guaranty Trust com­ war was a proposal by Senator Mc- naildly interested in the disarma­ repressed, sitting tense in his chair i pany and the National Bank of Master (R) of South Dakota to pro­ ment negotiations now being car­ for long periods as if his nerves Commerce mergec their forces vide the Senate with all tariff in­ One person was badly lajured and Armed With Lipsticks ried on between Britain and the are taut and nearing a breaking earlier in the year, making a 22,- BELOW FREEZING formation. now held by b. another had a narrow escape early United States was made obvious to­ Tariff Commission. McMaster point. Once he wept. 000,000,000 institution it was day with the revelation that Prime Young Peacox hasn’t the poise ot this afternoon in an unusual acci­ thought that tMs bank held first agreed to accept an amendment, al­ Minister J. Ramsay MacDonald had Dr. James H. Snook; the personal dent which occurred at a four tene­ place in banking resources, but a REPORTED HERE lowing the commission to withhold Against Headhunters been summoned by the sovereign to check-up of National City’s re­ any Information received in con­ appeal of Velma West; the callous­ ment house at 23 Cooper street. Wil­ Sandringham castle to discuss mat­ ness of Richard Loeb and Nathan sources proved this to be incorrect. liam Urgo, 21, of 70 Montrose ters of immediate international In­ fidence. , Leopold; the self-reliance and, defi­ The National City has now The McMaster resolution was street, Hartford, Is in the Manches­ New York, Sept. 19.—Armed'♦ Ecuador to Brazil by the new path terest. ance of Ruth Snyder; the reslgna-' we discovered,” the doctor declared clinched its right to the title by ab­ First Noticeable Drop in The king, it Is understood, wanted drafted to give the Senate more ter Memorial hospital with a prob­ only with lipstick and powder puff sorbing the powerful Com Exchange tion of Judd Gray; the dignity ot proudly. “ She traveled 400 miles on from Premier MacDonald a first­ facts on the costs of production in bank, one of the largest and most American industries. 'This Informa- the Hall-Mills defendants nor the able fracture ot the skull as the an^ 8. surgical kit, Dr. and Mrs. foot and 2,408 miles on mule.” hand report of the recent repara­ influential state-chartered banks in tion would be useful to foes of the dynamic court room personality of result of a 25-foot fall while engag­ Herbert Spencer Dickey have pene­ Dr. Dickey is seeking the un­ Temperature Brings Frost tions proceedings at the Hague, George Remus. ed in a roof repair job. the city. The Com Exchange was a and, in addition, a complete roundup bill along with the report from the trated the jungles of South Ameri­ known source of the lionico. Once he pioneer In extending branches in Treasury Department on the “profits Watchetf Every Move of the Anglo-American disarmament Misses Witness ca in search of a lost river. got within 300 miles of it which he outlying sections of the city and the In Many Sections. or losses” of corporations, benefit- None of these greatly publicized believes to be somewhere in the negotiations. defendants seemed as apprehensive The accident happened when Urgo The exploring Dickeys were m consolidation will give the National ting under the tariff. lost his footing and fell to the Parimla mountains between Peru City bank a total of more than 100 Visit Monarch j Raw Materials of their fate as does this dark-vis­ New York today making plans for and Brazil. aged youth with the snub nose, un­ ground while adjusting the platform branches in Greater New York. Old Man Winter served an ad­ Premier MacDonald, accompanied The Treasury also was asked to used to stand on. A neavy plank smother expedition next spring into The trail blazing surgeon has Bank’s Resources. by his daughter. Ishbel, motored to furnish statements on the amounts derslung chin, glossy black hair and vance notice on the town last night which he had carried up the ladder the land of headhunters and Indian been five times across the Andes According to the last financial Sandringham castle in Norfolkshlre spent by the corporations for raw rather repellant personMity.
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