ROTHBARD-ROCKWELL REPORT sons to make the race. When For President: Pat phoned him, without hesitation, Ron welcomed Pat Buchanan Pat's entry into the race, and by Murray N. pledged his support to the Rothbard and Buchanan effort. Unlike most Llewellyn H. libertarians, Ron Paul under- THE EAR Rockwell, Jr. stands the real world of poli- by Sarah Barton In writing an article on tics, and he realizes that in At a recent meeting that strategy for this issue, one of Pat Buchanan we have an Charles Koch's Institute for us, demonstrating the crying unprecedented Humane Stud- need for a dynamic, exciting, opportunity to ies held for charismatic leader to build a forge a powerful budding young paleo movement, a right-wing paleo coalition, journalists, the populist movement to rouse to create a new big buzz among the middle and working libertarian-con- the students classes, to return American to servative, Old was not the a free and prosperous land of Right movement daffy but boring productive citizens enjoying that can grow, official topic, their rights to person and can became ex- but.. .. RRR! property, ends with the cry: traordinarily in- Student opinion where is that leader? Where fluential, and was split 50-50; is that presidential candidate? that can even with half saying As if our prayers were swiftly take over the they couldn't answered by Heaven, we now presidency live without us, have that candidate and that within a short period of time. and the other half calling us leader: Patrick J. Buchanan. To libertarians: the op- Evil Incarnate. That's about One might well ask: what portunity is here. This is it. the right proportion: they may about Ron Paul? In Novem- This is the real world. Get real! love us, they may hate us, but ber, we called for Ron Paul to Pat Buchanan is our ideal no one can ignore us! enter the Republican prima- candidate. He is highly intelli- .4.4* ries, and we joined an ex- gent; he is deeply principled; In case anyone wants to ploratory committee to test the he is known and loved by mil- know whom Israel is backing waters for that race. We gen- lions of Americans; he has a in the Democrat presidential erated an enormous and un- great deal of experience in sweepstakes, general coun- expected amount of interest, politics, though not in running sel for the Clinton campaign from libertarians and conser- (Cont. page 4, col. 3) (Cont. next page, col. 1) vatives, and from the media, starved for some kind of con- test in what had looked like a torpid and boring Bush coro- Buchanan for President, by M.N.R. & L.H.R., Jr. ...... 1 nation in 1992. Ron was de- Right- Wing Populism, by Murray N. Rothbard ........5 termined that Bush would not Time for War!, by M.N.R.. ............................................ 14 go unchallenged, but he was Beam Me Up, Jerry, by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.16 not anxious for personal rea- P.C. Watch, by L.H.R., Jr. ............................................. 17 - ~~~ that gay marriage combines the assistant professor of eco- (BUCHANAkL..cont. from P. I 'libertarian idea of open choice nomics at the University of for office. He is a superb public with the communitartian dedi- North Carolina-Greensboro speaker; and his is personally cation to family-formation and and disciple of nihilo- a remarkable blend of reason fidelity." hermeneutician and Left- and passiori, which enables ttt.. Kochtopusian Don Lavoie of him to rouse the masses as no The Cat0 Institute was George Mason University. one else can do in our lifetime. recently feted by the Wall Professor Orther has just He is a paleo through and Street Journal for its influence established a new group, the through; he stands for America in D.C. There were compli- Society of Indian Dead, dedi- First, and for an older and finer ments from Bush aide Jim cated to 'Freedom" and 'Anar- America, an America of liberty Pinkerton and Nadine chy," with a logo of the skull of and individual responsibility, of Strossen, head of the anti- a dead (American) Indian. The a culture permeated by sound property, pro-criminal ACLU. Indian Dead practice religious values, and marked The story noted that Cat0 Satyagraha, the 'living truth" by a happy and optimistic view spanned left and right: free (Indian Indian). Well, anything of mankind and of the universe. enterprise economics and 'po- so long as it's 'Indian," right? He speaks to the best in every sitions on gay rights and por- Orther's inchoate mani- American, and he has the ca- nography more like those of festo, aimed at garnering 'one sacity to gel them to listen. He elements of the Democratic million members by the year s the best hope for bringing left." 2000," is