STUDENT FOCUS FALL EDITION 2019 17 WHY ACADEMIC SUPPORT IS NECESSARY? Grow your academic network CONTENT 17 GO 'CLUB'ING WITH ACCSA 02 THE PRESIDENTS REPORT Are you in a club? From the ACCSA President 18 HOW TO DEAL WITH STRESS 02 FROM THE DIRECTOR Advice from a fellow student From the ACCSA Director 18 HOW TO BECOME A GENIUS 03 SAY HELLO TO THE NEW ACCSA STAFF Tips to be a genius Welcome the new ACCSA Staff 19 TIME MANAGEMENT 03 MYACC Learn how to best manage time Online service for the students 19 ADAPTING TO THE CHANGE 04 EVENTS Adating can be made easy, read how Report by the VP of Events & Marketing 20 COUGARS ATHLETICS 05 Xplore ACC Know your volleyball team Event for new and returning students 21 WHY SLEEP IS NECESSARY? 06 BACK IN THE SADDLE Sleep routine can be very effective First social of the year 22 BRANDON PRIDE PARADE 06 DRAG-U Pictures from the Pride Parade Workshop hosted by Drag Queens Get Social. 07 B-QUEER Drag social and show 09 COMMUNITY GARDEN Pictures from the garden 10 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION ETIQUETTE Respect fellow riders @accsamb 12 INDIGENOUS EDUCATION WEEK A week dedicated to Indigenous culture 13 COSMIC WINDS /ACCStudentsAssociation By 1st year IMA student 14 VISUAL MASTERPIECES @ACCSA_MB Get creative with Igor Prytsyuk 15 TWO GREAT RESOURCES FOR STUDENTS Find out more about these resources at ACC accstudents.com 16 ADULTING 101 + HOW TO SAVE MONEY #ACCSA | #ACCSAevents A student's advice THE PRESIDENTS REPORT.. Hey everybody and welcome back to school. I hope around coming together to enjoy tabletop games you have all enjoyed your first month of classes here like Dungeons and Dragons and board games. Never at ACC. It can be overwhelming at times but hang in forget that SA clubs are open to all students. You there and you will be rewarded. The ACCSA has an should feel welcome to start your own club that ful- entirely new group of folks joining our Council. I am fills a purpose whether it be fundraising, political/re- excited to work with our new Council. ligious, or just to get together and do something fun or educational. I encourage you to start your club as To date we have seen a few successful events includ- we could use more student engagement and there is ing Back in the Saddle, Drag-U, and B-Queer. Back also start-up funding available for general clubs. in the Saddle brought a large crowd to Houston’s. Drag-U and B- Queer were fun times where every- With Halloween quickly approaching, we will be one seemed to learn a little about how to do drag collecting food for the Halloween Food Drive. It will makeup. This wouldn't have been as successful if not be a fun Halloween night where we will compete for the help from the Sunshine Bunch, a local drag against Brandon University Students' Union and to group from Winnipeg and our VP of Events and Mar- collect the most non-perishable food donations by keting, Bryden Moar. During the night of B-Queer we the pound! If you want to help out you can sign up at worked together with Brandon University Students' the ACCSA office. I can’t wait to see everyone’s cos- Union and our latest staff member Alina Makani, our tumes! I hope you all have fun this Halloween and new Events & Marketing Coordinator. stay safe. I wish you the best in your studies. Have you joined or formed a club of your own yet? -Shawn Larway The newest club, Traditional Gaming Club is based President, ACCSA FROM THE DIRECTOR Hello students, and welcome to another year of needs throughout the College, so if you see any of learning, trials and tribulations at ACC. I don’t have them out and about on your campuses, or at an any doubts that by this point in the year you are all ACCSA event, be sure to introduce yourself. They probably working through numerous projects with would all love to hear any suggestions or concerns your classmates, and getting ready to tackle your you might have about the SA! You can also get to midterms. I hope that through reading our Student know them better if you volunteer at our upcoming Focus you are giving yourselves the opportunity to Halloween Food Drive! relax and step away for a moment. Breaks from your studies are important, as it gives you a chance to Finally, I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t mention recompose yourself, and have some fun! that your studies are of the upmost importance here at the College. If you find yourself struggling with Speaking of fun, the ACCSA is very excited about keeping up with your studies, or if you’re experienc- how involved students are on campus! We have ing any issues with your classes, I highly encourage already had a number of students create Student you to reach out and let the ACCSA know. There are Clubs over the last few weeks, and we are