THURSDAY AUGUST 23. 1900. 8 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. Auction Snfcn of llcil Fxtnte. Real Estate. FOR RLVOLT SOU). i;i;i-Ki:.Mi:cotjiit.* \k\v:v<»i:k .'.imv. BAD COIH — aaalnst BIG APARTMENT HOUSE . WILLIAMr. WARNER. Plaintiff CAIJCV Avoid T-i0 Charged wit! .Counter 'citing-'to' Penalties f BARSTUN..REALTY COMPANY NOW OWNS, THE ST. • by registering, you.- Foci, nl.l »ell »' p-J»H9 .prcp.^; Aid'Castro's r>.'«•»»• iii said Iwl«m«nt nnmed. Iftr] at this Com pan t.tjr or v % URBAN, IN CENTRAL PARK WEST. 1« Ves»v stroet In th« Rortush of Hanhattjn ; 3y th-> arrest yesterday at two men in this Tax Registrstion Bu;eau, : city by Secret Service agents, charged with a payment of a plan to counterfeit. Venezuelan. 'sHver jjollars. Changes IV tmali \u25a0aas revealed a gigantic and unique scheme To Enlarge Two Fine DwellingHouses— White Plains Tract annual fee arranges for oK- there «f Trtk-m an«l 1 maintain insurrection against «i.te rf New formerly In the t-»wn to organize and an VcTk formerly of fh» farm \u25a0taining all bills rounfv of and. a part 'Taxes. '. President Castro with spurious money. Uunds. \vJt«-be«ter Joseph " a and Water Rates, and F The men arrested In connection with this re- Bay by the Mark. InK lots bMonKln* to *?£ ™"«£1 *£,'?«"'\u25a0« 'in- ' markable plan w>Mw Captain George. R. F^>yn- H K:«lnk-r for formation astoany Aise-- Tlie Barntun Realty Company has taken title due. IMMaS; taxes, etc. ?9; to V.-fillam ton and M. Thomson, who said he wait $15,875: l^sth st. s a. 200 ft W of •'.•!. aye. li'»xW» 11. .Lcwlh Urban, IS Bir.t; \u25a0mi affecting proo-."' Broadway from Albert ForECh to the St. a twelve 3 sty .Iwlk h; Bams okl same; same atty. same ref: amagu shirt binds on tho shoulder. the a lawyer, with offices No. 42 and SS; i,. Gibson f'-r Tiie at. \u25a0 fS.W,4SiJ: taxes, M 5 ?«•»"• iSISSpfiHand fTtr story house, on 125.11 feet by Ir- due. etc. distant therefrom four *\u2666>_*»\u25a0**\u25a0 the apartment a plot «K«1 n 27» f w.oJ tat are. n»!fifieH. and road forty <\u2666»> re*. erf . at earliest redding at Bayport. Long Island, while Joseph By Joseph r Day: *» ac. i. Ours do not. ,'„!, |i u||. Westerly In th* rear hv a date.- ' regular, at th<» south corner of 89th st. and Central ft; a sty Redman aat lot 4 *\u25a0 SSjM map. «'i lot 17x100 dwlir •: B &•';$4.46» «:»[taxes, wide; and Northerly by No- as as Sydnsy Keller, who constitute the firm of recently bought the prop- Butts any; A V Waa;encr. ref; ar.« due. IJ. s*^. r*ar two ,j» andl '» well for the pay and Park West. Mr.Forsch BAKU & WILSON. heln in breadth In front and t*venty-n*« man* Brothers, makers, "»70 \V*st etc. $213 7.1; to John Bosstifil for $;.«*<> length South aide •*»<•) h« n' and Keller die at No. erty st a foreclosure sale for $1,130,000. on the them in time to ' There willle no auction soles to-day. <2.*1) links and on the north Bid- five «.*» <•"«•"»,\u25a0«*• thlrt>- of avoid Broadway. were arrested for having the dies Plans have been filed with Buildings Superintend- 1.14 links, containing en*, and «*"" "•* - four \u25ba eJl^ptlna; !»«*«"•""J?^"'"- penalties; thus saving possession. Murphy enlargement the dwelling* .lredths of an acre, more or les*. ycu for making the money in their ent for the of MECHANICS' LIENS. Collars that fit plot of fifty feet »v f.n# «100» law! ttm In width. kmaftg\u0084.t«rly Boynton, of the purpose of house* No. West 50th st. for H. R. Wlnthrop. In frontlns .ittl-e road which Is the the trouble of giving your Captain .who" told a 63d St., No. M West; John H. Drew & Bro. agt. fe.-. .lrirh. forming ami of No. J."S «9th for Mrs. W. Mln- & On.. '' NmiuMit of .he nhove des.tlhod and planned to turned East st. John Held „# ,*•*tract, tjie money which he had have Francis L. Hlne. owner: Walter ••••* °° Southwrstrrlv r,tß.r tr^-tft-ln* th» Mid P'*"»-£* personal attention to is new contractors *IMJ JUDGMENTS. by these the issue was to be legal- turn. The Winthrop bouse to have a facade , Fire- SATISFIED I.c, .onveye.l to William* .1. Major John IV-^HUay out, explained that l«4th St.. No. 434 to 444 West. Sanitary dee.l N. vemWer Bth. •*•«••"* of Colonial design, and a three story and basement Company f.gt. M. H. A. name in each case given is that of the ami another l.y .'oted annoying details. by executive decree as soon as the revolu- proofiriK an.l Contrartlna: ,„\u25a0_,» The first \u0084i..l th« «•••\u25a0•:\u25a0» o»«* in •}••• rnrin*-.