FALKIRK Local Development Plan2 Habitats Regulations Appraisal Record Mains Kersie South South Kersie DunmoreAlloa Elphinstone The Pineapple Tower Westeld Airth Linkeld Pow Burn Letham Moss Higgins’ Neuk Titlandhill Airth Castle M9 Waterslap Letham Brackenlees Hollings Langdyke M876 Orchardhead Torwood Blairs Firth Carron Glen Wellseld Doghillock Drum of Kinnaird Wallacebank Wood North Inches Dales Wood Kersebrock Kinnaird House Bellsdyke of M9 Broadside Rullie River Carron Hill of Kinnaird Benseld M80 Hardilands The Docks Langhill Rosebank Torwood Castle Bowtrees Topps Braes Stenhousemuir Howkerse Carron Hookney Drumelzier Dunipace M876 North Broomage Mains of Powfoulis Forth Barnego Forth Valley Carronshore Skinats Denovan Chapel Burn Antonshill Bridge Fankerton Broch Tappoch Royal Hospital South Broomage Carron River Carron The Kelpies The Zetland Darroch Hill Garvald Crummock Stoneywood DennyHeadswood Larbert House LarbertLochlands Langlees Myot Hill Blaefaulds Mydub River Carron GlensburghPark Oil Renery Faughlin Coneypark Mungal Chaceeld Wood M876 Bainsford Wester Stadium Doups Muir Denny Castlerankine Grahamston Bankside Grangemouth Bo’ness Middleeld Kinneil Kerse Bonnyeld Bonny Water Carmuirs M9 Jupiter Newtown Inchyra Park Champany Drumbowie Bogton Antonine Wall AntonineBirkhill Wall Muirhouses Head of Muir Head West Mains Blackness Castle Roughcastle Camelon Kinneil House Stacks Bonnybridge Parkfoot Kinglass Dennyloanhead Falkirk Beancross Kinneil Arnothill Bog Road Wholeats Rashiehill Wester Thomaston Seabegs Wood Forth & Clyde Canal Borrowstoun Mains Blackness Longcroft Antonine Wall Bowhouse Braeface Haggs High Bonnybridge Tamfourhill Bantaskin Old Polmont Woolstoun Burnshot Underwood South Drum CallendarWoodend Laurieston Howierig Rousland Mannerston Forth & Clyde Canal Milnquarter Greenrig Princes Park Westquarter Cauldcoats Woodlands Park Swordie Mains Grougfoot Banknock Lionthorn Polmont Lathallan Westerglen Paddockhall Greenhill Craigieburn Hallglen Overton Redding Gilston M9 Allandale Glenyards River Avon Lochdrum Tappernail ReddingmuirheadBrightons Haining The M80 Bandominie Myrehead Lochgreen Loanfoot Glenavon Forresterquarter Pirleyhill Middlerig Castlecary Auchengean Glen Village Rumford Whitecross Drum Wood Wallacestone Whiterigg Blackhill Wheel Falkirk Shieldhill Union Canal Manuel Walton Burn Darnrig Moss Burnside Kendieshill Vellore Almond Tippetcraig Beam Greenwells Manuel House Wester Jawcraig Wester Gardrum Moss CaliforniaGardrum Blackbraes EasterParkhead Jawcraig Craigend Tardu Maddiston Nappiefaulds The Loan Jawcraig Loch Ellrig Muiravonside Country Park Heathery Knowe Threaprig Standburn Wester Jaw Candie Grangeneuk Broom Blackrig Windyrigg Melonsplace Dyke The Neuks Greyrigg Drumbroider River Avon Shielknowes JawhillsTodsbughts Shortrig Oakersdykes Hareburn Blackston Strathavon SlamannanBinniehill Bogo Avonbridge Hillend Balquhatstone Salterhill Loanrigg BulliondaleStoneridge Middlerigg Craigend Linhouse Loch House Holehousemuir Limerigg Black Loch Burnhead Wester Whin Revised June 2020 FALKIRK Local Development Plan2 Habitats Regulations Appraisal Record Revised June 2020 Mains Kersie South South Kersie DunmoreAlloa Elphinstone