CONTENTS Introduction Tawassul - Its types and related rulings vii chapter ONE ____________________________________ Tawassul in the Arabic Language and in the Qur'aan The meaning of Tawassul in the Arabic language 1 The meaning of al-Waseelah in the Qur'aan 3 Righteous actions alone are the means to draw nearer to Allaah 6 When is an action a 'righteous action' 7 chapter TWO ____________________________________ Natural Means and Means Prescribed for Goals in the Sharee'ah How can we know correctness of a means and whether it is prescribed or not? 15 22 chapter THREE____________________________ Prescribed Tawassul and its Types i) Tawassul by means of the names of Allaah and His attributes 24 ii) Tawassul by means of a righteous action which the person suppli- cating has done 27 iii) Tawassul by means of the supplication of a righteous man 34 The falsity of Tawassul by any other means besides the preceding three 38 chapter FOUR _________________________________ Doubts and their Rebuttal THE FIRST DOUBT........................................................................................................ The hadeeth concerning 'Umar's seeking rain by means of al-'Abbaas 49 An important note concerning the life of the Prophet (IH) in the Barzakh 57 An objection and its rebuttal 63 [email protected] www.calgaryislam.com THE SECOND DOUBT.................................................................................................... The badeeth of the blind man 67 Removal of a misunderstanding and an explanation of the danger of exaggerated respect of the pious 76 Additions to the Hadeeth of the Blind Man 82 the first addition 82 the second addition 85 A note concerning the book: at- Tawassul ilaa haqeeqatit-Tawassul 92 THE THIRD DOUBT ...................................................................................................... Weak Ahaadeeth Relating to Tawassul 93 The first hadeeth 94 The second badeetb 98 The third hadeeth 100 The fourth hadeeth 101 The fifth hadeeth 102 The sixth hadeeth 104 The seventh hadeeth 116 Two Weak Reports 119 The First Report 119 Calling Upon Others Besides Allaah for Assistance 126 The Second Report 130 THE FOURTH DOUBT .................................................................................................... Making Analogy between the Creator and the Created 134 THE FIFTH DOUBT....................................................................................................... Is there anything to prevent the innovated Tawassul merely being something permissible but not as something recommended? 138 THE SIXTH DOUBT....................................................................................................... Making Analogy between Tawassul by Means of the Person or Status of Somebody and Tawassul by Means of a Righteous Action 140 [email protected] www.calgaryislam.com THE SEVENTH DOUBT................................................................................................... Making Analogy between Tawassul by Means of the Prophet's (5g) person and seeking benefit 141 1. Al-Bootee's error in making tabarruk (seeking benefit) and Tawassul one and the same 145 2. The falseness of Tawassul by means of the traces left behind by the Prophet(«|!) 148 3. A sweeping slander 150 4. His error in claiming that the reason for Tawassul by means of the Prophet (3H) is that he is the most excellent of everything in creation 152 5. His ignorance of the language meaning of 'seeking for someone to intercede on ones behalf (istishfaa') 154 6. His error in claiming that the blind man's Tawassul was by means of the station of the Prophet(^) with Allaah 157 Glossary 160 [email protected] www.calgaryislam.com INTRODUCTION All Praise and thanks are for Allaah, Lord of all the worlds and may He send praises and blessings upon the chief of all the Prophets and Messengers, and upon his family, his Companions and whoever follows his guidance until the Day of Judgement. The basis for this treatise which I present to the noble readers are two lectures which our teacher Muhammad Naasirud-deen al-Albaanee delivered to a group of Muslim youth in the summer of 1392H, at his home in Yarmuk, camp in the city of Damascus. In them, he dealt with the topic of at-Tawassul and all its aspects, and researched it thoroughly, with the wide knowledge, sound dis - cernment and precise investigation and checking which he is well known for; indeed it is rare that you find another like him in this age. Those present thought highly of the valuable study due to the sound scholarly research and its proofs which were strong and clear, and were convinced of its conclusions and the view arrived at by it, which is at the same time the position of the muj- tahid imaams of the past, rahimahumullaah. We saw that it contained immense benefit and there was a great need for its publication so that it could be made available to the Muslims, helping to release them from a great deal of confusion