1932 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 7719 passage of United States Senate bill 2935; to the Committee I also wish to announce that the Senator from Missouri on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. [Mr. PATTERSON] is still detained from tl).e Senate by illness. 5688. Also, letter of the Acme Limestone Co. of Alderson, · I ask that these announcements may stand for the day. W.Va., protesting against the passage of legislation known as Mr. BYRNES. I desire to announce that my colleague the the Davis-Kelly coal bill; to the Committee on Interstate and senior Senator from South Carolina [Mr. SMITH] is neces­ Foreign Commerce. sarily detained by serious illness in his family. 5689. By Mr. SINCLAIR: Petition of 200 residents of Mr. GEORGE. My colleague the senior Senator from Crosby, N. Dak., and vicinity, urging cancellation of pay­ Georgia [Mr. HARRis] is still detained from the Senate be­ ment of the 1931 Federal seed loans because of total crop cause of illness. I will let this announcement stand for the failure; to the Committee on Agriculture. day. · 5690. By Mr. SMITH of West Virginia: Petition of J. S. Mr. SHEPPARD. I wish to announce that the senior Huffman and other citizens· of Oak Hill, W. Va., protesting Senator from Virginia [Mr. SwANsoN] is absent in attend­ against nonemployment by corporations of men on account ance upon the disarmament conference at Geneva. of age; to the Committee on Labor. Mr. TOWNSEND. My colleague the senior Senator from 5691. By Mr. WATSON: Resolution passed by the Beth­ Delaware [Mr. HAsTINGs] is unavoidably detained from the lehem Game, Fish, and Forestry Association, Bethlehem, Pa., Senate. I ask that this announcement may stand for the opposing the shotgun shell tax; to the Committee on Ways day. and Means. The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-three Senators have an­ 5692 ..By Mr. WEST: Petition of 28 members of Ohio swered to their names. A quorum is present. Railroad Employees and Citizens' League, protesting against PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS the unjust, unreasonable, and discriminatory operation of inadequately regulated and taxed busses and trucks engaged Mr. WALSH of Massachusetts presented letters, in the in transportation, and against the subsidizing with public nature of memorials, from 134 citizens of the State of funds of water and other forms of transportation competi­ Massachusetts, remonstrating against the imposition of a tive with railroads; to the Committee on Ways and Means. tax upon sales of securities, which were referred to the 5693. Also, petition of 15 citizens of Mansfield, Ohio, favor­ Committee on Finance. ing reduction of governmental expenditures; to the Com­ Mr. SHEPPARD presented a petition of 500 citizens, being mittee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments. members and friends of the University Place Christian 5694. The SPEAKER: Petition of the House of Repre­ Sunday school, of Enid, Okla., praying for a favorable re­ sentatives of Porto Rico, requesting Congress to approve the port from the Judiciary Committee on measures proposed bill for full payment of certificates of soldiers who served by Mr. SHEPPARD to amend the Volstead Act, which was re­ in the World War; to the Committee on Ways and Means. ferred to the Committee on the Judiciary. 5695. Also, petition of Teressa A. Wurtsbaugh, requesting Mr. BARBOUR presented a resolution adopted by the Congress to investigate the conduct in office of Luther Way, Rotary Club of Flemington, N.J., favoring the prompt rati­ Federal judge of the United States District Court for the fication of the World Court protocols, which was referred Eastern District of Virginia; to the Committee on the to the Committee on Foreign Relations. Judiciary. He also presented a resolution adopted by Lawrenceville 5696. Also, petition of Jack Scott, requesting Congress to Grange, No. 170, Patrons of Husbandry, of Lawrenceville, grant citation, citing the defendant judges of the State of N.J., opposing in the interest of economy and retrenchment Missouri mentioned in the petition for impeachment filed the placing of the names of full-time public employees on with the Clerk of the House of Representatives, March 21, more than one municipal, county, State, or Federal pay roll, . 1932; to the Committee on the Judiciary. which was referred to the Committee on Civil Service. Mr. TYDINGS presented a petition of sundry citizens, being disabled veterans, of the State of Maryland, praying SENATE for the prompt passage of legislation providing full cash payment of World War adjusted-compensation certificates FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1932 (bonus), which was referred to the Committee on Finance. (Legislative day ot Thursday, April 7, 1932) He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of Balti­ more, Md., favoring retrenchment in governmental expendi­ The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration tures and the imposition of a general sales tax rather than of the recess. special levies in the pending tax bill, which was referred to Mr. FESS. