= One word can tell the story of con- Take inventory of your printed tinned business activity in the supplies. If you need anything, The Times stands ready to community—Advertising give you service; AND THE SHORE TIMES VOL. LXVI. No. 23 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1941 FOUR CENTS CAMPMEETING PREACHER RETURNING FOR SERVICES Woodring Host Frgnk Nichols To Prison Staff Ocean Grove Auditorium Opening For Seventy-, ... • s" Given Scholarship ^Xfith This Sunday -, Sheriff Gives Dinner To His Ocean Grove Summer Resident Second Season Services ■ Office At Jumping Brook Honored By University Of Country Club On Wednesday IRochester; Active In 'Summer TO LAY HAMILTON CHURCH Bishop E. G . Richardion, Dr. A . L. Baner to Activities In Ocean Grove Sheriff Moms J. Woodring gave CORNERSTONE ON SUNDAY The.laying of the corner­ Preach Opening Day Sermons/ Complete a dinner to the Warden and mem­ Frank. Nichols, summer ’ address, bers of the Monmouth County jail stone.. of the new . Hamilton 8 Front Circle, Ocean Grove, and .• Methodist church will be .held Summer Religious Program, Concerts Released staff on Wednesday evening, June home address, 1225 ■ Wakeling fourth, at the. Jumping Brook Sunday afternoon at the . site Street, Philadelphia, has been o f the old church oh W est. By Association Group; Conferences Listed Country Club, Neptune, New Jer­ awarded a 4-year competitive Ge­ sey. : 1 "■/ '; Bangs avenue hill, on Old Cor- ... nesee Scholarship by; the Univer­ lies avenue, in, the Hamilton' , '. Following one pf the'most Successful Decoration; Day,,, Sheriff . Woodring expressed his sity of Rochester, at Rochester, • appreciation for (the cooperation section .of . Neptune, . with . weekends in years,. Ocean Grove this week will open its N, Y. In granting the scholarship Bishop Ernest G, Richardson,; regular summer.religious season, when the great auditor­ and loyalty' of -the group. due consideration was given the . of: Philadtlphia aiid Rev. Al­ > Warden Joseph Schwark com'pli- score made by the applicant; on the ium is opened for the seventy-second season of services. bert L. Baner, the -! district mented Sheriff Woodring on his April examinations of the College 4%e-i>reirchin-iH?OT^hB-opCTmgTSllMay. are Bishop E. Ci., • intemientj .taliin" rt in successful ' terra. Mr. Schwark Entrance 'Examination Board^ liis kichardson,. of Philadelphia in the rnoi*ning, and in the. told of the many favorable com­ the service. Rev. Sanford -M. school record, and his' extra-cur- eveninsr, the Rev. A. L. Baner, tiicj*7~ : : ; — 7- ments that he had received on the Haney ,is. pastor of .the, ehiircli. , . V ,., these meetings, with Mrs. Kddowes ricular activities. Frank, iyill en­ district.superintendent of the N,e\v ^ many . projects; sponsored by ■ the The old Hamilton- church, ter the University as a ipre-medir Rev. E . G. Ho^irighii.usen iiiunswii-k district. Sheriff. , She largest and most im­ which had served Methodists . Rev. Robert Shuler cal student in September. :. -' Who Returns. AgaiD for the -Sev- ■Tlip opening of the other Sunday The Abundant Life meetings wiil portant’ of these is the County of thc section for several gen­ havo. as the leader during, July the Pastor of the Trinity Methodist A t .school Frank.is a first string' ' enty-Second Annujil Camp Me.et- services sponsored .by thc Occan Work Farm ,. where barracks have erations, .was destroyed in a Itcv, Carlisle Hubbard, and in Au- Church, Los Angeles, Cal., Who player oii the varsity tennis team, .■ ing, Well Known to. Occan Grove Grove.. Assbciajibn been ' erectedand where.'.vegetables spectacular fire last November. will ‘ 0^ ov' (nilst,‘ DI 'r G e o r ^ 'e -A\’. lic n scii. The Will Come to Ocean Grove as one a.; member ofrthe' Clef Club, and a ■Audiences,- Rey.~f Homrigliouseri when tlie' Auditorium Bible class are grown for the County Insti­ lUeetirigs, will be held daily in the. of the Annual Cam)) preachers, member of. the . A Cappella- Choir. Brought Stirring Messages last will again be untler' the leadership tutions. Other major projects are tabernacle, with Clarence Iiolil- with Rev. E. G. Homvighouseh, Iri addition he . carries 5 ; majors i year, and will tearii with Rev. of Dr. Harold Paul Sic an', foniier the establishing of> a Bureau of 111 anii as pianist and A. J . Vci'soy of Princeton University. of work, earned honor rating, sings Shuler for the. 1941 Services. Skip-Stop Plan editor of. the Christian Advocate;, identification and.a Ja il Clinic arid as.spng leader. in the choir of Old Christ Church, and will'.meet in the Auditorium the construction of signs for mu­ th e children’s services to be held NEPTUNE SENIORS VISITING Philadelphia,' and play's two musi­ HELD UNDER S50fl BAIL Dropped By Roads Sunday afternoons Starting; July. G,‘ nicipalities in the County.' daily at hind -ill thc morning will WASHINGTON ON C L A S S TRIP cal