which they have about this topic. Furthermore, thanks for all bounties are due to Allaah who made this easy, since a number of brothers, recorded the lectures and one of the brothers who keenly strives to seek the knowledge, transcribed them in clear and beautiful handwriting, so may Allaah, the Most High, re ward him well for that effort. Then I polished the text to make it suitable for publication and added some points of benefit where appropriate. I also provided the source references for the Aayaat and some of the abaadeetb occurring in it. Then our teacher al- Albaanee retrieved a manuscript of a treatise which he had written almost www.calgaryislam.com [email protected] VI twenty years previously entitled: Tawassul and the Ahaadeeth about it. This was one of a series called: Attainment of a Sound Judgement about those who Claim to be Aiding the Rightly-Guided Khaleefahs and the Companions. In this series he replied to a number of innovators and followers of falsehood who sought to attack the Salafee da'wah through various treatise in which they were guilty of falsehood and such blind attacks as do not in any way con- form with knowledge and sincerity which is essential for it. So our teacher showed me that treatise, and I examined it, and found that it contained valu - able points and extra benefits not found in the two lectures. I therefore added these where it was possible to do so, leaving out what was not needed. Then I presented the whole treatise in its new form to the author, mayAllaah preserve him, and he refined and revised it in order to increase its clarity and usefulness. So this treatise, despite its brevity, is comprehensive, through Allaah's grace and grant of what is good, and I present it here to the noble readers hoping that they find a great deal of good in it and great benefit. Furthermore I ask the Generous Lord and Protector that He writes a great reward for its author, and its publisher, and all praise and thanks are for Allaah through whose blessings righteous deeds are completed. He is sufficient for us and the most excellent Disposer of affairs. Damascus, 27th Rabee'ul-Awwal 1395H. Corresponding to 19th April 1975. Muhammad 'Bid al-'Abbaasee. [email protected] www.calgaryislam.com vii TAWASSUL - ITS TYPES AND RELATED RULINGS All praise and thanks are for Allaah, we praise Him, seek His aid, and ask His forgiveness. We seek Allaah's refuge from the evils of our own selves and from our evil actions. Whomever Allaah guides none can misguide him, and whomever Allaah leads astray then none can guide him. I testify that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah, alone, having no partner, and I tes - tify that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger. "0 you who believe! Fear Allaah as He should be feared and die not except in a state of Islaam with complete submission to Allaah."1 "0 mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Aadam), and from him (Aadam) He created his wife (Eve), and from them both He cre- ated many men and women and fear Allaah through whom you demand your mutual (rights), and (do not cut the relations of) the wombs (kinship). Surely, Allaah is Ever an all Watcher over you."2 1. Soorah Aali-'Imraan (3): 102 2. Soorah An-Nisaa (4): 1 [email protected] www.calgaryislam.com Vlll "0 you who believe! Keep your duty to Allaah and fear Him, and speak (always) the truth. He will direct you to do righteous good deeds and will forgive you your sins. And whosoever obeys Allaah and His Messenger ($§>) he has indeed achieved a great achievement."3 Indeed the best speech is the Book of Allaah, and the best way is the way of Muhammad. The worst of affairs are novelties, every novelty is an innovation, every innovation is misguidance, and all misguidance is in the Fire. The people are in great confusion about the matter ofTawassul and its rulings in the religion, and they greatly differ concerning it, some declaring it lawful and others prohibiting it, some going to extremes and others being over - lenient. Also, a large number of the Muslims have for centuries been used to saying in their supplications such things as: '0 Allaah by the right of your Prophet...,' or 'by the right of the Sacred House... forgive me.' and '0 Allaah by the right of the Awliyaa and the pious, and so and so, etc.' or '0 Allaah by the honour of the men of Allaah to You, and by the honour of those in whose pres - ence we are, and under whose assistance we exist 4, relieve us and the dis- tressed from all distres s.' Also: '0 Allaah we humbly beseech You with outstretched hands, seeking a 3. SoorahAl-Ahzaab (33): 70-71 4. The belief that any deceased person gives any help or assistance is a futile and false belief, and seeking for such help from them is to call upon others besides Allaah for aid, and this is one of the types of Major Sfe'r/fe (ash-Sbirkul-Akbar), and we seek Allaah's refuge from that.
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