VOL. 114 - NO. 40 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, OCTOBER 1, 2010 $.30 A COPY The Intercollegiate Italian Do You Remember ... RALLIES OF YESTERYEAR? Summit of Boston Uniting Italian-American University Students and Recent Graduates Across the Greater Boston Area The Intercollegiate Ital- tor for The National Italian ian-American Summit of American Foundation (NIAF). Boston (IIS) is a FREE an- Mr. André DiMino, Presi- nual conference organized dent, Italian American ONE by the Harvard College Ital- VOICE Coalition, Immediate ian American Association to Past National President, foster community among UNICO National. Italian-American university Mr. Stephen Pagliuca, Co- students and recent gradu- Owner of the Boston Celtics ates across the Boston area. and Managing Director at The forum connects young Bain Capital. Italian-Americans with Only a limited number of leaders in the community to seats are available, so reg- share their common heri- ister now to reserve your tage and promote a positive spot and join us for an excit- image. Interactive presenta- ing afternoon. We look for- tions, roundtables and net- ward to meeting you all soon! working breaks will facili- The conference will be tate collaboration between held on Saturday, October 2, student and profession 2010 from 11:30 am to 5 pm groups and forge relation- at Boylston Hall, Harvard ships that will last long af- Yard, Cambridge, Massachu- ter the event. setts. Our 2nd edition will To register or for further take place October 2, 2010, information, please visit to celebrate the beginning www.iisboston.weebly.com. of Italian-American History Month. Keynote speakers The National Italian Ameri- include: can Foundation (NIAF) is a Hon. Ronald W. Del Sesto, non-profit organizaton dedi- Esq., Honorary Vice Consul cated to preserving the heritage of Italy to Rhode Island, and and culture of Americans of New England Area Coordina- Italian descent. Historical outdoor political rally held by the Burden Civic League in 1962 in front of News Briefs Burden’s Drug Store on Hanover Street in the North End of Boston. 1962 was the year by Sal Giarratani that Edward Kennedy first ran for United States Senator. Front row, left to right: Lou Salerno, Dom Russo, Lou Spagnuolo, Dan Nuzzo, Pat Barrasso, Joe Brogan and Angelo Belmonte. Back row, left to right: Bill DeMarco and Frank Gambale. “War on Poverty” Over, (Photo courtesy of Pat Barrasso) Poverty Wins The U.S. poverty rate rose to 14.3 percent in 2009 from 13.2 percent the previous year. The U.S. poverty rate is now the highest In 15 years. Top 10 Unfinished Business The U.S. Census Bureau said 43.6 million people, or one in seven Americans are now liv- Left by Pelosi and Reid ing in poverty. The picture is not pretty with declining incomes and rising hardships as the by Emily Miller economic downturn continues to take its toll. This news clearly shows that the government The Democrats are so tics over getting work done. House floor to extend the money tree nurtured by Our Fearless Leader scared of losing control of the Pelosi and Reid promised Bush tax cuts, which expire and his lackeys in Congress simply haven’t House and Senate in the much would be accom- at the end of the year. worked. midterm elections, that they plished this year, but ended Pelosi’s own party has are packing up and leaving with not even completing the turned against her, with The President’s Aunt D.C. to spend more time on major spending and tax leg- many House Democrats Recently, the President’s aunt was recently the campaign trail. islation needed to help the pushing for a vote on tax interviewed by a news reporter and when asked House Speaker Nancy faltering economy. rates before they face the if she owed America anything, she said, “Noth- Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced The top 10 most important voters in November. In the ing. It’s a free country. As Michele McPhee said she is closing up shop on pieces of legislation left un- Senate, Majority Leader on her nightly radio show on 96.9 FM, it was an Thursday, but could skip finished by the do-nothing Reid is also denying a vote outrage to hear her say such a thing. She’s been town as early as Wednesday. Congress, led by Pelosi and on extending the lower tax living off our dime since she landed in Boston. Joining her on the cruise to Reid include: rates established in 2001 She was here illegally and landed a cheap apart- nowhere, Majority Leader 1. Cut Taxes: Thanks to and 2003. Reid claims the ment over at the South Boston projects. Sounds Harry Reid (D-N.V.) an- the congressional Demo- tax rate extension legislation