50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2019 (LPI Contrib. No. 2132) 2900.pdf CONTAMINATION CONTROL AND KNOWLEDGE DURING CONSTRUCTION OF NEW CURATION FACILITIES AT NASA JOHNSON SPACE CENTER. A. Hutzler1,2, M. J. Calaway3, A. Burton2, and R. Zei- gler2. 1Lunar and Planetary Institute, USRA, Houston, TX; 2 NASA Johnson Space Center, Astromaterials Acquisi- tion and Curation Office; 3 Jacobs, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX; [email protected]. Introduction: Beginning in early 2019, NASA Impacted Cleanroom Laboratories: During con- Johnson Space Center (JSC) Astromaterials Acquisi- struction, several critical research and curation labora- tion and Curation Office will commence construction tories will be impacted from the construction. Building of six new curation cleanroom laboratories by remodel- 31 1st floor houses the Center for Isotope Cosmochem- ing over 560 m2 of existing space inside JSC Building istry and Geochronology (CICG) research laboratory. 31, current home of all of NASA’s extraterrestrial The 2nd floor houses Stardust, Meteorite, Cosmic Dust, sample collections. The new facilities will accommo- and existing precision cleaning (PreClean/Final Clean) date two new collections housing material returned curation cleanroom laboratories. The Stardust clean- from NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission and a subset of rooms will be the most impacted since this laboratory material returned from JAXA’s Hayabusa2 mission, as is directly adjacent to the new construction of OSIRIS- well as advanced curation and cleaning laboratories. REx/Hayabusa2 suite and it also shares the same air The ultimate goal of curation is to ensure all sam- handler which will be replaced during construction. ples remain preserved as much as possible in a pristine In this context, CCK serves three goals: 1) Make state to enable science investigations in the indefinite sure that it is possible to keep working in the curation future. Integrity of the samples is maintained by han- laboratories, or decide when it is necessary to secure dling the samples in specifically designed cleanrooms, the samples in storage; 2) Establish a list of all contam- with a limited number of carefully selected materials. inants found even temporarily in existing ARES clean- At JSC, all collections are stored and processed in rooms that might impact future scientific discoveries, cleanroom laboratories ranging from ISO Class 4 to and 3) Gather best practices for future construction ISO Class 7: Lunar (ISO Class 6), Meteorite (ISO work. It will also help us verify that the effort of the Class 6), Cosmic Dust (ISO Class 5), Microparticle construction contractors to minimize and mitigate un- Impact (ISO Class 5), Genesis Solar Wind (ISO Class wanted airborne release of outgassing and particulate 4), Stardust Comet/Interstellar (ISO Class 5), and generation are sufficient. Hayabusa Asteroid (ISO Class 5). Housekeeping pro- Current monitoring of cleanrooms: Cleanrooms tocols as well as cleanroom gowning apparel (gar- are routinely monitored for airborne particulates, room- ments, gloves, etc.) are adapted to each collection. to-room differential pressure, temperature, humidity, Contamination Control and Knowledge (CCK) is a fan filter units (FFUs) velocity, and air changes per mandatory part of any clean process. A cleanroom by hour. HVAC is continually monitored and particle itself is not enough to ensure cleanliness, as contami- counts (along with temperature and humidity) are cur- nants come from many sources (staff, building materi- rently taken on a weekly basis to ensure a particle load als, equipment and consumables, etc.). Contamination is within the cleanroom parameters. Cleanroom posi- can occur in various forms (particulate, organic, abiotic tive pressure cascade airflow and FFU velocities along or biotic, molecular, etc.). Even though cleanrooms are with a full ISO audit of particulates are conducted an- kept at positive pressure in accordance to international nually. In preparation for the increased organic limits standard ISO 14644-4, the immediate surrounding en- for OSIRIS-REx [2] and Hayabusa2, JSC Curation vironment can have an impact on them, by eddies conducted an organic contamination baseline study [3] against the airflow, and ingress of staff [1]. that provided a long-term historical perspective on The construction, that should span over at least 14 curation cleanroom affected by organics. months, is directly adjacent to a number of curation New curation facilities construction: The and research laboratories. These curation and research OSIRIS-Rex and Hayabusa2 missions are set to sample laboratories plan to remain operational during this con- organic-rich asteroids. Both samples curation facilities struction with as minimal downtime as