I MUENSTER ENTERPRISE 6 Yes Sc 0: VOLUME XXV MUENSTER, COOKE COUNTY, TEXAS AUGUST 11, 1961 NUMBER 38 ,,,,eCOIlv-FETTe Funeral Services Developments in the hos- Council Considers Title to Hospital pital drive during the past For Dobbs Infant NEWS Site in Escrow few weeks point to the ad- visability of a crash campaign Long Range Plan In Dallas Tuesday OF THE SICK Until Drive Ends Special Effort Planned to put it over the top in the Funeral services for the in- When t h e Muenster Hos- very near future. fant son of Dr. and Mrs. Ken- pital drive reaches its goals neth Dobbs were held in Dal- Mrs. Oscar Miller is re- First, there's word from the For City's Growth ported making satisfactory re- of $250,000 in total subscrip- las Tuesday at 4 architect that he's far enough Long range planning as a p.m.Officiat- covery from major surgery tions and one third that For Prompt Completion ing at graveside rites in Cal- along to get the application guide to more orderly and performed at M&S Hospital amount in cash the Hospital ready for presentation to the more efficient growth is be- vary Hill Cemetery was the Authority will automatically child's uncle Father John Tuesday. She was to be hos- State Board of Health at its ing considered by the city pitalized about ten days. acquire title to the site on September session. council. O'Rourke of Dallas. which the hospital will be Advantages of such a pro- The baby was dead at birth Expected back home this built. Of Hospital Campaign He is meeting the schedule that was set here when the gram were explained before Saturday afternoon i n a weekend is Jerome Pagel who A deed to the land has A super effort to put the campaign was re-opened sev- the council's regular session Gainesville hospital and the has been a patient at St. been given in escrow to is general lack of activity. Muenster hospital campaign eral weeks ago. As most of Monday night by Marvin body was at George J. Carroll Paul's Hospital in Dallas Steve Moster with a stipula- The committee is confident Springer, a planning engineer and Son Funeral Home until since last Friday for X-rays tion that it be recorded when over the top during the next that an intensive campaign us recall the deadline adopted week is being planned now then was August 15, because of Dallas. The two categories it was taken to Dallas. and observation. the drive is finished. can reach the goal in time to by the campaign committee. it was assumed that, with the especially considered were Survivors in addition to'the J M. Weinzapfel, donor of get the application before drive completed, there would zoning and expansion of water parents are a sister, Mary Father Francis Zimmerer is the property, said that this The decision follows a re- the state board for considera- be sufficient time left to get facilities. Kathleen and a brother John a patient at Crawford County method of transfer w a s a- port from the architect, J. It tion at its next session. paper work and plans to the Mr. Springer said that his Stephen, and grandparents, Memorial Hospital,Van dopted in order to assure that Killibrew, saying that he will This move is in keeping State Board before its meet- firm's services normally are Mr. and Mrs. John O'Rourke Buren, Ark., where he had the site is available if and be ready to submit plans and with the August 15 deadline H ing. used by larger cities, and that of Dallas and Mr. and Mrs. major surgery this week. when t h e community raises other data to the State Board adopted when the drive was it is now working for several Victor E. Dobbs of San An- He'll be a patient long enough the funds necessary for the of Health at its September revived several weeks ago. It It was also explained then hospital. The title is out of meeting, and the application that failure to meet the dead-, of the fast growing cities of tonio. to receive greeting cards and was explained then that the Dallas area and also for will also appreciate a remem- his hands now. If the drive for Hill Burton funds can be there was no danger of los- line would not mean failure Coming to Muenster as succeeds the title will go to some West Texas cities. soon as they received word brance in prayer. Word of filed then if the local drive ing the local priority for a of the project. The priority the Hospital Authority. If is complete. Though smaller, Muenster has of the baby's death were Mrs. his entering the hospital Hill Burton grant, but that for Hill Burton funds will the drive fails the title will As suggested by Chairman one characteristic in common Dobbs' parents, her brothers reached Cooke County friends construction can begin soon- continue. However, by meet- go back to Mr. Weinzapfel. J. M. Weinzapfel, little doubt with those cities, he said. It Father John O'Rourke and Monday. er if the goal is reached ing the deadline we would The area covered by the exists now that/ the drive can be able to get construction as a record of growth. It is Frank O'Rourke and her sooner. Through t h e special Frank Needham is out and deed amounts to almost two be ended successfully and the moving ahead, and it can sister, Miss Agnes O'Rouke, effort now in the making the under way sooner. complete city blocks. The principal reason for its delay grow more efficiently if cur- all of Dallas. Mrs. Dobbs came around again this week for committee still hopes to com- Encouraging signs lately rent efforts are guided by fu- the first time since being a boundary line is described as plete the job on or near the have been constantly improv- home from the hospital Sun- being at the northeast corn- ture needs. day afternoon. shut-in for_ seven weeks fol- 15th. ing the project's outlook. The visitor said he was es- • lowing a heart attack. er of Block 83, thence 680 feet The fund as reported by Fears of being taxed for a pecially impressed by Muen- south, 205 feet west, 698.5 Area Still Dry Secretary Dorothy Hartman county hospital are subsiding ster because progress of small Hornets Report Father Eugene Luke is in feet northwest, and 365 feet on Wednesday has reached as Gainesville shows increas- towns on their own initiative Crawford County Memorial east to the point of origin. $207,497,93, leaving about ing effort to solve its hospital is the exception rather than Monday at 9 for Hospital, Van Buren, Ark., Stripped of the official de- After .92 in. Rain $42,500 as the goal for the problem by a taxless method. recuperating from surgery scription, this means the area the rule. Usually their growth A welcome rain during the crash drive. At the same time contribu- Football Practice Monday. He expects to re- facing Maple Street between can be credited to expansion early hours of last Sunday To raise that amount the tions to our campaign are im- 1961 Football for the Muen- turn to Subiaco Abbey early Sixth and Fourth a n d ex- of nearby big cities. The qual- ster High Hornets will begin brought temporary relief to committee expects to make proving. We are well past the ity of homes and business next week. tending somewhat less than next Monday at 9 am. as the community's current final urgent contacts with $200,000 mark and getting houses, the schools, church, a block toward the deten- many who still have not re- the boys meet with their new drought. Measuring .92 inch, close to $210,000. streets and general appear- Tim Endres, son of Mr. and tion reservoir 'at the west. sponded and with some oth- coach, Glenn Richardson, in it fell far short of the needs Transfer of the building site ance all indicate that Muen- Mrs. Roy Endres Jr., was the gymnasium for the issue of the parched land, and then ers who may be willing to title is another step forward. ster is moving forward. dismissed from Nocona Hos- add to their former dona- of equipment. pital Tuesday morning after Auxilary Members dried out fast as hot weather It's in escrow now and will Purpose of a zoning plan he continued to beat down on tions. Some of them indi- become the Hospital Author- said is to protect value of Before that time all are re- two days of observation and Begin Plans for cated originally that they quired to have physical exams treatment. it. ity's property on completion of property and in some cases The rain was accompanied would give more help if it the drive. For the satisfaction to make best use of space. and receive a doctor's certif- Coming Activity is needed. Muenster VFW Auxiliary by a blustery windstorm that that some may derive from Water department planning icate indicating physical fit- The first essential to mak- members Monday night en- got severe and caused heavy it this gives legal status to concerns the supply, pumping neas. They will need the cer- ing all of those contacts is joyed an interesting meeting damage at Lake Texoma. Its what was formerly a verbal and storing facilities, and dis- tificates when they report News of the getting an adequate number making plans for participa- only damage here was a few agreement.
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