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These rales appty only to individuals holding ~s~nsible positions in Ihe peJroleum induslry. Single copies am $10 ea~h except for looth Anrnvelsary issue which is $20. Publish~r reseNeS the right to refuse non-qua Ii lied subscriptions. Oil &Gas Journat is available on the Internel al hltp:ffVM'N.ogj.com. (Vtll. 109, No. 18t) Prinled in the US. GSTNo. 126813153. Publicalions Mail Agreement Number 602914. Return Undeliverable Canadian Mdresses 10: P.O. Box 1632, Windsor, ON N9A 7C9. Nov. 28, 2011 Her I International News For up-to-the-minute news, Newsle:L U LE oil and gas professionals visit www.ogjonline.com l1IENERAI,dNTJ:RE'Sr; QUICK TAKES The purchase includes all of EORl's rights, title, and inter­ est in the St. Johns dome and certain related assets in Apache Feds delay Ohio forest lease sale to study fracing County, Ariz., and Catron County, NM. The US Department of Agriculture Forest Service has post·· On closing, targeted for Dec. 1, KMEP agreed to amend the paned a sale of mineral leases scheduled for the sprawling CO gas sale and purchase agreement with EORl, originally an- /' " 2 Wayne National Forest in eastern Ohio for at least 6 months to nounced Apr. 20,2010, modifying the dales o[ pipeline connec-~ study surface affects reInted to hydraulic fracturing. tion and the date of first deliveries and eliminating the termina­ I The sale, formerly set for Dec. 7 at the Bureau of land Man­ tion fee. The companies anticipated a pipeline link to Permian agement office in Springfield, Va., was to have made available basin oil fields.
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