The Daily Register VOL. 97 NO.34 SHREWSBURY, N. J. TUESDAY, AUGUST 6. 1974 TETEN CENTS Allies deserting Nixon after new admissions WASHINGTON (AP)\ A that threatened-to wipose the storm of protest who had been solidly in Nix- new firestorm in Congress is fact his campaign aides chan- But his promise to yield on's anti-impeachment camp threatening to engulf Richard neled money to the burglars. more tapes did little to soften were wavering toward unde- M. Nixon's presidency after — Was told six days after the harsh reaction of some of cided But one, Rep Otto K his admission he tried two the break-in that his cam- his closest allies. Passman, I) La , said he still years ago to thwart a crucial paign director and former at- Visibly shaken and fighting backed the President because phase of the FBI's Watergate torney general, John N. Mit- to keep his composure, Rep "to err is human, to forgive investigation. chell, may have had some pri- Charles E Wiggins, R Calif, divine." ' Coupled with his admission or knowledge of the wiretapp- the silver haired lawyer who House Democratic Leader that he withheld evidence ing plans. carried the burden of Nixon's Thomas P "Tip" O'Neill of from Congress, the public and — Withheld evidence from defense in the Judiciary Com- Massachusetts said, "A tidal his own lawyer, the disclosure his closest advisers and law- mittee, told newsmen: wave is about to strike the dealt a devastating blow to yers as well as (he House "After considerable reflec- House as far as impeachment Nixon's already dimmed Judiciary Committee, and tion, I have reached the pain- goes. You wonder if he'll hopes of avoiding Impeach- made erroneous statements to ful conclusion that the Presi- have a handful to support ment. the American public. dent of the United States him." Some of Nixon's slauchest "This was a serious act of should resign." But Nixon said in his two- defenders in Congress called omission for which I take full Wiggins said he would vote page statement that "I am for his resignation or im- responsibility and which I for impeachment if Nixon firmly convinced that the peachment. Vice President deeply regret," Nixon said In didn't quit. Three of his GOP record, in its entirety, does Gerald R. Ford said he was the written statement. colleagues on the committee not justify the extreme step suspending his public defense Acknowledging that his im- also abandoned their support of impeachment and removal of Nixiui Fresh rumors of an peachment by the House is of the President. Five others of a President." • Imminent presidential resig- "virtually a foregone con- said they were reassessing Aides said the President nation swept a capital al- clusion," Nixon said he would their positions. ready awash in such uncon- and his closest advisers dis- give the Senate for Its trial Other leading Republicans cussed his possible resigna- firmed reports, but aides said the transcripts of 64 White joined in the chorus of resig- Nixon planned "to fight on." tion during a Camp David House tape recordings he is nation or impeachment de- conference. Sunday. But they A tidal wave of reaction fol- turning over to U.S. District mands. said that Nixon rejected the lowed Nixon's release on Judge John J. Sirica under a AP oirtfUMio "I don't believe in leaders option and decided instead to MINORITY LEADER — John J. Rhodes of Ari- Monday of a statement and Supreme Court order. who mislead," said influential follow "the constitutional pro- CHANGES SIDES - Rep. Charles Wiggins, R-Ca- new tape transcript disclosing zona, House Republican minority leader reacted to lif., called for President Nixon's resignation yes- The harsh reaction of even conservative Rep. Barber B. cess" because he didn't want the disclosure In Washington yesterday that Presi- that he: some of his closest allies ecl- Conable of New York. to set "a precedent. .of a terday after Nixon disclosed he had withheld three 1 dent Nixon had withheld tapes, saying ". It tapes of conversations damaging to his defense. — Gave orders within a ipsed the furor that followed "This is the end, ' said Rep. President allowing himself to seems to me this disclosure makes a quick House week after the Watergate his firing last October of spe- Harold V. Froehllch, R-Wis. be driven from office." Wiggins was one of Nixon's strongest defenders on vote on Impeachment an Imperative, in the best in- the House Judiciary Committee. break-in that the Central In- cial prosecutor Archibald Cox "He's gone," said Rep. Joel See Nixon, page 2 terests of our country." telligence Agency be used to — an incident that triggered T. Broyhill, R-Va blunt an FBI investigation what aides later called a fire- Some Southern Democrats Resignation was rumored WASHINGTON (AP) - For writers to his secluded, moun- recordings would further White House postponed its soar If a new President