Inside MICHIGAN Weather Sunny and mild today. High The Fantastici», p. 3; Lin­ near 50. coln, p. 4; Key Shop, p. 7. STATE UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Price 10< Vol. 55, Number 59 Tuesdoy, November 19, 1963 Latin Alliance Only Hope-Kennedy Ticket Sale Warns Of Chinese Hit Soviet 'Brisk’ For Inroads Cooperation With U. S. MSU-lllini By Reds Korean War against U.S. aggres­ MIAMI BEACH, (#)—President TOYKO (tfl-The Red Chinese peace, the article told Soviet Ticket sales for Saturday’s sion in which we fought side by Kennedy said Monday night the called Prem ier Khrushchev a leaders: State-Illinois game are reported United States will live up to its “ You had better cut out your side with the Korean comrades Bible-reading, psalm-s i n g i n g "b risk ,” according to Bill commitments to the Alliance for sensation-mongering calumny. and our struggle against the Uni­ Beardsley, University ticket servant of the United States Mon­ ted States in Taiwan (Formosa) Progress because it offers the day and claimed he didn’t ap­ The Chinese Communist Party manager. only route to "progress without is firmly opposed to a 'head- Strait. He noted, however, that every preciate that Red China sacri­ “We ourselves preferred to despotism, social justice with­ on clash’ between the Soviet Un­ student who presents his activity out social terror." ficed itself in the Korean War shoulder the heavy sacrifices to avert a direct U.S.-Soviet ion and the United States, and not book before 5 p.m. Friday will In an address before the In­ in words only. In deeds, too, necessary and stood in the first have a seat for the game. clash. ter-American Press Associa­ it has worked hard to avert di­ line of defense of the Social­ In the latest chapter of the Beardsley said that the ticket tion, Kennedy said the Alliance rect armed conflict between ist (Communist) camp so that the running Soviet-Chinese ideologi­ is th e Western Hemisphere’s Soviet Union might stay in the office has alloted around 23,000 cal dispute, the Chinese also them. Examples of this are the hope for a decent standard of second line. seats fo r students and that these accused the Russians of bluffing living and "a common dedication If the Russians had taken part will be available under the reg­ when they threaten to use nu- to freedom.” they faced the possibility of being ular coupon redemption proced­ cluar weapons to support revol­ ures. Juniors can pick up their He warned members o f the ousted from the United Nations, utionary struggles. Presumably, Alliance that Communism i s in which China is not a mem­ seats today at the Jenison Field- the Chinese had the October 1962 struggling "to extend its rule ber. house outer areas, while sopho­ Cuban crisis in mind but they to other nations of the Hemis­ The Chinese criticized Khru­ mores can get in line Wednesday, phere" outside Cuba, and he did not say so. shchev’ s cooperation with the and freshmen Thursday. The Chinese made their claims called on them to support mea­ United States and said “ the U.S. “ A limited number of adjacent in the official Peking People’s sures to halt this infiltration. imperialists are the wildest mil­ seats will go on sale Friday Daily and Red Star, a theore­ TICKETS PLEASE - These are seme of the seniors and graduates The President made no mentien itarists of modern times, the morning, but we will only hold THIS STUDENT — spent the tical journal. The article replied of Argentina’s annulment of mil­ wildest plotters of a new world students who spent the night outsdde Jenison waiting for tickets them until noon,” Beardsley said. hours reading by the light of lions of dollars in contracts with to Soviet charges that Peking w ar." to the Illinois game. The picture was taken at 3 a.m. Monday. He added that there are still some a flashlight —— of all things American oil producers, but he sought to push the Soviet Union general admission tickets avail­ a book on “ Abnormal Behav- commented that "Every country into a nuclear war with the West. able, but that the game is ap­ is free to shape its economic The Chinese said they con­ proaching a sellout. ior.