;,inMr^j^''aM.aaBslt iRaiga to. teiiiperatara toaIgM: . ’IMraday- falr ^ e a g ^ o e i i t o r . JUiycIwtor— C i f y o f V iU g g m (C fu k ta . _ fE IG H T E E N V a GES) PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY; M ARCH 1?,.1941 (OtoaaMad Advarttotog Oa |Phga |8) ^^ VOL.LX.,N0^1SS - -V ' •- * Tliailand Boundary Settleirient' Greeks Beat • Ai.J u e s ts BiU H o u s e ' Back Italians M tte S ' I C l i l N X Blriclkshui: Units Storni Aft#r Gareful ^ Actiou: Taken Despite Batti^on W ip ^ , Out. S e e k s ^3i(K^,(K)0'(KW ^ {D^mUfrutic .Protests Ato*H>’-***«•» 18.—(fl-ttel-: British Fliers AiARiil Seen T o iatry.O u:t ■ >nnecti^V S h ri;u 1 d lana uMitg tha MggtHii fgrc6 to*y B u tk p ,Policy pC ^aU iri^ ^ Ribrisc- w » • *•» 'BL iteva tou* fur ampIojNidi Attacked different potote in Albante Attack Naval b A fn sp tH n g ntept Jo M atei for veli’i ^ Advanceriierit <tf yaatarday after c a r w l artillery praparatkinV hut alt thruate ;Were Holiday by Week. .’m pcracies' EyprV"0 ’ri* ^ repulaed,; Greek . tellltary' dla- ' Base at Kiel ( piarie And iRunitipji o f patchea aaJd today.'. Que$tion$ Vtdidity a f SUte GApitt^, HmrtJord, Faaclrt Blackshirt unit* atormed W ar .'We-.PG*sibly;:^in’ ^ ; March l.S.-HiA^The Gon^W; Acquisition ■ o f ' A r m y to* Gre,ek linea' ahoutlng “ AyantP varji'e Fire .aiul Heavv BrUish Ptemier 'Fi tm o l- ■Due’’—Forward for the ■ Lead-. AVV.V.’^’ Urge* Early ticut House of-’ Jleprtseiita- per Air jhyS Acting er,' .■■,'■• , - .-. ' , Exiriosions R e p u If L tf ' ithonkw Amei tives adoptjMistqdAy. A One ehilre Blackahirt battatihn H^ad o f Puhlip WotkB, Raiflers Alpo Hit D ork* For Pa$Bage; Cnil» Wa-sblngtein,,>lArch; ure designating the tradition-' attacking . yCaterd'ay .aftern^un waa declared to have been' ariped Prdridenl Rob*eveii al last Thursday in November m A i B p e t|i e, r h a V <• ji. ‘Yeti) Magno ilarith' State CapitoVHartfdrd, Mar«^ {Hit with to* exception .of 187 men, -tb'Coiigresg 'today a rjequegt as Thankggiying despite. ■ V i 2-^JF^:MSenatt>r Wllltahi - J. Shea, - taken a* pciaonafa. fo r a^7,OOOtlH)G,OOe ^ Democratic, protests that* thd ' Capture IteJiaba' aald one of HuUetin! “ London, ,Marp!|l .12,-Hf^-: Prim* Republican flobr tekAejr, queaUqn- state shotiid fall in Step with to* Blackahirt unit* .taking part I,nndon, March — Mihiater ChiirchlU . formally atioh to. 0 a - f i w f ed today the. validity of act* per­ In the operatlona)waa toe ” Bnmb policy o r t o i s .to •President Boosevelt’s action. ' R. A. F. bomber*, alarted an 'thanked the'United SUte* tioday formed by Geiprge; !,; Burke *lnce Muaaotinl” battalion,..,natned for a “extensive fire to the Industri­ make Ofto<Mnocracii» every Cin advancing the holiday A foC'paasage of the Britiab aid hill, toe letter b e ca ^ uebng public aon of Premier MusaoUnl; al renter" 6t Kiel last night to gun, plarte a M muriitiOT^^ b l week. The overwhelming Re­ Advanoa Own Upea.’, which he termed a "new Magna u;orka commlaaioheh. and. urged . a clenr , weather nttecH Carta . an lnapi>7hg act of Greek* aald they were able pot (ierniany's Mg Nnval bate, the w ar thst, we possibly can.’