Conformal and Asymptotic Properties of Embedded Genus-g Minimal Surfaces with One End by Jacob Bernstein Submitted to the Department of Mathematics in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2009 c Jacob Bernstein, MMIX. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Author............................................. ................. Department of Mathematics May 18, 2009 Certified by......................................... ................. Tobias H. Colding Professor of Mathematics Thesis Supervisor Accepted by......................................... ................ David Jerison Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students 2 Conformal and Asymptotic Properties of Embedded Genus-g Minimal Surfaces with One End by Jacob Bernstein Submitted to the Department of Mathematics on May 18, 2009, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Abstract Using the tools developed by Colding and Minicozzi in their study of the structure of embedded minimal surfaces in R3 [12, 19–22], we investigate the conformal and asymptotic properties of complete, embedded minimal surfaces of finite genus and one end. We first present a more geometric proof of the uniqueness of the helicoid than the original, due to Meeks and Rosenberg [45]. That is, the only properly embedded and complete minimal disks in R3 are the plane and the helicoid. We then extend these techniques to show that any complete, embedded minimal surface with one end and finite topology is conformal to a once-punctured compact Riemann surface. This completes the classification of the conformal type of embedded finite topology minimal surfaces in R3. Moreover, we show that such s surface has Weierstrass data asymptotic to that of the helicoid, and as a consequence is asymptotic to a helicoid (in a Hausdorff sense). As such, we call such surfaces genus-g helicoids. In addition, we sharpen results of Colding and Minicozzi on the shapes of embedded minimal disks in R3, giving a more precise scale on which minimal disks with large curvature are “helicoidal”. Finally, we begin to study the finer properties of the structure of genus-g helicoids, in particular showing that the space of genus-one helicoids is compact (after a suitably normalization). Thesis Supervisor: Tobias H. Colding Title: Professor of Mathematics 3 4 Acknowledgments I would like to thank my advisor, Tobias Colding, for giving me the problem that was the genesis of this thesis and for giving me support and help in navigating the vagaries of mathematical research. I would also like to thank Bill Minicozzi for his constant enthusiasm and for his always extremely helpful suggestions. There are many other people at MIT I would like to acknowledge (in no particular order): Richard Melrose for teaching me analysis and for humoring some of my more ill-posed queries; Hans Christianson and Brett Kotschwar for handling most of the rest; Linda Okun and the rest of the math department staff for helping me understand some of MIT’s more arcane policies; Chris Kottke being a great office-mate and for our many procrastination driven conversations; Gigliola Staffilani for helping me in my job search; Michael Eichmair for energizing geometric analysis at MIT and for being a great friend; Tom Mrowka and William Lopes for discussing some elementary Morse theory with me, the results of which are in Chapter 6; thanks also to Vedran, YankI, Lu, James and Max for many great mathematical discussions. Away from MIT, my collaborator Christine Breiner must be mentioned, both as a great conference co-attendee and friend. Special thanks to my fiance´eJessie Howell for putting up with me, even at my most slovenly and unshaven. I couldn’t have done it with out you. I would also like to thank my parents. I am especially grateful to my father exposing me to deep mathematics at young age, and thank him for his copy of Kelley’s General Topology, my first encounter with abstract mathematics. Finally, I would like to dedicate this thesis to the memory of Juha Heinonen without whom I very likely would have left mathematics. His contribution to my mathematical education cannot be overstated. 5 6 Contents Abstract 3 Acknowledgments 5 1 Introduction 11 2 Background 15 2.1 Minimal Surface Theory in R3 ...................... 15 2.1.1 Basictheory............................ 15 2.1.2 Classical and modern constructions . 18 2.2 Notation.................................. 20 3 Colding-Minicozzi Theory 23 3.1 Structure of Embedded Minimal Disks . 24 3.1.1 Pointsoflargecurvature . 24 3.1.2 Extendingthesheets . 26 3.1.3 Findinglargecurvature. 26 3.1.4 One-sidedcurvatureestimate . 27 3.2 SomeApplications ............................ 29 3.2.1 Laminationtheory ........................ 30 3.2.2 TheCalabi-Yauconjecture. 30 3.2.3 Generalizations to non-trivial topology . ... 31 4 Uniqueness of the Helicoid 33 4.1 MeeksandRosenberg’sApproach . 33 4.2 OutlineoftheArgument . .. .. 34 4.3 GeometricDecomposition . 