September 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 20743 My salute to NASA and to the fellow new hopes for knowledge and peace are Both these women deserve great recogni- employees and as well to the leaders, there. And therefore, as we set sail, we ask tion for their work aboard the Shuttle Dis- women, who have taken us into space. God’s blessing, on the most hazardous, and covery and their lifetime of service to our Na- I rise today as a proud cosponsor of H. Res dangerous, and greatest adventure, on which tion. Truly, many women from Sally Ride to 450 which congratulates the National Aero- man has ever embarked.’’ Our Nation has Mae Jemison have made great strides to get nautics and Space Administration and the Dis- seen great tragedy and yet we continue to to this day when a woman can command a covery crew. Let me offer my own personal move forward because that is the only path space shuttle. To paraphrase a historic state- congratulations to this brave crew who re- that knowledge will accept; truly it is appro- ment once made from the moon: ‘This is one turned NASA to flight and made history in our priate that this shuttle was named Discovery. small step for women and one giant leap for Nation through the advancement of aero- Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, womenkind.’ nautics. I rise today as a proud cosponsor of H. Res. Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speak- Being from the City of Houston, which is 450 which recognizes Space Shuttle Com- er, I have no further requests for time, home to the Johnson Space Center, I take mander Eileen Collins, Mission Specialist and I yield back the balance of my great pride in the accomplishments of NASA. Wendy Lawrence, and the contributions of all time. I am proud to say that I was among the Con- other women who have worked with NASA fol- Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I have gressional Delegation that was at Cape Ca- lowing the successful mission of Space Shut- no further requests for time, and I naveral for the anticipated launch. While the tle Discovery on STS–114. Let me offer my yield back the balance of my time. correct decision was made not to launch that own personal congratulations to these women The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. day, this brave crew was able to successfully who have not only advanced the cause of aer- LAHOOD). The question is on the mo- complete its mission. The launch of the Space onautics through their work, but also they tion offered by the gentleman from Shuttle Discovery came more than 2 years have advanced the cause of women through California (Mr. CALVERT) that the after the tragic Columbia shuttle accident. The their determination. House suspend the rules and agree to crew of the Discovery included astronauts Let me take a moment to recognize Com- the resolution, H. Res. 450, as amended. Steve Robinson, Jim Kelly, Andy Thomas, mander Eileen Collins who successfully re- The question was taken; and (two- Wendy Lawrence, Charlie Camarda, Eileen turned NASA to flight. LTC Eileen Marie Col- thirds having voted in favor thereof) Collins and Soichi Noguchi. With implementa- lins was born in Elmira, New York on Novem- the rules were suspended and the reso- ber 19, 1956. As a child, Eileen dreamed tion of the Columbia Accident Investigation lution, as amended, was agreed to. about space and of becoming a pilot. Her par- Board recommendations completed, this crew A motion to reconsider was laid on ents often took her to the airport to watch the of seven astronauts flew aboard Space Shuttle the table. planes take off and land. The Collins family Discovery on mission STS–114 to test new wanted Eileen to attend college, but did not f safety techniques and deliver needed supplies have the money to send her. After high CONGRATULATING NASA AND THE to the International Space Station. Two crew- school, she attended Corning Community Col- ‘‘DISCOVERY’’ CREW members, Steve Robinson and Soichi lege. While there, she studied hard to earn a Noguchi, ventured outside the Shuttle three Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I move two-year scholarship to Syracuse University. times on spacewalks. The first demonstrated to suspend the rules and agree to the In 1978 Eileen Collins graduated with a bach- resolution (H. Res. 441) to congratulate repair techniques on the Shuttle’s protective elor of arts degree in mathematics and eco- tiles, known as the Thermal Protection Sys- the National Aeronautics and Space nomics from Syracuse University. Later, she Administration and the Discovery crew tem. During the second spacewalk, they re- went on to earn a master of science degree in placed a failed Control Moment Gyroscope, of Commander Eileen Collins, Pilot operations research from Stanford University Jim Kelly, Mission Specialist Charlie which