Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1934-35 5-29-1935 The thI acan, 1935-05-29 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1934-35 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1935-05-29" (1935). The Ithacan, 1934-35. 27. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1934-35/27 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1934-35 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. Special Alutnni Edition Final Issue Final Issue Commencement June 7 utan lla<"l'alaureatc June 2 Vol. V, . No. 27 Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York, :\lay 29, 1935 Brown, Osborne, Blan- Flynn _, '36:TuesdayEve.Recital ding In Last Recital , Editor -Ithacan '35 : Last of 34,'35 Season Prove Entertaining .,.---R-e-t,-.,.-i,-,~-t _B_u_s_il_1£_'S_S_1'J,,_f_a_n_a)!_t_,,._ Soloists Ne,vcomers Retiring Editor Short, Nicholas, Ed.; Bus. Years I The mu~ic department drew a long Mgr. Two ! breath at the clo,e of last Tuesday I e,·ening. Thi rtren performers had f!raced the ,rage of Little Theatre in the la,t student recital of 193+-35. \' umbered among the ,oloists were sen:ral newcomers. Two violinists, Laura Crossman, and Joseph Petru­ celli made their hows before the house. Talent was evidenced in both cases, despite the common battle with nerves. Next year's student appearances will welcome their return. Joanna Gaylord's opening with "Toccata and Fugue" by Bach was auspicious. This pianist plays with ad­ mirable composure. Andrew Jupina's Beethoven was another example of clear logical playing. The precision with which he undertook this sonata carried him through with scarcely a fault. Band instrumentalists were not without representation, ·for Harry Carney adequately proved that the Bassoon can be made to talk in the accepted manner of all soloists, and Debate Club B"Casts \Valter N inesling accomplished a ticklish ·"Concerto" on the more tick- From WJZ H00 k Up Ilish French Horn. Numbers of this __ type are a welcome variation to stu­ dent programs and might well fur­ nish inspiration to future bandmen. ---o--- c a:imga,z Positions A 1111orrnced B. Gerling Directs Ploys It has been announced that the Mr. Newens has received word that staff for next year's CaJ11ga11 will be Beatrice Dean Gerling, Ithaca Col­ headed by Dorothy Humberst nc and lege '34 has been directing plays for Roy Connolly. :\Iiss Humberstone the Little Theatre in Amsterdam, who has been assistant editor for the New York. Miss Gerling's latest pro­ past two years has peen chosen to duction was "The Royal Family of succr.ed Tom Brown as edit1r. l\Jr. Broadway" by George S. Kaufman Connolly will take o,·er the position and Edna Ferber. The press of Am­ of assistant editor. Both of these sterdam lauded the fine work done by people have had sufficient training to the group in this and in former pre­ insure an outstanding publication. sentations, giving particular credit to T!zr J1/zac~11 takes this opportunity to Miss Gerling for her capable direc­ wish the layugan staff success in its tion. next· year's venture. Page 2 -----The ---------------------·----------------------Ithacan: May 29, 1935 logical to surmise, therefore, that be­ WIDE OPEN LETTER IDqt lJ tqarau cause the college is known in the TO THE DRAMA ---------------- field of :\I usic and Phrsical Education DEPARTMENT ATWATER'S that the people gradu;ting from these By /lo/, Dr La11y '30 respective departments are placed in STATE position, for which they arc trained. The editor of your struggling week­ Sun. - Mon. - Tues. And so to the alumni in the field, ly offered to stake me to a cup of cof­ Everything The Great Amcric:111 Cla~sic fee if I'd grind out two hundred we say to you-"Your college is grow­ "THE HOOSIER ing up. It is enlarging. If you don't words for this SCHOOLMASTER" believe it-ask your neighbor, or bet­ alumni issue. To Also Silly Symphony ter still-come back and sec." That is payment And Laurel and Hardy Comedy at .0002.½ of a ---o--- Wed. - Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Publishtd n•trv f•,doy of tht school ytar b) GRADUATES! cent per word. EAT 11ndrrtradu.atr1 -of lthara Collt,:t, Ithaca, ,\',w YorA: Add a couple of WILL ROGERS in EDITORIAL OFFICE 120 East Bufl.,lo Strcei Students graduating from colleges doughnuts to the "DOUBTING THOMAS and universities this vear must think order and I will l:'.litor-i11-Chi,-f ....... Enw IRD F. F1.YSS not only about possibie economical re­ owe you a novel­ lltt.