AfricanAfrican DevelopmentDevelopment BankBank Republic of Kenya Final FeasibilityFeasibility Study,Study, EnvironmentalEnvironmental andand SocialSocial EconomicEconomic ImpactImpact Study,PreliminaryStudy,Preliminary and Detailed Engineering Design for KITALE - ENDEBESS - SUAM (C45) ROAD Contract No.KeNHA/RD/CS/D&C/1376/2014 PartPart 66 -- EnvironmentalEnvironmental andand SocialSocial ImpactImpact AssessmentAssessment StudyStudy ReportReport (Volume(Volume 1)1) In association with September 2015 Feasibility Study, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, and Detailed Engineering Design of KITALE - ENDEBESS - SUAM (C45) Road. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT KITALE – ENDEBESS – SUAM (C45) ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Submitted to: Prepared by: Kenya National Highways Authority The Priory, 5th Floor, Argwings Bluesheild Towers, Hospital Road, Upper Kodhekh Road, Kilimani, Hill. PO Box 76672-00508 Nairobi, P.O. Box 49712 - 00100 Nairobi. Kenya. Tel: +254 (020) 3867715/3867716 Tel: +254 020 8013842 Email: enquiry@egis-bceom- Email: [email protected] kenya.com Website: www.kenha.co.ke 1 Feasibility Study, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, and Detailed Engineering Design of KITALE - ENDEBESS - SUAM (C45) Road. CERTIFICATION I, Tom Omenda, hereby submit this Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Project Report, for the Proposed Upgrading of the Kitale – Endebess - Suam (C45) Road in Trans Nzoia County. The EIA Report has been carried out in accordance with the Environmental Management and Coordination Act, 1999 and Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003. Signature:.............. ...................... On this 16th Day ofJuly 2015 Mr. Tom Omenda LEAD EXPERT – EIA/EA Nema Reg. 0011 The Proponent’s Declaration: As the proponent of the proposed project, we confirm that the information given in this ESIA Project Report is true to the best of our knowledge. Name…………………………………………………………….. Designation………………………………………….Signature………………………………… Date………………………………………..… 2 Feasibility Study, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, and Detailed Engineering Design of KITALE - ENDEBESS - SUAM (C45) Road. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. Introduction This Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Project Report is for the Proposed Upgrading of the 45 Km road from Kitale to Endebess to Suam. The road is currently a single lane road supporting heavy traffic within Kitale Town, but less so towards Suam. The Government of the Republic of Kenya received financing from the African Development Fund (ADF), the lending arm of the African Development Bank (AfDB) towards the cost of the Mombasa - Nairobi -Addis Ababa Road Corridor Development Project Phase III — Upgrading of Turbi - Moyale Road (A2) Section and intended to apply part of the proceeds of this loan to payments for Feasibility Study, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Detailed Engineering Design of Kitale - Endebess - Suam (C45) Road. 1. Location The project road is situated in the North Rift region of Kenya in Trans Nzoia County. It starts at the junction with A1 Road in Kitale Town and traverses through the town of Endebess, thereafter runs northwards before finally terminating in Suam River Bridge at the Kenya-Uganda border. Project location within Trans Nzoia County 2. Project Cost The proponent averts that total estimated project cost is KSh. 5,762,298,970.00 (Kenya Shillings Five billion, Seven Hundred and Sixty Two Million Two Hundred and Ninety Eighty thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy) (See Annex for summary of costs). 3 Feasibility Study, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, and Detailed Engineering Design of KITALE - ENDEBESS - SUAM (C45) Road. 3. Project Description and justification The project road is situated in the North Rift region of Kenya in Trans Nzoia County. The project road is a primary road designated as class C and links the rural centers on the west of Trans Nzoia County to the Urban center of Kitale which is the head quarter of this county. The major function of Class C roads is to provide both mobility and access. The project road starts at the junction with A1 road on the southern part of Kitale town at approximately 1875m above the sea level traversing Kitale town on the northerly direction for 3.1Km up to the junction with Kwanza - Kapenguria road. From this Junction, the road takes a westerly direction to Endebess town at km 19+700 and about 1964m above sea level. From Endebess town, the road takes north- Westerly direction up to Suam town at Km 45+500 terminating at Suam River Bridge approximately 2052m above sea level. Suam River provides the border line between Kenya and Uganda. The first section of this road (from Kitale to Endebess) exhibits gentle geometry with very