PAPERS AND PROCEE DI NG S O F THE D E M EM ORIA L CE LE B RATI O N Y 29 1 9 1 5 M A , I TO G ETH ER W I TH A B I B LI OG RAP HY OF THE W RITI NG S OF J O EPH RO DM A N DRA KE DR. S VI CT O R HUG O P A LTS I TS NEW YO RK THE B R O NX S O CIETY O F AR TS A ND S C I ENCES 1 9 19 F o ur h un d red sepagata reprin ted from R A N SACTION S Part B ONX SO CI ETY OE R TS A N D SCI EN CES T , 4 . R A CO ri ht DY g ) I 9 1 9 ) b y T H E B RONX SOCI ET Y OF ARTS A N D SCI EN CES P R ES S 0? TN$ M t w ( RA P R I NTI NG COM PANY LA N CASTER , PA . A TRIB UTE TO THE M EM ORY OF DR SEP . J O H RODM A N DR A KE THE B R ONX POET ON THE NINETY -SIXTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FI RST PU B LICATION OF HIS CHARACTERI STICALLY AM ERICAN POEM THE A M ER ICA N FLA G G IVEN U NDER THE AU SPICES OF 03h» Erma: 5 11 m of A rts aah S marty; On Sa urda M a 29th I 9 | 5 t y , y , R M M aCCR A CKEN Presiden t Y . DR . HEN , B VI Chairm an of the Coun cil AL ERT E . DA S . DRA KE M EMORIAL COM M ITTEE VIC O UG PA LTSITS Chairman HON . T R H O . R I B RI G O G . O B I G D . NATHAN EL L . TTON E R E E ST NE R D E L IT ER A RY EXERCIS ES In the MORRIS HIG H SCHOOL At Two O ’ clock — M USIC B the M orris High School Orchestra . y— M B . WELCO E y Principal John H . Denbigh E— M M Cracken B . ac RESPONS y Rev Dr . Henry , President of The Bronx Society of Arts and Sciences . ’ ” ADDRESS The Bronx in Drake s Time and T O- day —b M y the Hon . Douglas athewson , President of the Borough of T he Bronx . — PAPER Drake as a Poet B y Professor John Ers a kine , of the Dep rtment of English and Comparative m Literature in Colu bia University . — PAPER T he Culprit F ay : A Criticism B y Dean Archibald L . Bouton , of the College of Arts and Pure Science of New York University . ” — SONG The American F 1ag words by Joseph Rod m an Drake , music especially composed for this occa T sion by Edwin S . racy, Director of M usic in the M — orris High School Sung by One Hundred Pupils o f the School , accompanied by the M orris High School Orchestra . P P T he F l —B A ER ami y of Drake y Charles de Kay , Es q. , Author , Poet and Critic ; grandson of Joseph R od man —Drake . M USIC B y the M orris High School Orchestra . Automobiles have been provided for the Council and its Guests and others who have automobiles are invited to fall in for line the ride to Joseph Rodman Drake Park and Bronx a P rk , to witness the unveiling and other exercises . 6 U N VEIL I N G EXERCIS ES RO R R U O J O SEPH DMAN D AKE PA K, H NTS P INT A T ’ O CLOCK . — PAPER The Hunt Family and Hunts Point by the Hon . James L . Wells , Treasurer of the State of New York . UNVEILING OF TABLET AT DRAKE ’ S GRAVE M - By iss Helena van Brugh de Kay, a Great grand daughter of the Poet . ADDRES S of Acceptance of the Railing and Tablet on — T Behalf of the City of New York by the Hon . homas . P . W Whittle , ark Commissioner of The—Bronx NATION AL SALUTE TO T H E F LAG B y Battery c . G . E , Se ond Artillery , N , N Y Lieutenant Robert M W . arshall , commanding . Immediately after the conclusion of the Salute the auto~ mobiles will proceed to Bronx Park . U N VEI L I N G EXERCIS ES BRONX PARK GORGE BELOW THE OL D SNU FF MILL ’ AT O CLOCK . — B M r . ADDRESS y . Albert E Davis , Chairman of the Council . ’ — READING OF DRAKE S POEM BRONX B y the P ltsi . a ts Hon Victor Hugo , Chairman of the Drake M - emorial Committee . OF T T—B M UNVEILING ABLE y iss Sylvia de Kay, a - - Great grand daughter of the Poet . ACCEPTANCE OF TABLET on behalf o f the City of —B New York y Commissioner Whittle . EXH IB IT ION OF W ORK S B Y A N D REL A T IN G T O D R A K E I N T H E SOCIETY ’ S M USEUM I N THE L OR I LL A R D MANSION B RONX PARK PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS M A Y 2 1 1 9 , 9 5 The preceding programme , a pretty souvenir , was issued n in an edition of one thousand copi es for free distributio . The exercises were carried out as planned with no gaps and i as a few impromptu add tions , revealed in the following proceedings . F or many years the grave o f Dr . Joseph Rodman Drake had lain neglected and no adequate recognition was given his — memory as an American poet the first native poet o f the city of New York whose writings continued to hold undiminished favor in the American literary pantheon . Time was when the grave was in j eopardy of obliteration by a street ; but protests from a small number of wideawake citizens and editorial writers led to a cancellation of this unholy design and the perpetuation of the graveyard and abutting land as Joseph 1 0 6 Rodman Drake Park , at Hunts Point . In the spring o f 9 , when the preservation o f the site was being considered by the x co city authorities , the Bron Society of Arts and Sciences operated actively and w as represented at a hearing before the local 1board of Bronx Borough by a special committee consist t h rl . ing o f Victor Hugo P al sits and C a es W . Stoughton By The A m erican F lag Drake is a national poet ; by his charming poem on the B r on x he is peculiarly our poet ; whilst ' The Cu lpm t F ay belongs to the English - Speaking peoples every S o u where . it was most appropriate that his memory sho ld be n honored at home where his mortal remains had bee interred . This duty the Bronx Society of Arts and Sciences fulfilled after Six months of untiring efforts by its Drake M emorial Comm ittee and at an expense of more than six hundred dol lars s ecured from its members and interested friends in M an I O hattan and the Bronx ; particular thanks are due to the Board o f M anagers of the New York Botanical Garden who paid fo r the large bronze tablet and cost of erection in the gorge o f Bronx Park on land in the jurisdiction of the Board . B 6th y a happy coincidence , the 9 anniversary of the first publication of The A m erican F lag in the N ew Y ork Evenin g P ost fell on the eve of the day dedicated to the memory of the men who , in our Civil War , gave their lives that not one star The M e should be lost from that flag . exercises of Drake M morial D ay began in the M orris High School at P . The music under the direction of Director T racy was very n much enj oyed . Principal John H . De bigh welcomed the Society and its guests , which was responded to by the Rev . M M acCracken x Dr Henry itchell , President of the Bron Society of Arts and Sciences . After paying tribute to the work of Albert E . Davis , chairman of the Council , and Victor P altsits m M Hugo , Chair an of the Drake emorial Committee . M Dr . acCracken said : T he is Bronx the borough of parks and parkways . Out of its wealth of parks , exceeding four thousand acres , it estab lishes one little park primarily to encircle forever and defend - o the resting place of Joseph R dman Drake . Not alone be his l cause ashes have ain here near one hundred years . Nor e a b c use , born in this city , he lived in this neighborhood a good o f his ‘l l d portion brief ife of on y five an twenty years . But e l m et l esp cial y because here he nature most ovingly . H is form is buried , yet he lives here still as the voice of the natural o w rld all around us . F rom the bank of yonder little river “ of he sings my own romantic Bronx, Thy face , more pleasant than the face of men ; Thy waves are old companions . I shall see a well-remembered form in each old tree And hear a voice long-loved in thy wild minstrelsy .
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