For Fast, Quick Action in Selling, More and More East Penn Valley Buying, Renting or Hiring Use People Are Reading The Patriot Patriot Want Ads Every Week—Are You? ®fr* ftatritft SERVING KUTZTOWN, FLEETWOOD, TOPTON AND SURROUNDING AREAS T?!attt\<ie\tj 7343 VOL. LXXXII KUTZTOWN, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1957 NO. 45 ROTARIANS ANNOUNCE Rotary Observing 1,050 DOZEN FASNACHTS CHECK-IN-HOURS FOR POWERFUL LOTTA DOUGH State Says Saucony Creek Kutztown Main Street MAR. 14-15 HOBBY SHOW 52d Anniversary A grand total of 1,050 dozen fasnachts, or 12,600 separate rr March 13 is the deadline for "dunkers" is a powerful lotta entries to Rotary's annual hobby In US and Lucerne To Become "White Way dough! Area Is Minus Minimum show, March 14-15 at the Fire This was the grand total of the Hall. One entry is needed for delectables made by the Dorcas each exhibit, and you may enter International President Society of St. John's Lutheran With New Lighting as many as you wish. Commer­ Now in Pennsylvania; church, on Shrove Tuesday. cializing, of course, is not per­ Requirements For Park Thirty women shared in the do­ Convention May 19-23 mitted, and no livestock. ing. They kneaded the dough Within a few weeks work will be new lights will give off 21,200 Entry blanks are obtainable at Sunday night, and on Monday No word has been received from i Meanwhile a 10-acre plot along started by Kutztown Borough em­ lumens. Borough Superintendent Rotary International is celebrat­ Consideration of the area be­ worked from 4:30 a.m. until mid­ the State as to whether there is the Schuylkill River near Reading ployees in changing the street Earl Abel expects Main St. to take the Patriot, DeTurk's Hardware, ing its 53d anniversary this year tween Kutztown and Virginville KAHS, KSTC and the KSTC night. Shrove Tuesday was spent any other site in Berks County has been donated to the State for lighting along Main St. from Green­ on a new "White Way" appearance not only in America but across the along Saucony Creek was given by in "bagging" and filling the many which is being given consideration park purposes. This will be investi­ wich St. to Foundry Alley. when the installation is complete. Laboratory School, and Max's world, and will hold its interna­ Food Store. orders. Factory workers were the the State Department of Forests It this time. gated by the Department of Forests The new standards and new-type The new standards will have tional convention in Lucerne, Switz­ chief customers. Exhibits will be covered by a erland, May 19-23. and Waters. A negative decision The department's program is de-j and Waters, not as a substitute for fluorescent fixtures is expected to electric outlets about 15 feet from Needless to relate, the proceeds signed to bring State Park facili­ the larger park proposed in Albany blanket insurance policy provid­ Gian Paolo Lang, Livorno, Italy, was made because of the absence increase the illumination in the the ground which will eliminate will be used in reducing the debt ties within 25 miles of every resi­ or along the Saucony Creek, but ed by Rotary. international president, is visiting of minimum requirements. central business district. First in­ the necessity of stringing wires for on the new church. dent of Pennsylvania. Money for as an added recreational facility Judges include Mrs. Italo Eastern Pennsylvania Clubs this stallations will be at the intersec­ Christmas lighting or night pa­ Proponents of the State Park for establishing the parks comes from for residents in Reading. It will tion at Whiteoak St. de Francesco, Mrs. Wayne Die­ week. Last night he was the fea­ rades. Kutztown Jaycees have un­ the area received a letter from Dr. royalties from oil and gas leases serve as an entry to the river for dertaken the financial responsibil­ trich and Elmer D. Baver. Ribbon tured speaker at the Harrisburg Total cost is expected to be be­ Maurice K. Goddard. secretary of ; of State-owned lands. fishermen and boaters. ity of furnishing new aluminum prizes, three in each classifica­ Club, where numerous Berks Clubs Future Farmers tween $8,000 and $10,000. the department dated March 1 an­ During li)56 the State received! No serious consideration can be flag hangers. tion, will be awarded, plus 10 spe­ were represented. He is co-partner The lights will be the latest de­ nouncing the decision. The letter ! $4,683,502 from such leases and j given to the banks of the Schuyl­ velopment in street lighting to be cial mentions; and a TV set, and manager of the firm of Luigl At the base of each standard 15th Anniversary said: | rentals. The State Legislature