ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ-ƒƒ-ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ-ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ.., ealitornie Stets Idbrttry c rotsento 9, CaLi forrd IF OR Officer List Due Committee To Meet All campus organizations Presidents or %ice presidents must turn in a list of officers of all organizations interested in prior to May 10 to remain utli- Homecoming are asked to attend Hied, according to Harrison Gibbs, AK attorney. Organi- the Homecoming Committee zations who do not comply will meeting londa) at 330 p.m. in be prosecuted by the Student the student Union Building Court. attart Rules and entrance procedures All lista should be turned in to will be discussed, afeording to Hely, Aho, ASB receptionist, in Jerry MfCarths, Homecoming the Student Colon. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Committee chairman. Vol. 43 Son Jose, Colliornio, ril 27, 1956 No. 173 Spikers Seek Upset Symphonic Band Phi Mu Sorority Crest Orchestra Rally Will Introduce To Give Concert Makes Request To Furnish Music Win Over Fresno Tomorrow Night For Junior Prom ASB Candidates By PETER MECKEL The San Jo,e State Symphonic Dick Crest, 1951 gr.,duatc of The first election rally in SJS history will be 11,..1 Monday at (Sports Editor) Band, under the direction of Dr For Blood Donors Jose State, and his orchestra. I I :15 a in on the lawn, north of the reserve book room. Presidential t+an Jose State's track teatn 33111 be out to perionn what Coach Robert Eiester, assistant professor A ,iramattc plea f¦i- bl, (,c1 has '5 ill furnish the music for the .11,11-ants will present their campaign platforms and other candidates Bud Winter calls "operation superman" when it takes on ixn.verful of music, will present a concert been issued by members of Phl annual Junior Prom, to be held in the ASB elections will be intniduced. Don Hubbard, ASB presi- Fresno State tomorrow afternoon on Spartan Field. Field events will tomorrow evening at 8:15 o'clock Mu sorority in .behalf of the son ; Saturday. May 5 dent, will officiate at the event Concert Hall. cook, according to Mrs. I start at 1:30 o'clock, while the track events will begin at 2 o'clock. in the of their While attending SJS. Crest had Purpose of the rally. is to give voters a chance to become acquaint- The program will include -Over- Maxine Smilie of the San Jose , Although Fresno could hand the Spartans a bad licking, come. a combo every week on the "Spar- ed with the candidates running in the ASB elections to be held next ture to La Clemenza Di Tito" by Blood Center. tan Review," a radio show on one _ . through performances on all sides could give San Jo ,,e razor.thin Thursday and Friday. according Mozart; "Andante front Second The boy is James Hall, 19, and of the local stations. Also, on of margin of victory. to Bob Becker. chief justice Violin Concerto," by Strauss; "Con- is the son of Mrs. June Hall, the . the same station, he had his own the Student Court. Small as their chances may certo Grosso," by Wagner; "Vie- sorority's cook. Jim *as born VS Frost Camp The Spartan Daily also will seem against the likes of Mike tory at Sea," by Rodgers and without a portal vein. This vein "Suite in F Major." by Hoist. the main blood artery to the publish the platforms, names Agostini, Ancel Robinson, Tom Is One of the selections, "Vona- liver As a result, other smaller Expects To Attract and backgrounds of the candi- Noll, Ed Denbow and Dave Cas- tions for Concert Band," will be veins perform the task. This, in dates in the election Issue nest per, the Spartan spikers are fired conducted by the composer. Allyn turn, builds pressure. 400 New Students Thursda% Candidates are urged up and are out to pull off what M. Ferguson Jr., a graduate of San This condition forced Jim to to submit their platforms to would be the upset of the year. Approximately 400 new San the Daily office by 1.30 p m Jose State College. abandon high school. Since 1952, College students will Appearing as soloists with the he has received 116 pints Jose State Monday. Winter compares the Spar- of be present at next tall's Fresh- tan team to a "David with a band in Wagner's "Concerto Gros- blood; of this number, only 24 along with 40 camp Presidential candidates in the Friesen, George replaced. man Camp, sling shot against the Goliath ' so," will he Allan have been He has been counselors and 20 faculty mem- spring elections are Al Behr. Jack and Richard Hodge, trim- at Santa Clara County Hospital Fresno." Ile said. "In order for Joiner bers, according to Bruce carter, pets, and Saul Estrada, baritone since Starch 6. us to win, it would