June 2021 Availability

June 2021 Availability

June 2021 Availability Item Name Size Quantity Abelia 'Edward Goucher' 5-gal 5 Abies p. 'Aurea' 20-gal 1 Abutilon 'Talini's Pink' 5-gal 6 Abutilon 'Thompsonii' 5-gal 6 Abutilon 'White Parasol' stk 5-gal 2 Acacia 'Cousin Itt' 5-gal 7 Acanthus mollis 2-gal 6 Acanthus mollis 5-gal 7 Acanthus mollis 3-gal 21 Acer circinatum 25gal/24"box 1 Acer f. 'Autumn Blaze' 15-gal 6 Acer g. 'Flame' multi 30"box 2 Acer j. 'Aconitifolium' 30"box 1 Acer j. 'Aconitifolium' 24"box/25gal 1 Acer p. 'Atrolineare' 30"box 3 Acer p. 'Bloodgood' 3-gal 50 Acer p. 'Bloodgood' 5-6' 15-gal 45 Acer p. 'Bloodgood' std. 24"box/25gal 2 Acer p. 'Burgundy Lace' 30"box 1 Acer p. 'Crimson King' 36"box 6 Acer p. 'Emerald Queen 36"box 1 Acer p. 'Emerald Queen 48"box 1 Acer p. 'Emperor 1' 25gal/24"box 2 Acer p. 'Inazuma' 30"box 1 Acer p. 'Inazuma' 24"box/25gal 3 Acer p. 'Ogon sarasa' 30"box 1 Acer p. 'Sango Kaku' 25gal/24"box 39 Acer p. 'Sango Kaku' 15-gal 41 Acer p. 'Sango Kaku' 30"box 4 Acer p. 'Sango Kaku' 10-gal 43 Acer p. 'Scolopendrifolium' 30"box 2 Acer p. 'Shishigashira' 24"box/25gal 3 Acer p. 'Shishigashira' multi 30"box 1 Acer p. 'Suminagashi' 25gal/24"box 4 Acer p.d. 'Crimson Queen' 15-gal 29 Acer p.d. 'Red Dragon' 15-gal 3 Acer p.d. 'Sekimori' 24"box/25gal 2 Acer p.d. 'Sekimori' 30"box 1 Acer p.d. 'Spring Delight' 24"box/25gal 2 Acer p.d. 'Tamukeyama' 15-gal 7 Acer p.d. 'Tamukeyama' 30"box 5 Acer p.d. 'Tamukeyama' 36"box 5 Acer p.d. 'Viridis' 25gal/24"box 1 Acer palmatum 36"box 10 Acer palmatum multi 30"box 2 Acer palmatum multi. 24"box/25gal 11 Acer palmatum std. low branch 24"box/25gal 2 Acer palmatum std. low branch 15-gal 19 Acer r. 'October Glory' 15-gal 56 Acer r. 'October Glory' 24"box/25gal 5 Acer s. 'Autumn Moon' 24"box/25gal 1 Acer 'Twombeley Red Sentinel' 24"box/25gal 3 Achillea m 'New Vintage Violet' 1-gal 76 Achillea 'Moonshine' 1-gal 16 Achillea 'Paprika' 1-gal 66 Achillea 'Shell Beach' 1-gal 130 Achillea 'Sonoma Coast' 1-gal 5 Achillea 'Summer Wine' 1-gal 31 Achillea 'Terra Cotta' 2-gal 4 Achillea x kellereri 1-gal 11 Agapanthus 'Blue Yonder' 2-gal 28 Agapanthus 'Dark Storm' 5-gal 11 Agapanthus 'Getty's White' 1-gal 121 Agapanthus 'Light Blue' 5-gal 6 Agapanthus 'Mood Indigo' 5-gal 13 Agapanthus 'Peter Pan White' 1-gal 9 Agapanthus 'Queen of the Nile' 1-gal 8 Agapanthus 'Snowball' 2-gal 31 Agapanthus 'Storm Cloud' 3-gal 8 Agapanthus 'Storm Cloud' 1-gal 1 Agapanthus 'Tinker Bell' 1-gal 12 Agapanthus 'Twister' 1-gal 3 Agastache 'Kudos Ambrosia' 2-gal 9 Agastache 'Kudos Ambrosia' 1-gal 12 Agastache 'Poquito Dark Blue' 2-gal 9 Agastache 'Summer Melon' 1-gal 41 Agastache 'Tutti Frutti' 1-gal 27 Agave a. 'Blue Flame' 1-gal 1 Agave a. 'Blue Flame' 4" 34 Agave a. 'Blue Flame' 3-gal 12 Agave a. 