took a few hours yesterday, the taintop retreat at Camp Da- damage the President's usual daily briefing, and Dep- office. capital was swamped with ru- vid, Md In that wooded set- chance to survive impeach- uty Press Secretary Gerald L. Warren insisted that the an- mors that President Nixon ting Nixon has pondered some ment. One such aide was Warren told newsmen there' nouncement would not be a would resign. That announc- of his most startling presiden- quoted as saying "All hell will would be an announcement resignation. Nevertheless, the ment didn't materialize. tial decisions, including his break loose" when the mate- after 3:30. Dow Jones industrial average 1971 order to impose wage rial is made public. jumped up 13 points during There has been speculation and price controls after a ca- The time is important. The the afternoon, before settling about a possible presidential reer of opposition to such During the morning, Senate New York Stock exchange to a close with an increase of resignation for more than a measures. Republican Whip Robert P. closes at 3:30 p.m. each trad- almost 8 points. year, since the Watergate Griffin of Michigan called for ing day, and important gov- Newsmen, starved for hard scandal chased some of Nix- Yesterday morning, the Nixon to resign. He said it ernment announcements that information, found clues ev- on's closest aides from the Washington Post was on cap- would be in the best interests might affect stock prices are erywhere: White House. ital doorsteps with frontpage of the President and the na- routinely held up until after —A White House aide in a reports, from unnamed White tion. that time. For weeks, eco- The speculation picked up position to know what the House aides, that material in By afternoon the specula- nomic analysis have pre- again Sunday when the Presi- statement would say canceled soon-to-be-released tape tion hardened into rumor. The dicted that stock prices would dent summoned speech a luncheon engagement with an outsider at the last minute. —A former White House aide who maintains contact with middle-level officials More indictments expected there said the rumor agreed with his theory that the Presi- dent would soon resign. He refused to say more. —A Watergate committee in Passaic County probe source, told of the rumor, y p contacted his own White House source and reported TRENTON (AP) - A state- The governor has said a Crabiel left the company cumulated since he took of- RtHtter Ho4l pholo by Jim Atklnt back that the resignation ru- wide gcand jury investigating leave of absence now would earlier this year when Byrne fice in January. WATERING IT DOWN — Firemen from the Sea Bright Volunteer Fire De- mor was true. partment had the blaze at 874 Ocean Ave. under control within a half hour Passaic County is expected to be "in the best interest of appointed him secretary of Byrne was asked if he had act on indictments again to- New Jersey" and would "en- state. He is the third straight anything new to say on the —A congressional aide re- early today, using over 4,000 gallons of water. The house, owned by Vin- ported that an aide to Sen morrow, according to in- able the secretary of state's secretary of state to face a Crabiel matter at a public cent Russo of Rumson, was unoccupied. George D. Aiken, Republican formed sources at the State office to function more criminal indictment. The oth- bill-signing ceremony yes- dean of the Senate, had rush- House. smoothly while Mr. Crabiel ers were Robert J. Burkhardt terday and he replied, "1 ed out of his office without prepares his legal defense." and Paul J. Sherwin. don't have any comment on The same jury last week in- telling anyone where he was dicted New Jersey Secretary According to friends at the that now." Lawyers say the governor going. Unoccupied house ravaged of State J. Edward Crabiel, State House, Crabiel was still The governor was said to is constitutionally barred but the new indictments will thinking over the governor's be "just waiting to hear," by —Another former White from removing Crabiel from not involve him, the sources request that he step aside an aide. House aide got a call from his office without cause should say. from his $41,600-a-year post Crabiel was indicted last wife saying the President by flames in Sea Bright his request be turned down. until he is cleared. Meanwhile, the secretary of Wednesday with George Katz would go on radio at 3:30. He Crabiel, 58, is accused of From all appearances the of Fort Lee, a Democratic and his boss ran out of their white pine paneling inside, pull down the shingles and state continued to keep his By NADINE JOSEPH taking part in a highway con- governor gave Crabiel no party fund raiser, and three office and down to a car both fed and contained the quell the fire.
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