35 4.3.1 Initialsheets............................ 35 4.3.2 Blow-uppairs ........................... 37 4.3.3 Asymptotichelicoids . 37 4.3.4 DecompositionofΣ. .. .. 38 4.4 Conformal Structure of a Complete Embedded Minimal Disk ..... 40 4.4.1 Conformalstructure . 40 4.4.2 Conformal mapping properties of the Gauss map . 40 4.4.3 Uniqueness ............................ 42 7 4.5 Addendum................................. 42 4.5.1 Blow-upsheets .......................... 43 4.5.2 Geometrynearablow-uppair . 43 5 Structure Near a Blow-up Pair 45 5.1 LipschitzApproximation . 45 5.2 ScaleoftheApproximation . 48 6 Genus-g Helicoids 51 6.1 OutlineoftheProof ........................... 52 6.2 GeometricDecomposition . 53 6.2.1 Structuralresults . .. .. 53 6.2.2 Blow-upsheets .......................... 54 6.2.3 Blow-Uppairs........................... 55 6.2.4 DecomposingΣ .......................... 56 6.3 ConformalStructureoftheend . 58 6.3.1 Winding number of the Gauss map . 58 6.3.2 Conformalstructureoftheend . 60 6.3.3 The proofs of Theorem 6.0.6 and Corollary 6.0.8 . .. 60 6.4 Addendum................................. 61 6.4.1 TopologicalstructureofΣ . 61 6.4.2 ProofsofProposition6.2.1and6.2.2 . 62 6.4.3 One-sidedcurvatureinΣ. 63 6.4.4 Geometric Bounds near blow-up pairs . 64 7 The Space of Genus-g Helicoids 65 7.1 OutlineofArgument ........................... 67 7.2 WeakCompactness ............................ 68 7.2.1 Technicallemmas ......................... 68 7.2.2 ProofofTheorem7.1.1. 71 7.3 The Intrinsic and Extrinsic Normalization . .... 74 7.3.1 Two-sidedboundsonthegenus . 75 7.3.2 Intrinsicnormalization . 78 7.3.3 Extrinsicnormalization. 79 7.4 Applications................................ 80 7.4.1 Compactness of (1, 1)...................... 80 E 7.4.2 Geometric Structure of (1, 1, R) ................ 84 E 8 Conclusion 87 8 List of Figures 2-1 Thecatenoid(Courtesy of MatthiasWeber) . .. 19 2-2 The helicoid (Courtesy of Matthias Weber) . ... 19 2-3 A genus one helicoid (Courtesy of Matthias Weber) . .... 20 3-1 Theone-sidedcurvatureestimate . 28 3-2 The one-sided curvature estimate in a cone . ... 29 5-1 A cross section of one of Meeks and Weber’s examples, with the axis as a circle. We indicate a subset which is a disk. Here R is the outer scale of said disk and s theblow-upscale. 46 5-2 A cross section of one of Colding and Minicozzi’s examples. We indicate the two important scales: R = 1 the outer scale and s the blow-up scale. (Here (0,s)isablow-uppair.)...................... 46 5-3 The points pi and ui. Note that the density ratio of ui is much larger than the density ratio of pi. ....................... 50 6-1 A rough sketch of the decomposition of Σ given by Theorem 6.1.1.. 53 6-2 Level curve examples in Proposition 6.3.2. (a) Initial orientation chosen at height x3 = h. (b) A curve pinching off from Ω1. (c) Two curves pinching from one. (d) A curve pinching off from Ω2. ......... 59 7-1 The points of interest in the proof of Lemma 7.2.7. .... 72 7-2 Illustrating the consequence of the one sided curvature estimates . 73 9 10 Chapter 1 Introduction The study of minimal surfaces has a long history, dating to the eighteenth century and the beginnings of the calculus of variations. The theory sits at a fundamental intersection of geometry, analysis and topology and has provided important tools, techniques and insights in all three areas. Moreover, even in its most classical setting, minimal surface theory remains an active area of research. Recall, a minimal surface is a surface that is a stationary point of the area functional; in other words, infinitesimal deformations of the surface do not change its area. A particularly important class of these, and indeed a major motivation for the theory, are surfaces that actually minimize area in a global sense, as these can be taken as a model of the shape of a soap film. While minimal surfaces can be studied in a large number of different contexts, we will restrict our attention to the classical setting of minimal surfaces in R3. This is, of course, the context in which the theory was originally developed and remains an area of active research. We will be interested in classifying the complete embedded minimal surfaces in R3. Before discussing such a classification program further, we first record the three most important such surfaces. We do this both to illustrate that this is a non-trivial question and to have some simple examples on hand. The first, and least interesting, is the plane, the second is the catenoid and the final is the helicoid. The catenoid was discovered by Euler in 1744 and is the surface of revolution of the catenary (see Figure 2-1). The helicoid was discovered by Meusnier in 1776 and looks like a double-spiral staircase (see Figure 2-2). It is the surface swept out by a line moving through space at a constant rate while rotating at a constant rate in the plane perpendicular to the motion.
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