MN2 3 1914 THE KINGS OF LYDIA A ND A REA RRANG EM ENT O F SO M E F RAGM ENTS F RO M N I C OLAUS OF D A MASC US A DISSERTATI O N PRESENTE D TO THE FA CULT Y O F PRINCET ON UNI VERS ITY I N C A NDI DA CY FOR THE DE G REE O F DOCT OR OF PHILO SOPHY B Y LEIGH ALEX AN DER ‘ I S’ N I E Z THE KINGS OF LYD IA A ND A REA RRAN G EM ENT O F SO M E F RAGM ENTS F RO M N I C OLAUS O F DA M ASC US A DISSERTATI O N PRESENTE D TO THE FA CULTY OF PRINCET ON U NI VERSITY I N C A NDI DA CY FO R THE DEG REE OF DOCT OR OF PHILOSOPHY B Y LEIGH ALEX AN DER Ac c epted b y the Department Of Classic s 1 1 1 June , 9 PREFACE The present work was undertaken shortly after the exca H f S d . O . vation ar es , under the direction of Professor C Butler, was begun . It was at first my intention to write con cerning the history of that city in the Greek or the Roman period ; and some time in the future that purpose may perhaps ou t. O i be carried n exam nation , however, it seemed that there was in ou r traditional sources concerning the kings O f ” for o f Lydia enough material further discussion that subj ect . The present study has been carried on under the direction Of w n Professor William K . Prentice , and I ish to ack owledge my great indebtedn ess to him for his constant assistance s . and advice , and for his un paring criticisms My debt to him is especially great in Chapter III . My most hearty thanks are also due to Professor Edward Capps , for his unfailing e his ncouragement , and for stimulating suggestions . LEIGH ALEX ANDER O O . berlin , hio a 1 1 . J nuary , 9 4 CONTENTS PAGE I NTRODUCTION L - o I . The sources . imits Of the present w rk o o on sfib ect II . Previ us mon graphs this j AP TH E ELA I ONE A E OF CH TER I . R T ON TO NOTH R SOM E ’ FRAGME NTS CONCERNI NG LYDIA FROM NICOLAUS UNI VERSAL HISTORY Virtutib us t Vitiis I . The Excerpta de e I nsidiis II . The Excerpta de “ ” t O III . Tenta ive riginal account in Nicolaus P L CHA TER II . ME ES . I I I r ? . o I Meles I , II , , Were they the same person not e K mb les II . M les II and a story I for . Possible reasons considering Meles II and III diff erent persons 2 . Reasons for identi fying Meles II and III 2 8 K amb litas or K amb les 3. Position Of fr . ( ) in Nicolaus ’ narrative m ’ 4 . Ele ent of historical fact in Nicolaus account o f Meles III . Me les I N I . ot necessarily founder O f Sardes 2 . Relation between Meles I , II , and III L ’ 3. Relation between the ion story and Nicolaus account o f Meles : n IV . Conclusion There was only o e Meles AP TH E H ERAK LE ID AND A ES CH TER III . MERM N D DYNASTI OF LYDIA I . Summary O f the traditional accounts I . Nicolaus 2 H . erodotus Th 3. e chronographers II . Discussion Of certain details in the traditional ac counts ‘ ’ I ad att Ad a te a S es t s . y ( y , Alyattes ) , a roy l title 2 K amb l z S ad t s rd . es a te y , the 3 Mermnad CONTENTS Adram tes z Adram H 3 . y ys ermon Aly of attes , father Croesus Da lo sk s . 4 . The murderer O f y I 1 r o1 rci1 ' 0 t f K n d u s d s s O a a l a a . 5 . The p p e ( S y tte ) M o sos Askalos 6 . Moxos ( p ) and “ Aki mos 7 . Ardys and a A k l Da k l a os o . 8 . s and s y s I H i f 9 . istor cal summary O disturbances in reign o f Akiamos “ ” d a s son O f K a d s I O . S a y tte the regent y I I T lon . y “ ” New genealogical list Of kings I . The list ’ 2 . Meles position in the list INTRODUCTION for r I . The traditional sources the histo y Of the Lydian ‘ chiefl b f of kings are familiar . They consist y the first book ’ H L diaca erodotus , the fragments O f Xanthus y , the frag f ments Of Nicolaus o Damascus concerning Lydian history , together with the lists of Lydian kings contained in the works O f the Christian chronographers , Julius Africanus , Eusebius , H ieronymus , etc . The other traditional sources which mention are Lydian kings , for the most part , incidental references O f m en no value in the present study , which is concerned al ost “ ” “ ” tirely with the H erakl eid and Mermnad dynasties Of Lydian kings and does not undertake a consideration of the earliest kings and mythical heroes O f Lydia . o II . Besides pa ssages in works of larger sc pe , such as t m on . t his ories , com entaries ancient authors , etc , here have been within the past century , among other monographs bear e or e on o f ing mor less dir ctly the history the kings of Lydia , tw o dissertations which are O f special importance in the present work ' S G schic d K om e van L di n . e ht er e R chubert , e g y , Breslau , 1 884 . R d t L a L die et l monde rec u m s d M erm . a e e o te es G , y g p d 1 na es 8 . , Paris , 93 After careful examination and comparison with the original ancient sources , it has seemed necessary in a number Of cases to ff di er very materially from the works j ust mentioned , both to as method of treatment and also as to conclusions obtained . c o to i It is ne essary , therefore , to revert nce more the or ginal to . sources and subj ect them a fresh study Before , however , a comprehensive treatment o f the sources is undertaken , the b e path may cleared by two preliminary investigations , which a will be found in ch pters I and II . CHAPTER I TH E RELATION TO ONE ANOTHER OF SOME FRAGMENTS CONCERN ’ 1 I NG LYDIA FROM N I COLAU S U NIVERSAL H ISTORY “ It is well kn own that many O f the Sextant fragments Of Nicolaus of Damascus come to us through two O f the collee tions Of excerpts prepared for the Emperor Constantinus Porphyrogenitus (9 1 2 -9 56 These are the Excerpta de I nsidii r u ib u t Vi iis s. Vi t t s e t , and the Excerpta de In both Of these collections there were excerpts from other works by icolau s N , doubtless made by the same excerptor or group O f ' excerptors ; b ut our present investigation is concerned only with Universal H istor the excerpts from his y, Of which Lydian history formed a part . ir u i us iis V t b t it . I . The Excerpta de t e V 2 By running over the pages Of this work , we can soon see ’ clearly that the chief excerptor s general plan and method t f h o . e e . was to go through works various writers , g , Josephus , Di doru i f H o s O . , D onysius alicarnassus , Polybius , Appian , etc , of and among them Nicolaus Damascus , and gather together anecdotes and accounts illustrative of the main theme , virtues c . al one and vi es It would be natur , would think , to begin at i o the beg nning of each source book , and g straight through , ‘ ’ ‘ ’ noting down the virtues and vices ; and this method is 3 Diodoru s a followed in the excerpts from Josephus and , p pa rently without any mistakes o r variations from the true f Now o . Order in the original works these authors , in deter ‘ ’ mining whether this same straightforward system of arrange ment is followed also in the excerpts from Nicolaus , the a accomp nying tables will be Of assistance . The first is a M l complete list according to ii ler ( FH G. III ) Of all the frag ’ e icolaus Universal H istor I - m nts from N y, books VII , includ a OAI m C S uid as S Nmbha os Aa ao'x vés . V . j f . u n ’ E x H s i m a r h r o n cta cer ta i torica ussa I Const nt Po en. c o e p p. p y g f ; ‘ B ii n r- ob t ol a 1 a Tr éfiem s . tt e W s v s a ed . II , p r , p ssim ; lso the - E H a o 1 a a . Of the s me w rk, pp . 3. See lso the edition of the xcerpt by Val esiu s a a 1 6 ( Henri de V lois) , P ris , 34 . ' n 62 if v and o f See the conspectus o pp .
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