ĀNANDA VĀRTĀ CONTENTS VOLUME I ENGLISH SECTION 1. Mother’s Words .. 19, 47, 121, 193, 293 2. Mataji’s Amara Vani .. 124, 296 3. An Appeal—Gurupriya Devi .. 1 4. Shree Shree Ma Anandamayee—A brief account of Her movements since March, 1951—Gurupriya Devi .. 3 5. An Incident—Ranjan .. 10 6. Durga Puja at Banaras—Ranjan .. 13 7. Samyam Vrata—Atmananda .. 50 8. Ma Anandamayee in Madras and Tiruvannamalai —S.S Cohen (Sri Ramanashram) .. 54 9. Our Goal—a well-wisher .. 64 10. A Unique Personality—Akshay Kumar Daila Gupta .. 129 11. The Miracle at Bindhyachal—Ranjan .. 132 12. Mother Plays Holi at Brindaban—a Devotee .. 134 13. “Didima”—Atmananda .. 136 14. Mother: A Symbol of Higher Life for Man — Gangacharan Das Gupta .. 138, 198 15. Mother Anandamayee—Dr. Nalini Kanta Brahma .. 144 16. Mother and the World Situation — Akshay Kumar Daila Gupta .. 196 17. A Request to Devotees—Rajmata Anandapriya ..205 18. Shri Anandamayi—The Mother — Acharya Srimad Gopal Chandra Chattopadhyaya .. 302 19. I Wonder—Ranjan .. 307 20. Notes and Comments .. 23, 65, 146, 312 ĀNANDA VĀRTĀ CONTENTS VOLUME II ENGLISH SECTION 1. Matri Vani .. 63, 161, 255, 360 2. Mataji’s Amara Vani .. 66, 165, 259, 363 3. Greetins From A European .. 77 4. Guru-Sanga—S. S. Cohen .. 82 5. Mother’s Divine Grace—Ganga Charan Das Gupta .. 85 6. The Supreme Teacher I found in Sri Sri Ma Anandamayi—Atmananda .. 89 7. Birthday Celebrations at Almora—Kali Prasad .. 171 8. At Mataji’s Camp on the Day of the Kumbh Disaster —A Devotee .. 177 9. Sri Sri Ma Anandamayi—S C. Mitter .. 183 10. Yantram—What it means? —Swami Pratyagatmananda .. 263 11. The Golden Orange—Richard Lannoy .. 268 12. Mother’s Home is the Heart—Kenneth Grant .. 273 13. Mother’s Transcendence—Dr. Nalini Kanta Brahma .. 371 14. “The Holy Mother Anandamayi as I have known Her —Prof. Bireshwar Gangoly .. 376 15. Diary Leaves—Atmananda .. 185, 276, 382 16. Notes and Comments .. 97, 191, 282, 387 - --~- ANANDA VARTA CONTENTS ( COhtd. ) , ENGLISH SECTION l. Matri Vani .. 1, 121,203, 285 2. Mataji's Atnara Vani .. 4,124,206,289 3. Glitnpses of Mataji's Life .. 8, 131, 4. Methods of Self-realization according to Yogavasistha -Dr. B. L. Atreya .. 17 5. Wha,t Mother Means to Me-PadlOanabham •• 21 6. Unity of Prophets and saints-Baron H. P. van Tuyll van Sera as Kepken 25, 135 7. The Message of the Bhagavata-Dr. S. K. Maitra .. 140,2<1 8. Mother as Revealed to Me from a D istance- Miriam Orr (Paris) .. 214 9. The All-Pervading Presence of the Mother-Kenneth Grant (London) .. 219 10. Ideals of Sufism-Dr. M. Hafiz Syeil .. 227,806 11. On the Teaching of Sri Sri Anandamayi Ma-Vijayananda (Dr. AdOlphe Weintrob) .. 293 12. Matri Darshan-By a devotee from Bombay .. 298 13. The Meaning of the Wheel Symbol (Oakra) According to Buddhist Tradition-Lama Anagarika Govinda .. 301 14. Diary Leaves-Atmananda .. 30,147,231,'310 15. M"tri Lila .. 153, 237, 317 16. Notes and Oomments .. '36, 161, 242, 322 17. Shri Shri Ma's 60th Jayanti Oelebrations .. 161, 242, 323 - ANANDA VARTA CONTENTS , ENGLISH SECTION 1. Matri Vani 57,149,229,309 ~ 2, Mataji's Amarvani ... ... 