AP National tI# The Weathe, ~alJy fair .nd windy toclay and toni,ht. All-Americans ConllcMrHIy warmer today and warmer south­ ealt ..... i9ht. Hi'" tod.y In the 60s. Outlook for Page 4 01 owon Friday: Parity cJoucIy and cooler. Serving the State University of IOW(J and the People of Iowa Cit" Established in 1868 Herald Tribune News Service Leased Wire Associated Press Leased Wire And Wirephoto Thursday. March 2, 1961. Jowa City. Iowa • • - -? eace orps OSlt-lon or vy. .¥ -= Council Race Kennedy Tells Plan; No Payor Draft Exemption N.Y. Times, Begins; Two The Register ts Ine Ring Youth Peace Corps Officially Created Print Stories Niemeyer, Lee Vie Papers Don't Agree I By DAVID WISE m nt or through prival institu· In his m age to Congress. the although "undoubtedly the corps of the program was designed to On Job He'll Get; • • For Council Head; WASHINGTON IHTNS) - Presi· lions and organizations, to help President mnde th e pomt about will be made up primarily of young dl courage volunteers who might SDC Man 'Tentative' dent Kennedy Wednesday an· foreign countries meet their ur· the Pesl'C Corp : people as they complete their for· regard the Corps as a fun group He's Out of Town nounced the establishment of a g III needs of skilled manpower. It 1. Th program will be adminis· mol education." and haven Crom the draft - and Two candidates for Student Peace Corps of young men and is our hope to hav 500 to 1,000 t red by a headquarters agency in "It is hotled that within a few al 0 to drive the same point bome By MIKE PAULY pt'ople in the field by the end or Council president for the all·camp· women to sel'l/e America overseDs \Va hington, but will work Ulrough years several thousand Peace 10 Congressmen who wili decide and by sharing "in the great common this year. and with coli (les and univer iUes, whether to approve the program. us elections March 22 have been Corps members will be working in JERRY PARKER task" of bringing progre s to un· "We will send those abroad who nd private vo/unt I')' agenci('s. foreign lands," lhe Pre ident said. In his campaign speech propos· announced. derdeveloped areas. On official close to the program ing the Corps, (he President sug­ SUI Ath) tic Director Forest are committed to the concept 2. Volunteers will not be offl'red g ted thaI volunteers be perma· The Qua d ran g I e Association The President signed an execu· which molivates lh Pace orp. droft e)!('mlltion. eslirnated that lh re mlChl be as Evash vski's nome was in the many as 20,000 young people work­ n nlly drafl-exempt. However, a pledged Its support of John Nie· tive order setting up the Peace It will not be easy. None of the 3. Yolunt('cr will r c ive train· . n w Wedne day night after Ing abroad in th prOlram In five subsequent study lor tbe President meyer. A4. Elkader. at a council Corps as a pilot project and also men and women will be paid a ing varying "from ix weeks to by Dr. Max F. Millikan of Massa· Pr sid nt Kcnn dy announced sent a speCial message lo Congr('ss IIlary. They will live at th arne or 10 years. meeting Monday night. A "tena· Ix months" and will erve two or chusetts Institute of Technology, a the formation of a Youth live" candidate was named by the asking that the Corps be estab· level as the citizens of the country three year hitches oversea . They The Pre ident took pains in his (or mer top CIA official, suggested Socialist Discussion Club pending Iished by law on permanent bas s. which they are sent to, doing the will re elve no pay and their liv. m age to stress the Spartan na· that no draft xemptlon be granted. Peace Corp to work in foreign a possible coalition with another No cost estimates were divulg... tl, same work, and eating the same ing allowance will " only be suffi· ture of the program. "Peace Although the President bas 101· countri s. campus organization for the eiec· but officials have indicaled even food and speaking the sam Ian· cient to m et their ba ic needs Corp member will orten serve lowed this advice, as a practical a modest program would cost sev· guage. We are going to pul partl· Evashevskl, according to reportll tion. Alfred M, Lee. G, Louisville. and maintain htalth." fodest v· und r condillon of ph},sical hord· IlUItt r a coil g graduate who In 'I'll New York Times and The Ky., was named the SOC's candi· eral million dollars. culor mphasis on tho m n ond erance P3Y b3sed on J nglh of ship, living