![O1\{ Germii\Iation A]Td Sbedlii\G Vigour](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE PAT"TERN OF SBED SET WITIIII\ THE CAPITT]LUM OF ST]NT'IOWER AND ITS I]\FLUEi\CE O1\{ GERMII\IATION A]TD SBEDLII\G VIGOUR T. G. PRASAD, M. N. MERWADE, K. GIRI- RAJ and M. UDAYA KUMAR Sunflower Project, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK Carnpus, Bangalore-560065 (India) INTRODUCTION matured. These capitula were dried for 96 hours in an oven mâintained at 40oC. AII seeds In crop plants, the importance of seed size from each concentric seed whorls were re- for high germination percentage and early moved carefully from periphery to the centre seedling vigour is well established. Seed test of the capitulum and were grouped separately. weight was shown to influence plant growth, Total seed number, nun-rber of filled and un- development and subsequent yield in many filled seeds, weight of filled and unfilled seeds crop plants (Harpar and Obeid, 1967; as well as that of kernels were recorded. Seeds Foxtes and OhIrogge, 71972 and Tre- from each concentric whorls were stored se- h a n ,et al., 1975). Crop raised from large seeds parately in an incubator kept at 25oC for 45 was shown to have more leaf area, biological days. Germination and seedling vigour studies yield and seed yield in sunflover (A s h o k - were made by germinating 20 seeds on filter k u m a r et al., 19:79). More dry matter ac- paper medium in petriplates saturated with cu,mulation was observed in the seedling raised 5 ml of distilled uzater and replicated f,ive ti- from heavier seeds in sunflower (S i v a s u - mes. The observations on germination percen- bramanian and Ramakrishnan, tage, shoot and root lengths of 10 seedlings 1997). were recorded at the end of 7 days of incuba- In a sunflower capitulum, the nurn-ber of fil- tion at 30'C. Vigour index was calculated by led seeds and seed weight showed marked re- multiplying germination percentage with mean duction from peripheral seed whorls to inner shoot length, whorls. Besides, oil content and seed moisture Observations on all the characters under content were also found to vary markedly in study were recorcled for a m,inimum of 30 the seeds which were developed in different earheads. The experiment was repeated twice. positions of the capitulum (Mathes and The data of one such experiment are given in U n g a r o, 1983). By using labelled toCOr, this paper. For graphi,cal representations, the Udaya Kumar et a1., (1976) have shown observations recorded on the seeds from '1st, the differential sink capacity of the seeds at 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th and 24th concentric whorl different zones of the capitulum resulting in were used for husk percentage, kernel weight differential translocation of photosynthates. and whole seed weight, while it was only from In the present study, the pattern of seed set, 1st, 5th, 10th, 1r5th and \1l8th seed whorls for seed number and seed weight in relation to its germination studies, since the subsequent position on the capitulum and its subsequent whorls had contributed verv litt1e sample size. influence on germination and seedling vigour in Morden (Cernianka-66) sunflower variety is reported. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The pattern of seed distribution within a MATERIAL AND METHODS capitulum was studied in Morden sunflo\Mer variety. Capitula hawing average diameter The base material for the experiment was range of 14 to 1116 cm had shown mean 28 con- coLlected from Morden sunflower variety grown centric whorls. The total seed number in each under fertile irrigated conditions during mon- concentric whorls found to be constant (5,5 soon season (Ju-ly to October, 1984). About 100 seeds) up to the l1th whorl from periphery of capitula of uniforrn size (14 to ,16 cm in dia- the capitulum. However, total seed number meter) which had flowered on the same day ranged from 54.93 in the 12th whorl to 2.43 in were identified and la,belled. Such capitula the 28 th whorl indicating a marked redu,ction were harvested when the plants were fully in total seed number per whorl from periphery 61 A - U*lteA seed veight (g) B - fitfd seed weight (g) C - totol seed yeist ( ?0 +.. ,1 lD ': G60 i; !. 