<ill,'JJ .lftllltl!l•'r ...... \\'11.1.1 n1 CoRSEI.I. Drugs and Cosmetics turns which their college preparation ette. \SSOl I \Tl·: I· Ill l'ORS might bring them, but they must also In a few weeks, at lower prices STRAND 1'1 ..,lo . (',,RI. ro" B1, n I Y consider the cultural value of tha~ now, some of you Sun. - Mon. - Tues. - Wed. l·lll'IOIU.\l. STIFF preparation. The preceding has been will be launching Bob dr Lany '30 KATHARINE HEPBURN J:d,trir ,11 .1/u<i, . .... RnY \\ 11111 Films - Cameras Lf,,,,, "' /)ram,1 . .. f-:L\t:,. l'uRcl. repeated time and time again-year vour careers. Al­ Charles Boyer in /.'d1t11r ol SpurlJ •. , T110'1,\" Jo'\tS in and year out. However, neve1 was ~eadv vou've had letters from home "BREAK OF HEARTS" REPORTORI ·\L STAFF it more strikingly pertinent titan it timidly- asking what your "plans"' Film finishing of the Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. K1,,1 r11 RA:\11,,1.1 01.1\'I R \'oGT are; insurance agents have tried to ~IAR\ L,~11,.,\l{I ... 1)111U1TIIY L>n-t1Y is this year. In Ithaca College you George Raft - Ben Bernie in EtGl.:\I ~tlRIII J \('t,,. S<. 1111.11 "·' R snatch a slice of the first season's sal­ better kind 0 have been trained in one of the three "STOLEN HARMONY" \\ lh ::,.11 \'\I AI rl R professions. \Vhethcr or not you are ary, if any; and you yourself are won­ Ill SI "ESS l!O.\RD 24 hour service },;. \RI. Z11,1\\ \'\C,I R \\"11.LARD llt1RF,1,,::,. successful in that profession; 1..,·hether dering "What next?" \\" JI 1,1,\\t !\ ll JIOI ..\~ or not you teach, act, play a ham, or College history shows that yoUI TEMPLE CIRl'l ·1..\Tl:S:G BOARD what not, is not ultimately important. future will fall into one of ~evcral Special Ithaca College (,',r,14/r.tio11 .11,zrw tr •••••••.. IR1<; G1ot The important thing is tha~ you do molds: Sun. - Mon. - Tues. /lir11 tor o,' C:opy . I 1.\11.1. Li \t t,11 not forget the thing that college train­ l . You'll get married and settle Stationery 19c ''LOST IN THE Wednesday, May 29, 1935 ing should give you-a cultural back­ down to the i~human routine of kit­ STRATOSPHERE ground that will enable 1·ou to be chen sinks, bridge tables and kids. In With William Cagney more content, no matter· what work this case your education will come in Wed. - Thurs. Cooperation rou might have to do. handy when the local deacon suggests MARLIENE DIETRICH A striking example of what one tl,at you help out with the E1,ti:r "The Devil Is A Woman" A word of thanks to The lthaca11 should not be heard to sav after com­ pageant (gratis) or the Ladie~' A. B. Brooks Fri. and Sat. staff of 193-1--35 is at this time more picting a four year cour;e in Speech Friendship Circle asks you to '"do a than appropriate. and Drama is the followinr; respome little something...... at the at:nual meet­ &Son "TERROR OF THE PLAINS" The cooperation of the three de­ to "I've been noticing all day that the ing (gratis), or the Civic Literature Prescription Plzarmacy With Tom Tyler partmental Editors has been far be­ people around here say wen for w/z{'l1" League needs a judge ( gm tis) for a vond what I had expected. Because -"Oh", came the reply, ·'wm 1·ou [;roup of one-act plays. As a youn~ they have cooperated, The !tlzaca11 is get away from here you'll forget· all married man or woman with a de­ a better sheet than it was a year or about such things" ... gree in dramatics, you'll find rour two ago. Tlze !tlzaum has become a Surely, if I do, years and capital four years' training a great help-to member of the Associated Collegiate will have been wasted, even if I others. Press, as ,veil as being affiliated with should become a brick carrier. 2. You'll go home, live on the folks College Publishers Representatives. ---0>--- as long as they can stand yuu, ar.d The Ithaca College sheet had to meet Election of Officers then vou'll hike to New York or certain requirements or it could not Holly~ood to make "contacts." boast affiliation with either of these The many organization throughout ( "Contacts" are invariably exciting organizations. school have been concerned recently ( C,mtinued on page five) The work of Misses Jam_es, Prior with election of new officers for the and . Holland _gave th~ reviews and coming year. Following is a list cf Cephus Pens A Note prev1e~s of ,thmgs musical a touch of the organizations and the newly elei:t- To Ithaca College profess1onahsm. cd officers. At the end The bulk of the work of any col- Dear Ithaca College, lege newspapers falls on the editor Delta Psi Kappa The time fast approaches when I and his two or three assistants or At the regular meeting last week shall leave thy portals and once again stooges, or as J'OU will.
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