'Marginata' 15-gal 5 Agave Amica 2-gal 26 Agave Amica 1-gal 104 Agave 'Blue Glow' 5-gal 6 Agave 'Blue Glow' 2-gal 5 Agave desmettiana 'Variegata' 1-gal 23 Agave l. 'Quadricolor' 2-gal 8 Agave leopoldii 2-gal 1 Agave parryi 1-gal 8 Agave s. var. ferox 1-gal 10 Agave s. var. ferox 20-gal 1 Agave 'Sharkskin' 5-gal 7 Agave v. 'Stained Glass' 24"box/25gal 2 Agave victoriae-reginae P5 5 Agave vilmoriniana 5-gal 10 Agave vilmoriniana 15-gal 27 Agave vilmoriniana 25gal/24"box 5 Ajuga 'Black Scallop' 1-gal 15 Ajuga 'Bronze Beauty' 1-gal 10 Albizia julibrissin 15-gal 2 Aloe humilis 1-gal 1 Aloe mitriformis 2-gal 1 Aloe saponaria 1-gal 5 Aloe 'Saponaria' 3-gal 13 Aloe striata 5-gal 2 Aloe striatula 3-gal 17 Aloe 'White Fox' 1-gal 2 Aloe 'Zanzibar' 1-gal 10 Alstroemeria 'Lutea' 1-gal 4 Alyogyne h. White Swan' 5-gal 33 Anemone j. 'Honorine Jobert' 1-gal 64 Anigozanthos 'Bush Gold' 1-gal 1 Anigozanthos 'Joe Joe Red' 1-gal 19 Anigozanthus 'Joe Joe Yellow' 1-gal 7 Anigozanthus 'Kanga Pink' 1-gal 3 Annual 4" 4" 62 Annual 6 Pack 6-pack 153 Apidastra elatior 1 gal 112 Apple 'Anna' CCOF 15-gal 1 Apple Esp 3 Tier 24"box/25gal 1 Apple 'Gala' Esp 2 tier 24"box/25gal 3 Apple 'Golden Delicious' 24"box 1 Apple 'Granny Smith' Esp 2T 24"box/25gal 1 Apple 'Pink Lady' CCOF 15-gal 2 Arachiniodes davalliaefornus 1-gal 34 Arctostaphylos 'Emerald Carpet' 1-gal 77 Arctostaphylos 'Howard McMinn' 1-gal 45 Arctostaphylos 'Pacific Mist' 1-gal 6 Arctostaphylos 'Pacific Mist' 5-gal 24 Arctostaphylos 'Point Reyes' 1-gal 6 Arctostaphylos 'Sunset' 1-gal 28 Arctostaphylos 'Sunset' 24"box 5 Artemisia arborescens 1-gal 16 Artemisia c. 'Canyon Grey' 1-gal 45 Asarum m. 'Ling Ling' 1-gal 61 Asclepias speciosa 1-gal 41 Asparagus plumosus 1-gal 2 Asparagus 'Tidy Tim' 2-gal 11 Asparagus 'Tidy Tim' 1 gal 1 Aspidistra elatior 1-gal 98 Aster 'Kickin' Purple' 1-gal 18 Aster 'Speedy Blue' 1-gal 56 Aster x f. 'Monch' 1-gal 45 Athyrium 'Ghost' 1-gal 33 Baumea r. 'Variegata' 1-gal 118 Bidens 'Blazing Glory' 1-gal 8 Blackberry 'Olallie' 2-gal 16 Blueberry 'Elliot' 2-gal 18 Blueberry 'Misty' 2-gal 1 Borago officicinalis 1-gal 27 Bougainvillea 'Barbara Karst' 5-gal 5 Briza m. 'Variegata' 1-gal 1 Brunnera m. 'Diane's Gold' 1-gal 24 Buddleia 'Buzz Midnight' 5-gal 12 Buddleia 'Midnight' 1-gal 3 Bulbine frutescens - yellow 1-gal 38 Buxus 'Green Beauty' 15-18" 7-gal 1 Buxus 'Green Mnt.' Cone 42-48" 42-48" Cone 9 Buxus 'Green Mnt.' std. 18-24" 18-24" Std. 2 Buxus s. 'Green Mountain' 15-18" 8 Buxus s. 'Green Mountain Globe' 18-24" 62 Calamintha nepetoides 1-gal 72 Calycanthus occidentalis 5-gal 1 Camellia j. 'Kramer's Supreme' 5-gal 9 Camellia j. 'Silver Waves' 5-gal 20 Camellia 'Kramer Supreme' std 15-gal 2 Camellia 'Nuccio's Pearl' 5-gal 3 Camellia 'Nuccio's Pearl' Esp. 5-gal 3 Camellia s. 'Setsugekka' 5-gal 3 Camellia s. 'White Dove' 5-gal 12 Camellia w. 