OPINIONS DIFFER AT IMPERIAL PARLEY FINAL Winnipeg Wheat EDITION Qtfjs 2l£tlybrt&0£ Herald May close • • • • •• 130 LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1937 16 PAGES VOL. XXX.—NO. 139. STOCK CROWERS MAY PETITION GOVT. Canada, S.A. WEDDING GUESTS ANNOUNCED Ross Favors Opposed TO Duke Of Windsor's Queen Mary 70 Today Two Russian Percentage Aussie Plan Equerry Will Be Planes Fly Paid To Govt. Unified Empire Foreign Pol­ > | Ren tal-For-Value Proposal icy is Urged By Best Man June 3 MAHARAJAH DIES May Bring Plea for Antipodeans Sixteen Invited to Be Pres­ Food To Pole Amendments CENTRALIZATION NOT ent When Duke Weds Complete Flight From Ru­ PRESENT FLAT RATE FAVORED BY CANADA Wallis Warfield dolf Island Without IS NOT SATISFACTORY By GEORGE IIAMBLETON 30 INVITATIONS SENT Incident (Bv Staff Reporter) (Canadian Press SUIT Writer.) MEDICINE HAT, May 26— LONDON. May 26. — (C. P. BUT ROGERS RETICENT What is an acre of grass land In Cable.) — Imperial Conference THIRD MACHINE the short grass country of discussions rrveal broad diffcr- MONTS, France, May 20.—i/!>, southern Alberta worth? —Sixteen wedding guests, sev­ STILL UNREPORTED rnces of opinion. They affect That, in a word, Is why the eral of them holding official po­ forclRn policy, empire defence Short Grass Stock Growers As­ sitions, were announced today By CHARLES P. NUTTER and the future of the League of sociation is meeting today In for the June 3 marriage of the (Associated Press Foreign Staff.) Nations. The Italian conquest Medicine Hat with 100 busy men Duke of Windsor and Mrs. Wal­ MOSCOW, May 2G.—<fP>—Two of Ethiopia lias also cast a p.v.s- from the ranges gathered to­ 1ns shadow. lis Warfield. of three transport planes report­ ed today they had landed near gether to decide the point. The guests include Hugh From the outset of the con­ the North Pole with eight tons George Ross, St. Kilda-Leth- Lloyd Thomas, minister pleni­ ference Australia has urged a of food and equipment to sus­ bridge rancher, is the spear potentiary in the British em­ unified empire foreign polxy. tain the lives and facilitate the head of the attack on the pro­ She has taken the ground that bassy at Parts; Sir Walter studies of four air trail pioneers. blem, and in his annual ad­ the dominions should he prepar­ Monrkton, attorney-general of One of the ships succeeded in dress to the assembled range- ed to offer counsel and, if need the Duchy of Cornwall, and finding the Soviet Union's Polar men on Wednesday afternoon be, to reinforce that counsel Lady Selby, wife of the British outpost—a dot on a vista of ice he raised the question. minister at Vienna. with assistance. fields—but the other was forced How much beef will an acre To Be Best Man to Ujid away from the camp and Oppose Centralization of range land in south Albert* Major E. B. Metcalfe, who will about 12>•• miles from the Pole. Canada and South Africa, on the produce? That is the problem attend with L-.idy Alexandra Met­ No Alarm Felt expounded by Mr. Ross, who other hand, take a stand against calfe, will be the Duke of Wind­ centralization. They hold that com­ The third ship still was not re­ comes from a line of stockmen sor's best man. The major is the ported to have landed but no alarm mon protection can best be secured, who have ranged cattle in this duke's equerry. was felt for it. not by centralization but by each area for 52 years. Herman Rogers, who made the empire unit taking full responsibility The plane, piloted by I. P. Mazu- Ross' Suggestion announcement, would not comment nik, was believed to be still search­ for its own defence and working In Mr. Ross held that the ranchers on the fact that of 30 invitations ing for the ice floe camp or for suit­ harmony with other empire units. should pay to the provincial govern­ sent out, only 16 acceptances were able landing space elsewhere on the ment only a percentage or a "royal­ Canada is opposed to the crea­ received. mighty Icecap at the hub of the tion In London of a council em­ ty" as he put it, of the total beef Some persons close to the Cha­ earth. powered to prepare common de­ production. He likened the range- teau Dc Cande, where the wedding The transport that reached the fence schemes committing the whole men to oil producers who pay a will take place, also attached sig­ camp was piloted by Vassily Molok- commonwealth. It is opposition to royalty on the production from CARDINAL MUNDELEIN nificance to the fact that Lady Selby off. It slid to a halt on the runway nny such idea which has led Canada their wells. If a quarter section of Open battle