excited to many different supports on campus that we can see what sorts of events and initiatives they will put direct you to in order to make sure you continue to on for you to enjoy. Clubs are a great way to meet succeed. students from other programs, and create lasting friendships. If you are interested in joining a Club (or Here’s to a great rest of the year, and on behalf of the potentially starting your own!) please come down to ACCSA staff team, we look forward to working with one of our ACCSA offices, or check out our website you! for more information. -Matthew May Director, ACCSA In this issue you will also find some information about our newly elected Students’ Association Council. These students will be representing your Page 2 Student Focus Fall 2019 SAY HELLO TO THE NEW ACCSA STAFF Hello all, I am Alina Makani, the new Events & Mar- Hi everyone! My name is Apryl Morris and I am the keting Coordinator for the ACCSA. I hold a Bache- Office Coordinator for the ACCSA Office. I have over lors of Mass Media: Journalism and a postgraduate 15 years of administrative experience with a back- diploma from The University of Winnipeg in Public ground in psychiatric nursing, as well as working for Relations, Marketing and Strategic Communications. various community charity non profit organizations. Working with the ACCSA has given me a great oppor- I look forward to helping you with ACCSA’s Health & tunity to work closely with the students. The student Dental Plan, Insurance coverage, Paw Pass, U-pass, council does an amazing job at enhancing the aca- Leadership and Volunteer Opportunities. ACCSA’s demic experience of the students here at ACC. I am mission is to encourage student success by being thrilled to work with our newly elected council and the voice of the students while enhancing the stu- to put up great events in the coming months. dent life experience. I am available at the ACCSA Office at the Victoria East I can be reached by email at: Campus if you want to discuss any event ideas or [email protected], or you can stop by our just want to say hi! office on the Victoria East Campus. -Alina Makani - Apryl Morris Events & Markeitng Coordinator, ACCSA Office Coordinator, ACCSA My ACC MyACC is a one stop for all your college needs. You REGISTRARS OFFICE: are now able to access and self-serve many tasks online. Find out below how My ACC can effortlessly • The Registrar’s Office is located at the main be of help entrance of the Victoria Ave East Campus and is open weekdays 8 am to 4:30 pm. • You can use your regular college username and • We can provide help with My ACC as well as other password to access MyACC (myacc.assiniboine. things you may need as a student, like: net) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Use your • Registration Changes (course additions/drops) – phone, tablet or computer to complete many please meet with your Student Success Advisor student tasks online: or Chairperson first to complete the form • view your grades • Get your student Photo ID Card - it’s also your • print an unofficial summary of courses taken and library card and for some programs it’s your your marks classroom access card. In Brandon, it’s also your • review your program evaluation and track prog- bus pass. ress to graduation • Purchase additional print credits • order and pay for a transcript • Need a parking pass? Read www.assiniboine. • see your class schedule net/parking to find out more about your campus. • COMING SOON: order and pay for a confirmation Victoria Ave East parking must be ordered online of enrolment letter at https://parking.assiniboine.net/application/ • Pay your fees newapplication • Set up a payment plan (if your program is eligi- • Check out “Services” and “Resources” on the ble) + See financial history Student Intranet (https://student.assiniboine. • Print receipts net) as well as www.assiniboine.net/registrar for • See/print tax forms info on financial aid, scholarships & bursaries, • See account restrictions graduation and LOTS more! • See MB Student Aid confirmation (if applicable) • There is also a self-service password reset op- Still have questions? Please email registration@ tion! assiniboine.net or call us at 204.725.8701. Page 3 Student Focus Fall 2019 EVEN"Our upcoming project, Halloween Food Drive will take place on the night of Halloween, to make this event a success, we need a team of enthusiastic volunteers." Hello to all my fellow students, wow what a start to Student Council Elections were held earlier this fall the year already! It’s on October when it feels like the and I personally am very excited and I look forward semester should be done, so much time and effort to working with the newly elected council.
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