■■' - ■*■■ - -■. - . „ < l-lyV'- •-■'i'.'i .."5v»*->-»’V>“-' ’' \ '■>Vf N?l * I ,1. a o r& wwifitt ‘ Hiifi'^oss b u m ~ •'■■ : Dwrtford' :' JEVIBBAGB d a i l y GfDOULATION Sfootii o f NovoBiber, 1980 okradtneM, ^obaldyr tor tollewef by snow or. zaiiL.late..to-. adffet'ond Tlmrsday; ilowly rlsiiif 5,572 ! •■ rftqapmitare.'-........... ■ Mambers of tiie Audit Boreao ol droalatioqB. (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS^^ (Classified Adverttslitg on Page 1&) sbUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1930. yOL. XLV., NO. 66, Planes in Head-on Crash CHAMBERURGES HoTtford Boat Line REVOLTENDED -4> s?. SPAIN REPORTS; f t"'' ' SK RAIIR0.*’'S Sold to New York Co. .•••.v.sv. WORLD tOURT CASE " - 5 . ; X ’ '■> 4't' '4 U i C A P m C A lM si y^vo' FOR THIS AREA Wnrtfnrrt Dec 17.— (A P.)-Sus-^N ew Haven. The only floating cqulp- % Haruora, uec. ^ , -----y Connecticut in the i f pension of operations on the Con­ I ' BY VOTE OF 10 TO 9 necticut River by the Hartford and hands of the Hartford and New New York Transportation Company York Company is a piledriver. Two For First Time Since Trouble Providence Organization resulted, it was learned today from boats operating between New York the sale of business of that com­ and Providence will continue opera­ Started King M onso pany, a subsidiary of the New tions until January 1. DOZEN SEAPLANES Committee Decides To Defer Asks That Other Systems Haven road to the Blue Line Navi­ The company formerly operated gation Company of New York. barge service to New York but last Shows Himself In Street; Consideration of Issue Un­ Be Induced To Extend The sale included 17 barges and spring such service was limited to TO HOP ATLANTIC four tugs operating in freight serv­ Connecticut River points and to New Haven. Drives In Open Carriage. til Next December— Dein- Lines To New England. ice on the Connecticut River and to t'i/ Itafian Air Armada Starts ocrats Voted Solidy Madrid, Dec. 17.— (AP)—For the j Providence, Dec. 17.— (AP.)—The first time since revolution put Spam bringing of six trunk lines to the f e d e r a l j u d g e r u l e s under martial law. King Alfonso Od Long Journey — Pass Against Postpcrtiefflent: service of New Elngland seaports came out of his palace today and f* and industrial centers. Instead of the drove in an open carriwe to the •* Cv' Over Spain. I Republicans Feared Did^ one all-inclusive railway system rec­ DRY U W IS INVALID church of San. Francisco for cere­ ommended for this territory in 1923 monies commemorating the achieve­ cnssion Might Have Led by the Storrow report, is urged in a ments of the South American Pa­ Cartagena, Spain, Dec. 17.- -(AP) report issued today by the Port De­ triot, Bolivar. —’Twelve Italian seaplanes, on ; To Extra Session of Con- velopment Committee of the Provi­ New Jersey Jurist Says URGE EMERGENCY At his own order he was accom­ Here’s the strange tangle that resulted from the head-on collision of flight from Orbetello, Italy, to Rio panied by only a skeleton guard, two planes at famous Roosevelt Field, Long Island. Four persons, Pno^s de Janeiro, arrived here at 3 o’clock dence Chamber of Commerce. and;passengers in the two ships, were slightly injured. Both machines The committee recommends that Method of Adoption of and he smiled broadly and waved this afternoon. ’They left Orbetello ' gress. FUND APPROVAL were on the ground at the moment of impact, one just landing and the at 7:45 this morning. the Pennsylvania, Baltimore and his arm at the great crowds which othM about wO take off. Ohio, New York Central, Chesa­ 18th Amendment Is Not cheered his passage through the peake and Ohio, Nickel Plate sys­ THE HOP OFF Washington, Dec 17.— (AP)—The tem, the Canadian Pacific and the streets. Orbetello, Italy, Dec. 17.— (AP.) S'-Tjate foreign r-^iut’rns committee Canadian National be induced to ex­ Jobless Committee Asks While this was going on, Niceto —Twelve Italian seaplanes roared According To Constitution away from the calm surface of Lake tcdfiy voted to de.jr considera tend their service to New England Alcala Zamora, whom the revolu­ of the World Court until next Dec­ territory. This recommendation is REVOLT IN GUATEMAU; Orbetello at 7:45 a. m. today, 1;45 Voters To Pass $50,000 tionists proclaimed “President of a. m., E. S. T., and striking into a ember. The vote was ten to nine. made on the premise that develop­ Washington, Dec. 17 — (AP) ments since the Storrow report was the Republic,” made a statement in driving mist, headed for Cartagena, Senator Reed, Republican, Penn­ issued have changed the conception Any appeal of Federal Judge Clark s prison accepting responsibility for Spain. They were on the first lap of sylvania, made the motion to post­ Sum At Meeting Tonight GOVERNMENT IS UPSET a projected trans-Atlantic flight to of New England as a terminal yard decision in New Jersey holding the his part in the revolt and express­ pone consideration. Republicans, connecting