und r primitive con­ joined the corps would have little women who have skills in tea h. Des Moines Regisl r, definitely date at a meeting Wednesday Kennedy announced formation of 'rvice abroad will go to m m· ditions among th people of de· chance or being drafted by Selec· wiU hav a position with the new ing, agriculture lind hl'alth." night. SDC also voted to support the Corps, which carries out a bers to nit th m during their veloping n tlon . _ . It I e ntlal tlve Servlce afterwards, This is Peace Corps. seven other candidates. campaign proposal he made in The President confirmed thai R. fir t f w weeks bock in th United that Pe c Corps m Il and women true because relatively few men live simply and unostentatiously The reportl, very, howev.r, San Francisco, at his news confer· Sargent Shriver had organized the tilt s. are being drafted now, and these when It comel to lust what posl. ence Wednesday. He said: program at his requ st. The Presi· 4. The Corp will be open to all among the people th y hove come from the lower age brackets. By - Niemeyer - to a sist." tlon the former foot bill c.lch "This Corps will be a pool of denl said he had not decided who Americans "who ar qualified" the lilTK' Peace Corpsmen returned would a ..um •. Niemeyer formally e_nced trained men and women sent over· will head the Corps. 1I0wever, and will not be limited to the Political ob rv r felt the (rom abroad. they would average '1'he Times, Ln a front· page hll Clncllct.lmy to the QUldrln,le seas by the United States Govern· Shriver appeared the likely choice. young, or 10 college graduates, President's tre on tl1e hardships 23 or 24 years of llIe. stOry. said this: C"nell Monday nlglrt, The coun. "Forest Evashevski. r arm e r cll commencltd hil PlSt Ictlon ""=_¢~-o",,~-~.~:o= ____ ~ football coach at the University of II Quad Student Council repre· Iowa and once a noted blocking MOtatlve Ind pISsed I rl5olutlon back at th Univer ily of Mich­ pledgin, Its .upport In hi. cam· igan, will soon tak a job al head­ pal,n. qU(lrtcrs of th Peac Corps In A history major, Niemeyer stud· lIeo Denies Defense Build-Up Washington." led two years at Loras College in The R gist r, in a sto,'y from Dubuque, wbere he helped or· the pap r's Washington bureau, ganize Young Republicans, played Pact Shows said it had I orned that Evnsh vskl first bass In the band and brass Possible-Kennedy was here (Washington ) recently choir, pitched in intramural soft· and had conferred with R. Sar· ball. wrote for lhe yearbook, and WASJU eTO (AP) - President Kennedy disclo d Wed­ gent hriver, brotherin·law or participated in forensics. He plans Independence President Kennedy and tbe man J.a ~tl/od)l ~r,,_ fall. ne day be is consid ring a request to Coogren for a build-up of who will be director of the Peace L'EOPOLDVlLIJE, the Congo f.fI "/u Student Body p.... l.nt, I cony ntiona) weapon strength - without necessarily redUcing Corps. - Premier Joseph lIeo heralded The ,tory continued: "What J. wovl" Investlga.. new avenu•• of tbe Congo's new anU·Communist reliance on nuclear power. .",...ch to .uch plrennlll prob­ Secretary of Defense Robert S . cont.mpleted', .".,.rently, I. t. pact as proof Congolese politicians views of critiCl- who say the reo hav. EVlshevsld serve on I COfto 'eml .1 hl,h COlts, espec:lally In can tackle their own problems McNamara urged the increase in cession has touched bottom and dormltorl'l and married ltudont a study reappraising the natIon's sult.nt or part.time basil which without foreign help. his antirecession measures are would enable him to remain, In 'Mlllllnt, civil rights, and alleged whol defense strategy, Kennedy unn eded. his 1__ po.t." dllcrlminatron a,alnlt c.rtaln "The Congolese people are 200 lold a news·crammed, far·reaching Coavnerce Department figures, Eva hev ki was at the Allerton Clmpu. ortlnizationl. I will per cent against communism," news conrerence. Ileo told a news conference Wed· suggest the contrary, Kennedy Hou e, Monticello, 111 ., and could wOl'lc towerd resolution of th.se The Prell~t Itld he will '." nesday. said. as does the inability to find not be reached. Long dislanCe op­ .....Iem. through Iplcial 'lIecu· make hi. decision on overhaul· ,aU. 1110 firmly d.nl.d that the work. "I think all of these pro- erators said the phones were out tI.,./ fact.flndln, comml....
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