' i V - . ■< • • . \ ♦ 1 ' v ‘ '-.M ,t ■. : 'a ; r , 'r ' i V Hyr'r^-i u; >v: ■■■ V 1 ’.f ■- t f -.'.'L'.-. » iO N BAYr-APilL a..l 9W TWISENXX jflfpater 1Ewjfttih0 • • f j] • ^. i T" « • ■ Apm 1, ISUT The jianchostor Auxiliary of CM- Maniawater W A T tt '^ ^ ’i n ^ ' Ttis Women’s Rome League Clear, duM tonight, leir (iroii's Servioos will meet to- t o m o r ^ at ^ » i j M A i i ^ o f the Salvation Army will have 3S; jperUy auney aiig j 4Jiqu^:Tqwn mom^ at io*Am. at » Hunt- toan dtab, 18g._»t a -fellbwahtp meeting tomorrow temoriow. Ugh BO-BA ':ik«A'U l W w»' mit at. Quest speaker wHl be'W'elgWng in wUl t * M m 7 to St 2 p.in. St the CltsdeL Re- «M«t tenIgM; at 7:M at the Ital- Warren K. Braucher, aeststartt B p.m. \ ftoshimelnta win be served'. 'ti Charm ||RfiABMri«aii Old), IthMia 9t. executive‘dtreotdr of CSrfldren’s _ ,.-— services and director of CMl- John P r ^ totem sttcosl Club of Msn- yOL. LSXXVr ■ 1^6.106 (TWENlY-F^lJR PAGSai^TWO slSCI^NS) A I ^ 4, 196T fOaaalfled Adverttalor ee Fli«e St> PR|dB i jinwn*it Vittore Hartford fessor of art ar Weeleyan Dnl- chester YWCA will sponsor s wtMaahM Aaaerican Veterans drens V U toge^ ra ora . versity Middletown, will speak .ilMi'.r-' ■ iV'iV-iiai-rv im W aty has eanoaled a bingo plsstice petty tomorrow at . 8 atfMdidad to t tooigM at the Buckley school HbrmTr staff and ehoW fllnw Wcifaesdi^^ irt p.m.. at toe Community Y, 79 jftoeiky' Hid V^teians Ho^ital will meet tom onw at 9:80 p.m. 7:30 p.m. at GiMtonbury Hl^h N. Main St • iprt a nM tlng of the group at the school Mtorary. School, on toe development of ■plwtolea to r Wednesday night ___ experimental filmis khot|m as Reed-Baton Circle of Com­ lit the W W Bonne. ■nie board of dlrectow of "UndergroMd." program is munity Baptist Chuiuh will eSa '*■ "• ^ Manchester Publlo Nursing As- “P®" meet tomorrow at 7:30'p.m. at U.S. War twahBg' Workers CRrcie Of sociatlon will have a special c h a ^ . « « Jot^V s p o n s ^ toe home of Mrs. William Gil­ ■Doth MetiiodM Cltuncli will meeting'tomorrow at 10 a.m. at by toe ai^ depwtment of G l^ roy, 28 Washington St., Vernon. Meet Wednesday at 1 p.m. in Chuuman House. Mrs. Aim K. tonbury High School and toe The Rev. Robert Caqdtevens, Deoper-HaH o f the church. A Nl»n, wAlfc health nuieing con- cultural ^ c o m m itte e of Glaa- associate minister of Central iitwiag’ session is pleiined. Host­ swltMit of Hartford, will be tonbury PTA Council. Robert P. Baptist Church, Hartford, will oiHMf nnonirer Maiming, art Instructw at. Man- "irariv, YORK (a p ) — a oall before then -i- although the scheduled to be'telicaat'nation-^ esses are Mrs. Ruth Dewey and guest speawer^ Chester Community College, Is speak on “Teen-age ‘ Problems” pin. Bdith Torldngtcn. ait 8 p.m. The event Is qpen to aStetened at Hike ,o f mil- Teamsters . membamhlp haa wide by the. Atnerkian Rroad- Senior Cltlsens bowling league also an art Instructor at Glas- air women of the church. toi|d oohductdih) haa been Mde- sancUoned tf^vaJkout against 12,- o a s t^ .bo. next .Monday nigM. Wlll have a banquet tomorrow tonbury High Stooiri. _ 000 trucking firms who carry Aca^mny - P resen t -Arthbr at 6:30 p.m. at WllUe's Steak —-~- t^ecked but there waa no align of The Ladies Aid of ^ e Lu­ ae^ement today in natlohw la- the bulk, of the country’s high- Prised said toe. abow protMibly House. The league wfll bowl to- Hose Co. 1 of /the Town Plre theran Women’s Missionary way shipments. would ^ jpostpened if the strlte morrow at' 8 p.m. Instead of 1 Department wUl meet tomor- b(^ (Usputea Involvlhg Team- League of Zion Bvangelical Lu­ atere and bjroadoeat newsmen. Offlcen - of toe AFL-CiO contibi^, , W a deoiaton ' as usually scheduled. A bus will row at 8 p.m. at toe firehouse theran^ Church will meet American Federation of TeJevl- woukln’t be made tor two daysi Stale News '' leave toe Parkade Lanes at 2:15 on McKee St. Adding to the turbulent na- $1 B illion Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Cut From Tendet Young Porkers tigital labor eceha was a threat- slcn and Radio Arttata an- Many newsmen have stay*d pm. to pick up league members. ------ assembly room of the church. ____ Marcia-Neubert Circle, Corn- enad newsDaner'strike In Mew "«««•«<> ^ *"<108- away from t^lr miordpbofies In Members are .reminded to bring the dispute, but progranunfng Invested in State’s Atty. John D. LaBelle munlty Baptist Church,-will Yfpk, where poUoa and firemen mite boxes and lenten folders also. are d^andlng batter !