* iQ publican majority forced pas­ leglalatlon raUfylnr them "to obs; faith.",. ..■ ylate and eliminate that quaatitm.’’ fly to throw toe Faaclfta hack, Air Minlatry 'aald today. a letter ;td Speaker, Raybura... sage of the bill, which .now With a United States mllitgre but to advahee thtlr oWn linea In ‘‘Many atlck* of bomboi were transmittiiig". detailed- ' wti- faces a hostile Demofcrstlc Shea ralaed that queation aa the toc Tepelenl aector. ;'(The Greek* mission In the; gallery-^he later Senate cohflrtned Rurk'e’a nomi­ .seen to burst on a shlwinlld* t budget director have been attempting to! take 'fep- received the Americana )n a pri-' majority, in the Senate, gfter nation aa:comirtilaaiorier for thejun- Ing yard a* well a* onrlother . ^ elenl slncf December and have' re­ vite . room-rCHutehlll aoleroiily for the 37,9 0 0 ,^ 0 0 0 egpeite a brief debate in which one axplred' teim ending July 1. ■! •I. dock*,’’ the Air'Ministry iNewa read the; following atatem.ent to ported repeated, gains, there, but to’i Service declared, and 'there ditufei Mr. RoOscVelt assei^ of their .number ironically * Burkh) a Democrat ai^. farmer bagonally-ahadte area* W this map Ihdlcat* territory ceded the Houae of commons: have yet to take toe town-) waa-one dplent eaploalon. So ed:^"I'^8trongly ur^te tho Im­ joined the Democrats, |n deputy commt«ak>ner, waa deaig- R.: A, F- haadquai^r* an- Tliallahd by French Indo-ChMi following ’’medalUon’’ of toelt frontier. '^^The lease , and lend bill, aa the clear-was the w-eatherjoff .th* mediate enactment ,o# this sjte ^gising - the earlier ^ celebra- nated acting coiiMnlaaloner by nduheed .that five .Italian ■ planes (ilspike by Japan- ’ TTie Mekong river follpw* niuoh <Jf the new bound-4 Houae la aware, became law yeS- :Goy, R «M rt'A - .Hurley when , the Dutch coast, Ote Jtewe.Saryte? t W of ThaSRsgivihg. ware downed *fid Otoete a ^ e l y Jif^. :FraTiM wtotn* m u ^ t o w aald, that pllote were'sMe to p'ropristiim.” ^ latter reaighed a* head ,o f' the damaged In a hatUe over the cen- i Thallfirf bad demanded Sglrially. *^**®"^ (Continued OiyTage Slateeu) ..The (Jilef executiy* declared that Rep, Elbert G. Mancheatcr (B. read, their map* by mpbrtllght tral Albanian aector yesterday.' (2) will be under America has felt tW t ."It was la*- ; Winebeaterj arid he toopght It (PoatlniMd..pa Page Ten^ Italian troopa and motor frana^ japan waa reported tp haVe arranged,with .Thailand for the large rice , .and could ace the Ktel iwn*I — • from a diatahee of 60 liille*. - perailvd to' th# aecurlty df Am eil-. waa ■''c6imneh<Uble’* that toe •• iiythe newly ceded territory. ca toat we encourage to* deWMierS' ."genUepatri down In WaaWpgton p<H’te were again attadted on thf and Umber yields. •Ovisio clee’ hrtole -realatanc# to aggres* - were giving a' Uttl* more elbbw GHava-Busl rpad, but to* 2»ota London,. March ' 12.