'Jury's Yellow' 5-gal 17 Campanula 'Blue Waterfall' 1-gal 53 Campanula 'Dickson's Gold' 4" 104 Campanula persicifolia 'Blue' 1-gal 87 Campanula poscharskyana 1-gal 13 Campsis 'Madame Galen' 5-gal 1 Canna 'Lucifer' 5-gal 3 Canna 'Tropicanna Gold' 5-gal 6 Carex 'Cappuccino' 2-gal 8 Carex solandri 2-gal 16 Carpenteria c. 'Elizabeth' 5-gal 2 Carpenteria c. 'Elizabeth' 3-gal 2 Carpenteria c. 'Elizabeth' 15-gal 1 Carpinus b. 'Fastigiata' 15-gal 4 Ceanothus 'Marie Simon' 5-gal 5 Ceanothus 'Yankee Point' 5-gal 6 Ceanothus 'Yankee Point' 1-gal 160 Cedrus a. 'Glauca' 30"box 5 Cedrus a. 'Horstmann' 25-gal 4 Cedrus deodara 15-gal 5 Celtis sinensis 24"box/25gal 4 Ceratostigma plumbaginoides 1-gal 22 Cercis c. 'Forest Pansy' std 24"box/25gal 1 Cercis c. 'Forest Pansy' std. 15-gal 5 Cercis c. 'Rising Sun' 15-gal 1 Cercis c. 'Ruby Falls' 20-gal 1 Cercis canadensis multi 15-gal 3 Chaenomeles 'Clark's White' 5-gal 11 Chaenomeles 'Doulbe Take Peach' 3-gal 8 Chaenomeles 'Pink Storm' 01T 17 Chaenomeles 'Texas Scarlet' 1-gal 35 Chamaecyparis o 'Hage' 2-gal 1 Chamaecyparis o. 'Gracilis' 15-gal 4 Chamaecyparis o. 'Nana Gracilis 2-gal 12 Chamaecyparis 'Tetragona Aurea' 2-gal 15 Cheilanthes sinuata 1-gal 20 Cherry 'Bing' 24"box25gal 1 Cherry 'Black Tartarian' CCOF 15-gal 7 Cherry 'Black Tartarian' CCOF 25gal/24"box 3 Cherry 'English Morello' 24"box/25gal 4 Cherry 'Montmorency' 24"box/25gal 1 Cherry 'Rainier' CCOF 15-gal 2 Cherry 'Royal Ann' CCOF 15-gal 5 Cherry 'Stella' CCOF 15-gal 1 Cherry 'Stella' CCOF 24"box/25gal 1 Chestnut 'Colossal Seedling' 24"box/25gal 2 Chestnut 'Nevada' CCOF 24" box 2 Chondropetalum 'El Campo' 15-gal 9 Chondropetalum t. 'El Campo' 5-gal 18 Cistus hybridus 5-gal 4 Cistus purpureus 5-gal 11 Cistus salvifolius 1-gal 37 Cistus 'Sunset' 1-gal 17 Cistus 'Sunset' 5-gal 7 Clematis a. 'Snowdrift' 5-gal 7 Clematis 'Arctic Queen' 5-gal 14 Clematis 'Avant Garde' 5-gal 7 Clematis 'Ernest Markham' 5-gal 6 Clematis 'John Huxtable' 5-gal 3 Clematis 'Miss Bateman' 5-gal 6 Clematis paniculata 1-gal 11 Clematis 'Warsaw Nike' 5-gal 1 Coleonema pulchrum 5-gal 5 Coreopsis 'Red Elf' 1-gal 24 Coreopsis 'Summer Sunshine' 1-gal 30 Coreopsis 'Super Star' 1-gal 8 Cornus Alba 'Baihalo' 5-gal 7 Cornus f. 'Cherokee Princess' 24"box/25gal 1 Cornus k. 'Summer Gold' 24"box/25gal 3 Correa 'Wyn's Wonder' 5-gal 2 Corylus a. 'Contorta' 7-gal 18 Cosmos 'Choca Mocha' 1-gal 5 Cotoneaster lacteus 5-gal 2 Crataegus phaenopyrum 36"box 1 Crinum x p. album 5-gal 21 Cuphea 'Lavender Lace' 1-gal 127 Cyclamen 4" 25 Dahlia Assorted 1-gal 85 Dahlia Assorted 2-gal 66 Daphne 'Zuiko Nishiki' 2-gal 63 Dasylirion longissima 5-gal 7 Dasylirion wheeleri 15-gal 6 Dasylirion wheeleri 25gal/24"box 3 Delphinium 'Magic Fountain Mix' 1-gal 9 Dianella 'Little Rev' 1-gal 1 Dianella 'Variegata' 1-gal 72 Dianella 'Variegata' 2-gal 17 Dicksonia antarctica 5-gal 6 Dietes bicolor 5-gal 3 Dodonaea v.

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