1,,1 t^ â E c, (u 'n 40 .o g ll-= Whort rumber from perphery of the copifutun îig. 2 Weight of filled, unfiiled and total seeds from different- concentric whorls of the sunflower caPitulum .A - Hurtr percsfqge B - KerneL werght (g) .C - whot" seed weiqhi {9} Whorl rrumber from PeriPherY of the coPitutum EA. 1 Percentage of filled seeds in different con- -centric whorls of sunflower capitulum to the centre of capitulum. The range of filled seeds per whorls was from 45.36 to 0.57 seeds over different concentric whorls. The number of filled seeds per whorl had increased mar- ginally up to the 4th seed whorl from the pe- riphery and further decreased gradually from 45.21 seeds in the 5th whorl to 1.36 seeds in 2?th whorl (Table 1). Percentage of filled seeds per whorl also exhibited a similar trend (Fig. 1). The mean weight of seeds in an whorl ran- ged from 2.925 to 0.016 g over different con- centric whorls. Higher seed weight was evi- from the periphery dent'up to the 3rd whorl Fig. 3 Husk percentage, kernel and whole seed there was considerable re- - and subsequently weight of individual seeds from different 'concentric duction in seed weight from 4th whorl to 28th whorls of sunflower capitulum whorl (Fig. 2). The marginal increase in mean specific (sin- central whorls (up to 20th whorl). A higher gle) seed weight per concentric whorl was seen husk content was apparent rnarkedly from 21st up to the 3rd whorl from the periphery. It whorl onwards (Fig. 3). had decreased markedly between each succes- Seeds from the outer whorls of the head sive whorls from 4th whorl to 28th whorl had shown generally higher germination rate (Table 1 and Fig. 3). as well as germination counts. Germination Likewise, specific kernel weight also shown percentage of seeds was 98 per cent in the the similar trend as above. Specific kernel seeds from the outermost whorl of the head, weight of 22nd whorl was found to be nearly but it decreased to 81, 66 and 47 per cent in half of that of first whorl (Fig. 3). the seeds raised from the Bth 14 th and rl8th With respect to husk content, there was gra- concentric whorls respectively. Thus, germina- dual marginal increase from periphery to the tion percentage had alsq decreased markediy in 62 Table 7 (r-rl Vcriations in seed number antl specific (single) seed o A - totqt *edli'g ler;,\i weight in a concentric whorl from periphery to oB-Viçur indcx centre of the capitulum in Morden cultivar oC -6erminoiion Percartaç Scolc, 1cm = i! Uniis Specific Concentric seed whorl number rveight from per nôri nh ôrt7 Unfilled Total whorl s3eds seeds (mg) 1 43.86 11.14 55.00 63.00 2 44.29 10.?1 55.00 63.00 3 45.07 9.93 55.00 63.14 i 45.36 9.6'4 55.00 62.21 J 45.2L 9.75 55.00 60.00 6 43.t4 1 1.86 55.00 56.86 7 43.7r tI.29 55.00 55.21 B 42.71 L2.29 55.00 54.36 I 43.50 11.50 55.00 52.50 10 43.29 11.71 55.00 51.57 rl 42.64 12.36 55.00 49.79 1' 42.79 12.t4 54.93 18.29 'ss.zz 13 42.36 10.86 +o.D I IA 41.50 10.07 5r.57 45.21 ID 36.86 12.57 49.43 43.00 Fig. 4 Germination percentage, seedling length and vigour- index of the seed from different con- 16 34.21 11.93 46.14 4t.07 centric whorls of sunflower capitulum t7 31.43 t2.57 44.00 39.43 1B 25.50 t4.7'9 40.29 37.64 Anthesis of sunflower florets starts from the 19 20.21 15.7'9 36.00 34.t4 outermost whorl of the capitulum and du- ration for complete anthesis of head takes 20 14.79 14 a1 30.50 31.93 about 7 to i1L0 days. Under fertile and irrigated 2l 10.14 13.57 23.71 26.45 conditions, more number of florets in the outer 22 6.50 12.57 19.0? 18.57 zone of the head would develop into bolder 23 4.00 11.14 r a. l{t 13.36 seeds and subsequently, the percentage of fil- 24 2.86 8.64 11.50 i0.64 led seed would a'lso be more. seeds 9.93 An analysis of nature of distr,ibution of 25 2.29 7.64 6.07 within a capitulum had shown that total num- 26 2.29 5.36 /.b D 5.50 ber of seeds per concentric whorl remained 27 1.36 3.64 5.00 1.36 constant up to the 11th whorl from periphery 28 0.57 1.86 2.43 1.50 (55 seeds) which may be ascribed to genetic Total factors, but number of filled seeds in a whorl had differed marginally in the outer region of Mean 38.66 the capitulum. However, total number of flo- LSD 5.525 | 5.7L7 6.045 rets initiated per whorl and also filled seed number had reduced marked'ly from '12th whorl the seeds from the outer most whorl to the to 28th whorl of the capitulum.
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