^ f“ ®' on the major netwoilta has 0(m- of Manchester and Atty. James meet tomorrow' at 12:30 p.m. Hostesses are Miss Gladys See- BEST CENTER CUT N. Egan of Hartford will par- at the church. A film, "Great- working conditions — and a tinued because camerainan. Woes Linked Air Fighting lert, Mrs. Colby. VNsotske and diepute between Philadelphia ticipate in a discusirion tompr- er Things,” will be shown. .(See .Page Sixteha) row at 8 p.m. at a meeting of ----- Mrs. Albln Roth. OR FAMILY PAR PORK CHOPS ( ' NY^CKAcIl’ ) ct^ ciftolala and traah c^ e c- Academy 4(ward8i I To Big Gties SAIGON (A P),— Af­ Glastonbury Jaycees In the Ce- Two color films will be shown tor*. —------- :-------------- ------ _ _ i ___ ter two years and two dar Room at Buck’s Comers tomorrow at 7 p.m. at toe Bast Representatives of 66 rail- ! HAR-miRD (AP)—A Repub­ months of air war against Restaurant, Glastonbury. The Side Rec’ They am “New Bng- roW EVm PIUN 6ER a iA X S toads and the Order of Railway lican legislative leader said to- Owductors and ' Brakemen North Vietnam, the cost to toplc Is “Proposed wire-tap no- land Portrait" and “Riverside ftay that toe major problems of thb United States stood to­ knock and Immunity of witness- 500 and Atlanta 500,’’ a stock CLOGCED TOILETS LI «f|lied an agreement on one la- IS Patrol Sclibdls government In Connecticut “ are ' as legislation.” The event Is car racing film. sue Monday afternoon In Chica- • " urban oriented, are to be found day at 500 planes lost and open to toe pubUc, as is a din- ----- go that a union spokesman said to (Qur larger municipalities, oiir up to 390 fliers killed, capr ner at 7. Bgan will also comment Manchester Grange wlU meet etOjsed any strike threat in the Torn by, Race-^ . major clOes.” tutod or. missing — an in^ tm. a ” Stop and Frisk” leglsla- Wednesday ait 8 p.m. at Orange near future. , , ■, ’.'Urban renewal, hoiising, edu- Vestment of at leai^t 31 mfl- tion. Hall. The third emd fouith de- aSJ;. (AP) ^ An aug- Dr.-Chariee Shapp. .assMant 'caUon for the disadvantaged, Bon. ' g Over SS y efis esperienoe. —— gree wlll be conferred. Supper EATWELL er FRIAAO - PURE ROtK - HOT or SWEET toe ghetto, racial tensions, and Official figures place toe con­ AH worfc done In oar new, “The Lady with toe Dog,” a will not be served. (There wlM temporary restraining ; order. “ *"*®‘* police detaU patroII^ a district ^ superintendent- of, firmed, number of airmen in nioaen body shop. job: opportunltle#,’' were amoii^ RusMan film. Is fifth In a Plne%be a white elephant table. barring a strike, tm to A d the Bronx high school today after a *®*|®?^* *^d, “ we’ve had eight ' toe problems mentioned by Sen­ Ooimnunlst captivity between Art Series sponsored by Man- ------ a LB fierce battle between Negro and months**L) ate. Minority, Leader Frederick 126 and 1*0. "nie number miss­ Chester Community College. It The Koffee Krafters will meet Robert Sanford, the . union white ^ t h s in the school’s lib- ^ Pope Jr, at a GOP luncheon. ing i s , between 200 uid 280. MO^ will he shown tomorrow at 7:30 Wednesday at 9:30 'a.m. at the ITALIAN SAUSAGE spokesman, said the. railroads rary Monday. iTw(^ ^ ^ Bmphastaing that this Is only Ms^y o f these must be pre­ p .^ in Room A-7, Manchester commiuiity Y. Members are re- agreed to continue paying $28 a Police said meetings between sumed dead. SHORT CUT - SHOULDER - 5 to 7 LBS - half toe . problem. Pope sgid, BROTHERS High School. The event is open minded to bring clear glass month per em^oye Jto Travelers officials of Theodore Roosevelt ' .. “ Just as the municipalities cost of brutotog; and to toe public, free of charge. marbles, glass baking dish, and Insurance Co. for benefits. San- High School and teen-age gang U n a c r IsU ard >^-faced with new, pressing prob- equipptog 990 fliers rims to ----- metal container. Hostesses are ford said the union would "with- leaders were planned In an at- . P®LADBLKnA (AP) — Un­ more than $800 mhUon.' n ie av­ 301 CENTER ST. " lems, so are they also faced The Barbara Gifford Circle of Mrs. Anthony Salafia and Mrs. LB draw its strike authorisation tempt to haad off further vk>- guard, pujrils .filed with an increasingly inadequata erage flier to Vietnam, iusoorit Community Bi^tist Church will Wilfred Lisk. NIVn AGAIN that ticii feeling Sfid both parties will ask Judge lence.
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