The Pineapple Tower Westeld Airth Linkeld Pow Burn Letham Moss Higgins’ Neuk Titlandhill Titlandhill Airth Castle Airth Castle M9 M9 Waterslap Brackenlees Letham Brackenlees Orchardhead Hollings Langdyke M876 Orchardhead Blairs Firth TorwoodDoghillock Carron Glen Wellseld TorwoodDoghillock Drum of Kinnaird North Inches Wallacebank Wood North Inches Kersebrock Dales Wood Kersebrock Kinnaird House Bellsdyke of M9 Broadside M9 Broadside Rullie River Carron Hill of Kinnaird Benseld M80 Hardilands M80 Hardilands Docks The Docks Bowtrees Langhill Rosebank Torwood Castle Bowtrees Topps Braes Stenhousemuir Howkerse Mains of Powfoulis Carron Hookney Drumelzier Dunipace M876 North Broomage Mains of Powfoulis Forth Barnego Barnego Forth Valley Carronshore Skinats Antonshill Denovan Chapel Burn Antonshill Tappoch Broch Tappoch Bridge Fankerton Broch Tappoch Royal Hospital South Broomage Carron River Carron The Kelpies The The Kelpies The Zetland Garvald Darroch Hill Garvald Crummock Stoneywood DennyHeadswood Larbert House Lochlands LarbertLochlands Langlees Oil Renery Myot Hill Blaefaulds Mydub River Carron GlensburghPark Oil Renery Coneypark Faughlin Coneypark Mungal Chaceeld Wood M876 Bainsford Stadium Wester Stadium Denny Muir Denny Doups Muir Denny Castlerankine Grahamston Bankside Grangemouth Bo’ness Middleeld Middleeld Kinneil Kerse Bonnyeld Bonny Water Carmuirs M9 Jupiter Newtown Champany Inchyra Park Champany Bogton Birkhill Drumbowie Bogton Antonine Wall AntonineBirkhill Wall Muirhouses Head of Muir Head Head of Muir Head West Mains Blackness Castle Camelon Roughcastle Camelon Kinneil House Stacks Parkfoot Bonnybridge Parkfoot Kinglass Kinneil Dennyloanhead Falkirk Beancross Kinneil Arnothill Bog Road Wholeats Rashiehill Rashiehill Wester Thomaston Seabegs Wood Forth & Clyde Canal Borrowstoun Mains Blackness Bowhouse Longcroft Antonine Wall Bowhouse Braeface Haggs High Bonnybridge Tamfourhill Bantaskin Old Polmont Woolstoun Burnshot South Drum Woodend Underwood South Drum CallendarWoodend Laurieston Howierig Rousland Mannerston Greenrig Cauldcoats Forth & Clyde Canal Milnquarter Greenrig Princes Park Westquarter Cauldcoats Woodlands Grougfoot Woodlands Park Swordie Mains Grougfoot Lathallan Banknock Lionthorn Polmont Lathallan Westerglen Westerglen Paddockhall Greenhill Craigieburn Hallglen Overton Redding Gilston M9 Allandale Glenyards River Avon Lochdrum Tappernail Lochdrum Tappernail The Haining The ReddingmuirheadBrightons Haining The M80 M80 Bandominie Myrehead Lochgreen Lochgreen Loanfoot Glenavon Forresterquarter Pirleyhill Middlerig Glen Village Castlecary Auchengean Glen Village Rumford Whitecross Drum Wood Drum Wood Wallacestone Falkirk Wheel Falkirk Whiterigg Whiterigg Blackhill Wheel Falkirk Shieldhill Union Canal Manuel Walton Burn Darnrig Moss Burnside Kendieshill Vellore Almond Tippetcraig Beam Greenwells Manuel House Wester Jawcraig Wester Wester Jawcraig Wester Gardrum Blackbraes Gardrum Moss CaliforniaGardrum Blackbraes Parkhead Tardu Maddiston EasterParkhead Jawcraig Craigend Tardu Maddiston Nappiefaulds Nappiefaulds The Loan Jawcraig Loch Ellrig Muiravonside Country Park Heathery Knowe Threaprig Standburn Candie Wester Jaw Candie Blackrig