between the Nazi will attend without her husband, the the advance party had grooved into in the past to refrain from attend­ land will produce a thousand government of'Germany and the minister to Austria. However, oth­ the ice. completing the dash of ance at meetings of the imperial HER MAJESTY QUEEN MARY MAHARAJAH OF ALWAR pounds of beef a year, and that beef Vatican over alleged tmco-break- ers pointed to the acceptance of about 560 miles from the Rudolf defencs committees. Dowager Queen Mary, mother of King George VI., is celebrating Indie.n Prince and well-known is worth two cents a pound, then ing and persecution of German Thomas, another diplomat. Island base in seven hours and 24 her 70th birthdav today, May 26. Daughter of the late H.R.H. the sportsman, died at a Paris hoiel the total production Is $20. If the Failure of league sanctions to Catholics by the Reich, is believed Attendance Opposed minutes. Duke of Teck and H.R.H. Princess Mary of Cambridge, she married from injuries he received when he government were to take ten per prevent the Italian conquest of forecast by the bitter verbal attack There have been reports the Brit­ The other ship, in the hands of the late King George V. on July 6, 1893. tripped on a stairway following a cent., then the lease rental would Ethiopia has occasioned much by Cardinal Mundeleln of Chicago ish government opposed the attend- A. J. Alexiefl. landed later. Brief game of squash. The Maharajah be $2 per quarter section, or one searching of heart among the do­ upon tile Nazi Regime. It was ad­ nnce of Sir Walford Selby. despite Her Majesty spent the day in the messages from the Polar outpost mitted by the Vatican that the Car­ LONDON. May 26.— (CP Cable.) thus far did not explain why he had spent the last few years tra­ and one-quarter cents an acre. But minions. New Zealand wouM re­ the Duke of Windsor's pleadings. quiet of her home, reading thou­ dinal's scathing denunciation ex­ —Prime Minister Mackenzie King failed to land at the ice floe camp. velling between Bombay and Eu­ if cattle are selling at seven cents form the league covenant by sharp­ Sir Walford was one of the duke's sands of messages of good wishes pressed unofficially the attitude or and Vincent Mr.ssey, Canadian high All three pilots are expert in Arctic rope r.fler the British government a pound, the quarter will produce ening it.s teeth. Prime Minister confidantes during his stay last which poured in from all parts of the Holy See. Further attacks by commissioner, together with the flying and are among the Soviet placed a financial controller over S70 for the rancher and the quarter Mackenzie King of Canada, it Is winter in Austria. the world. A number of presents Roman Catholic bishops are now prime ministers and high commis­ Alwar. a state of seme 3.135 square section should pay the government, sioners of the other dominions, also arrived early, but Princ?sses say, $7 per year, or about 4\' cents (Continued on Page Tnrcc) expected. (Continued on ^a:e Three.) (Continued on page three/) miles with a population of 750,000. 2 called at Marlborough House today Elizabeth and Margaret personally per acre. presented their gifts to their grand­ to oiler congratulations to Queen May Petition Govt. mother. Mary on her 70th birthday. This rental-for-value proposal BUS STRIKE Taxation Brief Industrial Skies was the outstanding suggestion in Chairman Ross' annual address, and IS SETTLED Ont. Cancels ritish S at the end of it, It was expected ranchers representing 500,000 acres IN LONDON Covers Wide Field Former Southern! Beclouded In U.S.; (Continued on page Two) LONDON, May 20.-iV>—Set- Agreement Draft RevealsJAlberta thmrnl of the strike of 25,500 Airman Steel Workers Out London bus drivers and conduc­ BASEBALL tors, which has fed up 5.000 Notifies Provinces on Col­ Broad Enough to Make Any AMERICAN LEAGUE I/ondon buses since Mav 1, was John L. Lewis' Group Levels Freighter Caught in Fire Detroit 000 000 000—0 9 1 announred tonight. The men lection of Succession Recommendations New York ... 030 000 13x—7 13 1 will return to work Friday. Is Crash Rebel Raiders Over Ilsley Declares Victim First Blow at Republic Coflman. Gill, Debbetts; Gomez Duties and Dickev. Details of the settlement were Fred "Fritz" Russenberg Dies at North Battleford- Almeria not immediately made public. EDMONTON, May 26—;(P — In­ Concern Cleveland .... 000 103 004—8 12 2 TORONTO, May 26.—'(P—Premier quiry to prepare an Alberta brie! Passenger is Instantly Killed—Flier and Plane Philadelphia .
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