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a the Committee on Finance. quorum. He also presented a memorial of sundry citizens of Balti­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. more, Md., remonstrating against the imposition of a cent­ The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following a-shell tax upon shotgun shells, which was referred to the Senators answered to their names: Committee on Finance. Ashurst Costigan Hull Reed Austin Couzens Johnson Robinson, Ark. He also presented a letter, in the nature of a memorial, Bailey Cutting Jones Schall from Mackubin, Goodrich & Co., and signed by members Bankhead Dale Kean Sheppard Barbour Davis Kendrick Shipstead and employees of that company, of Baltimore, Md., re­ Bingham Dickinson Keyes Shortridge monstrating against the imposition of a tax on sales of Black 0111 King Smoot securities, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Blaine Fess Logan Ste1wer Eorah Fletcher Long Thomas, Idaho Mr. ASHURST presented a telegram, in the nature of a Bratton Frazier McGill Thomas, Okla. petition, from Federal Employees Local, No. 255, of Tuba City, Brookhart George McKellar Townsend Broussard Glenn McNary Trammell Ariz., ·protesting against the proposed reduction in salaries Bulkley Goldsborough Metcalf Tydings of Federal employees, which was referred to the Committee Bulow Gore Morrison Vandenberg on Civil Service. Byrnes Hale Moses Wagner Capper Harrison Neely Walcott He also presented a telegram, in the nature of a petition. Caraway Hatfield Norbeck Walsh, Mass. from Rutherford Muse and other citizens of Chandler Carey Hawes Norris Walsh, Mont. Connally Hayden Nye Wheeler Ariz., praying for the passage of legislation providing full Coolidge Hebert Oddie White cash payment of soldiers' adjusted-compensation certificates Copeland Howell Pittman (bonus), which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. FESS. I wish to announce that the senior Senator He also presented a telegram, in the nature of a memorial, from Indiana [Mr. WATSON] and the junior Senator from from Overlock Stevens & Co., of Bisbee, Ariz., remonstrating Indiana [Mr. RoBINSON] have not yet returned from attend­ against the imposition of a tax on sales of securities, which ing the funeral of the late Representative Vestal was referred to the Committee on Finance. 7720 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE APRIL 8 He also presented J. telegram, in the nature of' a petition, each year as Genera! Pulaski's· Memorial Day, which were from the Ray C~...riz.) Chamber of Comrilerce, favoring referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. amendment of House bill 1023.6, the revenue and taxation He also presented several memorials of citizens and or­ bill, so as to include the general sales tax rather than spectal ganizations of the State of New York, remonstrating against levies, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. the enactment of legislation reducing the compensation of He also presented a telegram, in the nature of a memorial, Government employees, which were referred to the Com­ from S. M. McElroy, of Phoenix, Ariz., remonstTating against mittee on Civil Service. the proposed increase in letter postage contained in the. He also presented a memorial of sundry citizens of Buf­ pending tax bill, which was referred t() the Committee on falo, N. Y., remonstrating against the policy of the Post Finance. Office Department in its dealings with substitute employees. Mr. COPELAND presented a resolution· of Metropolitan which was referred to the Committee on Past Offices and Chapter, Disabled Emergency Officers of the World War, of Post Roads. New York, N.Y., favoring the recommittal to the Committee l'ARlC RELIEF on M"llitary Affairs of Senate bill 3769, relating to disabled Mr. SCHALL. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent emergency officers of the World War, which was referred to that a petition of sundry citizens of Hawley, in my state, the Committee on Military Affairs. may be published in the RECORD, without the signature~ and He also presented a resolution adopted at Toledo, Ohio, referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. at t.be annual meeting of the Great Lakes Regional Advi­ There being no objection, the petition was referred to the sory Board, favoring the repeal of the so-called recapture Committee on Agriculture and Forestry and orderef to be clause of the interstate commerce act) which was referred printed in the RECORD, without the signatures,~ .follows: to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. HAWLEY, MINN., March 26, 1932. He also presented a resolution of Stewart M.anor Post, No. To the Hon. Henrik Shipstea4, United State:r Senator-; the Han. 172, the American Legion, of Stewart Manor, Long Island, Thomas D. SchalL, United. S'tate3 Senator; and the Hon. C. G. N. Y., favoring the elimination from the Rankin bill of the Selvig, Member of Congress: so-called pauper clauses, which was referred to the Com­ We, the undersigned, do respectfully petition you as United mittee on Pensions.
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