PAGE 2 KAYENTA TODAY TOWN MANAGERS REPORT By Daniel Peaches No matter where you go in Ari- be inspired and their efforts will be zona, the Southwest, even the entire guided by a higher source. The will country, Canada, Central and South to survive is our heritage. These are America, you are always in Indian our legacies. Country. Native People populated this land for many centuries. Ac- Kayenta Township is setting goals, to cording to a report made to President plan a path, to identify the obstacles Jefferson in the early 1800’s by the and set strategies to overcome those Lewis & Clark Expedition, “the land obstacles. We will measure our is full of abundance, the streams progress and these measures tell us are sparkling clear and full of fish, how much is being accomplished, the mountains are so majestic that it how much resources are being takes your breath away. And the In- deplored and how much is being dians, they are very family oriented achieved. When you use public and live very close to the land. resources to perform your tasks, you hear words like “Do more with less”. Since then the land has been rav- That means our approach has to be ished, exploited, and torn to shreds, If you have a plan, you won’t fail, Be a change agent – based on a good plan, an effective the water polluted and poisoned, no matter how silly it is. What is •I can change this. A movie audi- the air became unbreathable and the plan and an efficient plan. the purpose of planning? Our goal ence can’t change the script but an wildlife destroyed, the Native People is be to improve the performance of actor and director can. Concentrate hunted down like wild animals, shot, The Mayor of Las Vegas, Oscar town government and make it sen- on what you can change which is tortured and enslaved as dependent Goodman, recalls that when he ran sitive to the needs of the citizens. now, not yesterday, not tomorrow but people. But like a terrible storm, for Mayor, he had a reputation as Measurement is a very important today. these things pass on and there’s the the mafia lawyer, so the slogan used tool in management, in planning and task putting things back together. against him was, “Anybody but the operation of government. Peter •You can change your emotional Oscar”. He had a vision, to re-vital- Drucker, the management guru of intelligence by growing your intel- This is a new day for the Native ize Las Vegas, put a different face on the last 50 years stated “what gets ligence everyday, by controlling your measured gets done. It is road map emotions, by listening and by being people. We have survived and we Las Vegas, not just a gambling town. to a goal.” If you don’t measure, aware of what’s going on. will reclaim our heritage and re-es- He was elected by a very, very slim margin. He moved into his office but you don’t know success from failure. tablish ourselves as the caretakers Bureaucracy is the enemy of prog- •Use the ssssh concept to restart your the phone didn’t ring. So he went to of the land, purify our environment ress, rules regulations control people, mental engine. Instead of throwing the Town Manager and asked, “how and live as human beings again and activities, thus stem progress in any up your hands, stop, breathe, and come my phone doesn’t ring”. He reclaim the honor and respect that is organization. Petty politics prevents readjust your focus and share the vi- was told the mayor has no power, our rightful possession. Setting the collaboration, resulting in no vision, sion with someone. no jurisdiction. He had a mandate no values, no innovation, no risk tak- example, many will join us because from the people, powerless or not he ing and no accountability. Achieve measurable outcome. Out- ours is a just cause, and our way is was going to pursue his plans for the come is a desire, output is what is based on truth, integrity and because town. He decided to seek publicity Elected administrative leadership delivered. we hold all life as sacred. and got the attention of the national must communicate clear vision. media and made front page news Budget is a policy document, it Changing what we do – Don’t Our vision is to restore what has across the country, “The new mayor determines priorities, quantity, cost blame, be accountable. been lost, what has been denied us wants to put a new face in Las Ve- and quality of results. Appraisal and Be pro-active – “But this is the law” and re-assert our sovereign right, not gas”. Some laughed, some sneered, audit determine the cost of functions – is re-active, be part of the solution, which in turn determines efficiency not the problem by being pro-active. from government or man made law some joked but he got his publicity. and effectiveness. Only change can bring about prog- but from the Great Spirit. He hired a consultant and told him ress. Improvement concept – change is is plans to put a new face on Las Our task ahead is not easy, there are necessary to improvement. Chinese Proverb on administration Vegas. The first was an amusement many barriers, many false promises •A vision is based on what will re- (500 B.C.) “Work with your enemy, park, and then NASCAR, better place the present do not fight your enemy”. Be the and many false leaders who do not housing, better shops, better streets, dial that changes, not the dial that have our best interest at heart, who doesn’t move. Be the changes that better education from K-Graduate •A value is based on such thing as mislead and misrepresent the truth you want to see in the world, in your programs-science, technology; sports accountability, trust, innovation, but we had always struggled to sur- community, in your organization, in and he won a second term with 87% teamwork yourself. vive. Those who struggle for justice of the vote. Now his phone won’t and fairness eventually succeed and stop ringing. A man with a plan •Implementation Tools – measure- Thanks You. those who seek a worthy goal will can’t fail. ments, excellence, surveys, time Daniel Peaches KAYENTA TODAY PAGE 3 THE BIG HOUSE WITH A BIG PRICE The Kayenta Township met with legislation to increase Navajo Nation Kayenta Public Safety Officials Lt. sales tax to help with increasing Pub- Kee Thinn, Captain Harry Som- lic Safety funding, but in reality, will brero, and Officer John Billison on the sales tax increase be sufficient Wednesday April, 28 at the Kayenta enough to fund the need for Public Town Hall. Discussed was the pro- Safety facilities in communities on posed Kayenta Public Safety facility the Navajo Nation? that is currently being planned by Public Safety Committee Members Public Safety facilities across the and the Kayenta Township. Navajo Nation are in dire need of newer facilities. Some, such as the The Kayenta Township received Tuba City facility, was condemned. $750,000.00 in matching funds from Many more lack the space needed to the Navajo Nation to help build the detain individuals that commit vari- facility. Since then, the proposed ous crimes. Unfortunately this leads Public Safety facility has grown to releasing these individuals back from a simple yet effective deten- into society, which poses a safety tion center to a multi-million dollar concern to many community mem- facility. bers across our Nation. Kayenta Township Project Manager, Lt. Thinn stated, “BIA funding is not Anthony Peterman stated, “The adequate for the needs of the Navajo planned facility will detain both male Nation. Recruitment of new officers and female detainees, also incorpo- is very difficult because of a lack rated into the design is a courthouse, of interest, qualifications and low administrative offices, treatment salaries.” center, and prosecutors office.” “Currently, the BIA funds the Navajo The question now is, who will pay Nation $23 million for Law Enforce- for this facility and who will pay the ment. Our budget is $35 million. operational and maintenance costs? That leaves a deficit of $10 to $12 “The Navajo Public Safety Division stop in Kayenta. Some community The Navajo Nation Council has million every year.” said Captain covers these deficits by using vacant members that know where the Public recently past Sombrero. positions and other cost cutting mea- Safety facility will be built don’t sures.” said Lt. Thinn. believe that this facility will reflect a very good image of the community Kayenta faces some tough obstacles to people visiting the area. if they plan on going ahead with their plans of a Public Safety facility. Another concern is the ownership of One in particular that may have been the Kayenta Public Safety facility. over-looked is the location and size Will the Township, BIA or Navajo of the facility. Currently the facility Nation have full ownership of the fa- is planned to be constructed behind cility? If ownership is ever decided, the current Kayenta Police Depart- who in turn will be responsible for ment, which happens to be in the the staffing, maintenance and opera- middle of Kayenta along highway 163. The proposed facility is also tional costs? situated next to the Teeh-In-Deeh Es- tates housing complex and future site Anthony Peterman said,” Build- of the Kayenta Headstart facility. ing this facilitiy is only one aspect of this public safety issue, however The size of the facility according operational cost is another big factor.
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