- of ized extension, and the Minturn house improvement Wilson, »ni contractor •'• i-» the and date in *^-»*-rh» and the owner apt debtor, the second that of ciedltor cheMev. In IJher IH>. pac* 4*». with the e*<-er*l«n nf tion had succeeded in deposing President Cas- will include the addition of a conservatory 137th St.. No. 23 West; Joseph Schinderman conveyed 1« .'""<• Malorr an.l J. installation of a passenger elevator. The improve- Slsserman. owner and contractor mittinn•ww» when judgment was fllefi: nremlies F. \JHllairi also exhibited a document pur- Ueriam'.n East; .... Mnj.r> to lorn Forsyth- hv deed dated Jwne I**- Lawyers Title tro. The captain ments are to cost $35,000 and $EO.OOO. respectively, ISM M No. 440 to 44« Joseph Rosenblum SK». !*>«•• *IOT ST In Liber of Deeds' for »«ehe«er Salinas, . and S. GolUbirßer. __ n.me. Btlsabeu. March anl teeor.Ted 2X*SS Hunilngton. porting be signed by A. Y. secre- according to Hoppen." *Koen & the act. lx»uls O. Cohan Charles •• "m'" Bartholomew, MBStaSSOB Comity ?>a«e 04. with the exemption of th» to \u25a0\u25a0 Dunn. *.-*.***£ami William 11. »n<! further architects. \u25a0 owners and contractors July W. W* prewilsea rr.nreyed br the «im« part'ea t-> David Torirth; general the "Regenerating Revolution- . 21*7 and •.'2«; James J. afooney agt X B. X H-irernt: 3-«« '-• tary of bought from Kills Lewis at ,Nos. -\u25a0 s « hr dated June 1«W». and recorded la IJber 2«.1> and Marcus Rorenthal has Samuel owner and contractor... .-.^-4 ix» gttjne—Sam*; July 10. lt>'*i... ; •:... 3\> «leed t2th. "' " Insurance Trust appointed Captain Boynton supreme a tract of eighty-six acres, about a mile and a I»uls I^wlnthan. Henimel. Arthur X V. Pol QMMNMM et at; IV- of Deeds f< r V.'r»tr-he?t»r Countr. paaje ists." which property Washington aye.. No. 1525; Empire Manufactur- quarter northeast White Plains. The Company Harris an.l Osher Dated. August 14th. p#f^ chief of the cause. of ing act. C.ol.iblum • •" and U Albert S.s ISAACS.TsAArR F»fe-#«.. adjoins the Knollwood and Century Club parcels. Gordon, owners and contractors \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 AMhur°E.V John n«*-J. o< 1*£I3AACaac r.atntlff *» Company of whom are inter- l.iOx hSSSSu ! .TAJIK? X OATNOR ri"Q.. Af.nmry for Local Venezuelans', some lOltth at., n. s.. 100 ft. w.of Manhattan are.. M!"h.';S)'- H:-Ai;™.-:-AprlV.^-I«ii 27 72 Borough Manhattan. Xew Y«rk 72.11; Emplro City Woodworking Company bki. East 4?nd street. of ested in a revolutionary' movement against Cas- b.MW«^ rtnft H^a'rd:Same-Same; April 30. 1flO« '-.'" CAp REALTY NOTES Samuel Mioh«-:»on. owner an.l contractor ... .... Attorney for De>nd*nt*». 223 Iynnx R0x9».11. L.|rrlonc Joswj.h— Th« Eastern Brewing Company: j.,. JA.MKS V. T>rßO«3. KSO. $9,500,000 tro, backed with good Ramey. said last night that lodge 137th St.. n. s.. 4<M» ft. f. of nve.. - M Borough of Manhattan. N*w York Cltv siT^.% Plan.-: have been filed for a for C. K. G. net Benjamin Slsserman. " nrra.'wav. Ja-nes B. I^emthan Aannn" "jo7eph--A.'"Ouccjon»:Joseph— OneciOße; <">ctob»rnctober 1W , The follovrirur is diagram of the property to be sold as street..*.f> they never, heard of Seflor Salinas. Billings, to built the grounds of bis Washing- owner contractor 8 U^clc™*Ucoione. A. '"^j^.j,r>ft T2 a • - ' 07 LlhTlT I.lbrrtr »tre-t had be on and •••••.••'\u25a0'. ?8"? .. described above: \u25a0» ": Thomson, 7J» to S3 West: Patrick F. Kar.n\ Captain Boynton and Mr. who char- ton Heights property, in Fort Washington aye., l*»Sth "t No. Kaufman, Noppl. gaverio^A Nofpi" September 2«. tM».... MAMlATTAX. act Joseph Lesowitz and Samuel JW <JJ \u25a0 •\u25a0 • "'\u25a0-..•\u25a0• alleged counterfeiting as st. to cottage model, contractors ;\u25a0•••• •-\u25a0\u25a0 acterized their scheme West of lMst It |s be a on owners and W>rks «\u25a0. H. Mcl,iunh»n; October 2.. !>«• Montaaoe Street. l!ro,!,|71 No ft West; Bayrldse Sheet Metal r*r«rh. John P. ;"-"••• *'°** arraigned before Com- Story ami attic. 22x27. of brick flll-d frame decorated 31st at . owner; Flyjare & to.. !M3 |Tneate«) •• •••£; a "war measure." were two ornamental art. Alfred Nelson, C. O. n— et a: March 20. Building, with mucco work, and will have < M<M Vc*»l. I.llHai H. Rlaenbs/h : ™" missioner Ridge way. in the Federal It is to cost $2.0«>. according to the esti- & itxtfl (vacatod) terraces. 6tb aVe.. Bruschart Braun • guilty. mate of Guy Ijowell. the architect. Nos."«»*anii'e6i:i,nna; Co.
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