60, 152,232, 312 3. Some of }lother's Way.Yijayanunda (Dr. Adolphe Weintrob) 70 4. My First visit-V. C. Dlllt ... 76 o. Mother as Revealed to me from a Distance by Looking at her Picture-Miriam Orr 82 6. Reflection from Europe-Richard Lannoy 87 7. Diary Leaves-Atmananda 93, 174, 250, 337 8. Matri Lila lOO, 180, 260, 344 9. Notes and Comments 105; 188, 348 (b) 10. A Journalist's impression-B. C. Biswas ... 157 11. "Love's Philosophy-Rai Sahab Akshay Kr. Dutta Gupta 159 12. The Super Personality of the iVlother--Swami Madhav Tirth 162 13. Anandamayee Mata-Dr. ~I. Hafiz Syed 167 14. Path to Perfeotion-Swami Sivananda ... 170 15. The Manifold Aspects of Sri }ra·Yijayananda 239 16. Yoga- Swami Sivananda ... 2M 17. The Way to Diville Grace-Dr. Hafiz Syed 247 18. Virtue Victorious-Swami Sivananda 317 19. From The Life of Sri Sri 1\1a Anandamayee -Dr. Bithika lWnkherjee, Ph.D. 318 20. Shyama, Grant me repose at the feet -Prof. S. C. DaR Gupta 322 21. Shri Mata Auandat1layee and The Spiritual problem of the Age-Prof. Madan Gopal M.A., B. Litt. 328 ANANDA VARTA CONTENTS ( Contd. ) ENGLISH SECTION Page No. 1. Matri Vani ... .,. .., 41,121,281 2. Mat'ii's Amara Vani 45, 124, 201, 285 3. From the life of Sri Sri Ma Anandamayee- Dr. Bithika Mukerjee, M.A., Ph.D .. 50, 151, 218, 319 4. The Fundamental Principles of Buddhism- Sri Akshaya Kumar Dutta Gupta 54 5. Srijl1t Ramdas' Letter to Dr. Weintrob 60 Mother comes. ever comes- Sri Upeudra Chandra Dntta 61 7. Christmas Poem for Dear Ma-Elwood Decker 66 !l. Ananda Varta-Dr. llama Chondhuri " 67 9. Mother Anandamayee-Sri Madan Mohan Verma .... 71 10. Shri Mata-Miss Monika Schlatholter .... 77 II. The uuforgettable 'Holi' day-Sri N. Chowdhnry 127 12. The Universality of Cou8ciousness- Lama Angarika Govinda 135 13. Sri Mata Anandamayi & the Spiritnal problem of the Age- Prof. Madan Gopal, M.A. ( Alld. 1, D.Litt. ( axon. ) 141 14. Sixty Second Birthday of Shri M a Anandamayee 157 J 5. Some incidents dnring the Birthday celebration at Ahmedabad- Vljaiananda (Dr. A. Weintrob) 160 (k) 16. Relativity of Perfection-Lama Angarika Govinda ,08 17. Rubric for Westerners-Vijayananda ( Dr. A. Weintrob) 219 18. A Divine Call-l(rishnanand Pant Shastri, M.A., ~1.0.L. :124 19. Mother's Physical Aspect-Vijayanallll ( Dr. A. Weintrob ) 301 20. Mother: 'fhe Messenger of Certainty-Sri Madan Mohan Verma 308 \II. The unknown life of Jesus Chris,-Sri U. C. Dutt .... 313 22. Dairy Leaves .... ... 73, 228 23. Matri I.ila ... 78.233,291 24. Notes & Comments ••• ... 80 (d), 160 (p) -. , ANANDA VARTA YEARLY INDEX Vol. VI. May 1958-Pebruary 1959 No. I, Z, 3,4. Page No. 1. Matri Vani 41.121,211,297 2. Mataji's Amara Vani 44, 125 3. 