dedicated to drugs, sack that kind of America. .et** drugs, American Indians and And wonder of wonders, In the WSJ story, Ed their witchcraft, touchie-feelie :hey can't demonize him. he is Crane felt forced to comment love, 'teaching people that the lot only loved by millions, he is on the Rockwell-Tucker- Earth is their Mother," reduc- Narmly liked by everyone who Buckley charge about 'child- ing the world's population, mows him, even those who molesting" in the LP platform. abortion, never kicking your lisagree violently with every Ed doesn't like those planks, it children(!), astrology, anti- me of his i,deas. Liberal after turns out, but for very different racism, and hard rock. Sounds iberal pundit in the media has reasons: they allow children to like my kind of guy! Feel like lotten up and said: "I haven't drink (did Ed favor raising the joining his 'tribe"? Write the igreed with Pat for twenty drinking age to 21?), and try- S.I.D. at P.O. Box 5639, rears, but he's a great guy, ing juveniles as adults for adult Greensboro, N.C. 27435. ind will bring principle back crimes (Le., he favors coddling Orther recommends that nto politics."The reason is that young thugs). Unmentioned by Dead Indians join a crazy-quilt \e is indeed a great guy, Ed was the key point: the LP of organizations from Hell, in- riendly, arid humorous, and claim that parents or other cluding the Libertarian Party ras the rare ability of stating adults have the right to molest (natch!), the ACLU, the ris position strongly while re- children sexually with their NAACP, Greenpeace, abortion naining on personally friendly "consent." rights groups, NOW, the Sierra erms with his opponents. And tttt. Club, a whole slew of druggie hat basic likability comes The heroic Walter Wil- organizations including the hrough on the tube. liams told a national TV audi- Friends of Hemp, and the They tried hard to de- ence that he would drive to League of Women Voters(!). nonize Pal a year ago, when school and beat up any teacher Presumably, Professor he neo-conservative, neo-lib- who gave his child a condom. Orther is neither Indian rral/leftisl Smear Bund tttt. (American or Indian) nor aunched ai vicious concerted Flash! I've found the Ulti- dead, but with Modals, who ittack on Pat for being 'anti- mate Modal! He's Fred Orther, knows? Or who can tell? 0 iemitic." The smear campaign 4 January 1992 failed badly-and how often sume leadership of the con- Catchers," except usually it's -has that happened in recent servative and paleo ranks, leftists Mau-Mauing liberals. decades? It failed because Pat marginalize the Bush conser- We can say: 'Look, gang: you fought back hard, and nailed vatives and neocons, and have a choice, It's either Pat and named the enemy, so that make a tremendous splash at Buchanan or David Duke. If the truth plus his basic lik- the Republican convention. At you don't vote for us, baby, ability carried him through with maximum, he can knock Bush you're going to get Duke. And scarcely a scratch. In other out of the box-in the same how do you like them apples?' words, Pat has shown the way the Gene McCarthy did in unique capacity to battle 1968. By getting large (though Note: This personal endorse- against an elite smear cam- not winning) percentage of ment does not imply endorse- paign-and win! Pat is our votes in New Hampshire, ment of Buchanan by the leader. McCarthy forced Lyndon Center for Libertarian Studies, We can already hear the Johnson to retire and not run which is a non-partisan, non- small Modal voices bellyach- for reelection. Consider this: political organization. ing: But Buchanan's not a suppose that Pat gets 30 or purist, e.g., 'he's weak on free 40 percent of the vote in New Right-Wing trade." To this we say: Come Hampshire. Bush then faces a off it! To call for purity in a year of Pat on his neck through Populism: A Libertarian Party candidate the convention, perhaps an makes sense; the whole point independent Southern race by Strategy for the of a libertarian political party David Duke in November, and Paleo is to expound a consistent perhaps also a strong Demo- doctrine. But to expect liber- cratic challenger like Cuomo- Movement tarian purity in a real-world capped by an ever-deepening By Murray N. candidate comes close to im- 'recession" (read: depres- Rothbard becility. On television and in sion). Is it so crazy to envision Well, they finally got his column, Pat has expressed Bush, a few weeks after New David Duke. But he sure forceful views on hundreds if Hampshire, announcing that scared the bejesus out of not thousands of political, so- for the sake of his health, for them.
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