Run Date: 10/09/2020 Key Club CUS9503 Run Time: 11:48:23AM Club Information Report Page 1 of 215 Class: KCCLUB Districts from H01 to H99 Admin. Start Date 10/01/2019 to 09/30/2020 Club Name State Club ID Sts Club Advisor Pd Date Mbr Cnt Pd Amount Kiwanis Sponsor Club ID Div H01 - Alabama Abbeville Christian Academy AL H90124 Debbie Barnes 12/03/2019 34 238.00 Abbeville K04677 K0111 Abbeville High School AL H87789 Valerie Roberson 01/28/2020 12 84.00 Abbeville K04677 K0111 Addison High School AL H92277 Mrs Brook Beam 12/09/2019 30 210.00 Cullman K00468 K0102 Alabama Christian Academy AL H89446 Page Clayton 06/04/2020 93 651.00 Montgomery K00174 K0109 Alabama School Of Mathematics And S AL H88720 Derek V Barry 01/07/2020 39 273.00 Azalea City, Mobile K10440 K0114 Alexandria High School AL H89049 Maria Dickson 11/09/2019 29 203.00 Anniston K00277 K0107 American Christian Academy AL H94160 Josh Albright 0 Tuscaloosa K00457 K0104 Andalusia High School AL H80592 Daniel Bulger 12/05/2019 15 105.00 Andalusia K03084 K0112 Anniston High School AL H92151 Kristi Shelton 0 Ashford High School AL H83507 LuAnn Whitten 01/24/2020 7 49.00 Dothan K00306 K0111 Auburn High School AL H81645 Marie Cerio 03/25/2020 4 28.00 Auburn K01720 K0110 Austin High School AL H90675 Dawn Wimberley 12/12/2019 36 252.00 Decatur K00230 K0102 B.B. Comer Memorial School AL H89769 Gavin McCartney 12/10/2019 31 217.00 Sylacauga K04178 K0108 Baker High School AL H86128 Andrew Lipske 11/09/2019 175 1,225.00 Mobile K00139 K0114 Baldwin County High School AL H80951 Sandra Stacey 02/20/2020 61 427.00 Bayside Academy AL H92084 Rochelle Tripp 12/13/2019 53 371.00 Daphne-Spanish Fort K13360 K0113 Beauregard High School AL H91788 C Scott Fleming 11/11/2019 26 182.00 Opelika K00241 K0110 Benjamin Russell High School AL H80742 Mandi Burr 12/02/2019 59 413.00 Alexander City K02901 K0110 Bessemer Academy AL H90624 Candace Griffin 0 Bessemer K00229 K0106 Bob Jones High School AL H86997 Shari Windsor 12/18/2019 51 357.00 Booker T. Washington Magnet High Sc AL H89671 Mr Richard Walker 02/19/2020 17 119.00 Brantley High School AL H89853 Nathan L Lowe 0 Luverne K08870 K0111 Brewbaker Technology Magnet High Sc AL H90673 Lori Kerr 10/30/2019 51 357.00 Brooks High School AL H92255 Carli Haskovec 10/30/2019 56 392.00 Florence K00907 K0102 Carbon Hill High School AL H94423 Jennifer Nichols 10/25/2019 46 500.00 Jasper K00970 K0103 Carroll High School AL H88563 Ms Kelli Singell 11/09/2019 43 301.00 Ozark K01098 K0111 Central High School - Florence AL H90513 Mr Jason H Hubbard 0 Florence K00907 K0102 Central High School Coosa County AL H94140 Mary White 02/06/2020 12 84.00 Alexander City K02901 K0110 Chelsea High School AL H89218 Noemi Blair 02/06/2020 116 812.00 Chelsea K15137 K0105 Childersburg High School AL H86012 Emily Owens 03/05/2020 4 28.00 Childersburg K09110 K0108 Chilton County High School AL H93843 Kelly Maddox 0 Clanton K01725 K0109 * = 2019-2020 summer club, % = 2018-2019 summer club Run Date: 10/09/2020 Key Club CUS9503 Run Time: 11:48:23AM Club Information