L ~ . I I I ~ THE JOURNAL OF ~ ~~tt't\\lCAL WOR/{flls AND OPERATORS OFFI~IAL PUBLICATION INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS· I Ju:~rrJct Ul'JJ-r Y ;;l;Yf i:H)U/Y " J .. '~ : A • :'l" ;H"~ .. .:- '.',,- ~ 'I.~.... ..... '.'1\'" .\~ ... ',:,,-, - -:..,::' "J.''': ~ ., ....: .... ~~~.,.. "'_!!" II VoL-r;.\ II. :;t = II ANP!;l! II .I".~ :V: '\~ F?:' ~!:? ~,~ //1\"" -.:~ II ~~\!. V.AN J]I II OHI"J II November, 1923 II 1 ;u.\.')ln.wll ,111;UiAOY II AFFILIATED WITH THE II ZDJs)OJ'JII AMERICAN FEDERATION III J.... JOFIE>,g II OF LABOR IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS IInD!l'r(~U.l1I II BtLL II DEVOTED TO THE CAUSE OF ( .J ORGANIZED LABOR ( ) "- II -n:s!.;.\ II II HMlcol'lllI .2:!) U 0\':11D1'J II II .. I II ~ .. j I NAPOLEON'S name fills more pages in the world's solemn history than that of any other mortal. The advance of his Grand Army into Russia is the turning point of his career and marks the beginning of his downfall. During the World War mighty annie. marched over the battlefields where Napoleon fought over a century aro. All the causes of this mighty strug~le may be learned from the pa.cres of history. The one complete, accurate, authoritative and reiiabie history. containing tJle rise and iall Ot every empire. kmgtluw. ~lwciI.NW~Y wid 1i\inQ', iii thg wOi"ld·fa.w"d, ~w.bllwtiuu, Ridpath's History &~ World Including a full authentic account of the World War Dr. John Clark Ridpath is universally recognized as America's greatest historian. Other men have written histories of one nation or period; Gibbon of Rome! Macaulay of England, Guizot of France, but it remained for Dr. Ridpath to write a hlatory ot the entire World from the earliest civilization down to the present day. A Very Low Price and Easy Terms We will nmne our special low price and easy tenns of payment only in direct letters. A coupon for your convenience is printed on the lower comer of this advertisement. Tear off the coupon, write your nante and address pbinly and !nail now before you forget it. We will mail you 46 free sample pa~es without any obligation on your part to buy. These will give you some idea of the splendid illustrations and the wonderfully beautiful style in which the work is written. We employ no agents, nor do we sell through bookstores, so there is no agents' commission or book dealers' pro~ts to pay. Our'plan of sale enables us to ship direct from factory to customer and guarantee satisfaction. Six Thousand Years 01 Wslory IDPATH takes you back to the dawn of History, R long before the pyrami:1s of Ef:YPt Were built: down through the romantic troubled times of Chaldea's gran­ deur and Assyria's macnwcence: of Babylonia's wealth and luxury; of Greek and Roman splendor: of Moham­ medan culture ane refinement to the dawn oflesterday• including a full authentic account of the Worl War. He eovers every rnce, every nation.. every tbne, and holds you sPellbound by his wonaerful eloquence. Endorsed by Thousands IDPATI-I is endorsed bv Presidents of the R United States, practica!ly aft university and college presidents, and by a quarter of a million Americans who own and love it. Don't you think it would be worth while to mail us the cou~ and receive the 46 sample pages from the History? They are free. Ridpath's GraphiC Style RIDPATH ~ictures the great historical events carrI.;;sy~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~fg[:;~~~: and QUeens and warriors; tosit in the J!oman ~te; tomarc.b. nga!nstSa1adinandhisdark·sklnnedfoUowers;tosaUthel101lth­ em seas with Droke: tocircumnavigate the &lobe with Magellaza. He combiDes abeozblD& b1ten:a~ with IlUpreme rdlabWty. ..THE_____ RIDPATH CINCINNATI. HISTORICAL ~ SOCIETY WORKERS AND OPERATORS 609 00 Brings This Gas or Electric Floor Lamp The Lamp Comes equipped for choice of gas or electricity. Has 5,::'e. SDk Sbade 2.!ight Benjamin socket for electricity only, with Here is something you have always wanted-a beautiful floor lamp 8.ft. silk cord ready for with handsome and elegant Fifth Avenue silk shade-to add an extra use; or comes with 6·ft. tone of elegance and luxury to your home. On this generous offer ruboer hose, burner, man· you can see just how this floor lamp and silk shade will look in your tle and chimney for gas. home, without risking anything. Send only $1.00 with the coupon below, and we wiIl send it complete to your home on approval, Ma.hoga.ny Frnish equipped for use with either gas or electricity. We take all the risk. Standard Is 69 in. hi g h, When the lamp outfit 3 in. in diameter. Highly a .-.-tlal comes, use it freely polished French mahog· 30 D ys T for 30 days. See how any finish. beautifully the colorings of the handsome silk shade blend and harmonize with everything in the home. How u&e.[ul it is, tcxr-so handy for reading, can be moved around with ease to furnish a The Shade beautiful light and rich warmth and coziness to any room in the Made in Fifth Avenue de­ house. If after 30 days trial you decide not to keep the lamp, just sign, 24 in. in diameter, of return it at our expense and we will refund your $1.00 deposit, plus delft blue silk, shirred top, any freight or express you paid. You cannot lose a single penny. alternating plain and fancy .. If you discover that this art silk panels. 12 panels in 00 til la'!1P is atremt;mdous bar. all, tinsel braid borderwith 52- a ,non gam at the Price We ask 4-in. Chenille fringe. Amer· and you decide to keep it, send only $2.00 a month until yOU have ican beauty shirred lining. paid the total bargain price of $19.85. Yes, only $19.85 for this luxu. The harmonious color rious lamp and silk shade complete. 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I +__ .• _ •• _1._.1 ____._. 1- •• _ •• _ •• _________ .1_ •• __ 1_1_1_•• _ ••_1-_-111-"-'_ .. -11+ 11I1IHli!:1illl11iifl:iiI1l1l11lifl1:1illllilI111111illl:l:l!!lill!1l1l11:11!!!JIlili!llillil![!:::;l::;ll;rl[::;lli:ii:l:;!l!;l:ll~::11~::;I.i:ll:ll:I:II:Li;1l:1111:l[li:::::;!;11:1:1I'I:'l::;;I:i;:I:;:::::::!1:111!::~I:il:1':;;i'l!il i::I:[I:::::;:::;;i::~1;!::ll;1111~ll)j:l:II:lllIm PRICE LIST of SUPPLIES Application Blanks, per 100______________ $ .71i Ledger, Financial Secretary's, 200 pages__ 2.50 Arrears, Official Notice of, per 100_____ .50 Ledger Financial Secretary's, 400 pages__ 3.75 Account Book, Treasurer's_______________ 1.00 I,abels, lIletal, per 100_____________________ 1.25 Labels, Paper, per 100___________ --______ .15 Buttons, S. G., (medium)_________________ .75 Obligation Cards, double, per dozen_____ .25 Buttons, S. G. (small)__________________ .60 Paper, Official Letter, per 100____________ .75 Buttons, R.
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