helps keep the station oriented properly. and a master of arts degree in space systems Finally, they installed the External Stowage Camarda, Mission Specialist Wendy management from Webster University. Lawrence, Mission Specialist Soichi Platform, a sort of space shelf for holding In 1979, LTC Collins graduated from Air Noguchi, Mission Specialist Steve Rob- spare parts during Station construction. STS– Force Undergraduate Pilot Training at Vance inson, and Mission Specialist Andy 114 will also be the third trip of the Multi Pur- Air Force Base. In 1990, while attending the Thomas on the successful completion pose Logistics Module (MPLM) named Air Force Test Pilot School, she was selected of their 14 day test flight to the Inter- Raffaello to the Station. It’s essentially a for the astronaut program. Eileen Collins be- national Space Station for the first ‘‘moving van’’ that transports supplies to the came an astronaut in July 1991 and the first step of the Vision for Space Explo- orbital outpost. woman to pilot the Space Shuttle on February ration, begun from the Kennedy Space I have consistently stated that since the Co- 2, 1995. She made history once again in Center, Florida, on July 26, 2005, and lumbia shuttle accident, safety must be our 1999. On July 23 LTC Collins became the first number one priority. All Americans can look woman to command a Space Shuttle mission. completed at Edwards Air Force Base, proudly upon the achievements of our space Eileen Collins is also a wife and mother, but California, on August 9, 2005. This his- exploration when they look upon the crew of on top of all these titles and distinctions, she torical mission represented a great the Space Shuttle Discovery. is an inspiration for many women throughout step forward into the new beginning of Truly, we as a Nation have come a long the world. the Second Space Age, as amended. way in the area of space exploration since I also want to take a moment to recognize The Clerk read as follows: President John F. Kennedy set the course for CAPT Wendy B. Lawrence who served as a H. RES. 441 our Nation when he stated in a speech at Rice mission specialist on the Space Shuttle Dis- Whereas the Space Shuttle Return-to- University in 1962: ‘‘We set sail on this new covery. CAPT Lawrence is a native of Jack- Flight is the first step in the Nation’s Vision sea because there is new knowledge to be sonville and has flown on four missions to for Space Exploration; gained, and new rights to be won, and they space. Lawrence graduated from the U.S. Whereas the Space Shuttle Discovery Crew must be won and used for the progress of all completed three highly successful extra-ve- Naval Academy in 1981 with a degree in hicular activity spacewalks; people. For space science, like nuclear Ocean Engineering. She went on to earn a Whereas the STS flight 114 accomplished science and technology, has no conscience of master of science degree in Ocean Engineer- the first in-flight heat shield repairs on the its own. Whether it will become a force for ing from M.I.T. in 1988. Her mission aboard Space Shuttle; good or ill depends on man, and only if the Discovery was to transfer payloads back and Whereas the Discovery crew delivered United States occupies a position of pre- forth from the International Space Station more than 6 tons of needed supplies and eminence can we help decide whether this using the robotic arm. She’s made history, too. equipment to the International Space Sta- new ocean will be a sea of peace or a new She was one of the first two female helicopter tion; terrifying theater of war . The great British pilots to make a long deployment to the Indian Whereas Discovery’s spacewalkers removed a failed Space Station gyroscope and re- explorer George Mallory, who was to die on Ocean as part of a carrier battle group while placed it with a new one, restoring full capa- Mount Everest, was asked why did he want to stationed at Helicopter Combat Support bility of the Station’s attitude control sys- climb it. He said because it is there. Well, Squadron Six. Clearly, she made history again tem; space is there, and we’re going to climb it. when the Shuttle Discovery returned NASA to Whereas the Discovery mission success- And the moon and the planets are there. And flight. fully used three different Canadian robotic VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:30 Feb 28, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK15\NO-SSN\BR20SE05.DAT BR20SE05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE 20744 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE September 20, 2005 extensions to conduct spacewalks and to sur- When I introduced this resolution The astronauts of STS–114 did a su- vey the Shuttle: the Shuttle Canadarm; the less than a week ago, we had such en- perb job.
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