instruments. A t Ocean Gorve The Association Sunday ; Schorl ' Each member of the Staff spoke Arthur Stewart In Court After His again be under . the -direction of More than 85 Neptune high Frank is an Ajiditorium usher, a Central and Pennsylvania services, in the Yoiilig People’s briefly (pledging his continued sup­ Car Levels Broadway Standard Mi's. A. II. Leo, for the Thornley 'school seniors left. Wednesday' member of the Auditoriqrit choir; Railroads Abandon Plans to temple and ill the tabeinacle, will port to the Sheriff and wishing chnpel services, arid Rev. Johii morning for their . class trip to arid is active in the Young Peo­ Charged with driving while un­ Speed Service At Shore start, on June 29,-under the lead­ him continued success. ’Pemberton;, jr., as leader of the " Washington, D.. C., • where, ples’ Meeting. He plans to return, der the influence .of intoxicating ■ Unwillingness on the partof.sev-- ership, of John: S. Yeo and Mrs. Those present were: Sheriff junior services in the Auditorium. .under the supervision of seven ! to Ocenii Grove abput Jnne 2 1 and liquor after,his.ear had struck and eial communities to give up loaal Alexander II. Leo.' Morris J. Woodring, Warden Jo­ ■ Camp Starts August 2 2 members of the school faculty, to remain until college opens in demolished a light'Standard at the station stops oil. certain trains, was The North .End; and Sc.utli End Foremost 6 11 the -religious sched­ seph Schwark, Jail Physician they will tour the points of in­ the fall; - corner of Broadway ami; Whitfield given as the cause of-preventing pavilion. services, under the lead-' ule, o f the .1941 season, will be tbe David S. , Carey, ' Matrons Lillian terest in the Nation’ 3 Capitol His sister,.Martha Nichols;, holds avenue - early this . moriiiiig, .Ar- the speeding-up cf- service oil the ersliip—of— George1— G.—Miller—arid annual Camp Meeting services to^ —Brown;—Pauline O'Donnell, —Mae; Those faculty members ac­ a Rochester prize scholarship and thui*' Stewart, 721 Main .street, New York and Long Branch Rail­ Dr. Alfred Wagg, and the Bea:h be.held from August 22 to Sep- Nolan, Clerk Stanley C. Frazce, companying1 the students on is completing her sophomore year Bradley Beach, was held .in $500 road, according' to a joint ann­ Meeting, . at thc foot pf Ocean, tc-niber 1, with • the Rev. E . G. Identification Bureau, Amerigo the trip were Thomas N. Davi­ at thc University. She plans to bail at. a preliminary' hearing this ouncement today 6 y W. V. Shydov. Pathway, Will also start on June Homrighousen, of Princeton Sem­ Tomanio, David L. Huggins, Stew­ son, the class advisor, Mrs. arrive at Ocean Grove this week morning in Ocean Grove police Passenger traffic Manager of the 29. , ' \ , inary, and Rev. Robert P. Shuler, art S. 'Blair, Guards, Earl Smith, Marian S. Clpavor,, Miss Anne and remain for the summer. court. Police. Justice James ■ R, Central Railroad of New Jersey, ' Special conferences scheduled-for William Kelly, George A. Ross, pastor -of the Trinity Methodist; Scholl, Miss Beatrice Brophy, Laird, jr., set the bail and called and C. G. Pennington, General this season-.include also -the ■ Con­ Frank Levering, Claude Lawlor, New Post Office Hours church, cf Los Angeles, Cal., as Kenneth Townsend, and Rob­ ia hearing for Monday evening at Passenger Agent of the Pcnnsyl- ference on Sacred Music,* to ' start Oscar Surles, Chef William Car­ Mrs. Willie Austin, Oedan Grove the morning and evening pi’each-. ert Kilgus, Miss Julia Neil, 8 p. m., Chief o f Police Willis At­ vaia Railroad, representing the two on Ju ly 21, for one. week; the Con- Acting Postmistress, this week an­ ers. Rev. George Henson; Associa-’ ter, of the Ridge Avenue school kinson said.... ' ' carriers which operate . trains over ferenco ;bri'',^Evangelism,,'.starting * -------+ —— -------v- ■ tion .president, will preside at the faculty also accompanied the nounced the pest office would bi- Stewart' was picked up • by Pa, this route. It had been proposed to on August 11; the Bible Lovers' meetings. - group! open until seven in the evening in­ trdjnraii William Herbert after his start the plan on June 15. conferences, starting -0 11 Ju ly 27, The- complete prpgram as issued Batdorf-Koch stead of six-thirty. The new hours car, 1 travelling south on Whitfield A poll recently taken among the and - theVlnternaticnal Union . of. apply only to the stamp and par­ by!.the Association follows:-:,;’, ';.- avenue, struck the standard dead regular commuters cn this lino Gospel Missions coivCevcnce,' which '-June 8 , A. -M.—-Bishop E«-G. Wedding Held cel post windows, however, the center, demolishing it and exten­ from points between Bay -; I'Hwd une son stnrts 0 11 August, fourth, for four ,Richnrds.on, Philadelphia; p. M.— money order window still closing, at sively damaging hisj ciir.
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