Report Page 2 of 215 Class: KCCLUB Districts from H01 to H99 Admin. Start Date 10/01/2019 to 09/30/2020 Club Name State Club ID Sts Club Advisor Pd Date Mbr Cnt Pd Amount Kiwanis Sponsor Club ID Div H01 - Alabama (Continued) Citronelle High School AL H86602 Brittanee James 0 Citronelle K03003 K0114 Clay-Chalkville AL H93109 Susan Caffee 02/04/2020 14 98.00 Homewood-Mountain Brook K04538 K0106 Clements High School AL H93808 Troy Rogers 12/07/2019 64 448.00 Rogersville K17969 K0102 Colbert Heights High School AL H90789 Justin Helms 0 Tuscumbia K01085 K0102 Coosa Christian School AL H90348 Loey Mills 11/09/2019 14 98.00 Gadsden K00149 K0107 Cottonwood High School AL H87568 Miranda Glover 10/29/2019 66 462.00 Dothan K00306 K0111 Crossroads Christian School AL H91984 11/09/2019 67 469.00 Moody K17414 K0108 Cullman High School AL H81730 Melonie Hanson 12/24/2019 174 1,218.00 Cullman K00468 K0102 Dadeville High School AL H80320 Ben Thomas 12/18/2019 41 287.00 Dadeville K02002 K0110 Daphne High School AL H88574 Priscilla Dabney 10/21/2019 63 441.00 Daphne-Spanish Fort K13360 K0113 Decatur Heritage Christian Academy AL H91975 Mrs Connie Murray 10/14/2019 36 252.00 Decatur K00230 K0102 Decatur High School AL H81332 Haley Oyervidez 12/24/2019 56 392.00 Decatur K00230 K0102 Demopolis High School AL H81738 Rachel White 12/03/2019 25 175.00 Demopolis K02937 K0104 Deshler High School AL H81554 Jennifer Buckner 01/14/2020 35 245.00 Tuscumbia K01085 K0102 Dora High School AL H93477 Heather Washington 0 Jasper K00970 K0103 Dothan High School AL H81488 Ben Turvin 11/13/2019 60 420.00 Dothan K00306 K0111 Elmore County High School AL H89352 Mary Jones 04/21/2020 32 224.00 Tallassee K14200 K0110 Episcopal High School AL H92576 Karen Thompson 10/14/2019 9 63.00 Gadsden K00149 K0107 Etowah High School AL H81873 Caitlin Simons 11/23/2019 37 259.00 Gadsden K00149 K0107 Eufaula High School AL H82509 Kris Walker 12/07/2019 17 119.00 Eufaula K00586 K0111 Evangel Christian School AL H91801 Mr Mack Farley Jr 02/03/2020 90 630.00 Helena K16306 K0105 Excel High School AL H92128 D Lee Payne 12/23/2019 35 245.00 Monroeville K02967 K0112 Fairhope High School AL H81450 Hudson Tricia 12/07/2019 88 616.00 Fairhope and Eastern Shore K03217 K0113 Fairview High School AL H83099 Karen Hinkle 03/19/2020 26 182.00 Cullman K00468 K0102 Fayetteville High School AL H89216 Kim White 02/25/2020 34 210.00 Childersburg K09110 K0108 Florala High School AL H93504 Mrs Sharon Bulger 12/07/2019 12 84.00 Tri Cities, Florala K17859 K0112 Florence High School AL H91753 Lauren McCutcheon 11/21/2019 87 609.00 Florence K00907 K0102 Foley High School AL H82799 Sarah Horine 12/20/2019 51 357.00 Fort Dale Academy AL H84772 Andrea Skipper 10/11/2019 73 511.00 Greenville K02740 K0112 Fort Payne High School AL H85667 Valorie Barnes 03/19/2020 131 917.00 Fort Payne K08597 K0107 Gadsden City High School AL H83030 Krista Ashley 11/06/2019 146 1,022.00 Gadsden K00149 K0107 * = 2019-2020 summer club, % = 2018-2019 summer club Run Date: 10/09/2020 Key Club CUS9503 Run