long straight elements. Terrain along this section can be described to be relatively flat with few water crossings. The second section from Endebess town (beginning of non-bitumen pavement) which is about 26Km long is characterized by rolling terrain exhibiting relatively high gradients. This section is characterized by relatively small water crossings spread evenly along the alignment with numerous curves with small radii that have been proposed for improvement. Proposed project activities include:- • Site clearances • Earthworks • Concrete works • Road realignment of some sections • Road paving and other accompanying works Project Justification The project road takes off the Lamu Port and Lamu-Southern Sudan-Ethiopia Transport Corridor Project (LAPPSET), which in recent years has gained importance as the much awaited solution to Kenya’s overdependence on her port of Mombasa for trade. The transport corridor is expected to open up Kenya’s underdeveloped northern frontier for economic growth. The project road is therefore desirable in facilitating exchange between Kenya, Uganda, Southern Sudan and Ethiopia. The route from Kitale to Suam, consequently hold economic advantages for Kenya – given that Ugandan is a landlocked country. It has been envisaged that the development of any section of this route could help in solving Uganda’s import problems and at the same time bring business opportunities, employment, and increased economic prosperity to Kenya and Uganda. Thus, this benefit would be realised by the upgrading of the section between Kitale and Suam. 4 Feasibility Study, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, and Detailed Engineering Design of KITALE - ENDEBESS - SUAM (C45) Road. The North Rift region of Kenya is known for the production of large volumes of cereals and has been rated as the grain basket of the country. The project road in its current state has been used by farmers as the major link road from the farm to Eldoret where crops are repackaged for transportation all over the country. The current state of the road (damaged sections) has continued to pose a great challenge to farmers resulting in high production cost in terms of high vehicle operation cost and longer travel times. Upgrading of the road therefore would bring about improved economic benefit to farmers in this region and so to the whole country. 4. Description of the road sections The road between Kitale, Endebess and Suam is divided into the following two sections for purpose of Design and Contract Packaging: Contract Section Length 1 Kitale – Endebess 19 km 2 Endebess – Suam 26 km Kitale - Endebess; This section is currently to bitumen standards. The current road is completely worn out and will require complete rehabilitation. This section exhibits a relatively substantial number of traffic connecting Kitale town and Endebess through the rich agricultural area harboring Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC) farms. Endebess - Suam; This section is approximately 26 Km long and is currently to gravel standards. Traffic in this section is generally low compared to the previous section. This section will require upgrading to bitumen standards. 5. Study Methodology The study involved field studies, interviews, literature survey and public consultations to obtain data on the baseline conditions of the general study area. Threats to the environment were identified and this was followed by impact analysis and finally the compilation of a comprehensive report on the current status of the environment, possible positive and negative impacts that the project is likely to cause and proposals on mitigation measures and finally the development of an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) which is presented in a separate volume. 6. Policy Legal and Institutional Framework 5 Feasibility Study, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, and Detailed Engineering Design of KITALE - ENDEBESS - SUAM (C45) Road. This Environmental and Social Impact Assessment report was guided by a number of environmental legislations, the primary one being the Environmental Management and Coordination Act (EMCA, 1999). This Act makes Environmental and Social Impact Assessments a legal requirement. The ESIA was also guided by a number of subsidiary legislations under EMCA. Other Acts include the Lands Act, Water Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act, Public Health Act Cap 232, Sexual Offences Act No. 3 of 2006, Work Injury compensation Benefit Act 2007 among other pertinent legal and institutional framework guiding road development projects. In addition, there are several social instruments that are relevant to this project including the National Policy on Gender and Development, sexual offences Act and the National Aids Strategic Plan (KNASP). The Children’s Act prohibits
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