ear­ kill because of unfitness of the wa­ set on new aluminum standards. camera and a boy's or girl's bike Lang, produce exporters in Livorno. there will be a hand hole to per­ "In further reply to your letter of marked all such funds for the de- ter for swimming purposes a must The light itself has an effective are also to be offered. Age groups Before joining that firm he lived mit the servicing of each light. February 14th and previous corre­ velopment and maintenance of for any State Park, Mr. Goddard lighting area of eight feet and will New underground wiring will be under 18 and over 18. for 10 years in Mombasa, Kenya Banquet Mar. 14 Colony, East Africa, where he spondence, I wish to report that a State Park Recreational facilities. has said. be mounted 25 feet from the installed along the entire stretch Exhibits will be checked in managed a commercial company recent survey has shown that the It was this fund which was to Proponents of the Saucony ground. of street to be serviced by the Wednesday, March 13, from 4:30 and was honorary secretary of the Six Honorary Memberships Saucony Creek Valley from Virgin­ be used to establish a park in Al­ Creek area are still hopeful that When finally installed the lights new equipment. to 9 p.m., and on Thursday the Italian Consulate. He was born in ville to Kutztown fails to fulfill the bany Township near and around another site in the northeast area will give more than recommended A proposal will be presented to 14th, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. They Will Be Conferred; Livorno and attended the Techni­ minimum qualifications required of j the Pinnacle. Due to objections of Berki County can be found so illumination for street lighting the Kutztown Merchants Associa­ are to be removed Friday after cal Institute of Commerce in that Rev. Rahn Speaker sites proposed for State Park de­ i from Albany residents the plan was that the park would not be lost to without glare. At present the lights tion to supply a new set of lighting the show closes, or Saturday from city. velopment." i dropped. the area. give off 2,500 lumens whereas the for Christmas. 9 to 11 a.m. The awarding of honorary mem­ Mr. Lang became a member of berships and a talk by the Rev. the Rotary Club of Livorno in 1936, Clarence R. Rahn, Temple, will be is a Past President of that Club, featured at the 15th anniversary World Prayer Day Porter-Tower Panthers Kutztown Furniture i Schoolmen Complete Plans For and has served Rotary International banquet of the KAHS Future Farm­ as Vice-President, Director, District ers of America Chapter. The event To Be Observed in Store to Close 1/ . r L 1 n J* *• Governor and as committee chair­ will be held Thursday, Mar. 14, at Edge Cougars, 49-47 Kutztown School Dedication; man and member. He is a Direc­ 7 p.m. at the Grange Hall. Forrest ' After 20 Years tor of the Livorno Branch of the Laudenslager, chapter president, East Penn Valley Bank of Italy, and he has served as will be toastmaster. In Class B Playoffs Name Census Enumerators Vice-Chairman of the Chamber of Honorary memberships will be Commerce of Livorno, and as conferred on Charles Aulenbach, Offerings, Friday, Will Ed. Collins Jr., Accepts The KAHS Cougars were eliml-'^ Final plans for the dedication of<f- Chairman of its Foreign Trade and Donald H. Conover, Harold Fleisch­ Aid Folks in America Position With Lehigh Economic and Finance Sections. He er, Luther Laudenslager, Earl nated from the District 3 Class B the new Kutztown Elementary And Across World playoffs last night when Porter- Valley Trust Co. school, appointment of school cen­ is fluent in the English and French Rohrbach, Clayton Seltzer, Cloyd Doris A. Lightcap Drama Club Will languages, in addition to his native Trexler and the Rev. Mr. Rahn. Tower edged Berks county's lone sus enumerators and three im­ Record attendance and offerings entry, 49-47, before more than Edmund T. Collins Jr., owner and Italian. provement projects comprised the The committee on arrangements are anticipated at the annual ob­ 1,000 fans at Lebanon High school. operator of the Kutztown Furni­ Weds L. C. Mattox business at Monday's meeting of Give "Skin of Our Organized in 1905 includes Richard Aulenbach, Alton servance of the World's Day of The winners will move into the I ture Store, 123 W. Main St.. for the the Kutztown Area Elementary On 23 February, 1905, the Rotary Rohrbach, Carl Sechler, Rudolph Prayer Friday at 7:30 p.m. in finals against Palmyra Friclnv night The marriage of Doris Arlene past 20 years is discontinuing his School Board.
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