Time: 11:48:23AM Club Information Report Page 3 of 215 Class: KCCLUB Districts from H01 to H99 Admin. Start Date 10/01/2019 to 09/30/2020 Club Name State Club ID Sts Club Advisor Pd Date Mbr Cnt Pd Amount Kiwanis Sponsor Club ID Div H01 - Alabama (Continued) Gardendale High School AL H94074 0 Gaston High School AL H90311 Christy Yocum 12/18/2019 14 98.00 Gadsden K00149 K0107 Glencoe High School AL H93323 Windy Tinker 12/02/2019 49 343.00 Gadsden K00149 K0107 Greenville High School AL H87929 Andy Brown 10/29/2019 61 427.00 Greenville K02740 K0112 Grissom High School AL H84308 Cary Hurt 01/23/2020 21 147.00 Huntsville K00150 K0101 Gulf Shores High School AL H90391 Lynn Lowell 01/31/2020 7 49.00 Gulf Shores K10926 K0113 Hamilton High School AL H86976 Madison R Clark 02/14/2020 17 119.00 Hamilton K07383 K0103 Hartselle High School AL H82363 Megan Dillard 12/10/2019 45 315.00 Hartselle K03848 K0102 Headland High School AL H82979 Denise Phillips 0 Helena High School AL H93590 Rachel O'Connor 12/03/2019 60 420.00 Helena K16306 K0105 Hewitt Trussville High School AL H94070 Jill Greene 12/20/2019 62 434.00 Homewood-Mountain Brook K04538 K0106 Hillcrest High School AL H86565 Kayrn L. Brumley 12/04/2019 131 917.00 Greater Tuscaloosa K08556 K0104 Holly Pond High School AL H87771 Mrs Chelsie Alldredge 10/31/2019 82 574.00 Cullman K00468 K0102 Holy Spirit High School AL H89855 Dawn Horn 01/30/2020 10 70.00 Tuscaloosa K00457 K0104 Homewood High School AL H85196 Catherine Smith 12/16/2019 168 1,176.00 Homewood-Mountain Brook K04538 K0106 Hoover High School AL H88697 Alison Zellmer 02/05/2020 28 196.00 Hoover-Metro K09192 K0105 Hope Christian School AL H90735 Mrs Tracy Allen 12/18/2019 20 140.00 Houston County High School AL H94012 Patrick Jones 0 Dothan K00306 K0111 Huntsville High School AL H88984 Shari Webber 11/11/2019 20 140.00 Huntsville K00150 K0101 Indian Springs School AL H87790 Dore-Jean Heverly 11/29/2019 23 161.00 J.F. Shields High School % AL H94404 Mr Derek E Pugh 16 Monroeville K02967 K0112 J.U. Blacksher AL H92942 Janie Wilkins 0 Monroeville K02967 K0112 Jacksonville High School AL H90869 Beth King 12/23/2019 47 329.00 Anniston K00277 K0107 James Clemens High School % AL H94408 Amy Haley 0 Jasper High School AL H80064 Alyson Robbins 11/14/2019 80 560.00 Jasper K00970 K0103 Jemison High School AL H91900 Amanda Anderson 0 Clanton K01725 K0109 Lanett High School AL H80500 Bryant Lumpkin 0 Valley K03630 K0110 Lauderdale County AL H92811 Denise Ells 11/13/2019 93 651.00 Rogersville K17969 K0102 Lee - Scott High School AL H86901 Sharon Williams 12/24/2019 67 469.00 Auburn K01720 K0110 Leeds High School AL H93492 Ann Boone 11/09/2019 13 91.00 Birmingham-East K05316 K0106 Lexington High School AL H93001 A-COVIDKelsey Smith 09/10/2020 22 154.00 Rogersville K17969 K0102 * = 2019-2020 summer club, % = 2018-2019 summer club Run Date: 10/09/2020 Key Club CUS9503 Run Time: 11:48:23AM Club Information Report Page 4 of 215 Class: KCCLUB Districts from H01 to H99 Admin.
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