like an ingrate to me. Good country, America. If nounced the Senate will ad- crats’ inaction, every Ameri- will be brought up during the you don’t come from here. journ on Friday. can will pay more taxes on lame-duck session after the (Continued on Page 14) The American people have January 1. Speaker Pelosi election, assuming he’s re- an absentee Congress, refuses to bring a vote to the whose leaders choose poli- (Continued on Page 15) THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT 35 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON This office is open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PMPM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, OCTOBER 1, 2010 Res Publica by David Trumbull Write-in is Right-on! (Part Two) Kudos, again, to GOP can- that you had voted for a didate for Attorney General, write-in candidate. Further- AT HOME IN OLD ROME, THOSE FABULOUS ROMAN ROADS James P. McKenna, who got more, any voter — including A Roman road may be de- roads all around the Medi- 27,711 “sticker” or “write-in” many unenrolled voters who fined as a way made for trav- terranean Sea. It is impor- votes in the September 14th might wish to have a Repub- eling between places or for tant to emphasize that this Republican Primary Elec- lican on the ballot in Novem- the transportation of beasts was the only great road sys- tion. Running as a sticker ber — who choose to vote in and vehicles. From the days tem that was ever built up candidate — at least now-a- the Democratic primary of antiquity to the present to modern times. days — is a staggeringly were denied any opportunity time, the condition of road- A typical Roman road They started their road- difficult task. Few even at- to put a name on the Novem- ways was a barometer were crossed by viaducts. ways by digging two parallel tempt it for a statewide of- ber ballot for AG. or yardstick which mea- There were twenty nine trenches which marked out fice requiring 10,000 write- It wasn’t always this way! sured the civil advancement great roads leading to and the desired width, and then in votes to be successful. As late as the 1960s write- of a community. Historical from Rome. The Via Appia, removed the earth between According to published re- in candidates were not so records show that as far the great south road was the these trenches down to firm ports, Mr. McKenna is the unusual in Massachusetts. back as 2000 B.C. in the city first one. It is named after soil or stratum. The first op- second such successful In 1964 Henry Cabot of Babylon, there were broad Appius Claudius Caecus, a eration was to spread a layer statewide sticker candidate Lodge, Jr., with over 70,000 straight streets crossing at consul and praetor, who of sand which they called the since the 1970s. I looked but write-in votes, defeated de- right angles, and also that started the construction pavimentum or floor. The have not discovered the clared presidential candi- roads were built in ancient about 312 B.C. It began at second layer was formed of name of that other success- dates Barry Goldwater and Egypt to transport building the Porta Capena, in the large stones held in place ful write-in candidate of Nelson Rockefeller. In 1960 materials for the pyramids. Servian Wall and ran about with clay or cement. Then recent decades. The level of both major party nominees The earliest roads that were one hundred thirty miles to came the third layer which voter dissatisfaction with won the Massachusetts Pres- constructed in Greece were the ancient city of Capua, was compressed gravel and the incumbent Martha idential Preference Primary called Sacred Ways. These about eighteen miles north then this was followed by a Coakley is demonstrated by Election as write-in candi- were unpaved and led only to of Naples. The Via Appia has layer of well tamped sand, the fact that another Repub- dates. John F. Kennedy re- the important religious often been called the Queen chalk, earth, and broken lican sticker candidate, Guy ceived 91,607 write-in votes centers. of Roads and was wide brick. Finally they applied A. Carbone, came in just in the Democratic Primary Growing nations seem to enough for two broad wagons the top course of pebbles or shy of the 10,000 write-in and Richard M. Nixon got have drawn upon past civili- to pass each other. The en- stones which was called the votes! 53,164 write-in votes in the zations when developing gineers of those early days summa crusta or the main In these times, when “can- GOP Primary, according to their cultures and technolo- chose their route so wisely shell.
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