CanRoots East May 4, 2019 #canroots Sponsors Thank you to all our sponsors! Hosted by Presented by Supported by Plann n! Tea" Spe# al thanks Adam Awad Point Blank Creative Corrigan Hammond Amrit Parhar Institute for Change Leaders Lydia Treadwell Duncan Pike Institute for Change Leaders att Price Francis Kung franciskung.com consulting $a%rina Bowman onica De Vera Progress Toronto 'livia Chow Institute for Change Leaders Welcome (Dare to hope*# +hen the CanRoots planning team was talking a%out the tone we wanted to set- that’s what stood out. There are a lot of reasons to %e concerned these days – the reality of climate change- the cuts to our social services- the rise of a racist and divisive alt-right. And it would %e so easy to give in to fear and an1iety# That’s why we focused many of our case studies on winning cam)aigns. Change is still possi%le# +e are at a turning point2 and this gives us an opportunity to %e %old. Now, more than ever- we need to put in the hard organizing work to drive an am%itious progressive vision- while also supporting and caring for each other# Thank you for 5oining us. +e hope the inspiration- connections- and lessons from today will carry you through the hard work and successes to come# 6 Sessions +pening keynote BAC90@9A99 Ilona Duverge ain hall Behind Ale1andria 'casio-Cortez’s stunning upset victory in the American midterm elections was hard organizing work - and a lot of it. Ilona Duverge was Deputy 'rganizing Director on the cam)aign2 she shares her stories on how they %uilt local power- and how this e1perience has launched a whole new wave of organizer training with ovement $chool# 7oining her is Amara Possian- National 'rganizing Director for 689.org’s Canadian election campaign# )reakout Sess ons *1 @9A@90@@A99 Prote#t the Peel Commons Chris Rider- CPA+$ The Peel +atershed is one of the last remaining intact mountain river ecosystems in North America2 wildlife and %iodiversity continue to thrive in this )ristine wilderness- undistur%ed %y roads and industry# For nearly three decades CPA+$ :ukon has %een working to )rotect the Peel- standing up with First Nations- other environmental organi4ations and the )ublic to resist government efforts to industrialize the region. Hear a%out their winning strategy- and how they have continued raising the %ar to push for greater protections for the Peel# Chan! n! the Channel on ( nder Morgan Lounge $tephanie ;lanzmann- 7acqueline Lee-Tam +hat does an aerial %lockade of Vancouver Har%our have to do with an open letter from the Prime inister's youth council> 7oin us for a discussion on the creative tactics used %y anti0pipeline activists against Kinder organ- and how they managed to gra% public attention and maintain )ressure through the dips in the campaign# ? Tell n! your story: Publ # narrat ves Training Room A $andra +hiting- Rahat Hossain There is nothing more powerful than a story# +e connect with each other through stories- ta)ping into hope and emotion to %reak old ha%its and drive change# In this worksho)- we refine our stories of self- us- and now -- and get at the heart of why we do what we do. Through this- we start to %ring )eople together around our causes- and show why our communities must act now. Hosted by the Institute for Change Leaders Ef-e#t ve di! tal #a"pa !ns Training Room B Andrew Burns From identifying new supporters- to engaging with mem%ers- to fundraising- digital tactics are an important part of our campaigns. Andrew Burns walks us through the important elements of a strong digital campaign- rooted in his e1perience from working on New Dealand Prime inister 7acinda Ardern’s election win# Hosted by Point Blank Creative Panel d s#uss on @@A@90@CAC9 +rgan . n! together toward a Green 1e/ Deal ain Hall Andrea Bastien- Ellen Bowles- Katie Perfitt- aya enezes The only way we will win lasting victories is %y working together. The issues of climate change- Indigenous rights- economic 5ustice- and workers’ rights are all linked -- and our response must %e as well# 7oin us for a conversation on how we %uild campaigns that reach across our various communities and unite us in common cause- and how this is starting to happen with the ;reen New Deal# Then come together and take action with 'livia Chow. 8 Panel d s#uss on @AC90CA@9 Media and "essa! n!, the relat onsh p bet/een organ .ers and 2ournal sts Brad Honywill- Laurie onse%raaten- Tim Harper Effective messaging is a must-have for modern campaigns- and the media plays a huge role in shaping public conversations# 'ur panel of veteran 5ournalists discuss some of the %est )ractices that organizers can use to earn media attention- and how to ensure that their causes are covered# )reakout Sess ons *2 CA@806A98 Mobil . n! "eets organ . n!, *StudentsSayNo and *ECEPo/er Commons Rayne Fisher0Fuann- Carolyn Ferns- 'livia Chow GfacilitatorH Do we go wide -- or do we go dee)> In this session we look at two case studies: the social media mo%ilizing that %rought C99-999 students onto the streets against Doug Ford- and the deep organizing that prevented a funding cut to chronically underpaid childcare workers# +hen do we mo%ilize- when do we organize- and how can we use the %est of %oth approaches> )u ld n! power n un ons, / th CIPP and CUP$ Lounge 7amie Dunn- 7ustine $myth, Ellen Bowles How did a small municipal union take on the ' E,$ pension %oard -- and win> Hear a%out how the Civic Institute 'f Professional Personnel %uilt a mem%er-focused organizing culture. Then- see how the Delivering Community Power cam)aign has %een transforming the Canadian Inion of Postal +orkers in similar ways# En!a! n! / th "edia Training Room A Brad Honywill In this follow-up to the edia and essaging panel- you’ll have an opportunity to dig deeper in media engagement strategies. Practice your media pitch, step into the shoes of a 5ournalist- honing your message- and perfect your media advisory# J Ca"pa !n strate!y: 4ournal st sh eld la/ Training Room B Duncan Pike In this worksho)- you'll learn to identify a theory of change- drill down to the most important components of that strategy- and then develop the right tactics to advance your goals and grow your organization# +e'll use the Canadian 7ournalists for Free E1pression's cam)aign for a press shield law protecting 5ournalistic sources as a concrete e1ample of strategy %uilding# Hosted by the Institute for Change Leaders )reakout Sess ons *8 6AC80?A@8 Issue5based Ca"pa !ns and 6 !ht n! Dou! 6ord Commons onica De Vera Progress Toronto is a non-profit organization that fights for a more democratic, socially 5ust and progressive Toronto# 7oin us for a discussion on issue0%ased campaigns and organizing to fight Doug Ford's attacks on Toronto# onica shares her e1periences as a field organizer- and shares how Progress Toronto empowers residents to %ring people together on the issues that affect us directly# Hosted by Progress Toronto 7sbestos 6ree Canada Lounge Alec Far<uhar After @69 years as a leading e1porter of as%estos- Canada finally %anned its use- import- and e1port on Decem%er 69- C9@K# That victory came after decades of organizing that %rought together as%estos victims and their families- the la%our movement- public health organizations and environmental groups. 7oin us to learn the key lessons from this campaign- and find out a%out the campaign’s ne1t steps# Presented by the International Association of Fire Fighters L & ! tal -undra s n! t ps and tri#ks Training Room A Adam Awad Digital fundraising has changed the campaigning landscape- allowing causes to connect directly with supporters and raise money through many small donations# But digital fundraising is not a silver %ullet. 7oin us to see what makes digital fundraising campaigns successful- and learn %est practices that you can apply to your own fundraising efforts# Hosted by Point Blank Creative Canvass n! and volunteer re#ru t"ent Training Room B Helen Hargreaves- Erin Fil%y- 'livia Chow ovements are %uilt on relationships# This workshop will e<uip you to effectively recruit volunteers- deepen their commitment- and give them the confidence to take on %igger roles -- all %y %uilding deep relationships. +e teach a coaching model that not only supports new mem%ers- %ut helps them reflect on their contri%utions and continually grow their capacity# +e’ll also cover different canvassing techni<ues- %oth door-to-door and via phone- that help %roaden our movements# Hosted by the Institute for Change Leaders Clos ng keynote ?AC808A99 9ynn Gehl, Ph:&: ain Hall ;<1=a 7ll the $ay! Endin! !ender dis#ri" nat on n the %ndian 7#t Lynn ;ehl has %een fighting to end gender discrimination in the Indian Act for nearly 69 years- after %eing denied status due to her paternal grandfather %eing unknown# In C9@L- she finally won an 'ntario Court of Appeal case %ringing the campaign one ste) closer. Hear Lynn share her story- how she got this far- and why we must push the Trudeau government to act now %efore Parliament ad5ourns in 7une# Presented by The Society of United Professionals K Speakers 7da" 7/ad Adam is an accomplished digital organizer with over a decade of e1perience in community organizing- empowerment- digital implementation- and a fantastic attention to detail# As Digital 'rganizer for Canada’s NDP, Adam )roduced all digital fundraising )roducts for the NDP, contri%uting to the single %est year of fundraising in the Party’s history.
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