'l'he Divine Degrees-lVl iss Silburn 50 4. Roligion and Science - Lama Anagarika Govinda Acbarya 56 5. From the life of Sri Sri Ma Anandamayee-Dr. Bithika Mukerji, M.A., 60,147,241 6. Tower of Silence - Sri U. C. Dlltta 65 7. Matri Lila .... '" 70, 153, 247, 334 1:\. The Dilal conceptioll of Brahmall ill Indiall Philosophy Dr. Roma Chowdhmy 74 9. Mohher alld the Silpematilral powers-Sri Vijitiananda (Dr. A. Weintrob 133 10. Unfold thy divine natme-Swami Sivananda, Rishikesh 139 11. The root of joy in cllltnre pattems-K. J. Ramaswami Sastri 141 12. ~Ia Anandamayee, an illumination for the age - Principal .Jitesn Ch. Guha, M.A., B.L. 146 13. Democracy, 80cialism and Vedanta-Prof. Bireshwar Ganguly, M.A., B.E.S. 159 14. Notes and Comments .... 170, 255, 341 15. Words of Inspiration-Swami Ramda. 219 16. Japa Yoga-Swami Sivananda ... 220 1 7. Mother in South India-From the Diary of Sja. Guru Priya Devi 223, 304, lil. Faith and DOllbt- Sri Vijaiananda (Dr. A. Weintrob) 234 1I!, The Goal and the Path- Madan Mohan Varma , • .. sOO 20. Shree Shree M"t" Anandamayee- Dr. M.H. Byed, Ph.D., D. Litt. 302 21. On6 Aspect of Mataji's Teaching-Sri Vijaiananda (Dr. A. Weintrob) 314 1l2. Impermanence and Immortality-Lama Anagarika Govillda 320 23. Reminiscences-Atmananda .... .... 325 24 The Uilinterrupted Remembrance of God (Akhanda Bhagavat Smriti) 331 INDEX ( CONTtNUED 'l '-' " Page No. .1 •. Matri Vani ... .... 1, 14; 105, Htl I' ".; 2. Shree Anandamayee-Swami Sivananda 6 , 7 3. •. Ananda Tattva.... Dr.' :Roma. Choudhuri 4. The Malady of the Age and its Cause an~ " .. ' ~, , Oure-Dr. B.L. Atreya, M.A., D. Litt. .ll, ..'. 55, 118, 194 ,6.' The Way t.o Sri Krishna.-Dr. M. Hafeez Syed, M. A. Ph. D., D. Litt. , 20-- .. ' ' ·6: God Intoxication-Swami l;tamdas ... 7. Anda:l-Dr. T. M. P. Mahadevan, M. A., Ph. D. 25 8. Reminiscences-Atmananda ... 80 9. Matri Lila. ..• .. .. 36, 92, 151, 199 10. The Lady All in White-Richard Lannoy 44 11. Characteristics of a Jivanmukta- .... Swami Sivananda 54 12. Desecration and Consecration of Life -K. S. Ramaswami Sastri 67 13. From the Li eof Sri Sri Ma Anandamayee ~Kumari Bithika Mukerji, M.A., D. Phil. 72, 144 14. Pages from my Diary-Sri Gurupriya Devi 80, 137, 171 ~;' .' 15. Sidelights on Mataji's Birthday Celebrations - Vijayananda. 108 16. Mother's Life--A perpetual Deed of Sacrifice M. M. Varma 116 ';':17. Mataji's Amam. Vani ••• 123 , Page. No. 18. My Visits with the Joypermeated Mother Daya. Mata IS<} IS). Conversations with Sri Sri Ma Anandarua.yee--Prof. :So <languly 16S 20. How I met Sri Sri Anands.mayee Milo...... IDs Holiness Symlna. Hallita.t Talatfmf Hussain 8aheb 178- Psyohio Control in Edilcation.... U.C. D11tt 182 Notes and Comment/!! ••• ... ·89, 21(). , . , , ĀNANDA VĀRTĀ CONTENTS VOLUME VIII ENGLISH SECTION 1. Matri Vani .. 1, 59, 11, 165 2. Conversations with Sri Sri Ma Anandamayi — Professor B. Ganguly .. 5, 62, 123, 168 3. What Mother is Not—Vijaianand ..11 4. Mother—D. Padmanabhan, I.C.S. .. 23 5. Mother Anandamayee: A Votary of Divine Love — Dr. Chou Hsiang Kuang, Ph.D. .. 27 6. In Quest of God and Sad-Guru—P.M. Verma, M.A. .. 33, 74 7. From the Life of Sri Sri Ma Anandamayee —Dr. Bithika Mukerjee, M.A., D. Phil. .. 45 8. Worship of Oneness in Abstract Art—Elwood Decker .. 66 9. The Malady of the Age-Its Cause and Cure —Dr. B L.
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