possible, which are being tailored for these samples by reducing organ- emphasizes the importance of contamination control. ic outgassing products [4] and reduction of total organ- This abstract will provide an overview of the cur- ic carbon in the lab that could hamper scientific inves- rent contamination control and knowledge (CCK) ac- tigations. The other new cleanrooms are a precision tivities, monitoring and testing that will maintain the cleaning ISO Class 5/6 cleanroom laboratory for clean- cleanliness and pristine state of the current astromateri- ing curation support equipment, advanced cleaning al collections during construction. ISO Class 6 cleanroom laboratory for developing ad- 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2019 (LPI Contrib. No. 2132) 2900.pdf vanced curation cleaning methods, and an advanced integrity of samples. Long-term molecular organics and curation ISO Class 7 cleanroom space for developing molecular metals will be measured using a protocol advanced curation technologies and procedures. developed for OSIRIS-REx spacecraft assembly [2]. This extensive remodeling will include phases of Silicon wafers and aluminum foil will be exposed for asbestos abatement, demolition of interior walls and several weeks. Wafers will be then analyzed for inor- floors, construction of new walls and mechanical spac- ganic contaminants and particles with an SEM, and foil es, as well as pouring of concrete and epoxy floors. should be studied for organics using a GC-MS. Short- Even though protective measures will be taken to iso- term (24 to 72h) AMC tests focused on specific con- late the construction site from the rest of the building struction events will be performed using wafers and air (negative pressure during asbestos abatement, isolating sampling tubes provided by Air Liquide-Balazs Nano- curtains, etc.), each phase of construction will impact Analysis. While goal 1 of the CCK plan is strictly the surrounding environment in a specific way. For based on airborne particle counts (monitored weekly), example, demolition is expected to increase particle AMC monitoring is important for goals 2 and 3. load, and epoxy paint and floors could introduce organ- Surface contamination. Curation facilities surfaces ic contamination. (floors, walls, etc.) are being routinely cleaned, and Contamination Control and Knowledge Plan: work stations are frequently wiped when in use. How- The CCK plan has been designed to include the exist- ever, no study has been conducted to understand how ing measurement routine and develop new protocols to much and which particles and AMCs are depositing on target air and surface contamination from organic and surfaces. We envision two methods of studying surface inorganic sources. contamination. First, collecting particles on the surface CCK efforts began in December 2018 to acquire a using tape, analyzing them using an SEM to monitor strong baseline of contamination knowledge before what type, size and composition of particles that are construction starts. Baseline tests are being conducted deposited. Second, using critical wipes, where a sur- at rest (i.e., without any work being conducted at the face is wiped using a low-lint wipe, the wipe is then same time), since the goal is to assess the cleanrooms rinsed in an adapted solvent to monitor either organics themselves, and not the activities. Over the span of the or trace metals. construction a mix of long-term and immediate tests Tracing sources of contamination. Even though will be performed. Long-term tests to reach Goal 2, materials to be used in the new cleanrooms have been and short-term tests to reach Goals 2 and 3. Within the chosen for their low outgassing properties, materials cleanrooms, tests will be placed in locations and areas being used for the construction around the cleanrooms where samples are handled and processed. Manipula- are not controlled. Developing a protocol to assess a tion and processing of samples has the potential to lead range of construction materials in case some unknown to more significant contamination than the storage AMCs are detected will allow us to promptly react and time. Hallways outside of the critical laboratories will potentially ban certain materials from being used dur- be also monitored for particle load and AMCs. ing the construction. A protocol under consideration Airborne particle monitoring. Hallways in front of would be to outgas samples of building materials in an the critical laboratories should be monitored weekly emission chamber, and to collect AMCs in solvent following the same protocol as for the cleanrooms. tubes for analysis through desorption in a GC-MS [4]. Differential pressure. Differential pressure will be Conclusion: The Contamination Control and checked more
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