Grangeneuk Broom Blackrig Windyrigg Melonsplace Greyrigg Dyke The Neuks Greyrigg Drumbroider River Avon Shielknowes Shielknowes Todsbughts JawhillsTodsbughts Shortrig Shortrig Oakersdykes Hareburn Blackston Strathavon Strathavon Binniehill SlamannanBinniehill Bogo Avonbridge Hillend Balquhatstone Loanrigg Salterhill Loanrigg Stoneridge BulliondaleStoneridge Middlerigg Craigend Linhouse Loch House Holehousemuir Limerigg Limerigg Burnhead Black Loch Burnhead Wester Whin HRA Revised June 2020 Contents 1. Background and HRA Methodology 1.1 Background Page 2 1.2 HRA Methodology Page 2 - 3 1.3 Stage 1 – Should the Proposed Plan be subject to HRA? Page 4 2. Potentially affected European Sites 2.1 Stage 2 - European Sites that should be considered Page 5 in the appraisal 2.2 Stage 3 – Background Information about European sites Page 5 - 25 likely to be affected 3. Screening the Plan 3.1 Stage 5 – Screening for likely significant effects Page 26 - 41 on a European Site 3.2 Stage 6 – Applying screening stage mitigation Page 42 measures 3.3 Stage 7 – Re-screening the Plan Page 42 - 67 4. Appropriate Assessment 4.1 Firth of Forth SPA Page 68 - 130 4.2 Slamannan Plateau SPA Page 131 - 152 4.3 Black Loch Moss SAC Page 153 - 156 4.4 River Teith SAC Page 157 - 172 4.5 Forth Islands SPA Page 173 - 176 4.6 Outer Firth of Forth and St Andrew’s Bay Complex pSPA Page 177 – 178 Appendix 1 Copy of SNH correspondence dated 21 November 2018 Appendix 2 Copy of SNH correspondence dated 5 June 2020 - 1 - HRA Revised June 2020 1. Background and HRA Methodology 1.1 Background 1.1.1 This report documents the findings of the Habitats Regulations Appraisal of likely effects of the Falkirk Local Development Plan 2 - Proposed Plan upon the qualifying interest features of the following European sites: Firth of Forth Special Protection Area (SPA); Forth Islands SPA; Outer Firth of Forth and St Andrew’s Bay Complex pSPA Slamannan Plateau SPA; Black Loch Moss Special Area of Conservation (SAC); and River Teith SAC. 1.1.2 The Habitats Regulations Appraisal (HRA) describes the process of considering the effect of a policy, project or plan upon sites of European Importance. It encompasses preliminary “screening” of the plan (i.e. a broad-brush consideration of what aspects of the plan (if any) need to be considered for their effects on a European site). A full description of the legislative basis for HRA and the steps required is set out in “Habitats Regulations Appraisal of Plans Guidance for Plan-Making bodies in Scotland” published by SNH (2015). 1.1.3 The HRA was submitted to SNH in September 2018 and then revised in June 2019 having regard to SNH’s comments (see Appendix 1). Falkirk Council submitted the Proposed Plan and associated documents, including the revised HRA, to Scottish Ministers for an examination by appointed Reporters. The examination has been completed, and the Reporters published the Examination Report on 30 March 2020 containing their conclusions and recommendations on each of the 26 unresolved issues raised by representations to the Proposed Plan. In June 2020, the HRA was finalised to account for the relevant post examination
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