—(iP)—A Said 'they - were'. uhabl* . td deter­ aldns; by libt 'only tnaintalnlng-but- . room to toe New Dealer*’ arch ri­ $ a b d t^ e large fire and- heavy exploalon* re* alao incrcsalng the flow of . ma* val,'Santa ClaUa:'’ , ' mine the result* bacauae ..of low Clonda. ' , aultedJ’rOm an R. A. F. attack ia«t Beliii^iolated teriar aSsUtaWce from $b|a ceuii. To SIMve “Petjly DUreniwo" I t a l ^ Wounded Noaneraac night bn Germany’s big Kiel Na­ try.?-', . v. Re - Rep. T. Bifainet Clarie, Houae ^Far Fetched’ Greeks said lUItan wounded val bate, the 'Air Minlatry . an­ . Therefonr, he said, Oongrew had Pepidoratlc leader, urged that enacttel' and ' he ‘had .sighed the.. were So numaroua . that atntcher Cmm Strike "Patty dltterencea" be ahelveid, and bearers' were unable to dear toe nounced today. 'H wa* called a' Britiah aid bill. " aiwertad that if Connecticut ob- In Qiiilt Fire battlefteld. Twenty lUliSn pfficera s D 5 - p O ^ C T “aucceaMul attack." Acttett' WHhln 84 HOOM oervid toe day set aaide by the .The prealdent’a request for, til were'listed among the htisdnera, The comrnunlqu# told site of at­ Etriployes o f AluMirijum Preaident <*we are gUU obaerving in one Faadft battalion to.e tack* laat night on the Bremer- hVggeat ^leacvtime appropriatio fi­ the true aptrtt and tradJUOn of Greeks bald only lO Officers and haven dock*, near Kifl In north­ Plant W alk Out rt blH In the nation’s history vent- to 'rhaiUtegiving pay aa aat forth by iG o r o u e r . Hold* -Blaze Congress leas: than 24 houra After . 70 men survived out of a totel of west Xierrosny,, and -a daylight Piwniier wit I Boiiibuia: Seen he algned the bUl In to, tew and ap* , toe BHgrim fgtfiere.’’ Taking Live* of Tep 738 men. / Minister to Gri to Ber- ; “ raid yeaterilay storage y' Plant; .Author* A Greek'apOkeiiman announced proved -toe flret Hat of supplies .to He charged that apOqaora.of toe depot pt Rotterdam, The N^her- ii^ Serrof Baibiti! . bill hhd forgot the . "t>ue .trad!-, Men ill AU Probability earlier thai;!e^60 more Italian pirt?^ lin ; W ithin:. FeW Day* ^ he ihlpped-'-'to— iSrttain - aiiU to Plot to land*! '-tlqn" of Thankagtylng And apught soner* had/hemi taken in Albaii^ • (Berlin aour.fcea, paid, houaea Or.eece.; ' . .'v'''-"'. AccideritallV; , Started; T<r l^scnsi Fprinnla. ; > The'' appropriation ' estimate -Of ; to'®“reteln a ttodlUon which-In end add .gome of toe csptives jM* were bombed and some < perri****.' !y The Associated Fress tlmatoddltaly’s losses in the cAm- Budget DlreCtoc:8 mlto: broke tSs ' ihany :inatance« haa 'degenerated were killed or inJ»u5edUn'one<nbrlh CIO union-• fmployea . j at the / to’ mean feaati'ng and attending ^^‘Newew Haven, MarchM a r^ 12—<0--'12 palgn at 130,200 men. - V ’> / • 17 ,000,000.006 down into ysrlooB. Belgfade, Yugoalavi*, March Geripan town, but twCm^lllUry Edgewater! N. J., plaid of 'rii# categories,, of'which the ■ largest ; ' " the hut football game* o f the col­ Teriping a theory -of sabotage “far new pris<mers, Indudihg 12,--^AVrYugo8laVifi .was ,r^ damage reaulted.), .
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