take come- "Blood public relations representative. through performances in every horn. is the only thing keep- The camp will be held at Asilk- event. It is asking Other seleetions on the program ing him alive," ,said Miss Rudy Sept. an awful lot. Coot omar near Monterey Bay. hut the team wants will be "Cordoba" and "La Bernstein of thk Blood Center to shoot ! Leireona: "Hunting- "Only 14 -16, and will cost $17 per the works." parsa" by surgery ein completely The cost covers all travel- Tower Ballad," by Respighi and cure him. The doctors student here are ' ing expenses and room and board. , By "shooting the vorks," stars "Burlesque from Ninth Symphony." trying to get a west coast surgeon " ..inp counselors will go to the ' by Shostakovich. The Blood Ceqter has declareo such as Lang Stanley, Don Hub- .,ftair reduced cost, while Tuesday "Jim Hall Day," at a bard, Don Malinoff and .M far, accord- the faculty go free. s:1 COACH BUD WINTER ing to Mrs. Smile Students inay will have to double aaginst pow- The camp will include discus- ej-ful opponents. Head% "Operation Superman" donate blood at that time between ! - - Kaucher Lectures sion of all problems which the 10:30 a.m. and 3 p.m Transpor- incoming students will face Thu Stanley has perhaps the tough- tation to the Center %cill be pro- est job of all. In the 440 he runs vided DICK MIST covers such, topics as student To Senior Briefing donors from in front of government orgatiiration and into Fresno's Noll, who ran :483 Pick the Student Linion at various in- . Ts Play at Prom Lecture by chances of participation in it, liv- last week aaginst Occidental. The tercals throughout the day. ing conditions, fraternity and sor- Spartan ace will be forcedrc to go On Leisure Time program for one year called "The all out to beat Noll. Then he mo Si ority activities. and other topics Auditorium Dr. Dorothy Kaucher, prates- High School Hit Parade Show." in which new students may be come back with little rest and Packs ye.:terday to sor of speech, spoke Having played for many of take on the tough Casper, who Students and townspeople pack- assembly on gnups To Open intichrieesrte the Senior Briefing the fraternities and sororities will be organized recrea- has run 1:51.9 this year. How- ed Morris Dailey Auditorium yest- the subject of "The Graduate's here, Crest and his group se err ever. the Spartan star, holder of erday to hear uranium multimil- tion, which takes in swimming, Use of Leisure Tune" For Nature School featured at the Panhellenic volleyball, softball, football and the world's fastest 880 clocking lionaire Vernon Pick explain his Dance, the Military Ball and lifeunchanged She gold the coess that she was Registration for the bummer ses- other sports. There also will be for 1956 at 1:48.7, is a great , philosophy of sion the Soph Hop. Those attending 10 million dollar strike. not qualified to tell the students of the West Coast Nature two social dances. competitor and has an excellent since his School will begin the Wintermist Dance of 1951 A solidly built man whose how thee; should; spend their Tuesday in Room Any new studentfreshman or DON HUBBARD chance for a double win. S100, Dr. Gertrude. Cavins, swayed to the music of Crest, seather-bronzed face reflects leisure time after they are gradu- head transfer- is eligible to ttend. golly ea C that leisure of science education. announced whose slogan is "Be a musical Hubbard must break into hours of outdoor living, Pick cited sled. Dr Kaucher said Fresno's distance strength if the , . time is an individual. thirig. and. yesterday. guest of Dick ( rest, his celeste aolf-sqfficiencyta. us .hia nutastwe and orchestra." as they did at Fairbanks. 41Wssee1P/ Fromm spartans are to win. Ile runs advised his that each person must choose his Regi;lration is limited: There are for greatness and Running for tries president occupy such ! will into Denhow and Allison Jordan listeners to "stand on your own ' own diversions to be no extension in deadlines. Student Activity Sheets Gary Clarke. Don Ryan and Ken ' It will be a same year. in the, mile and will have to he two feet" in seeking success. time matter of -first come. Schoch. Fresno's first served." Dr. Cavins said. During his career, Crest h.c. at his best to place. Add -Real security comes from She further related that she and Dick Aring- Turkish runner Cahit Onel in There is a $15 fee, payable at been musical director for Thc Must Be Up to Date Jim Springer yourself." he said, "and from did not see how the student just running for the office of the two mile and it is easy to time of registration.
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