— photo by Gary Shumaker sidered it absolutely impermis­ Price Of Nuclear Free Zone institutions in accordance with sible that the Soviet Union should its own national needs." be the first to use nuclear wea­ "However," he added, “ just as no country can tell another pons in a conventional war in­ FOUR SCORE- Today marks volving the West or in a re­ 'No Guantanamo:’ Cuba how it must order its economy, volution that the West was try­ the 100th anniversary of Lin­ AFL-CIO Adopts no nation sould act within its coln’s Gettysburg Address. own borders so as to violate ing to stop. of the resolution "by enumer­ UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. if)— vote for the resolution, has made the rights of others under accep­ Listing all that the Chinese For details, see story, page 4. ating certain conditions which, The United States Monday rejec­ clear that it will not support ted principles of international said they had done to preserve as he well knows, are unaccep­ ted Cuba’s demand thattheGuan- actual establishment of a Latin law." American free zone unless it table." Anti-Bias Policy tanamo Naval Base be given up This was in line with his accep­ as the price for establishing a includes all countries in the area. He referred to Lechuga’s re­ NEW YORK ^-Warned that berated because it is not doing tance at a news conference last nuclear free zone in Latin Amer­ Stelle asserted that Lechuga marks as "intemperate” and Warplane Negrpes are losing faith in the enpugh,’' said AFL-CIO P resi­ Thursday of Argentina's right Rocky Asks had excused Cuba from sOppbrt reiterated the U.S. position "that ica. , labor movement, the AFL-CIO dent George Meany. to annul the contracts, and his Charles C.Stelle,U.S. disarm­ the Fidel Castro regime had urged its 13.5 million members Meany said he could remember (continued on page 6) ament negotiator, also told the betrayed the revolution. Support In« Monday to fight racial discrim­ when labor was "the one seg­ Contract General Assembly’s main polit­ Lechuga retorted that this ination everywhere. ment of American society that ical committee that the United Planetarium amounted to playing “ the same But it slapped down a move was out in front in fighting in Washington States would vote against a res­ old cracked record,” and said Defended to adopt language by its only this field—and we didn’t have olution seeking an international that even if the charge were WASHINGTON IjPI—G o v . Nelson Opening Date too much help.” WASHINGTN i/Pi-The No. 2 true, it was an internal matter Negro vice president charging A. Rockefeller brought his pres­ conference fo r drawing up a Randolph, president of th e man in the Defense Department of no concern to the United States. "failure of labor to throw its idential candidate image to Cap­ treaty outlawing use of nuclear Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Por­ testified Monday that the TFX Uncertain E.R. Richardson, delegate full weight into the civil rights itol Hill Monday for smiling ex­ weapons. ters, said, "There is a growing warplane contract was awarded The date for the opening of from Jamaica, said his country revolution.” posure to Congressional Repub­ Cuban Ambassador Carlos M. feeling of alienation from the on the basis of "consideration of Abrams Planetarium is still un­ would support the Latin Ameri­ The 1,200 convention delegates licans of all shades of opinion. Lechuga declared that before his labor movement in the Negro national defense, and nothing certain, Robert E. Weber, as­ can resolution, but added that if adopted a strong civil rights But the indications were that, country would agree to any pro­ community.” e lse ." sistant curator of the planetar­ Cuba’s participation in the free resolution after refusing to in­ outside of his state's two GOP posal to ban nuclear weapons A move from the convention The testimony came from De­ ium, said Monday. zone w as impossible Jamaica clude the critical language of senators, the New York governor from Latin America, the United floor to adopt his speech as a puty Secretary of Defense Ros- “ We’re making an effort to would have to reconsider its A, Philip Randolph. got few if any promises of sup­ States would have to agree to preamble to the civil rights re­ will L. Gilpatric as the Senate have it finished by early next ” 1 refuse to accept the idea port i n what now shapes up put Puerto Rico and the Panama position. investigations subcommittee be­ year,” he said. “ But we can’t that the American trade union solution was defeated by voice as a strenuous contest with Sen. Canal in the proposed zone. gan its final scheduled round of put a date on it. We expect to movement should be scolded and vote. Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz., for He added also that the United questioning Defense Department have it open some time during the 1964 nomination. States would have to abandon witnesses about the award which winter term .” Rockefeller told reporters that its big naval installation at Guan­ High Court ultimately is expected to cost Weber said that the delay was he was making “ no endeavor to tanamo, which he described as $5 billion or more.
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