at the Hudson River with prohibition amendment invalid will Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. including friend and foe of the ing a willingness to take the con­ Piloting the first of the planes the chief tnink lines of the east and be taken directly to the supreme court, joined him almost solidly. providing New England shippers Sixteen members of the General i sequences whatever they may be. was General Italo BaJbo, Italian air Democrats voted unitedly against court. with competitive service. Emergency Employment Commit­ Igul Maura, another outstanding in­ Former Minister of War Is YOUNG CONFIDENT; minister and leader of the expedi­ the postponement Assistant Attorney General tee met at the Municipal building ! surrectionist leader, made a similar tion which In many ways represents Chairman Borah of the commit­ Have Working Control Youngquist specified that course to­ the most ambitious trans-oceanlc tee, an opponent of the Court, and day but said no decision for such last evening sind for two hours dis­ statement. Killed In Fighting — Gen. flight adventure ever attempted. Senator Glllett, of Massachusets, ah The committee jioints out that cussed ways and means for the re­ since the Storrow report has been action had been reached. Their Confessions GOOD TIMES AHEAD Fifty-three other men comprised the advocate, were the only Republicans He was in conference with Philip lief of the situation in Manchester. to vote against deferment. issued the Pennsylvania and the The one strong point that was The substance of their “confes­ Manuel Orellana Is Made officers and crews of the Fascist air Pennroad Corporation, its holding Forman, district attorney for the stressed last night was the attend­ sions” was that Republican and So­ armada. Feared Discussion. company, have bought practically a territory in which the Clark de­ cialist emd Labor leaders through­ Proposed Route By this move, the Republicans cision was handed down, and with ance at the special town meeting at working control of the New Haven the High school assembly hall to­ out Spain had been planning for Provisional President. Famous Financier Likens De­ From Cartagena the airmen plan forestalled any chance of the court and Boston and Maine and have Howard T. Jones, assistant prohibi­ months to overthrow the King and to fly on down the Mediterranean issue becoming involved in this short tion director. Earlier, Youngquist night at eight o’clock. This special thus turned New England lines into meeting tonight Is called for the ex­ establish a republic. Their move­ and West African coast to a point session. They feared its discussion parts of a trunk line system. The had conferred at length with Attois ment was thoroughly ortcnizeri. pression To Floods and near Dakar, Bengal, whence the ex- might lead to an extra session. It press purpose of appropriating $50,- Washington, Dec. 17.— (AP.)— Pennsylvania is still buying New ney General Mitchell. 000 to be spent by the selectmen in they said, and the first outbreak was was agreed there was no opportun­ Haven stock and its president has Meanwhile, Prohibition Director to have taken place Monday morn­ Minister Recinos of Guatemala was (Continued On Page 2.) ity to vote on the court at this ses­ Woodcock moved to continue the creating work for men, heads of Earthquakes. announced that it will not g^ive up families who find themselves facing ing. notified by message from his coun­ sion which ends March 4. enforcement of prohibition under The committee decided to hear its New England holdings unless the the 18th Amendment in New Jersey. a cold winter without any means of It was to have been accomplished try today that the government of New York Central consents to sur­ support. This proposition has the without bloodshed and there was to Elihu Root, former secretary of In a telegram to Louis J. Tutt, de­ President Palma had been over­ New York. Dec. 17— (A P)—Owen state, who helped to draft the revis­ render its lease holding interest in puty prohibition administrator at unanimous support of the Emerf have been a general strike simul­ PASSENGERS CALM thrown. D. Young today expressed “a con­ ed statutes of the World Court the Boston and Albany, an eventual­ Newark, he said: gency Committed and the selectmen. taneously in every Spanish city. The ity which the Providence Chamber To Present Plan revolutionists hoped to paralyze tl^e The message received was signed fident word of hope that we which were modified in an effort to “Do not be discouraged by Judge bring about An asMKknent among does not expect and is not prepared Clark’s decision, carry on.” ’ Selectmen George E, Keith and naition’s business and Industi^ life b f Rodriguez Beteta, secretary gen- yet mauter this dreaded diseastf^.fljf Albert Jaqkson kssureJ the commit­ AS STEAMER SANK the other powers and the U nit^ to recommend.
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